NSManagedObjectContext save causes NSTextField to lose focus - cocoa

This is a really strange problem I'm seeing in my app. I have an NSTextField bound to an attribute of an NSManagedObject, but whenever the object is saved the textfield loses focus. I'm continuously updating the value of the binding, so this is far from ideal.
Has anyone seen anything like this before, and (hopefully) found a solution?

I encountered the issue recently and fixed it by changing the way the NSTextField was bound to the NSManagedObject attribute. Instead of binding the value of the text field to the selection.[attribute] key path of the NSArrayController, I bound the arrayController.selection.[attribute] keyPath of the view controller that had a proper outlet pointing to the controller.
For some reason, the NSTextField doesn't loose focus when the NSManagedObjectContext is saved if bound this way.

I want to share my solution. It will work for all fields without modification.
I have optimized it for this posting and removed some error checking, logging and thread safety.
- (BOOL)saveChanges:(NSError **)outError {
BOOL result = YES;
#try {
NSError *error = nil;
if ([self hasChanges]) {
// Get field editor
NSResponder *responder = [[NSApp keyWindow] firstResponder];
NSText *editor = [[NSApp keyWindow] fieldEditor: NO forObject: nil];
id editingObject = [editor delegate];
BOOL isEditing = (responder == editor);
NSRange range;
NSInteger editedRow, editedColumn;
// End editing to commit the last changes
if (isEditing) {
// Special case for tables
if ([editingObject isKindOfClass: [NSTableView class]]) {
editedRow = [editingObject editedRow];
editedColumn = [editingObject editedColumn];
range = [editor selectedRange];
[[NSApp keyWindow] endEditingFor: nil];
// The actual save operation
if (![self save: &error]) {
if (outError != nil)
*outError = error;
result = NO;
} else {
result = YES;
// Now restore the field editor, if any.
if (isEditing) {
[[NSApp keyWindow] makeFirstResponder: editingObject];
if ([editingObject isKindOfClass: [NSTableView class]])
[editingObject editColumn: editedColumn row: editedRow withEvent: nil select: NO];
[editor setSelectedRange: range];
} #catch (id exception) {
result = NO;
return result;

OK, so thanks to Martin for pointing out that I should read the docs a little more closely. This is expected behaviour, and here's what I did to get around it (use your judgement as to whether this is appropriate for you):
I save my context once every 3 seconds, checking at the start if the context has any changes before I bother executing the actual save: method on my NSManagedObjectContext. I added a simple incrementing/decrementing NSUInteger (_saveDisabler) to my Core Data controller class that is modified via the following methods:
- (void)enableSaves {
if (_saveDisabler > 0) {
_saveDisabler -= 1;
- (void)disableSaves {
_saveDisabler += 1;
Then all I do in my custom saveContext method is do a simple check at the top:
if (([moc hasChanges] == NO) || (_saveDisabler > 0)) {
return YES;
This prevents the save from occurring, and means that the focus is not stolen from any of my custom textfield subclasses. For completeness, I also subclassed NSTextField and enable/disable saves in my Core Data controller from the following methods:
- (void)textDidBeginEditing:(NSNotification *)notification;
- (void)textDidEndEditing:(NSNotification *)notification;
It might be a little messy, but it works for me. I'm keen to hear of cleaner/less convoluted methods if anyone has done this successfully in another way.


NSTableView reloadData method causes NSProgressIndicator in all rows to update and flicker

Note: I have searched Stack Overflow for similar problems, and none of the questions I found seem to address this particular problem.
I've written a small sample app (complete Xcode project with source code available here: http://jollyroger.kicks-ass.org/stackoverflow/FlickeringTableView.zip) that plays all of the sounds in /System/Library/Sounds/ sequentially and displays the sounds in a window as they are played to show the issue I am seeing. The window in MainMenu.xib has a single-column NSTableView with one row defined as a cell template with three items in it:
an NSTextField to hold the sound name
another NSTextField to hold the sound details
a NSProgressIndicator to show play progress while the sound is playing
I have subclassed NSTableCellView (SoundsTableCellView.h) to define each of the items in the cell view so that I can access and set them when the time arises.
I have defined a MySound class that encapsulates properties and methods needed to handle the playing of sound files via AVAudioPlayer APIs. This class defines a MySoundDelegate protocol to allow the app delegate to receive events whenever sounds start or finish playing.
