Change the name of added worksheet - vbscript

objWriteWorkbook.sheets.add ,objWriteWorkbook.sheets(objWriteWorkbook.sheets.count)
Set NewWorksheetObject = objWriteWorkbook.Worksheets(num)
objWriteWorkbook.Sheets(num).Name = sheetName
I wanted to change the name of added worksheet.
Adding of sheet and object creation for that sheet is working fine but when I try to change the name of the sheet I am getting an error "Unknown runtime error"
Can any one help how can change the name of added sheet.

Assign the new sheet to a variable when you add it:
Set ws = wb.Sheets.Add(, wb.Sheets(wb.Sheets.Count))
ws.Name = sheetName

set xlo=CreateObject("excel.application")
Set ws = wbo.Sheets.Add(, wbo.Sheets("sheet1"))
ws.Name = "Priyesh"
set wbo=nothing
set xlo=Nothing


Not able to update the tester name in a Test Set from vbscript

I am been trying to search online for a solution but due to lack of knowledge in HP ALM I am not able to search proper hit tags
Set RunFactory = tsTest.RunFactory
Set obj_theRun = RunFactory.AddItem(CStr(testrunname))
obj_theRun.Status = sExecutionStatus '"Passed" '-- Status to be updated
obj_theRun.Tester = strTesterName
Getting error in this line object does not support obj_theRun.Tester
I just want to update the Tester column(Not Responsible tester) in Test set via vbscript. Please refer to the attached image at the very last column (TesterAny help is appreciated. Thank you in advance.
The documentation for ALM says the Tester Name can be specified by passing an array as the argument to AddItem.
An array consisting of the following elements:
Name - The name of the run (string. required).
Tester - The name of the user responsible (string. optional)
Location - The host name (string. optional). The default is the host name of the current machine
So change your code to this:
Set runFactory = tsTest.RunFactory
Dim newRunArgs(3)
newRunArgs(0) = testrunname ' `testrunname` is already a string so you don't need CStr.
newRunArgs(1) = "tester name goes here"
Set newRunArgs(2) = Nothing
Set newRun = RunFactory.AddItem( newRunArgs )
newRun.Status = sExecutionStatus '"Passed" '-- Status to be updated

How to save a file with password in UFT

I am using UFT 12.5. During run time it opens excel and word. Then it writes some data in the both files. After that, I would like to save both files with a new name and then password protected. I need to be able to enter password manually to open it. So far, I have written the below code and I getting an error at the last line.
Set ExcelObj = createobject("excel.application")
ExcelObj.Visible = true
Set ExcelFile = ExcelObj.Workbooks.Open (file)
Set ScripSheet = ExcelFile.Worksheets("Scripts")
ScripSheet.Cells(1,1) = "Passed"
ExcelFile.SaveAs mm1, "ttt"
Please advise on how I can save word and excel files with a password using UFT.
You need to pass correct parameters with SaveAs method. Check this link for more info.
Here is the working code that you can try:
file = "File path with file name"
newfile = "File path with new file name"
Set ExcelObj = createobject("excel.application")
ExcelObj.Visible = true
Set ExcelFile = ExcelObj.Workbooks.Open (file)
Set ScripSheet = ExcelFile.Worksheets("Scripts")
ScripSheet.Cells(1,1) = "Passed"
ExcelFile.SaveAs newfile, , "test"
Per comments from OP
If you want to save file with ReadOnly, you have to use WriteResPassword parameter this way:
ExcelFile.SaveAs newfile, , , "test"
Note that I've two empty parameters for FileFormat and
Password respectively.
This way it will ask for password to open the file in write mode and if you won't provide the password, file will be opened in ReadOnly
Check the link that I've mentioned.

