Failed to instantiate SLF4J LoggerFactory on Spring 'mvc-basic' tutorial - spring

I'm trying a Spring 3.x tutorial on Eclipse 3.7 with m2e and Maven Integration for WTP plugins installed.
I converted the above tutorial to Maven Project, but when i deploy the web application i get the following exception:
Failed to instantiate SLF4J LoggerFactory
Reported exception:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/log4j/Level
My pom.xml look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- Spring -->
<!-- Exclude Commons Logging in favor of SLF4j -->
<!-- Logging -->
<!-- JSR 303 with Hibernate Validator -->
<!-- Joda Time -->
<!-- Servlet -->
<!-- Test -->
<!-- For Hibernate Validator -->
<name>JBoss Maven Release Repository</name>
I also checked in 'Project Properties' -> 'Java Build Path' -> 'Libraries' but the only log4j jar that i found is the one under 'Maven Dependencies'
Seems like i'm messing with jars but i can't find a solution by myself.

Try to clean the project and server in eclipse. It looks like a refreshing problem.
If you use Maven (M2E) in Eclipse then it is correct that the libs are only in the "Maven Dependencies Section".
May you start with an Spring Source Tool Suite Template Project (that is maven based) and then you copy the code from the tutorial into this project.
If you use Tomcat, then Eclipse must copy the libs to workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp<VERSION>\wtpwebapps\<PROJECT>\WEB-INF\lib.
If the lib is not there, and eclipse does not copy it even if you refersh every thing. Then sometimes the last thing you can do is, Remove the project from the server (in the "Add and Remove..." Dialog) press Finish, and then add the project again.

Looks like some other library has dependency on SLF4J. Create a WAR file and check if SLF4J.jar is packaged in the war. If not, check your Appservers common lib directory. In case its loading it.
Check the Dependency graph of your pom.xml.
In case if you want to add SLF4J log4j API below is the dependency.


Making an executable jar with Maven/Spring/Eclipse

So I already tried these:
Add plugin in pom.xml
Delete .m2 folder to do a clean package in run as Maven build...
running mvn clean (on project folder in eclipse IDE)
Closing and running eclipse again.
The thing is: When I run the main class on eclipse as Java application, the eclipse console shows the app starting up with spring logo. But when I make a Maven build or extract the project as .jar file and try to do java -jar, An exception occurs:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/springframework/boot/SpringApplication
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication at java.base
Why this occurs? I's possible to make this project to build the jar as executable? When you use the java -jar command and see the spring logo starts the application and so on...
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<!-- Building an executable jar -->
<!-- give full qualified name of your main class-->
The maven-jar-plugin will create a jar file that contains only your application classes and resources. The jar file will not contain other code that is required to run the application, such as the Spring Boot code including the class org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication. For this to work you would need to list all dependency jar files with java -jar <jar-file-path> -cp <list of all dependency jar files>.
Spring Boot supports executable jar files by packaging the application code and all dependent jars into a single jar file. It also creates the MANIFEST.MF entries automatically so you don't need that configuration in your pom.xml. There is more information about this in the Spring Boot documentation and the Spring Boot Maven Plugin documentation.

Not able to read using Commons Configuration in a maven web project

I'm trying to read file placed in src/main/resources folder for my maven web project, using Commons-configuration api. I'm able to use it without any issues for a normal maven project but in web project this somehow doesn't work. Here is my pom.xml
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- Spring Core -->
<!-- <optional>true</optional> -->
<!-- Spring Security -->
<!-- jstl -->
<!-- Eclipse project -->
<!-- Always download and attach dependencies source code -->
<!-- Avoid type mvn eclipse:eclipse -Dwtpversion=2.0 -->
<!-- Set JDK Compiler Level -->
<!-- For Maven Tomcat Plugin -->
<!-- <filtering>true</filtering> -->
and I'm reading this file using the below code
static {
Configuration config = null;
try {
//config = new PropertiesConfiguration("resources/"); this package is placed in src/main/java and using this it works perfectly fine
config = new PropertiesConfiguration("src/main/resources/"); // this doesn't seem to work
} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
UPLOAD_LOCATION = config.getString("image.upload.location");
TABLE_NAME = config.getString("");}
Have I missed anything in pom.xml. Please help!
When you create an instance of the PropertiesConfiguration object, it will search the current classpath for the file you specify. With a Maven web project, the src/main/resources folder should already be included on the classpath, so there is no need to precede your file name with the directory. In other words, this should work:
config = new PropertiesConfiguration("");