The application delegate adheres to the NSTableViewDelegate and NSTableViewDataSource protocols to allow it to store the table data as an array of MySound objects and update the table with relevant information when needed. It also adheres to the MySoundDelegate protocol to receive events when sounds start or finish playing. The delegate also has an NSTimer task that periodically calls a refreshWindow method to update the progress indicator for the currently playing sound.
The app delegate's refreshWindow method displays and resizes the window if needed based on the number of sounds in the list, and updates the stored reference to the associated NSProgressIndicator for the sound that is playing.
The app delegate's tableView: viewForTableColumn (NSTableViewDelegate protocol) method gets called to populate the table cells. In it, I use Apple's standard "Populating a Table View Programmatically" advice to:
check the table column identifier to ensure it matches the
identifier (sound column) I set in Interface Builder (Xcode) for the table column,
get the corresponding table cell with identifier (sound cell) by calling thisTableView makeViewWithIdentifier,
use the incoming row parameter to locate the matching array element
of the data source (app delegate sounds array), then
set the string values of NSTextFields and set the maxValue and doubleValue of the NSProgressIndicator in the cell to corresponding details of the associated sound object,
store a reference to the associated NSProgressIndicator control in the associated sound object for later updating
Here's the viewForTableColumn method:
- (NSView *)tableView:(NSTableView *)thisTableView viewForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)thisTableColumn row:(NSInteger)thisRow
SoundsTableCellView *cellView = nil;
// get the table column identifier
NSString *columnID = [thisTableColumn identifier];
if ([columnID isEqualToString:#"sound column"])
// get the sound corresponding to the specified row (sounds array index)
MySound *sound = [sounds objectAtIndex:thisRow];
// get an existing cell from IB with our hard-coded identifier
cellView = [thisTableView makeViewWithIdentifier:#"sound cell" owner:self];
// display sound name
[cellView.soundName setStringValue:[sound name]];
[cellView.soundName setLineBreakMode:NSLineBreakByTruncatingMiddle];
// display sound details (source URL)
NSString *details = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", [sound sourceURL]];
[cellView.soundDetails setStringValue:details];
[cellView.soundDetails setLineBreakMode:NSLineBreakByTruncatingMiddle];
// update progress indicators
switch ([sound state])
case kMySoundStateQueued:
case kMySoundStateReadyToPlay:
case kMySoundStatePlaying:
if (sound.playProgress == nil)
sound.playProgress = cellView.playProgress;
NSTimeInterval duration = [sound duration];
NSTimeInterval position = [sound position];
NSLog(#"row %ld: %# (%f / %f)", (long)thisRow, [sound name], position, duration);
NSLog(#" %#: %#", [sound name], sound.playProgress);
[cellView.playProgress setMaxValue:duration];
[cellView.playProgress setDoubleValue:position];
case kMySoundStatePaused:
case kMySoundStateFinishedPlaying:
return cellView;
And here's the refreshWindow method:
- (void) refreshWindow
if ([sounds count] > 0)
// show window if needed
if ([window isVisible] == false)
[window makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];
// resize window to fit all sounds in the list if needed
NSRect frame = [self.window frame];
int screenHeight = self.window.screen.frame.size.height;
long maxRows = ((screenHeight - 22) / 82) - 1;
long displayedRows = ([sounds count] > maxRows ? maxRows : [sounds count]);
long actualHeight = frame.size.height;
long desiredHeight = 22 + (82 * displayedRows);
long delta = desiredHeight - actualHeight;
if (delta != 0)
frame.size.height += delta;
frame.origin.y -= delta;
[self.window setFrame:frame display:YES];
// update play position of progress indicator for all sounds in the list
for (MySound *nextSound in sounds)
switch ([nextSound state])
case kMySoundStatePlaying:
if (nextSound.playProgress != nil)
[nextSound.playProgress setDoubleValue:[nextSound position]];
NSLog(#" %#: %# position: %f", [nextSound name], nextSound.playProgress, [nextSound position]);
case kMySoundStateQueued:
case kMySoundStateReadyToPlay:
case kMySoundStatePaused:
case kMySoundStateFinishedPlaying:
// hide window
if ([window isVisible])
[window orderOut:self];
// reload window table view
[tableView reloadData];
During init, the application delegate scans the /System/Library/Sounds/ folder to get a list of AIFF sound files in that folder, and creates a sounds array holding sound objects for each of the sounds in that folder. The applicationDidFinishLaunching method then starts playing the first sound in the list sequentially.
