NSTextView keyDown Event - events

I want trigger the keyDown Event with every Key action. Therefore I have created a subclass of NSView.
#interface CodrTextView : NSView {
NSTextField *lineNumberSpace;
NSTextView *mainTextView;
- (id) initWithTextView:(NSTextView *)textView lineNumberSpace:(NSTextField *)textField;
I already have the method's:
- (id) initWithTextView:(NSTextView *)textView lineNumberSpace:(NSTextField *)textField {
self = [self init];
if (self){
mainTextView = textView;
lineNumberSpace = textField;
return self;
- (BOOL) acceptsFirstResponder {
return YES;
- (BOOL)canBecomeKeyView {
return YES;
My plan is to count the lines in the textView and write the numbers in the lineNumberSpace. I know that the methods work, because I have test it already with an IBAction on a button. This is the method:
- (long) getLineCount{
NSString *content = [mainTextView string];
NSUInteger numberOfLines, index, contentLength = [content length];
for (index = 0, numberOfLines = 0; index < contentLength; numberOfLines++){
index = NSMaxRange([content lineRangeForRange:NSMakeRange(index, 0)]);
NSLayoutManager *layoutManager = [mainTextView layoutManager];
NSUInteger numberOfGlyphs =[layoutManager numberOfGlyphs];
NSRange lineRange;
for (numberOfLines = 0, index = 0; index < numberOfGlyphs; numberOfLines++){
(void) [layoutManager lineFragmentRectForGlyphAtIndex:index
index = NSMaxRange(lineRange);
return numberOfLines;
- (void)keyDown:(NSEvent *)event {
NSMutableString *lineNumberString = [NSMutableString string];
long numberOfLines = [self getLineCount];
for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfLines; i++){
[lineNumberString appendString:([NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d \n", i])];
[lineNumberSpace setStringValue:lineNumberString];
This method works surely. The problem is, with a button the number in the lineNumberSpace is changing correctly but with the keyDown Event it don't work. What is my mistake here?

Ahhh, looking at your code I now realize what the problem is.
Your "CodrTextView" object is not subclassed from "NSTextView" (and also, when you instantiate the object programatically or via your XIB or Storyboard, make sure the text view object is a custom class of "CodrTextView" and not just another "NSTextView"), so it's not actually getting the "acceptsFirstResponder" or "canBecomeKeyView" method calls either.
You need to descend "CodrTextView" from "NSTextView" instead of "NSView", OR you need to create another subclassed "NSTextView" object which will receive the "keyDown:" event and then it'll call the code that calculates the string that goes into "lineNumberSpace" of your main view.
Does this make sense to you now?


A label in a UIViewController, which refreshes every new view, with a new text

Every time you come to this view it should be always be random text.
I was searching for the script but I founded nothing!
Screenshot of the App: http://copticmovies.net/iphone/iphone5-video-logo.png
Thank you guys!
Presuming you have a UILabel in your view controller called 'myLabel', a quick and not-very elegant way to do it is:
[super viewWillAppear:animated];
//quick and dirty random string generation
NSString *alphabet = #"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXZY0123456789";
NSMutableString *s = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:20];
for (NSUInteger i = 0U; i < 20; i++) {
u_int32_t r = arc4random() % [alphabet length];
unichar c = [alphabet characterAtIndex:r];
[s appendFormat:#"%C", c];
self.myLabel.text = s;
Add an outlet to the label (eg rdmtext).
In your Viewcontroller edit the method:
- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated
[super viewWillAppear:animated];
self.rdmtext.text = #"Your random text from any source";
For further details you should add what kind of random text you want to add. Where is it stored?

