Automatically uploading text files to an FTP site - ftp

I'm looking to automate an upload of a text file to an FTP site. This upload would need to occur daily, and I have access to a server that would run whatever script needed to do the upload. I've looked around for a solution to this and found some information on howtogeek, but neither idea there seemed to be automatic. I'm looking to do this without third-party software if possible. I would appreciate any pointers.

If you're on windows I'd use vbscript (more functionality can be added easily) or .bat files (if you don't need extra functionality) to call on windows FTP.(Provided you don't need anything super secure) Just build the .bat file to call on FTP and append the connection information accordingly. The link Here should help you out. Now in order to make this automatic you need to use the "Task Scheduler" to schedule how you want the script to run.


How do I schedule for all the files of one folder to be moved to another server?

I did a quick search and couldn't see anything that was relevant which I found strange as this seems like it'd be a common question. Maybe I'm just going the wrong way about it or being thick? Who knows.
Anyway, I am trying to set up a scheduled task that moves all the files in a folder from Server A to a folder in Server B. If this was a simple matter of copying them it would be fine as I'd already got that working using Core FTP and a batch file but I'd like them to be removed from Server A after the copy has taken place.
I was looking at the windows ftp commands but although I managed to log onto Server A successfully from Server B whenever I tried to do a command it just took a very long time and then disconnected.
Any help in this would be appreciated, I need it to be a schedule-able file but it doesn't matter whether it is a .bat, .vbs or anything else that I haven't though of?
You could use
Why? For stability. Any home-brew ftp script that moves files, is prone to an undetected error in transmission, resulting in deleted files.

Approach to automatically upload updated assets to ftp

Say I need to track about 10 big files (each over 1G) over the the LAN shared folder, and if the files get modified/updated/overwritten, I need to upload those new files to ftp, and do some sort of notification like email.
But I don't need to version control for older files, so it won't inflate the repository.
How could be an easy approach to this? Since it need to keep monitoring the files, ftp protocol, email notification. Will make a C# program be a feasible way to do this? Or any suggestions? Thanks.
After checking around a couple version control large binaries threads in SO, it seems I don't need a version control system. Actually, I just need to keep checking the file metadata and once it's changed, upload to ftp and send out email. Not sure Mogware can disable backup old binaries?
Is there any other tools are feasible for this specific case? Thanks!
I'm in no way affiliated with the guys at Mogware, but there is a tool called "FileHamster" which is a personal revision tool, offering you to track file changes, call scripts after a file has changed etc. It also provides FTP upload.

Script to execute on CVS check-in, without access to the server?

Is it possible to write a script that executes certain instructions, and is triggered by any check-in to a CVS repository?
The script would scan the list of files in the change-set and do a copy operation on certain files in a certain sub-directory.
I would hopefully be able to execute various console applications, including ones written in .NET.
Problem is, I need this done quickly and I don't have access to the CVS server, due to corporate IT red-tape, etc.
Is there a way to set this up on one of the client workstations instead?
Can it be done without interfering with my working folder?
Can you get commit notifications by email as this blog shows? If so, you could be able to use maildrop (or good old procmail, etc) to run arbitrary commands and scripts on your workstation when the commit notification mails arrive.
I found a .NET library that seems up to the task - SharpCVSLib.
(Hopefully it will work on a developer workstation and not need to be hosted on the CVS server.)

Keeping FTP Folder Constantly Up To Date Based On Local Folder

Does anybody know a decent freeware FTP utility, preferably that can run in the background, that can mirror a local folder, constantly checking the files there for changes, and then automatically refreshing the FTP folder when the local files change?
WinSCP has a "keep remote directory up to date" feature under the commands tab which I use to do this. It first asks whether you want to sync the whole directory, then automatically uploads any file as soon as you save it. I'm currently looking for a similar solution for Mac.
I am interested in this as well. I know about the Rsync option of course, but would like to have a Windows option that does the same thing..
Thanks Everyone. I ended up using the FastNet NMFTP component in Borland C++ Buidler 5 to write my own Windows Version of Sync.
If you are running on a Linux or UNIX box you can use a shell script that periodically runs under cron to sync a folder to a "master" folder. You could use rsync in that shell script to do the actual sync.
Is that helpful?
David Kerins

Web Development Tools Question - Automatic File Upload

This should a quick question for some easy rep.
I'm doing some PHP Website development, decided to check out and play around with jQuery as well. I don't want to install and manage a local PHP server/service, but I would like a quick one click method for automatically uploading the PHP file I'm working on to my hosting service so I can test it live.
I'm looking into some different editors like Komodo Edit, Notepad++ but I'm wondering what tool has the ability to one click FTP for me?
Edit after a few posts came in:
Well Shoot, Ultra Edit costs around $100, and Aptana allows you to upload to their "Cloud", but you have to purchase the cloud space. I already have my own server. I'll have look into BlueFish a bit more....Thanks for the help guys.
I'm thinking I might try using Notepad++ and just write a batch file to run windows built in FTP, make a connection and copy all the files in a folder in auto-overwrite mode. Seem feasible?
I have a setup that I use FileZilla as the FTP, and NotePad++ as my text editor.
Within FileZilla, I set NotePad++ as the default text editor, and when I hit Ctrl-S within the file I am working on at that time, it automatically uploads those changes to the server.
You will be able to edit the preferences within FileZilla ( to set your default text editor, this is something you should be able to do with any FTP program.
Check out this post for more information:
UEStudio has integrated (S)FTP, SVN, etc, plus the ability to open a file over FTP - of course, it actually just downloads to a temp file, but each time you press save, it uploads it to the server again.
I'm pretty much obliged to point out just now that you might want to reconsider your decision to avoid a local development environment. Using XAMPP, it's ridiculously easy to set up a local web server. There are a multitude of benefits to this, far too many to list, even.
The Aptana IDE can do one-click upload via FTP and also synchronize all files between your local environment and remote server (based on timestamps) with one click as well.
Bluefish can edit the file directly on the FTP server. I'm not sure if the Win32 version can do that though.
i use e-texteditor. It's some kind of textmate clone, only is better :P
I have used sublime text with sftp pluggin.
sublime3 and
sftp pluggin
You only need to config sftp file on root folder.
Works quite good.
Most advanced editors/IDE's like Zend Studio allow adding FTP servers and editing files directly. Once modified, pressing Ctrl+S would update the file on server.