The problem (which you can see by running the sample project) is that rather than only updating the top table row for the sound that is currently playing, the progress indicators in all of the following rows seem to update and flicker as well. The way it displays is somewhat inconsistent (sometimes they all flicker, and sometimes they are all blank as expected); but when they do update and flicker the progress indicators do seem to roughly correspond to the sound that is currently playing. So I am pretty sure the issue must be somehow related to the way I am updating the table; I'm just not sure where the problem is or how to solve it.
Here's a screen shot of what the window looks like to give you an idea:
Table View Screen Shot
Any ideas or guidance would be greatly appreciated!
Here's what I changed.
tableView:viewForTableColumn:row: returns "a view to display the specified row and column". The value of the progress bar is always set.
- (NSView *)tableView:(NSTableView *)thisTableView viewForTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)thisTableColumn row:(NSInteger)thisRow
SoundsTableCellView *cellView = nil;
// get the table column identifier
NSString *columnID = [thisTableColumn identifier];
if ([columnID isEqualToString:#"sound column"])
// get the sound corresponding to the specified row (sounds array index)
MySound *sound = [sounds objectAtIndex:thisRow];
// get an existing cell from IB with our hard-coded identifier
cellView = [thisTableView makeViewWithIdentifier:#"sound cell" owner:self];
// display sound name
[cellView.soundName setStringValue:[sound name]];
// display sound details (source URL)
NSString *details = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", [sound sourceURL]];
[cellView.soundDetails setStringValue:details];
// update progress indicators
// [cellView.playProgress setUsesThreadedAnimation:NO];
NSTimeInterval duration = [sound duration];
NSTimeInterval position = [sound position];
[cellView.playProgress setMaxValue:duration];
[cellView.playProgress setDoubleValue:position];
// end updates
// [thisTableView endUpdates];
return cellView;
refreshWindow is split into refreshProgress and refreshWindow. refreshProgress refreshes the row of the playing sound and is called on a timer.
- (void)refreshProgress
if ([sounds count] > 0)
[sounds enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(MySound *nextSound, NSUInteger rowNr, BOOL *stop)
switch ([nextSound state])
case kMySoundStatePlaying:
// refresh row
[tableView reloadDataForRowIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:rowNr]
columnIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:0]];
case kMySoundStateQueued:
case kMySoundStateReadyToPlay:
case kMySoundStatePaused:
case kMySoundStateFinishedPlaying:
refreshWindow refreshes the size and visibility of the window and is called when the number of sounds changes.
- (void) refreshWindow
if ([sounds count] > 0)
// show window if needed
if ([window isVisible] == false)
[window makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];
// resize window to fit all sounds in the list if needed
... calculate new window frame
// hide window
if ([window isVisible])
[window orderOut:self];
When a sound is removed, the row is also removed so the other rows still display the same sound and don't need an update.
- (void) soundFinishedPlaying:(MySound *)sound encounteredError:(NSError *)error
if (error != NULL)
// display an error dialog box to the user
[NSApp presentError:error];
// remove sound from array
NSLog(#"deleting: [%#|%#]", [sound truncatedID], [sound name]);
NSUInteger index = [sounds indexOfObject:sound];
[sounds removeObject:sound];
[tableView removeRowsAtIndexes:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:index] withAnimation:NSTableViewAnimationEffectNone];
// refresh window
[self refreshWindow];
// play the next sound in the queue
[self play];
[tableView reloadData] isn't called. sound.playProgress isn't used.

NSTextFinder + programmatically changing the text in NSTextView

I have a NSTextView for which I want to use the find bar. The text is selectable, but not editable. I change the text in the text view programatically.
This setup can crash when NSTextFinder tries to select the next match after the text was changed. It seems NSTextFinder hold on to outdated ranges for incremental matches.
I tried several methods of changing the text:
[textView setString:#""];
NSTextStorage *newStorage = [[NSTextStorage alloc] initWithString:#""];
[textView.layoutManager replaceTextStorage:newStorage];
[textView.textStorage beginEditing];
[textView.textStorage setAttributedString:[[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:#""]];
[textView.textStorage endEditing];
Only replaceTextStorage: calls -[NSTextFinder noteClientStringWillChange]. None of the above invokes -[NSTextFinder cancelFindIndicator].
Even with NSTextFinder notified about the text change it can crash on Find Next (command-G).