How to add default signature and new tables in a new outlook mail by testcomplete

I am trying to send new outlook mail by testcomplete using vb scripting language .In that new mail i want to add new tables and keep default signature at bottom of mail by testcomplete. i am getting VB script run time error when i am using this code..please check the code and suggest me the correct methods i have to use to add new tables and signature
Function SendMail()
Dim objOutLook, NamespaceMAPI,objNewMail, fso, SendReceiveControls
Dim strTo,strCc ,strBcc ,strSubject, AccountName,strAttachmentPath
Set objOutLook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set NamespaceMAPI = objOutLook.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set objNewMail = objOutLook.CreateItem(olMailItem)
objOutLook.DisplayAlerts =True
objNewMail.TO = strTo
objNewMail.CC = strCc
objNewMail.Subject = strSubject
objNewMail.Body = strMsg
If strAttachmentPath <> "" Then
Set fso =CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If fso.FileExists(strAttachmentPath) Then
objNewMail.GetDefaultsignature() 'script run time error occured here
msgbox "Attachment File Does not exists"
End If
End If
''''''' Releasing objects '''''''
Set objOutLook =Nothing
Set objNewMail = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing
End Function
please help me.. thanks in advannce....
See if this or this helps. They are alternative methods to yours.
I prefer to use the 2nd option, the CDO method, you just need to take atention to the fact that usually this email goes to the spam inbox, you need to manually add it to your secure contacts

How to get Business component instance number from QC/ALM

I am working on BPT framework on QTP and for a testcase i am using same component multiple times. I want to fetch the Business component instance number from QC ->Testplan->TestCase->Business component. Based on the instance number i will read the required component parameters from excel sheet.
Below code worked for me:
Set TestTree = TestSet.TSTestFactory
Set TestList = TestTree.NewList("")
For Each TSTest In TestList
Set Test = TSTest.Test
Set objTestFactory = tdc.TestFactory
Set tFilter = objTestFactory.Filter
tFilter.Filter("TS_TEST_ID") = Test.ID
Set tList = objTestFactory.NewList(tFilter.Text)
Dim objTest
For Each tst In tList
If tst.Type = "BUSINESS-PROCESS" Then
Set objTest = tst
Exit For
End If
If objTest Is Nothing Then
Dim BPTest As BusinessProcess
Set BPTest = objTest
' Get list if component instance from the Test
Set components = BPTest.BPComponents
Set Component = components.Item(1)
For i = 1 To BPTest.BPComponents.Count
componentName = components.Item(i).Name
componentInstanceId = components.Item(i).ID
ComponentId = components.Item(i).Component.ID
End if
This code will fetch the details from the test lab level and go until the business component level. Currently it is extracting the component name and id. You can modify the code as per your need.
Visit tutorial at knowlzz . It has explained the solution nicely with each and every detail.

ADS user details - subdomain - from vbs file

I managed to get ADS users without specifying authentication details from my ADS domain(ex, I used ADODB.Connection and ADODB.Command.
I also have sub-domains like How to get user details from sub-domain, by specifying authentication details of a user belonging to .
You can query records from trusted domains by using their LDAP name as the search base. However, since the DC of the parent domain doesn't contain the information about objects in the child domain it will generate a referral. The ADODB.Command object won't automatically chase that referral, because the respective named property "Chase referrals" defaults to 0x00 (ADS_CHASE_REFERRALS_NEVER). You have to set the property to one of the following two values
to make your query follow the referral. Example:
base = "<LDAP://dc=test,dc=example,dc=org>"
filter = "(&(objectCategory=computer)(name=foo*))"
attr = "name,description"
scope = "subtree"
Set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Provider = "ADsDSOObject"
conn.Open "Active Directory Provider"
Set cmd = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Set cmd.ActiveConnection = conn
cmd.CommandText = base & ";" & filter & ";" & attr & ";" & scope
cmd.Properties("Chase referrals") = &h60 ' <-- here
Set rs = cmd.Execute
I wrote a wrapper class (ADQuery) to encapsulate the boilerplate code for Active Directory queries (because I got fed up with writing it over and over again). With that you could simplify the above to something like this:
Set qry = New ADQuery
qry.SearchBase = "dc=test,dc=example,dc=org"
qry.Filter = "(&(objectCategory=computer)(name=foo*))"
qry.Attributes = Array("name", "description")
Set rs = qry.Execute
Either way you may still need to run the script on a DC, though.
