joomla backend nothing shown on any task - joomla

Can somebody give me a clue on what's happening here. It is strange that PHP gives me no error, nor warning, anything at all.. but it does not work..
here is my last set of changes
, when i load url which loads my list view in backend, [view=activities], it's all ok, i see my toolbar, and published [green checkmark] buttons, but when i click unpublish on any item, or select more of them and click unpublish in toolbar area, instead of doing that action and returning me back on same view, my browser shows url correctly but i get nothing in my view, no list, and no toolbar icons, no errors from php at all, so i dont have a clue where to begin.

Looks like you're loosing your view after submitting form, try to replace this:
<form action="<?php echo JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_explore'); ?>" method="post" name="adminForm" id="adminForm">
<form action="index.php?option=com_explore&view=activities" method="post" name="adminForm" id="adminForm">


Magento - Checkout page not loading https URL for catalogsearch

I have just set up a Magento store and eveything is working fine, except for a problem in the catalog search URL.
When I go to the checkout page, everything is loaded in HTTPS, except for the catalog search URL, which makes chrome give a warning saying that there's mixed content in the page. When I check the source code, it says:
<form id="search_mini_form" action="http://XXXX/catalogsearch/result/" method="get">
But that only happens when the user is not logged in (or a first time customer). Once the user is logged in, the URL is loaded properly:
<form id="search_mini_form" action="https://XXXX/catalogsearch/result/" method="get">
Any idea on why this could be happening?
I know it's not the complete solution, and I have no idea why this is happening also on my store - but a temporary "patch" would be to open:
and manually modify the first line of the form element to use the secure url including https.
For example:
<form id="search_mini_form" action="" method="get">
This will give you the green address bar in chrome.

Search-form action attribute with Advanced AJAX Page Loader wordpress plugin returns "more than one title tag on the page.." warning in debug mode

I'm trying to enable search functionality of the Advanced AJAX Page Loader plugin on a custom wordpress theme I'm building, but after I enter keyword into search and hit enter, loader.gif keeps on spinning and I get this message in debug mode : "WARNING: You seem to have more than one title tag on the page, this is going to cause some major problems so page title changing is disabled". It also passes the url of the website twice into the address bar and I believe this has something to do with the action attribute that's being passed by the form.
This is the site in question:
I left the debug mode of the AAPL plugin on for now
This is my searchform.php code:
<form method="get" id="searchform" class="searchform" action="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>">
<input type="submit" id="searchsubmit" value="" class="btn" />
<input type="text" size="10" name="s" id="s" value="" onfocus="if(this.value==this.defaultValue)this.value='';" onblur="if(this.value=='')this.value=this.defaultValue;"/>
I managed to ajaxify the theme with this plugin but I 'm having trouble getting the search to work properly so I was wondering if anyone here can help me out with this? It is driving me crazy.
I solved it. The code in search.php needs to be wrapped with a div class="searchform".

Posting to iframe works in Chrome but not IE or FF

I have a page with a container that gets different content from an ajax request. This content has a form that posts data (and a file) to an iframe that is also in this ajax content container. I can submit the form and it works perfectly in Chrome, but Firefox and IE just sit there like I never clicked the submit button. I have default security settings on each browser, and don't want to change them for this functionality. Can anyone see any bugs in my code or process that would cause this? thanks in advance!
<form action='processUploadFrame.php' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data' id='myForm' target='iframeUpload'>
<input type='submit' value='Upload' />
<iframe name='iframeUpload' frameborder=1 width=750 height=150></iframe>
Solved. My HTML 101 has failed me. Having my submit button in a different table cell than the rest of the form doesn't work in IE and FF, but Chrome is okay with it. Strange. A simple javascript submit link did the trick:
<a href='javascript:document.getElementById(\"myForm\").submit();'>Submit</a>
Here's an article that reminded me about the rules of such:

Advanced search result is not coming in magento on home page

i added advanced search option on my home page by placing this code in
<?php echo
when press submit button then it giving me nothing. so result are not showing... please help
Check if you are getting the post url of the form as {{base-url}}/catalogsearch/advanced/result/

FireFox: strange behavior on submiting a form

Can anyone help with this strange form submiting in FireFox?
So this form should be submitted after pushing "go to submit" button. There is an onclick event on the button that should submit form through JavaScript. In the form there is another button "test" without any onclick event. Following the script, the form should be submitted only after pushing the "go to submit" button, but it submits even pushing at "test" button.
In the Internet Explorer it works well! But this stupid FireFox browser behaves different.
Here is example of HTML page:
function func(){
<form name="form1" method="post" action="somewhere.php">
<input type="button" value="go to submit" onclick="func();">
I have several buttons with <button onclick="...">option 1</button> options. I want to fix strange submiting a form in FireFox. Help please!
The tag defines a push button.
Inside a button element you can put content, like text or images. This is the difference between this element and buttons created with the input element.
Always specify the type attribute for the button. The default type for Internet Explorer is "button", while in other browsers (and in the W3C specification) it is "submit".