I have also tried creating my own NSTextFinder instance as suggested in this post. Even though NSTextView does not implement the NSTextFinderClient protocol this works and fails just the same as without the NSTextFinder instance.
What is the correct way to use NSTextFinder with NSTextView?
I had the same problem with the text view in my app, and what makes it even more annoying is that all "solutions" you find on the internet are either incorrect or at least incomplete. So here is my contribution.
When you set textView.useFindBar = YES in a NSTextView, this text view creates a NSTextFinder internally, and forwards the search/replace commands to it. Unfortunately, NSTextView does not seem to handle correctly the changes you make programmatically to its associated NSTextStorage, which causes the crashes you mention.
If you want to change this behavior, creating your private NSTextFinder is not enough: you also need to avoid the use by the text view of its default text finder, otherwise conflicts will occur and the new text finder won't be of much use.
To do this, you have to subclass NSTextView:
#interface MyTextView : NSTextView
- (void) resetTextFinder; // A method to reset the view's text finder when you change the text storage
And in your text view, you have to override the responder methods used for controlling the text finder:
#interface MyTextView () <NSTextFinderClient>
NSTextFinder* _textFinder; // define your own text finder
#property (readonly) NSTextFinder* textFinder;
#implementation MyTextView
// Text finder command validation (could also be done in method validateUserInterfaceItem: if you prefer)
- (BOOL) validateMenuItem:(NSMenuItem *)menuItem
BOOL isValidItem = NO;
if (menuItem.action == #selector(performTextFinderAction:)) {
isValidItem = [self.textFinder validateAction:menuItem.tag];
// validate other menu items if needed
// ...
// and don't forget to call the superclass
else {
isValidItem = [super validateMenuItem:menuItem];
return isValidItem;
// Text Finder
- (NSTextFinder*) textFinder
// Create the text finder on demand
if (_textFinder == nil) {
_textFinder = [[NSTextFinder alloc] init];
_textFinder.client = self;
_textFinder.findBarContainer = [self enclosingScrollView];
_textFinder.incrementalSearchingEnabled = YES;
_textFinder.incrementalSearchingShouldDimContentView = YES;
return _textFinder;
- (void) resetTextFinder
if (_textFinder != nil) {
// Hide the text finder
[_textFinder cancelFindIndicator];
[_textFinder performAction:NSTextFinderActionHideFindInterface];
// Clear its client and container properties
_textFinder.client = nil;
_textFinder.findBarContainer = nil;
// And delete it
_textFinder = nil;
// This is where the commands are actually sent to the text finder
- (void) performTextFinderAction:(id<NSValidatedUserInterfaceItem>)sender
[self.textFinder performAction:sender.tag];
In your text view, you still need to set properties usesFindBar and incrementalSearchingEnabled to YES.
And before changing the view's text storage (or text storage contents) you just need to call [myTextView resetTextFinder]; to recreate a brand new text finder for your new content the next time you will do a search.
If you want more information about NSTextFinder, the best doc I have seen is in the AppKit Release Notes for OS X 10.7
The solution I had come up with seems rather similar to the one offered by #jlj. In both solutions NSTextView is used as client of NSTextFinder.
It seems that the main difference is that I don't hide the find bar on text change. I also hold onto my NSTextFinder instance. To do so I need to call [textFinder noteClientStringWillChange].
