Search Appliance - Multiple site search from sitesearch parameter - google-search-appliance

I am trying to use the google search appliance to search multiple URLs without listing them within the search query prefixed with site:.
Normally you would search a single URL in this way like this:
And we could search multiple URLs WITH them in the query string like this:
What I want is something where we pull info from both URLs without it being listed in the query string. Something like this (but this doesn't work):

There is a parameter called site which refers to the collection. In the collection configuration you can specify which url patterns you want to make up the search results.
See this Link


appending query string with Sitecore URL Rewrite module

I am trying to rewrite incoming URL requests with the Sitecore URL Rewrite module in Sitecore 9. The request come in with the format of but the current service requires the format to be I have tried applying the query string of "id=1111" to the Sitecore link and selecting Append query string in the redirect item but the query string is never applied. The inbound rule works correctly as I can set it to point to a specific page without a query string and it will redirect to that page but will not apply a query string. Is there something that I am missing or is there a better way to accomplish this?
I found the solution by setting the redirect link as an external link and giving it the query string ?id={R:1} which is the matched pattern.

Find Place requests Returns Only One Result

I'm using the Google Places API endpoint "findplacefromtext" and tried a search similar to the example.,formatted_address,name,opening_hours,rating&locationbias=circle:2000#47.6918452,-122.2226413&key=YOUR_API_KEY
However, when you use this it only ever returns one result. There is a cafe near me that's called "Cream" but when you pass that as the "input" parameter it returns shops that have a category of "Ice Cream". I thought it should only search the name of the business.... If I can't find the place by name does it search the category type as a fall back? When I execute the same search in Google Maps it returns the same data but I get multiple results and I can see the place I am trying to retrieve 3rd on the search result list.
Is it possible to make it return more than one result? The documentation doesn't mention anything about this.
I believe what you need is the Text Search request. The Find Place request is meant for exact addresses.
The Google Places API Text Search Service is a web service that
returns information about a set of places based on a string — for
example "pizza in New York" or "shoe stores near Ottawa" or "123 Main
Street". The service responds with a list of places matching the text
string and any location bias that has been set.
The service is especially useful for making ambiguous address queries
in an automated system, and non-address components of the string may
match businesses as well as addresses. Examples of ambiguous address
queries are incomplete addresses, poorly formatted addresses, or a
request that includes non-address components such as business names.
Taken from

How to GET associated ActivityDefinitions for a specific PlanDefinition FHIR v1.9.0

FHIR stu3
tried this:
based on the example from :
but it returned 400 Bad Request
There are 4 issues with your syntax:
_revinclude is a parameter for the search operation. Searches use the "type" endpoint (i.e. [base]/[resource]). Your format is for a read ([base]/[resource]/[id]). Reads only return a single resource, not a bundle and they don't take most parameters (you can do _format, but that's about it)
_revinclude needs to identify both the resource and the search parameter. E.g. ActivityDefinition:plandefinition, not just ActivityDefinition
The reference in the resources isn't from ActivityDefinition to PlanDefinition, but from PlanDefinition to ActivityDefinition. So you don't actually need a reverse-include. A simple _include is what you need given that your focus is already PlanDefinition
There's no standard search parameter on PlanDefinition to search based on ActivityDefinitions - and both _include and _revinclude are based on search parameters (because that's what servers index).
Because of the 4th issue, you're not going to be able to execute this test against any of the public test servers - unless you make special arrangements, they only support core search criteria. However, on your own system, you're free to define your own search criteria. If you were to do that, you ought to be able to make the query work using the following url:
(Assuming that you've named your custom search criteria having a path of PlanDefinition.activity.activityDefinition as having a name of "activitydefinition")

GSA get latest results in a collection without q param

I'm trying to get the latest results inserted into a collection (ordered by data) on the homepage. I haven't a 'q' parameter because the user doesn't make a search yet in the homepage. So, there's a way to do this? Maybe a special character, I didn't find anything in the documentation.
You could utilize the site: query to get all content from your site like
(site: URL encoded)
Finally I found this way: I used the parameter requiredfields and link to it all the results that I want to show. For example:
This will return any results that have a meta tag of this name
<meta name="client" content="lorem ipsum">
Reference: Restricts the search results to documents that contain the exact meta tag names or name-value pairs.

How to get results for a specific country/region only, via Google AJAX Search or Custom Search APIs?

I just want to specify a region and a search phrase, and retrieve the URLs of the top 10 result pages for that search phrase/region from Google...
Add &gl=country_code to the request URL
