How to GET associated ActivityDefinitions for a specific PlanDefinition FHIR v1.9.0 - hl7-fhir

FHIR stu3
tried this:
based on the example from :
but it returned 400 Bad Request

There are 4 issues with your syntax:
_revinclude is a parameter for the search operation. Searches use the "type" endpoint (i.e. [base]/[resource]). Your format is for a read ([base]/[resource]/[id]). Reads only return a single resource, not a bundle and they don't take most parameters (you can do _format, but that's about it)
_revinclude needs to identify both the resource and the search parameter. E.g. ActivityDefinition:plandefinition, not just ActivityDefinition
The reference in the resources isn't from ActivityDefinition to PlanDefinition, but from PlanDefinition to ActivityDefinition. So you don't actually need a reverse-include. A simple _include is what you need given that your focus is already PlanDefinition
There's no standard search parameter on PlanDefinition to search based on ActivityDefinitions - and both _include and _revinclude are based on search parameters (because that's what servers index).
Because of the 4th issue, you're not going to be able to execute this test against any of the public test servers - unless you make special arrangements, they only support core search criteria. However, on your own system, you're free to define your own search criteria. If you were to do that, you ought to be able to make the query work using the following url:
(Assuming that you've named your custom search criteria having a path of PlanDefinition.activity.activityDefinition as having a name of "activitydefinition")


How can I use a single url parameter for multiple queries in google data studio?

I'm using Google Data Studio to visualize results from various queries (from different tables within the same BigQuery-database).
For this reason, I created and use multiple data-sources-connectors. Each one of them has a SQL query included and makes use of an defined input parameter (which can be changed by report editors) - called "userid". It is the same id for all queries and resulting charts.
However, when I click "Manage URL parameters", I'm not allowed to use the same URL parameter for more than one data source (instead they are called ds0, ds1, ds2 etc - although they all end up being used as "userid").
If I add a data source under File - Report Settings, a new field "userid" appears, which I can alter - this will update ALL charts in the report with the very same userid (as expected). This works, but I do want to make use of an url which delivers an report with all updated queries depending on ONE userid.
Therefore, I guess I'm overseeing something - it should be possible to just use one query parameter to update the same "userid" for all queries in all data connectors? Or have I overlooked the possibility to fire multiple queries within one data source connector? Or is it expected to create a looong url full of redundant query parameters in this case?
I'm curious for your input!
Best regards :)
There does not seem to be any good solution for this.
For now the best workaround seems to be to just repeat the parameter multiple times -- it's ugly but it works. For example, use the URL parameter mapping screen to call the parameter u1, u2, etc., and then just pass all of them:
(URL encoded of course)
The ugliness is mostly for us developers: it violates our sense of DRY and clean code, and makes the URL much longer than it needs to be. However, most people don't care or know about the URL parameters so its irrelevant to them.
The bigger downside is that when the URL is distributed to clients (bookmarks, mobile apps), every time new data sources are added that require the same URL parameters, a new URL has to be distributed to clients for no good reason. A workaround for this is to build the URL dynamically via a simple redirector function.
This issue is a feature request to implement this capability.
If you group the elements that you want to control with the same parameter (select and then shift G) then it will give you options to select the data source and the params box to apply to the group.

Find Place requests Returns Only One Result

I'm using the Google Places API endpoint "findplacefromtext" and tried a search similar to the example.,formatted_address,name,opening_hours,rating&locationbias=circle:2000#47.6918452,-122.2226413&key=YOUR_API_KEY
However, when you use this it only ever returns one result. There is a cafe near me that's called "Cream" but when you pass that as the "input" parameter it returns shops that have a category of "Ice Cream". I thought it should only search the name of the business.... If I can't find the place by name does it search the category type as a fall back? When I execute the same search in Google Maps it returns the same data but I get multiple results and I can see the place I am trying to retrieve 3rd on the search result list.
Is it possible to make it return more than one result? The documentation doesn't mention anything about this.
I believe what you need is the Text Search request. The Find Place request is meant for exact addresses.
The Google Places API Text Search Service is a web service that
returns information about a set of places based on a string — for
example "pizza in New York" or "shoe stores near Ottawa" or "123 Main
Street". The service responds with a list of places matching the text
string and any location bias that has been set.
The service is especially useful for making ambiguous address queries
in an automated system, and non-address components of the string may
match businesses as well as addresses. Examples of ambiguous address
queries are incomplete addresses, poorly formatted addresses, or a
request that includes non-address components such as business names.
Taken from