Changing text:
NSTextView *textView = self.textView;
NSTextFinder *textFinder = self.textFinder;
[textFinder cancelFindIndicator];
[textFinder noteClientStringWillChange];
[textView setString:#"New text"];
The rest of the view controller code looks like this:
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
NSTextFinder *textFinder = [[NSTextFinder alloc] init];
[textFinder setClient:(id < NSTextFinderClient >)textView];
[textFinder setFindBarContainer:[textView enclosingScrollView]];
[textView setUsesFindBar:YES];
[textView setIncrementalSearchingEnabled:YES];
self.textFinder = textFinder;
- (void)viewWillDisappear
NSTextFinder *textFinder = self.textFinder;
[textFinder cancelFindIndicator];
[super viewWillDisappear];
- (id)supplementalTargetForAction:(SEL)action sender:(id)sender
id target = [super supplementalTargetForAction:action sender:sender];
if (target != nil) {
return target;
if (action == #selector(performTextFinderAction:)) {
target = self.textView;
if (![target respondsToSelector:action]) {
target = [target supplementalTargetForAction:action sender:sender];
if ((target != self) && [target respondsToSelector:action]) {
return target;
return nil;

How to detect when NSTextField has the focus or is it's content selected cocoa

I have a NSTextField inside of a NSTableCellView, and I want an event which informs me when my NSTextField has got the focus for disabling several buttons, I found this method:
-(void)controlTextDidBeginEditing:(NSNotification *)obj{
NSTextField *textField = (NSTextField *)[obj object];
if (textField != _nombreDelPaqueteTextField) {
[_nuevaCuentaActivoButton setEnabled:FALSE];
[_nuevaCuentaPasivoButton setEnabled:FALSE];
[_nuevaCuentaIngresosButton setEnabled:FALSE];
[_nuevaCuentaEgresosButton setEnabled:FALSE];
but it triggers just when my textfield is begin editing as this says, I want the buttons disabled when I get the focus on the textField, not when I already started to type
EDIT: Gonna put my code based on the help received by Joshua Nozzi, it still doesn't work
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#class MyNSTextField;
#protocol MyNSTextFieldDelegate
#optional -(BOOL)textFieldDidResignFirstResponder:(NSTextField *)sender;
#optional -(BOOL)textFieldDidBecomeFirstResponder:(NSTextField *)sender;
#interface MyNSTextField : NSTextField
#property (strong, nonatomic) id <MyNSTextFieldDelegate> cellView;
#import "MyNSTextField.h"
#implementation MyNSTextField
- (BOOL)becomeFirstResponder
BOOL status = [super becomeFirstResponder];
if (status)
[self.cellView textFieldDidBecomeFirstResponder:self];
return status;
- (BOOL)resignFirstResponder
BOOL status = [super resignFirstResponder];
if (status)
[self.cellView textFieldDidResignFirstResponder:self];
return status;
on my viewcontroller EdicionDeCuentasWC.m
#import "MyNSTextField.h"
#interface EdicionDeCuentasWC ()<NSTableViewDataSource, NSTableViewDelegate, NSControlTextEditingDelegate, NSPopoverDelegate, MyNSTextFieldDelegate>
#implementation EdicionDeCuentasWC
#pragma mark MyNSTextFieldDelegate
-(BOOL)textFieldDidBecomeFirstResponder:(NSTextField *)sender{
return TRUE;
-(BOOL)textFieldDidResignFirstResponder:(NSTextField *)sender{
return TRUE;
#pragma mark --
it's important to say in visual editor, already changed all my NSTextFields to MyNSTextField class and set delegate to my File's Owner (EdicionDeCuentasWC)
I think I nailed it. I was trying subclassing NSTextFiled to override becomeFirstResponder() and resignFirstResponder(), but once I click it, becomeFirstResponder() gets called and resignFirstResponder() gets called right after that. Huh? But search field looks like still under editing and focus is still on it.
I figured out that, when you clicked on search field, search field become first responder once, but NSText will be prepared sometime somewhere later, and the focus will be moved to the NSText.
I found out that when NSText is prepared, it is set to self.currentEditor() . The problem is that when becomeFirstResponder()'s call, self.currentEditor() hasn't set yet. So becomeFirstResponder() is not the method to detect it's focus.
On the other hand, when focus is moved to NSText, text field's resignFirstResponder() is called, and you know what? self.currentEditor() has set. So, this is the moment to tell it's delegate that that text field got focused.
Then next, how to detect when search field lost it's focus. Again, it's about NSText. Then you need to listen to NSText delegate's methods like textDidEndEditing(), and make sure you let it's super class to handle the method and see if self.currentEditor() is nullified. If it is the case, NSText lost it's focus and tell text field's delegate about it.
I provide a code, actually NSSearchField subclass to do the same thing. And the same principle should work for NSTextField as well.
protocol ZSearchFieldDelegate: NSTextFieldDelegate {
func searchFieldDidBecomeFirstResponder(textField: ZSearchField)
func searchFieldDidResignFirstResponder(textField: ZSearchField)
class ZSearchField: NSSearchField, NSTextDelegate {
var expectingCurrentEditor: Bool = false
// When you clicked on serach field, it will get becomeFirstResponder(),
// and preparing NSText and focus will be taken by the NSText.
// Problem is that self.currentEditor() hasn't been ready yet here.