Cocos2d populate layer based on menu in a different layer

I'm working on a species ID app and would like to populate a layer with sprites based on which animal you select on the main layer. I've made each animal a menu item, and can get my info layer to appear when pressing the button, but how can I set it up so the layer shows the right data depending on which animal you select? The info layer is not a full screen layer, but rather an overlaying layer that only fills about 75% of the screen, which is why I'm going with a layer rather than a scene. I know I can create a new layer for each animal (approx 50) and code it so each button calls its own layer, but I think populating based on which button is pressed would make for cleaner code. If flamingoButton is pressed, sprite is filled with flamingo.png and label is populated with flamingo information. How do I get my info layer to listen to the buttons on the main layer?
MainLayer.m code:
-(id) init
if( (self=[super init]))
CCMenuItemImage *flamingoButton = [CCMenuItemImage itemFromNormalImage:#"Explore-sign.png" selectedImage:#"Explore-sign.png" target:self selector:#selector(showSecondLayer:)];
flamingoButton.position = CGPointMake(0, 60);
flamingoButton.tag = 101;
CCMenu *menu = [CCMenu menuWithItems:flamingoButton, nil];
[self addChild:menu];
return self;
-(void) showSecondLayer: (id) sender
CCMenuItemImage *item = (CCMenuItemImage *) sender;
int itemID = item.tag;
secondLayer = [SecondLayer node];
secondLayer.position = CGPointMake(0, 700);
[self addChild:secondLayer];
CCMoveTo *moveLayer = [CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:1.0 position:CGPointMake(0, 0)];
[secondLayer runAction:moveLayer];
SecondLayer.m (the info layer)
-(id) init
if( (self=[super init]))
//Change this sprite image based on button from main layer. I don't have it coded in yet, but I understand the concept of putting a variable in the file string using %# or %d
CCSprite *infoCard = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:#"species1.png"];
infoCard.anchorPoint = CGPointMake(0.5, 0);
infoCard.position = CGPointMake(512, 0);
[self addChild:infoCard];
return self;
Ok, this might work:
-(id) init
if( (self=[super init]))
CCMenuItem *flamingoButton = [CCMenuItemImage itemFromNormalImage:#"Explore-sign.png"
flamingoButton.position = ccp(0, 60);
flamingoButton.tag = 1;
CCMenu *menu = [CCMenu menuWithItems:flamingoButton, nil];
[self addChild:menu];
return self;
-(void) showSecondLayer: (CCMenuItem*) sender
secondLayer = [SecondLayer layerWithTag:[sender tag]];
secondLayer.position = ccp(0, 700);
[self addChild:secondLayer];
CCMoveTo *moveLayer = [CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:1.0 position:ccp(0, 0)];
[secondLayer runAction:moveLayer];
//Second Layer.h
-(id) initWithTag:(NSInteger)aTag;
//Second Layer.m:
+(id)layerWithTag:(NSInteger)aTag {
return [[[SecondLayer alloc] initWithTag:aTag] autorelease];
-(id) initWithTag:(NSInteger)aTag
if( (self=[super init]))
//Change this sprite image based on button from main layer. I don't have it coded in yet, but I understand the concept of putting a variable in the file string using %# or %d
CCSprite *infoCard = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"species%d.png", aTag]];
infoCard.anchorPoint = ccp(0.5, 0);
infoCard.position = ccp(512, 0);
[self addChild:infoCard];
return self;
Even though the previous solution works, it's not intuitive, and I feel I am breaking some OOP concepts. Most importantly, it is only useable given that your info about the animal can be retrieved using a single int! .. Using it this way is a BIT better, it's totally up to you to decide:
