How to install, compile, and utilize Rebar in Windows 8 - windows

Is this possible?
All tutorials I've come across on how to build and use Rebar involve Unix commands, and I'm a most unfortunate Windows user. I'd really like to avoid installing Cygwin if I can help it.
For example, to build Rebar you get:
$ git clone git://
$ cd rebar
$ ./bootstrap
Recompile: src/getopt
Recompile: src/rebar_utils
==> rebar (compile)
Congratulations! You now have a self-contained script called "rebar" in
your current working directory. Place this script anywhere in your path
and you can use rebar to build OTP-compliant apps.
What is the windows-cmd equivalent?
Any links or tutorial below to offer step by step instructions on how to utilize rebar in windows shell would be greatly appreciated.
After manually downloading and extracting Rebar to my directory located at:
I go to the windows shell and enter:
SET PATH=C:\Program Files\erl5.10.1\bin
This is the 'bin' folder located inside the directory holding erlang.exe
Next I enter:
Compiled! :)

There should be a bootstrap.bat script in the rebar directory. You don't need cygwin for this to work, but you will need Erlang installed and on the path.

I assume you have erlang istalled already and added to your path.
You can just download the Git and install it. Then open the git bash and type
git clone
once cloned it to your desired location then you can run the command by going inside the rebar directory.
Now it will work just fine and tell you that you have the rebar file compiled in your current working directory.
Nice you are good to go with using rebar for your project.

You can also just invoke path\to\erlang-install\bin\escript.exe bootstrap from a (Windows) command shell.
bootstrap is just an e(rlang) script.

You can download and install Git for Windows
Then, use it to run the same exact instructions:
git clone git://
cd rebar
and everything should work fine.


vs code git error: Git: /usr/bin/bash: init: No such file or directory

EDIT: I've rebooted my computer, and the issue is fixed. I have no idea why it fixed it.
In vs code on windows, when I try to Initialize Repository, I get the error
However, it used to worked fine. It changed when I tried to install Ubuntu on Windows following this video. Git is installed, and the path is in the .json file.
I'll recommend you to install git in ubuntu by apt
The git.path you've specified is to bash, not git. There's probably some wrapper that invokes that binary using git, and so when you type git init, you're really invoking bash init, which asks bash to run the script named init. Since it doesn't exist, your command is failing.
You should set git.path to a path to a Git binary, and not a bash binary.

How to get the sh formatter up and running?

The goal is to set up formatting for bash scripts (.sh files). So I'm trying to play around with the .sh formatter. From the project's github quick start section; I have go installed and have pulled in the shfmt module like so: GO111MODULE=on go get But on trying to invoke the shfmt command. I'm getting the common command not found error. How do I actually use the shfmt command. My assumption is this is plug and play i.e. I don't need to actually go and fiddle around with PATHs or ENVs.
The command is installed as $HOME/go/bin/shfmt (unless GOBIN is set, then it's $GOBIN/shfmt):
$ go help install
usage: go install [-i] [build flags] [packages]
Install compiles and installs the packages named by the import paths.
Executables are installed in the directory named by the GOBIN environment
variable, which defaults to $GOPATH/bin or $HOME/go/bin if the GOPATH
environment variable is not set.
The installation happens with a help of go install command as Peter mentioned. I would like to make a step by step that worked for me on Windows 7 machine, because I bet there are some of you who don't know anything about go language and don't even want to hear about it:
Install go language from (I used installer for Windows of course)
Download .sh formatter and unzip it somewhere
Navigate to the root directory ..\sh-master with your favourite terminal (I use GitBash or you can use cmd.exe which every Windows has by default)
Run command go install and installation should start
Once installation is done, through terminal (GitBash or cmd) navigate to $HOME/go/bin (on Windows by default it's under C:\Users\your_username\go\bin)
From here you can use the shfmt command like so shfmt -l -w
Voila! now your bash script is modified and formatted)

How do I install Git for Windows software to a specific directory?