// So we have to wait resignFirstResponder() to get call and make sure
// self.currentEditor() is ready.
override func becomeFirstResponder() -> Bool {
let status = super.becomeFirstResponder()
if let _ = self.delegate as? ZSearchFieldDelegate where status == true {
expectingCurrentEditor = true
return status
// It is pretty strange to detect search field get focused in resignFirstResponder()
// method. But otherwise, it is hard to tell if self.currentEditor() is available.
// Once self.currentEditor() is there, that means the focus is moved from
// serach feild to NSText. So, tell it's delegate that the search field got focused.
override func resignFirstResponder() -> Bool {
let status = super.resignFirstResponder()
if let delegate = self.delegate as? ZSearchFieldDelegate where status == true {
if let _ = self.currentEditor() where expectingCurrentEditor {
// currentEditor.delegate = self
self.expectingCurrentEditor = false
return status
// This method detect whether NSText lost it's focus or not. Make sure
// self.currentEditor() is nil, then that means the search field lost its focus,
// and tell it's delegate that the search field lost its focus.
override func textDidEndEditing(notification: NSNotification) {
if let delegate = self.delegate as? ZSearchFieldDelegate {
if self.currentEditor() == nil {
You will need to change NSSerachField to ZSearchField, and your client class must conform to ZSearchFieldDelegate not NSTextFieldDelegate. Here is a example. When user clicked on search field, it extend it's width and when you click on the other place, search field lost it's focus and shrink its width, by changing the value of NSLayoutConstraint set by Interface Builder.
class MyViewController: NSViewController, ZSearchFieldDelegate {
// [snip]
#IBOutlet weak var searchFieldWidthConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!
func searchFieldDidBecomeFirstResponder(textField: ZSearchField) {
self.searchFieldWidthConstraint.constant = 300
func searchFieldDidResignFirstResponder(textField: ZSearchField) {
self.searchFieldWidthConstraint.constant = 100
It might depend on the behavior of the OS, I tried on El Capitan 10.11.4, and it worked.
The code can be copied from Gist as well.
I have a custom NSTextField subclass that overrides -becomeFirstResponder and -resignFirstResponder. Its -cellView property requires conformance to a protocol that declares -textDidBecome/ResignFirstResponder:(NSTextField *)sender but it's enough to give you the general idea. It can easily be modified to post notifications for which your controller can register as an observer. I hope this helps.
- (BOOL)becomeFirstResponder
BOOL status = [super becomeFirstResponder];
if (status)
[self.cellView textFieldDidBecomeFirstResponder:self];
return status;
- (BOOL)resignFirstResponder
BOOL status = [super resignFirstResponder];
if (status)
[self.cellView textFieldDidResignFirstResponder:self];
return status;
I found the following code on the macrumors forums.
Is the first responder a text view (the field editor is a text view).
Does the field editor exist?
Is the text field the field editor's delegate
It seems to work.
- (BOOL)isTextFieldInFocus:(NSTextField *)textField
BOOL inFocus = NO;
inFocus = ([[[textField window] firstResponder] isKindOfClass:[NSTextView class]]
&& [[textField window] fieldEditor:NO forObject:nil]!=nil
&& [textField isEqualTo:(id)[(NSTextView *)[[textField window] firstResponder]delegate]]);
return inFocus;
Just in case, as a slight variation over the idea of #sam, we can observe NSWindow.firstResponder property itself, it's KVO-compliant according to the documentation. Then compare it with textField or textField.currentEditor() to figure out whether the field is focused.

Prevent QLPreviewView from grabbing focus

I have a list of files. Next to it I have a QLPreviewView which shows the currently selected file.
Unfortunately QLPreviewView loads a web view to preview bookmark files. Some web pages can grab keyboard focus. E.g. the Gmail login form places the insertion point into the user name field.
This breaks the flow of my application. I want to navigate my list using arrow keys. This is disrupted when keyboard focus is taken away from the table view.
So far the best I could come up with is to override - [NSWindow makeFirstResponder:] and not call super for instances of classes named with a QL prefix. Yuck.
Is there a more reasonable way to
Prevent unwanted changes of first responder?
or prevent user interaction on QLPreviewView and its subviews?
I ended up using a NSWindow subclass that allows QLPreviewViews and its private subviews to become first responder on user interaction, but prevents these views from simply stealing focus.