Ehm, so, I would suggest you set up an Entity Class first:
#import "Blahblahblah"
//Give it a good name, I was always bad at Science:
#interface AnimalResources {
//load all your properties:
NSString* info;
CCSprite* sprite;
//set the properties as needed:
//Make sure you properly manage this!! It is retained!
#property (nonatomic, retain) CCSprite* sprite;
//method prototype (signature.. am not sure)
//Now, we shall build on the fact that it will be easy for you to map an integer to the right resources:
#synthesize sprite, ... ;
+(id)animalResourcesWithTag:(NSInteger)aTag {
[[[AnimalResources alloc] initAnimalResourcesWithTag:aTag] autorelease];
-(id)initAnimalResourcesWithTag:(NSInteger)aTag {
if ((self = [super init])) {
//use tag to retrieve the resources:
//might use the stringFormat + %d approach, or have a dictionary/array plist, that maps an int to a dictionary of resource keys.
//string way of doing things:
self.sprite = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"species%d.png", aTag]];
//Dictionary: dict/array is an NSDictionary/NSArray read from disk sometime. Don't read it here, since it
//will read the file from disk many times if you do --> BAD. I could explain a rough way to do that if you
//need help
animalDict = [dict objectForKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"species%d.png", aTag]];
animalDict = [array objectAtIndex:aTag];
//better to have #"spriteNameKey" defined in a macro somewhere: #define kAnimalResourceKeySprite #"SpriteKey"
self.sprite = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:[animalDict objectForKey:#"SpriteNameKey"]];
return self;
Phew! Then .. you guessed it!
-(void) showSecondLayer: (CCMenuItem*) sender
secondLayer = [SecondLayer layerWithAnimalResources:[AnimalResources animalResourcesWithTag:[sender tag]]];
secondLayer.position = ccp(0, 700);
[self addChild:secondLayer];
CCMoveTo *moveLayer = [CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:1.0 position:ccp(0, 0)];
[secondLayer runAction:moveLayer];
//Second Layer.h
//Second Layer.m:
+(id)layerWithAnimalResources:(AnimalResources*)resource {
return [[[SecondLayer alloc] initWithAnimalResources:aTag] autorelease];
-(id) initWithAnimalResources:(AnimalResources*)resource
if( (self=[super init]))
//Change this sprite image based on button from main layer. I don't have it coded in yet, but I understand the concept of putting a variable in the file string using %# or %d
CCSprite *infoCard = [resource sprite];
infoCard.anchorPoint = ccp(0.5, 0);
infoCard.position = ccp(512, 0);
[self addChild:infoCard];
return self;
Give each menu item a unique id. In the method which you invoke on the tap of the button, you can reference the id of the sender. Use this id to populate the new layer with the unique information.
- (void) buttonPressed: (id) sender
MenuItem* item = (MenuItem*) sender;
int itemID = item.tag;
// Get unique data based on itemID and add new layer
EDIT: Per your code updates
-(void) showSecondLayer: (id) sender
CCMenuItemImage *item = (CCMenuItemImage *) sender;
int itemID = item.tag;
secondLayer = [SecondLayer node];
[secondLayer setItem: itemID]; // ADDED
secondLayer.position = CGPointMake(0, 700);
[self addChild:secondLayer];
CCMoveTo *moveLayer = [CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:1.0 position:CGPointMake(0, 0)];
[secondLayer runAction:moveLayer];
SecondLayer.m (the info layer)
-(id) init
if( (self=[super init]))
// Removed
return self;
-(void) setItem: (int) item
CCSprite *infoCard = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"species%d", item]];
infoCard.anchorPoint = CGPointMake(0.5, 0);
infoCard.position = CGPointMake(512, 0);
[self addChild:infoCard];

