SSIS FTP Task - Downloading source files approach - ftp

Im to develop a SSIS package that have to download a list of files from a FTP location.Although the frequency and timings of retrieving the generated files have been agreed upon with the client .
I noticed many times that when connecting , the user files (CSV) are being created (size gradually increasing) and that those downloaded are partially complete in content.
One suggestion i received was to have a "check file" a file which would be created and the end of the files creation by the client which would inform me that the file are ready to be downloaded,should it not be found no download shall happen.
However, i would like to know if other options are available ,which can be integrated in SSIS.

I would follow the 'check file' pattern. I would not introduce a new communications mode (e.g. email) which implies further complexity and configuration.
Lately for FTP tasks I have been calling WinSCP rather than using the SSIS FTP Task. It has better functionality. Here's their info on this topic:


How to download full file from FTP using talend openstudio

I am currently using talend open studio to download files from ftp to local machine. This is a scheduled task. Some times I am not able to download full files from FTP since at the same time files are being uploading to ftp.
Is there any way to check file fully uploaded to FTP and download using talend ?
In similar situation we check last modified time before downloading, let say donwload only 5mn old files. This can be done using tFTPFileProperties.

Automatically uploading text files to an FTP site

I'm looking to automate an upload of a text file to an FTP site. This upload would need to occur daily, and I have access to a server that would run whatever script needed to do the upload. I've looked around for a solution to this and found some information on howtogeek, but neither idea there seemed to be automatic. I'm looking to do this without third-party software if possible. I would appreciate any pointers.
If you're on windows I'd use vbscript (more functionality can be added easily) or .bat files (if you don't need extra functionality) to call on windows FTP.(Provided you don't need anything super secure) Just build the .bat file to call on FTP and append the connection information accordingly. The link Here should help you out. Now in order to make this automatic you need to use the "Task Scheduler" to schedule how you want the script to run.

SSIS Package stuck "Validating Excel Source" in Visual Studio 2010

I have a quarterly update package that I run from the backend of our system that uses an Excel (2007 format) document as a data source. The package stages the data from the Excel document to a table within the database, where it is processed and loaded in the production system.
Today, I received the Q2 update for April 2015, and attempted to run the new file into the staging system through Visual Studio as I have in the past. But for some reason today, VS / SSIS appears to be stuck "Validating Excel Source". I've let it sit for up to 10 minutes, before having to kill my Visual Studio instance through Task Manager.
The source document is small and relatively uncomplicated on 6 columns and less that 300 Kb in size, so I can't understand the validation issue all of a sudden. It appears to be the same excel version and format as my previous runs.
This package has been untouched for the better part of year, only having to change a series of parameters for each quarterly run.
I've deleted the connection managers and excel components from the package and recreated them but still appear to have the same issue. I've also recreated the source document.
I attempted tp disabled the DelayValidation and ValidateExternalMetaData properties, in hopes that it might give me a meaningful error dialogue, but have yet to get past the "Validating Excel Source" message.
Any input would be appreciated, Thank you.
I appear to have found a resolution to the issue.
It appears that a recent update to my installed Office suite altered the driver for Excel on my machine.
The following articles helped me resolve the issue, but as it turned out I needed to reinstall the Office 2007 System Driver: Data Connectivity Components...(linked in the 2nd article)
Once installed I was able to reopen my solution and view the Excel document.
Thank you for the assistance.
Using Excel 2012 file in Excel Connection Manager
How to fix errors: "the 'microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine"
Remove the excel file that the connection manager is looking for from the directory that it is pointing to. Once you do that the Validation of the Excel source should fail when it can not find the file it is looking for. This should allow you to get into the package and set Delay Validation = True in the properties.
The package validates the excel connection manager the same as it would any other OLE DB connection manager. It confirms connection and then runs your statement to validate the return of data. If you take away its source it should flame out quickly.
I have found that background processing on your machine can block this validation or processing of the request the same as a priority query might in SQL. If you machine is in a state with a number of priority tasks running this validation is put on the back burner and can and will take forever. In cases like this the connection used to the source being used to validate with either disconnect or timeout and it is not handled in the UI so it just hangs and locks up.

Pentaho Kettle - FTP Download(check if file download is complete)

I am not understanding how to implement this in Linux based systems. I have job which downloads the files from FTP and places it in local systems and my other job(has to run in parallel) has to check if the file is completely downloaded and then only process the file(transform) and emit the results. I am not able to check if the file is completely downloaded or not from the server. Any inputs??
Check the docs on the Check files locked job step. See if that will work for you.

Script to execute on CVS check-in, without access to the server?

Is it possible to write a script that executes certain instructions, and is triggered by any check-in to a CVS repository?
The script would scan the list of files in the change-set and do a copy operation on certain files in a certain sub-directory.
I would hopefully be able to execute various console applications, including ones written in .NET.
Problem is, I need this done quickly and I don't have access to the CVS server, due to corporate IT red-tape, etc.
Is there a way to set this up on one of the client workstations instead?
Can it be done without interfering with my working folder?
Can you get commit notifications by email as this blog shows? If so, you could be able to use maildrop (or good old procmail, etc) to run arbitrary commands and scripts on your workstation when the commit notification mails arrive.
I found a .NET library that seems up to the task - SharpCVSLib.
(Hopefully it will work on a developer workstation and not need to be hosted on the CVS server.)