- (BOOL)makeFirstResponder:(NSResponder *)aResponder
NSString *classname = NSStringFromClass([aResponder class]);
// This is a hack to prevent Quick Look from stealing first responder
if ([classname hasPrefix:#"QL"]) {
BOOL shouldMakeFirstRespnder = NO;
NSEvent *currentEvent = [[NSApplication sharedApplication] currentEvent] ;
NSEventType eventType = currentEvent.type;
if ((eventType == NSLeftMouseDown) || (eventType == NSRightMouseDown) || (eventType == NSMouseEntered)) {
if ([aResponder isKindOfClass:[NSView class]]) {
NSView *view = (NSView *)aResponder;
NSPoint locationInWindow = currentEvent.locationInWindow;
NSPoint locationInView = [view convertPoint:locationInWindow fromView:nil];
BOOL pointInRect = NSPointInRect(locationInView, [view bounds]);
shouldMakeFirstRespnder = pointInRect;
if (!shouldMakeFirstRespnder) {
return NO;
return [super makeFirstResponder:aResponder];
Maybe you can subclass QLPreviewView and override its becomeFirstResponder so that you can either enable or disable it when your application should allow it to accept focus.
#interface MyQLPreviewView : QLPreviewView
- (BOOL)becomeFirstResponder
return NO;

Respond to mouse events in text field in view-based table view

I have text fields inside a custom view inside an NSOutlineView. Editing one of these cells requires a single click, a pause, and another single click. The first single click selects the table view row, and the second single click draws the cursor in the field. Double-clicking the cell, which lets you edit in a cell-based table view, only selects the row.
The behavior I want: one click to change the selection and edit.
What do I need to override to obtain this behavior?
I've read some other posts:
The NSTextField flyweight pattern wouldn't seem to apply to view-based table views, where the cell views are all instantiated from nibs.
I tried subclassing NSTextField like this solution describes, but my overridden mouseDown method is not called. Overridden awakeFromNib and viewWillDraw (mentioned in this post) are called. Of course mouseDown is called if I put the text field somewhere outside a table view.
By comparison, a NSSegmentedControl in my cell view changes its value without first selecting the row.
Here's the working solution adapted from the accepted response:
In outline view subclass:
-(void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent {
[super mouseDown:theEvent];
// Forward the click to the row's cell view
NSPoint selfPoint = [self convertPoint:theEvent.locationInWindow fromView:nil];
NSInteger row = [self rowAtPoint:selfPoint];
if (row>=0) [(CellViewSubclass *)[self viewAtColumn:0 row:row makeIfNecessary:NO]
In table cell view subclass:
// Respond to clicks within text fields only, because other clicks will be duplicates of events passed to mouseDown
- (void)mouseDownForTextFields:(NSEvent *)theEvent {
// If shift or command are being held, we're selecting rows, so ignore
if ((NSCommandKeyMask | NSShiftKeyMask) & [theEvent modifierFlags]) return;
NSPoint selfPoint = [self convertPoint:theEvent.locationInWindow fromView:nil];
for (NSView *subview in [self subviews])
if ([subview isKindOfClass:[NSTextField class]])
if (NSPointInRect(selfPoint, [subview frame]))
[[self window] makeFirstResponder:subview];
Had the same problem. After much struggle, it magically worked when I selected None as against the default Regular (other option is Source List) for the Highlight option of the table view in IB!
Another option is the solution at https://stackoverflow.com/a/13579469/804616, which appears to be more specific but a little hacky compared to this.
I'll try to return the favor... Subclass NSOutlineView and override -mouseDown: like so:
- (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent {
[super mouseDown:theEvent];
// Only take effect for double clicks; remove to allow for single clicks
if (theEvent.clickCount < 2) {
// Get the row on which the user clicked
NSPoint localPoint = [self convertPoint:theEvent.locationInWindow
NSInteger row = [self rowAtPoint:localPoint];
// If the user didn't click on a row, we're done
if (row < 0) {
// Get the view clicked on
NSTableCellView *view = [self viewAtColumn:0 row:row makeIfNecessary:NO];
// If the field can be edited, pop the editor into edit mode
if (view.textField.isEditable) {
[[view window] makeFirstResponder:view.textField];
You really want to override validateProposedFirstResponder and allow a particular first responder to be made (or not) depending on your logic. The implementation in NSTableView is (sort of) like this (I'm re-writing it to be pseudo code):
- (BOOL)validateProposedFirstResponder:(NSResponder *)responder forEvent:(NSEvent *)event {
// We want to not do anything for the following conditions:
// 1. We aren't view based (sometimes people have subviews in tables when they aren't view based)
// 2. The responder to valididate is ourselves (we send this up the chain, in case we are in another tableview)
// 3. We don't have a selection highlight style; in that case, we just let things go through, since the user can't appear to select anything anyways.