IOS: searchbar in tableview

I am creating a searchbar in a tableview but I have problems with this method delegate because I fill the table view with array inside another array...I show my code:
- (void)searchBar:(UISearchBar *)searchBar textDidChange:(NSString *)searchText
ProgramAppDelegate *appDelegate = (ProgramAppDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
[tableData removeAllObjects];// remove all data that belongs to previous search
if([searchText isEqualToString:#""] || searchText==nil){
[myTableView reloadData];
NSInteger counter = 0;
for(NSString *name in appDelegate.globalArray )
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc]init];
NSRange r = [name rangeOfString:searchText];
if(r.location != NSNotFound)
if(r.location== 0)//that is we are checking only the start of the names.
[tableData addObject:name];
[pool release];
[myTableView reloadData];
You can see the code "for(NSString *name in appDelegate.globalArray )" it don't work because I fill the table view with elements of arrays inside this global array, I make an example
In a row of my table view there is a uitableviewcell and inside it there are four label;
I write these label with string of this globalArray but in this way:
[cell.label1 setText:[[appDelegate.globalArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]objectAtIndex:1]];
[cell.label2 setText:[[appDelegate.globalArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]objectAtIndex:2]];
[cell.label3 setText:[[appDelegate.globalArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]objectAtIndex:3]];
[cell.label4 setText:[[appDelegate.globalArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]objectAtIndex:4]];
then in delegate method for searchbar the code "for(NSString *name in appDelegate.globalArray )" don't work, How can I change my code?
The problem here is that globalArray is an array of arrays. So the loop should be something like.
for(NSArray *rowArray in appDelegate.globalArray )
for ( NSString *name in rowArray ) {
// Do your processing here..
Using tableData
In your tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:, do this
[cell.label1 setText:[[tableData objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]objectAtIndex:1]];
[cell.label2 setText:[[tableData objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]objectAtIndex:2]];
[cell.label3 setText:[[tableData objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]objectAtIndex:3]];
[cell.label4 setText:[[tableData objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]objectAtIndex:4]];
In your numberOfSectionsInTableView:, return 1;
In your tableView:numberOfRowsInSection:, return [tableData count];
You should include a method that will reset the search data to the original content when the user stops searching.
- (void)resetSearchData {
// Get appDelegate first.
self.tableData = [NSArray arrayWithArray:appDelegate.globalArray];

How to automatically select an item inserted into and NSOutlineView & Core Data

I have an NSTreeController bound an NSArrayController bound to an entity and the tree bound to an NSOutlineView. Now, when an "add" button is clicked, I would like to add a new entity to the treeController, select the entity, and highlight it for editing. If I call [arrayController add], the insertion is asynchronous and I have no way of knowing which the new object is since the outline view does not select new rows automatically. So I am left with inserting the new Entity programatically. So addButton calls createNewGroup on a outlineViewController (see below).
Again, inserting a new entity does not seem to be a synchronous process. I can't locate it in the NSOutlineView in the next line after currentObject = [NSEntityDescription.... And I did try after reloading the data. So I am left with observing the value changes in the array controller. This sort of works, most of the time, but occasionally it does not. Is this the right approach to this sort of thing?
- (void) createNewGroup:(id)sender {
NSInteger row = [myOutlineView selectedRow];
if(row == -1) {
[groupsController addObserver:self
currentObject = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:#"Group"
if([myOutlineView levelForRow:row] != 0) return;
[subGroupsController addObserver:self
NSManagedObject *parent = [[myOutlineView itemAtRow:row] representedObject];
currentObject = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:#"Group"
[currentObject setValue:parent forKey:#"parent"];
- (void) observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath
change:(NSDictionary *)change
context:(void *)context {
if([keyPath isEqualToString:IR_GROUPS_KEYPATH]) {
if(currentObject == nil) return;
[myOutlineView noteNumberOfRowsChanged];
NSString *ctx = (NSString *) context;
if([ctx isEqualToString:IR_GROUPS_CONTEXT]) {
NSInteger length = [myOutlineView numberOfRows];
NSInteger index;
for(index = 0; index < length; index++) {
id item = [myOutlineView itemAtRow:index];
if(currentObject == [item representedObject]) {
// We found the new object:
NSIndexSet *indices = [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:index];
[myOutlineView selectRowIndexes:indices byExtendingSelection:NO];
[myOutlineView editColumn:0 row:index withEvent:nil select:YES];
currentObject = nil;
//[groupsController removeObserver:self forKeyPath:nil];
} else if([ctx isEqualToString:IR_SUBGROUPS_CONTEXT]) {
NSTreeNode *parent = [myOutlineView itemAtRow:[myOutlineView selectedRow]];
[myOutlineView expandItem:parent];
NSInteger length = [myOutlineView numberOfRows];
NSInteger index;
for(index = 0; index < length; index++) {
id item = [myOutlineView itemAtRow:index];
if(currentObject == [item representedObject]) {
NSIndexSet *indices = [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:index];
[myOutlineView selectRowIndexes:indices byExtendingSelection:NO];
[myOutlineView editColumn:0 row:index withEvent:nil select:YES];
currentObject = nil;
If you use (a subclass of) NSTreeController to provide the content for you outlineView, it is very simple. You create a button, either in code or in Interface Builder, and set bind the target to insert: to add an element or remove: to delete it. In code it would look like this:
[aButton bind:NSTargetBinding
options:[NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES], NSConditionallySetsEnabledBindingOption,
#"insert:", NSSelectorNameBindingOption,
Selecting the new object is handled by the treeController. Again, in code:
[aTreeController setSelectsInsertedObjects:YES];
In IB, it's a checkbox that you need to check. Oh, there's also addChild:. Let the bindings do their magic.

