Regex negation with non-greedy match in Ruby - ruby

I have this string:
I'm trying to have a regex that will do the following: (most of which works)
Find syllables in a word, and insert some letters before the first vowel in the syllable. Because of the challenges that this presents, the string above has already been modified before running it through the hack of a lex that I wrote for it.
I have this regex that I'm trying to use on the above string:
Given the constraints of the regex (mainly the u not preceded by a, e, or o, I expect nothing to match that regex, but I end up with the following:
#<MatchData "ibeu" 1:"ibe" 2:"u">
I'm sure this is something stupid, but I can't figure it out.

You probably want negative look-behind:
It matches any u that is not preceded by aeo. I am not sure what you actually want to do, so I just include the (.*?) in front like your current regex. The (.*?) at the back will always match an empty string, so it is redundant and can be removed.
Your current solution fails since [^aeo] is made optional. It can't simply be fixed by removing ?, since it seems you also want to match u when it is at the beginning of the string or when there are multiple u in a row.


Can someone help me with Ruby regex to check any word with letters starting with t and ending with r and replace with word Twitter? Thank you

Can someone help me with Ruby regex to check any word with letters starting with t and ending with r and replace with word Twitter? Thank you
I find that Rubular is very useful for working out how regexes work in Ruby.
You have two questions here. First, what regex will recognise what you want. Second, how to replace that found string with something else.
Your regex will be something like /\bt\w*r\b/. The elements here are \b, which is a word boundary. Then, we have the letter t, then any number of word characters \w*, then the letter r, and finally another word boundary \b. (Without the word-boundary characters, your regex will find t...r inside other words, too, so will work on things like 'stress', 'stirs' etc.
To do the replacement you want the gsub method.
new_string = your_string.gsub(/\bt\w*r\b/i, 'Twitter')
This will substitute the string Twitter for the found regex. The i on the end of the regex makes it case-insensitive - omit this if you want it to only find the lower-case text as in the regex.

How do I tune this regex to return the matches I want?

So I have a string that looks like this:,
What I want to do is before any email in this comma separated list, I want to remove the #. The issue I keep running into is that if I try to do a regular \A flag like so /[\A#]+/, it finds all the instances of # in that string...including the middle crucial #.
The same thing happens if I do /[\s#]+/. I can't figure out how to just look at the beginning of each string, where each string is a complete email address.
Edit 1
Note that all I need is the regex, I already have the rest of the stuff I need to do what I want. Specifically, I am achieving everything else like this:
str.gsub(/#/, '').split(',').map(&:strip)
Where str is my string.
All I am looking for is the regex portion for my gsub.
You may use the below negative lookbehind based regex.
str.gsub(/(?<!\S)#/, '').split(',').map(&:strip)
(?<!\S) Negative lookbehind asserts that the character or substring we are going to match would be preceeded by any but not of a non-space character. So this matches the # which exists at the start or the # which exists next to a space character.
Difference between my answer and hwnd's str.gsub(/\B#/, '') is, mine won't match the # which exists in :# but hwnd's answer does. \B matches between two word characters or two non-word characters.
Here is one solution
str = ","
p str.split(/,[ ]+/).map{ |i| i.gsub(/^#/, '')}
["", ""]

Precedence of Ruby regular expressions?

I am reviewing regular expressions and cannot understand why a regular expression won't match a given string, specifically:
regex = /(ab*)+(bc)?/
mystring = "abbc"
The match matches "abb" but leaves the c off. I tested this using Rubular and in IRB and don't understand why the regex doesn't match the entire string. I thought that (ab*)+ would match "ab" and then (bc)? would match "bc".
Am I missing something in terms of precedence for regular expression operations?
Regular expressions try to match the first part of the regular expression as much as possible by default, and they do not backtrack to try to make larger sections match if they don't have to. Since you make (bc) optional, the (ab*) can match as much as it wants (the non-zero repetition after it doesn't have much to do) and doesn't try backtracking to try other matching alternatives.
If you want the whole string to be matched (which will force some backtracking in this case) make sure you anchor both ends of the string:
regex = /^(ab*)+(bc)?$/
The regex with parenthesis assumes you have two matches in your string.
The first one is abb because (ab*) means a and zero or more b. You have two b, so the match is abb. Then you have only c in your string, so it doesn't match the second condition which is bc.

gsub - transform in uppercase first occurrence of a character

I'm currently studying regex (using ruby) and I would like to find the first occurrence of a non-digit character inside a word and make it capitalized.
I've been trying with:
word.gsub!(/\D{0,1}/) do |w|
hoping it would just catch the first occurrence of a non-digit, but instead it returns all of the letters capitalized.
What's the correct way to do this?
Many thanks!!!
The g in gsub! stands for "global," meaning "every occurrence in the string." You want regular sub! instead. That'll just find the first. Cheers!

regular expression back referencing

why this snippet:
'He said "Hello"' =~ /(\w)\1/
matches "ll"? I thought that the \w part matches "H", and hence \1 refers to "H", thus nothing should be matched? but why this result?
I thought that the \w part matches "H"
\w matches any alphanumerical character (and underscore). It also happens to match H but that’s not terribly interesting since the regular expression then goes on to say that this has to be matched twice – which H can’t in your text (since it doesn’t appear twice consecutively), and neither is any of the other characters, just l. So the regular expression matches ll.
You're thinking of /^(\w)\1/. The caret symbol specifies that the match must start at the beginning of the line. Without that, the match can start anywhere in the string (it will find the first match).
and you're right, nothing was matched at that position. then regex went further and found match, which it returned to you.
\w is of course matches any word character, not just 'H'.
The point is, "\1" means one repetition of the "(\w)" block, only the letter "l" is doubled and will match your regex.
A nice page for toying around with ruby and regular expressions is Rubular