if (!isViewBased || responder == self || [self selectionHighlightStyle] == NSTableViewSelectionHighlightStyleNone) {
return [super validateProposedFirstResponder:responder forEvent:event];
if (![responder isKindOfClass:[NSControl class]]) {
// Let any non-control become first responder whenever it wants
result = YES;
// Exclude NSTableCellView.
if ([responder isKindOfClass:[NSTableCellView class]]) {
result = NO;
} else if ([responder isKindOfClass:[NSButton class]]) {
// Let all buttons go through; this would be caught later on in our hit testing, but we also do it here to make it cleaner and easier to read what we want. We want buttons to track at anytime without any restrictions. They are always valid to become the first responder. Text editing isn't.
result = YES;
} else if (event == nil) {
// If we don't have any event, then we will consider it valid only if it is already the first responder
NSResponder *currentResponder = self.window.firstResponder;
if (currentResponder != nil && [currentResponder isKindOfClass:[NSView class]] && [(NSView *)currentResponder isDescendantOf:(NSView *)responder]) {
result = YES;
} else {
if ([event type] == NSEventTypeLeftMouseDown || [event type] == NSEventTypeRightMouseDown) {
// If it was a double click, and we have a double action, then send that to the table
if ([self doubleAction] != NULL && [event clickCount] > 1) {
[cancel the first responder delay];
The code here checks to see if the text field
cell had text hit. If it did, it attempts to edit it on a delay.
Editing is simply making that NSTextField the first responder.
I wrote the following to support the case for when you have a more complex NSTableViewCell with multiple text fields or where the text field doesn't occupy the whole cell. There a trick in here for flipping y values because when you switch between the NSOutlineView or NSTableView and it's NSTableCellViews the coordinate system gets flipped.
- (void)mouseDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent
[super mouseDown: theEvent];
NSPoint thePoint = [self.window.contentView convertPoint: theEvent.locationInWindow
toView: self];
NSInteger row = [self rowAtPoint: thePoint];
if (row != -1) {
NSView *view = [self viewAtColumn: 0
row: row
makeIfNecessary: NO];
thePoint = [view convertPoint: thePoint
fromView: self];
if ([view isFlipped] != [self isFlipped])
thePoint.y = RectGetHeight(view.bounds) - thePoint.y;
view = [view hitTest: thePoint];
if ([view isKindOfClass: [NSTextField class]]) {
NSTextField *textField = (NSTextField *)view;
if (textField.isEnabled && textField.window.firstResponder != textField)
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[textField selectText: nil];
Just want to point out that if all that you want is editing only (i.e. in a table without selection), overriding -hitTest: seems to be simpler and a more Cocoa-like:
- (NSView *)hitTest:(NSPoint)aPoint
NSInteger column = [self columnAtPoint: aPoint];
NSInteger row = [self rowAtPoint: aPoint];
// Give cell view a chance to override table hit testing
if (row != -1 && column != -1) {
NSView *cell = [self viewAtColumn:column row:row makeIfNecessary:NO];
// Use cell frame, since convertPoint: doesn't always seem to work.
NSRect frame = [self frameOfCellAtColumn:column row:row];
NSView *hit = [cell hitTest: NSMakePoint(aPoint.x + frame.origin.x, aPoint.y + frame.origin.y)];
if (hit)
return hit;
// Default implementation
return [super hitTest: aPoint];
Here is a swift 4.2 version of #Dov answer:
override func mouseDown(with event: NSEvent) {
super.mouseDown(with: event)
if (event.clickCount < 2) {
// Get the row on which the user clicked
let localPoint = self.convert(event.locationInWindow, from: nil)
let row = self.row(at: localPoint)
// If the user didn't click on a row, we're done
if (row < 0) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {[weak self] in
guard let self = self else {return}
// Get the view clicked on
if let clickedCell = self.view(atColumn: 0, row: row, makeIfNecessary: false) as? YourOutlineViewCellClass{
let pointInCell = clickedCell.convert(localPoint, from: self)
if (clickedCell.txtField.isEditable && clickedCell.txtField.hitTest(pointInCell) != nil){