NSManagedObjectContext save causes NSTextField to lose focus

This is a really strange problem I'm seeing in my app. I have an NSTextField bound to an attribute of an NSManagedObject, but whenever the object is saved the textfield loses focus. I'm continuously updating the value of the binding, so this is far from ideal.
Has anyone seen anything like this before, and (hopefully) found a solution?
I encountered the issue recently and fixed it by changing the way the NSTextField was bound to the NSManagedObject attribute. Instead of binding the value of the text field to the selection.[attribute] key path of the NSArrayController, I bound the arrayController.selection.[attribute] keyPath of the view controller that had a proper outlet pointing to the controller.
For some reason, the NSTextField doesn't loose focus when the NSManagedObjectContext is saved if bound this way.
I want to share my solution. It will work for all fields without modification.
I have optimized it for this posting and removed some error checking, logging and thread safety.
- (BOOL)saveChanges:(NSError **)outError {
BOOL result = YES;
#try {
NSError *error = nil;
if ([self hasChanges]) {
// Get field editor
NSResponder *responder = [[NSApp keyWindow] firstResponder];
NSText *editor = [[NSApp keyWindow] fieldEditor: NO forObject: nil];
id editingObject = [editor delegate];
BOOL isEditing = (responder == editor);
NSRange range;
NSInteger editedRow, editedColumn;
// End editing to commit the last changes
if (isEditing) {
// Special case for tables
if ([editingObject isKindOfClass: [NSTableView class]]) {
editedRow = [editingObject editedRow];
editedColumn = [editingObject editedColumn];
range = [editor selectedRange];
[[NSApp keyWindow] endEditingFor: nil];
// The actual save operation
if (![self save: &error]) {
if (outError != nil)
*outError = error;
result = NO;
} else {
result = YES;
// Now restore the field editor, if any.
if (isEditing) {
[[NSApp keyWindow] makeFirstResponder: editingObject];
if ([editingObject isKindOfClass: [NSTableView class]])
[editingObject editColumn: editedColumn row: editedRow withEvent: nil select: NO];
[editor setSelectedRange: range];
} #catch (id exception) {
result = NO;
return result;
OK, so thanks to Martin for pointing out that I should read the docs a little more closely. This is expected behaviour, and here's what I did to get around it (use your judgement as to whether this is appropriate for you):
I save my context once every 3 seconds, checking at the start if the context has any changes before I bother executing the actual save: method on my NSManagedObjectContext. I added a simple incrementing/decrementing NSUInteger (_saveDisabler) to my Core Data controller class that is modified via the following methods:
- (void)enableSaves {
if (_saveDisabler > 0) {
_saveDisabler -= 1;
- (void)disableSaves {
_saveDisabler += 1;
Then all I do in my custom saveContext method is do a simple check at the top:
if (([moc hasChanges] == NO) || (_saveDisabler > 0)) {
return YES;
This prevents the save from occurring, and means that the focus is not stolen from any of my custom textfield subclasses. For completeness, I also subclassed NSTextField and enable/disable saves in my Core Data controller from the following methods:
- (void)textDidBeginEditing:(NSNotification *)notification;
- (void)textDidEndEditing:(NSNotification *)notification;
It might be a little messy, but it works for me. I'm keen to hear of cleaner/less convoluted methods if anyone has done this successfully in another way.