Spring MVC REST API to Filter/Search from Collection

I have a REST service /accounts which returns all the accounts data (Number, Name).
Requirement :
Should Support the below search/filter pattern with any combination of "And" or "OR" rather than retruning the entire collection.
Question 1 : Are these below API design correct(RESTful) or any better way to do the same
e.g -
/accounts?name^My Account 123**or**number~ACC1234
(^"==> Starts with , "~"==> ends with)
/accounts?name^My Account 123**and**number~ACC1234
(^"==> Starts with "~"==> ends with)
($ ==> account collection contains ACC123)
Spring Controller:
Planning to get these Filter (Query Parameter) pattern as #RequestParam and have a Regex to parse the pattern and then apply & retrieve it from the data store. The downside is any new filter pattern would need a change in the Controller class.
Question 2: Is there any out of the box features available in Spring 3 to do search / filter from a collection?
From a design perspective, using Query parameters to specify search / filter parameters is fine. However, for more complex cases such as yours, I typically define a new end point, that only deals with searches.
As an example, if my logic for search is strictly "or" and "contains", I would define a book search as such:
GET /books/?author=john&keywords=how%20to%20use%20spring
Here, my API is strictly going to search for books where the author's name contains "john" and the words "how to use spring" appear in the content. The Search logic stays consistent, and the client has no flexibility.
In your case, if the client has the ability to specific their own search criteria, you need to build out a new end point, something like:
POST /books/search
And in the request body, post your own search criteria DSL like name^My Account 123**and**number~ACC1234

Searching for two resource types and sorting according to date?

Is it possible with a FHIR search procedure to search for TWO resource types and sort them according to the date? I'd like a list of Observation and QuestionnareResponses, in a single response, returning the newest 10 regardless of resource type.
Searching for one would be:
Any query using the standard "search" capability is always against exactly one resource type. You can include referencing and referenced resources, but filtering and sorting are always done against the "base" resource for the search. To do what you're interested in doing, you have a few options:
define a custom query using the OperationDefinition mechanism (only works if you've got a direct relationship between client and server systems so you can ensure all participants support the operation
Use a "Batch" to execute queries against both, then interpolate the results as you page through both result sets
You can do a query just on the "base", however there isn't presently a way to constrain the types of resources returned - you'd need a custom search criteria
You might be able to use the _filter mechanism - I haven't dived into it very deeply. But I suspect that it also uses the "single target resource type" approach.
The best bet is probably #3. If you submit a request to add a search criteria to "Resource" allowing constraining the resource type, that would probably let you do what you wanted.

IBM SBT SDK: How can I limit search results of CommunityService.getPublicCommunities(params)?

When I call communityService.getMyCommunities(params) or communityService.getPublicCommunities(params) or communityService.getSubCommunities(parentCommunity, params) I would expect that filling params with e. g. tags=[mytag,yourtag] the call would only lookup communities having at least one of these tags (or both, however).
But to me it looks like this param ("tags") is simply ignored, and I always receive all communities of the given category (my / public / sub).
In case of having lots of communities of the requested category this massively slows down performance when I only want to retrieve communities with e. g. one certain tag: I receive all data over the net and must filter / lookup the received object list locally.
What am I doing wrong?
Is there something missing in the SDK implementation?
As part of the communities/my api, you cannot do any filtering... you need to use Search APIs.
In order to get a filtered list of communities based on the tags, you need to make a request to the following URL.{%22type%22%3A%22category%22%2C%22values%22%3A[%22Tag%2Fprb%22]}&page=1&pageSize=10
Yes, it is URL encoded, you can then change prb to match your tag, and you can repeat the constraints for each tag
You can also reference Link to Search API Constraints
