Advanced search result is not coming in magento on home page - magento

i added advanced search option on my home page by placing this code in
<?php echo
when press submit button then it giving me nothing. so result are not showing... please help

Check if you are getting the post url of the form as {{base-url}}/catalogsearch/advanced/result/


Magento OnePage Success Blank Content

I've got Onepage and Goodcheckout enabled
I've copied the success.phtml to my active theme folder but it's showing blank success page content. I can see the header but the rest of the page is blank
I activated debug but no errors showing, why would the succcess.phtml not show correctly while using this extension?
You can test by going here -
Checkout and you'll see the success page
This piece of code at the top of the success.phtml had been altered, I removed the title call and block request as it isn't needed as header is already set
<?php echo $this->getMessagesBlock()->toHtml() ?>
<h2 class="sub-title"><?php echo $this->__('Thank you for your purchase!') ?></h2>

Magento 1.91 CE - Customers Cant login

Hi all our website is and we have customised a Template from pre 1.9. Magento allows customer to register but when they try to sign in using that login details login page doesnt respond, this also happens when they ask to resend password it send reset details but still doesnt work.
Oddly the click facebook link to sign up login does work which is another extension we are ready to release but after getting it this well done would hate to have to change template.
Im sure its something stupid but would really appreciate your help guys
In Magento 1.9 the forms are unable to store the data as formkey missing. Try to add the key then you can be able to sign in. Add <?php echo $this->getBlockHtml('formkey'); ?> this at line no 41 below <form> tag in app/design/frontend/[your theme package]/[your theme]/template/persistent/customer/form/login.phtml
And check whether you can update product quantity in cart, there also formkey is missing.
Copy base/default/template/customer and base/default/template/persistent to your theme/template
After you had added the line <?php echo $this->getBlockHtml('formkey'); ?>
Perhaps you need to to flush magneto cache from magento admin (System->Cache management), then you can try the frontend customer login again.
As already replied in magento.stackexchange you should edit
and inside the "login form" form, after the
<ul class="form-list">
you should insert
<input type="hidden" name="form_key" value="<?php echo Mage::getSingleton('core/session')->getFormKey(); ?>" />
and this will solve your problem, as it did with mine.
Hope this helps
so be it - manemoi

joomla backend nothing shown on any task

Can somebody give me a clue on what's happening here. It is strange that PHP gives me no error, nor warning, anything at all.. but it does not work..
here is my last set of changes
, when i load url which loads my list view in backend, [view=activities], it's all ok, i see my toolbar, and published [green checkmark] buttons, but when i click unpublish on any item, or select more of them and click unpublish in toolbar area, instead of doing that action and returning me back on same view, my browser shows url correctly but i get nothing in my view, no list, and no toolbar icons, no errors from php at all, so i dont have a clue where to begin.
Looks like you're loosing your view after submitting form, try to replace this:
<form action="<?php echo JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_explore'); ?>" method="post" name="adminForm" id="adminForm">
<form action="index.php?option=com_explore&view=activities" method="post" name="adminForm" id="adminForm">

how to add Home menu in magento home page

How to add Home menu in magento home page. I add the code In this location
<a href="<?php echo $this->getUrl('') ?>">
<?php echo $this->__('Home'); ?>
But home menu not displayed on the home page of Magento
You have to keep the categories you want to display in menu under the root directory.
There may be more cases possible on why menu is not appearing.
Please consider following these guides :
Are you sure this is the template you're store is using?
You can check by enabling template hints in the developer section of the admin area.
this will hiliight all the blocks/templates for you and show the path to each file used. You will be able to check if the template you have modified is the template being used.

Open pop-up windows info, after client logout

I'm trying to do something that should be quite easy, but after a while I realize that can be tricky in Magento.
So, my goal is pop-up (or pop-down) an windows that display information for the client that just logout. In my logout Success it just redirect to main page after 5 seconds.
The correct place to do it in the code/file I suppose that will be here (logout.phtml):
<div class="page-title">
<h1><?php echo Mage::helper('customer')->__('You are now logged out') ?></h1>
<p><?php echo Mage::helper('customer')->__('You have logged out and will be redirected to our homepage in 5 seconds.') ?></p>
<script type="text/javascript">
setTimeout(function(){ location.href = '<?php echo $this->getUrl() ?>'},5000);
Thanks in advance for any help.
You should be able to do what you are trying to do by editing that template. Does your JS code not end up being output? If not, make sure you are editing the right logout.phtml, depending on how your themes are setup there could be several. There's a developer setting to show the full path to blocks when viewing a page, that can be very helpful in making sure you are editing the correct template.
Also, I'm not sure if your JS code is just a test to see if it's being output, but it doesn't look like it would popup a window even if it were correctly output. The code looks like it would just redirect the user back to the main page of your site.
If you're looking for the JS code to create a popunder window, then something basic like this should work:'','Pop Under Window','').blur();
You can set the window attributes as you see fit by using the 3rd parameter of the open function.