Maven: Parent Spring Webapp

I would like to have a framework base code for all my webapps using Maven and Spring.
Tomcat7 is starting correctly on my child project, but I get a 404 when trying to open index.html.
Parent POM:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<!-- Generic properties -->
<!-- Spring -->
<!-- Servlet -->
<!-- Logging -->
<!-- Test -->
<!-- Spring -->
<!-- Exclude Commons Logging in favor of SLF4j -->
<!-- Servlet -->
<!-- Logging -->
<!-- Apache Tiles -->
<!-- Exclude Commons Logging in favor of SLF4j -->
<Xlint />
Child POM:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
The web.xml is provided in the parent project (base). The JSPs are provided in the child project.
I guess the 404 is due to the pom packaging as the child project doesn't know where to get the files of the parent project. Am I wrong? What's the reasona dn how to solve it?
Is it possible to create a parent spring webapp which defines all the configuration (web.xml, applicationContext.xml, servletContext.xml, Controllers, ...) and child projects which contains the JSP stuff?
Have a look at the maven war plugin. This plugin allows what it calls overlays.
Overlays are used to share common resources across multiple web applications. The dependencies of a WAR project are collected in WEB-INF/lib, except for WAR artifacts which are overlayed on the WAR project itself.
It might prove useful to you and your requirements.
You should add dependencies in each module.
The best practice is to add the dependencyManagement with in the parent pom where you list dependencies with versions, scope etc.
Note that parent module does not have dependencies element at all (since it only declare dependencies)
In the child pom include dependencies without versions, scope etc.
dependencyManagement in the parent pom:
<!-- Spring -->
<!-- Exclude Commons Logging in favor of SLF4j -->
<!-- Servlet -->
<!-- Logging -->
<!-- Apache Tiles -->
<!-- Exclude Commons Logging in favor of SLF4j -->
dependencies in the child pom:
<!-- Spring -->
<!-- Servlet -->
<!-- Logging -->
<!-- Apache Tiles -->

Error with pom.xml in MVC Template project

I use STS and I've created Spring MVC Template Project. But pom.xml tells me that there is an error and it writes this:
"No plugin found for prefix 'war' in the current project and in the plugin groups [] available from the repositories [local (C:\Users\m1e\.m2\repository), central (]"
I'm using STS and Maven for the first time and I'm a noob. I really don't understand what the hell it means. Guys, please help. Thanks!
Here is my pom.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- Spring -->
<!-- Exclude Commons Logging in favor of SLF4j -->
<!-- AspectJ -->
<!-- Database -->
<!-- Logging -->
<!-- #Inject -->
<!-- Servlet -->
<!-- <dependency>
</dependency> -->
<!-- Test -->
<!-- Hibernate -->
<!-- Hibernate -->
mmm The first thing that I would check is the Maven Version.
What STS version are you using? The last one is the 3.1.0 and it is supplied with Maven 3.0.4 version
So why are you using the older Maven 2 version?
The problem seems to depend on the absence of a specific Maven plugin
Try to:
1) Delete the repositery folder inside your ./m2 directory, then go in STS and do a clean or a maven install of your project and see if it works (sometimes understood you wrong to download anything)
If don't work use the last Maven version, maybe the older version have some problem with the plugin declared in the pom.xml file of the Spring Template teory, if you have dowload the latest version of STS you have also the latest version of Maven !!!

How to use a maven package as both a dependency and a plugin

I am putting together a new project using Maven and JUnit. I am using the t7 plugin to run the application under tomcat after maven has compiled and run tests. I didn't have any problems until I wanted to set up the javaURLContextFactory in a JUnit test. The javaURLContextFactory is in the t7 plugin, but not in any of the dependencies for the project. With the plugin only defined as a plugin, the JUnit test fails, as it can't find the javaURLContextFactory class. If add the plugin as a dependency only, The JUnit test works, bu then it can't find the plugin when I want to run or debug. If I define it in both, I get bizarre errors related to parsing the web.xml.
Here is my current pom.xml:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>distribute Maven Webapp</name>
Is there any way to reference the classes in the plugin as a dependency, or reference the dependency as a plugin? Is there some other method of fixing this?
Found a solution after talking to a co-worker.
By including the plugin as a dependency, I know it's bad, and setting the scope to provided, it was available for the JUnit test, but not included in the war when it was deployed using the t7 plugin. Then the unit tests were able to run, with the javaURLContextFactory and it still deployed properly.