I have just downloaded the latest Git for Windows installer, v2.4. It appears to want to install to the standard Windows "Program files" (with-spaces-in-name) directory.
Since I have all my development code in a folder called (simply) "/bin" -- I want to see if there's a command line option or parameter to change the install directory.
In my case, these days I use a environment variable such as GIT_HOME for important software like git; so it would be useful if there was a way to apply that to things like git commands, etc once I have the program installed.
possibly related:
How do I change the directory in Git Bash with Git for Windows?
I also came across a few questions asking: "whereis git". That's answered above, however I take that as an indicator that others may want git somewhere else too.
To start the installer with a different installation path you can open a CMD terminal in the same directory as the installer executable and pass in an option parameter of /DIR="x:\dirname"
For instance, if you have version 2.17.0 for Windows 64bit and you want to install git to D:\git, you would run:
Git-2.17.0-64-bit.exe /DIR="D:\git"
The installer will launch as usual and you need to walk through the other options, but the install location will be the path specified.
Since I just ran into this problem because my SSD is filling up, I figured I'd share the solution I came to on Windows 11 with Git v. 2.37.2.
The best way I could figure was to uninstall Git, then in CMD Prompt use the suggested command from the Git website with an appended --location/ -l flag:
winget install --id Git.Git -e --source winget --location [drive:/directory]
where [drive:/directory] is your target for the install. Had no issues and verified it worked with a project.

git is not installed or not in the PATH

Windows, when I try to run npm install, it shows:
mean#1.0.0 postinstall E:\mean
node node_modules/grunt-cli/bin/grunt install
Running "bower:install" (bower) task
Fatal error : git is not installed or not in the PATH
npm ERR! weird error 1
npm ERR! not ok code 0
What is the problem? How to fix it?
The project git repository is
Did you install Git correctly?
According to the Bower site, you need to make sure you check the option "Run Git from Windows Command Prompt".
I had this issue where Git was not found when I was trying to install Angular. I re-ran the installer for git and changed my setting and then it worked.
From the bower site:
while #vitocorleone is technically correct. If you have already installed, there is no need to reinstall. You just need to add it to your path. You will find yourself doing this for many of the tools for the mean stack so you should get used to doing it. You don't want to have to be in the folder that holds the executable to run it.
Control Panel --> System and Security --> System
click on Advanced System Settings on the left.
make sure you are on the advanced tab
click the Environment Variables button on the bottom
under system variables on the bottom find the Path variable
at the end of the line type (assuming this is where you installed it)
;C:\Program Files (x86)\git\cmd
click ok, ok, and ok to save
This essentially tells the OS.. if you don't find this executable in the folder I am typing in, look in Path to fide where it is.
Installing git and running npm install from git-bash worked for me. Make sure you are in the correct directory.
Install git and tortoise git for windows and make sure it is on your path, (the installer for Tortoise Git includes options for the command line tools and ensuring that it is on the path - select them).
You will need to close and re-open any existing command line sessions for the changes to take effect.
Then you should be able to run npm install successfully or move on to the next problem!
In my case the issue was not resolved because i did not restart my system. Please make sure you do restart your system.
If you installed GitHubDesktop then the path for git.exe will be ,
Add this path to the environment variables by following,
** (Note: \cmd at the end, not \cmd\git.exe).**
Navigate to the Environmental Variables Editor and find the Path variable in the “System Variables” section. Click Edit… and paste the URL of Git to the end. Save!
Now open a new cmd and type command git. If you are able to see the git usage then it's done.
Now you can execute your command to install your package.
ex: npm install native-base --save
Use Git CMD instead of using Win CMD.
I did install git and tried again and got the same error. But running 'npm install' in a new command prompt window worked for me. Restarting the machine is not required.
Go to Environmental Variables you will find this in Computer Properties->Advance system Setting->Environmental Variables -> Path
Add the path of your git installed int the system.
eg: "C:\Program Files\Git\cmd"
Save it.
Good to go now!!
The issue depends on the command prompt you are using. if you are using your Windows cmd, then it will be fine if you have installed git in your system (note that after installation it gets added to your system path). if you are running on an Anaconda terminal or any other, then you need to install git on your project environment from the terminal.
for anaconda, the problem gets solved by running:
conda install git

Where can I find an MSI installer for Clojure that adds a "clj.exe" to PATH?

The typical clj.bat in most installers isn't compatible with Git Bash (msysGit).
I've tried chocolatey install clojure, but it uses clj.bat, which Git Bash can't run.
I've tried chocolatey install leiningen and the lein "Cygwin-compatible" shell script, but Leiningen fails silently or throws a Java error.
The easiest way to install leiningen on Windows is just to grab the most recent lein.bat, put it in a folder and put that folder on the PATH. Also download wget.exe and put it in the same or some other folder on the path. Then open a new cmd prompt and type lein, it will self-install from there.
I've tried Chocolately myself and it didn't work. Installing leiningen isn't more complicated than the steps above though.
