maven plugin detect hudson - maven

I'm writing a plugin for maven and I want find out, if it runs on hudson. Then I want to know which user triggered the build.
Is there an API (#component) that provides access to this?

Usually during a run in Hudson some environment variables exists like JOB_ID etc. which you can use to detect if running in Hudson.


jenkins enable maven command line

I want to setup jenkins using the command-line only. I am successfully able to install plugins and configure jobs. So i've installed the maven-plugin using jenkins-cli but want to be able to configure it to say "Automatically install maven latest version" so that when the user triggers a build it will automatically go download maven and then use it just like it does using the GUI.
Any advice on how i can do this piece of configuration on the command-line (or scripted ideally) please?
This option is not and should never be available for the reason that it destroys the concept of reproducible builds.
Changing the maven version deliberately may break the build at some future time for no apparent reason and will definitely startle your users then.
Please avoid this situation.
Why not use maven wrapper instead, this way each project configures specifically which version of maven it needs and automatically downloads it.

Jenkins - Build, Deploy and Promote

Recently, I started learning how to use Jenkins CI. So I am a little bit of a noob at jenkins. I am about to start to try and do the following:
I have setup a maven multi-module job on jenkins, which builds, tests, and finally creates 4 seperate war applications. I archive the war artifacts as part of this job. These war files will only ever be built once, they contain multiple environment properties, and the war file along with each environments server will manage the profile it runs in, eg dev, test, staging, prod, etc
I have another job on jenkins which will deal with the deployment to multiple environments.
This second job, uses the copy artifact plugin, and uses a post build action to deploy to a dev environment.
The job in step 2 will hopefully be able to have multiple promotions, allowing deployment to multiple environments: test/staging/performance/production etc.
I have searched stackoverflow and google, and all the posts I see, always use the parameterized plugin, specifying a parameter for the environment. This means there is a seperate build for each env which I don't like.
Can anyone tell me if this is the right way to go? Or direct me to some tutorial on how to do this properly.
Looks like what you need is a matrix-project build.
A good introduction to Jenkins could be found in Jenkins: The Definitive Guide
After playing around with the jenkins configuration. I have this working very nicely now.
In the deployment job, I didn't see the "Add another promotion process" button, which allows me to promote the same build to multiple environments manually or automatically.

Automate Maven Scripts

I have a series of Maven Scripts which are to be run in Linux Platform for doing Reversion and Lableing for my Project. I would like to know what Building Tools i can use to automate the Maven Scripts in the Linux Platform?
Also say suppose I have got some error while doing the Reversioning / Lableing of the code. How can the Automate tools Handle these scenarios.
Please let me know of the effective tools and I would certainly reply back whether those do help me out or not!
I would suggest leveraging a "job" coordinator such as Jenkins or Cruise Control to manage any and all of our automation. Maven is natively supported and understood by these tools. An agent will reside on your server, and do the bidding of your coordinator.
Jenkins is a good solution to automate maven build:
easy to install
easy integration with maven
allow you to automate simple task after build failure/success like sending email
many plugins including this one that allow you to do more complex task after a build failure (or build success)
Any one of this
Atlassian bamboo
After using LuntBuild, Jenkins and teamcity I can say without a doubt that TeamCity is by far the superior choice.
I think it's free for a small configuration (3 agents, and up to 10 build configurations).
It very easy to install and configure, compatible with most source control systems.

Is there something similar to Maven Cargo but for AppAssembler?

I want to deploy a generated Maven AppAssembler assembler/ directory to somewhere in a file system, SSH, or whatnot. Can Cargo do that for me, or is there an equivalent deployment tool that will let me glob a bunch of files (in this case the target/appassembler/ directory) and deploy them to a destination?
I have a couple command-line applications that run as scheduled tasks (via cron or Windows Scheduler), and I want to deploy them out to these remote locations (in one case via SSH, and another a network share \\servername\C$\whatever\). I don't know how I can accomplish that, since all of the deployment plugins I have been looking at cater to web applications and app containers or Remote repos like Nexus.
Try maven copy plugin - it has excellent networking support (scp,FTP,HTTP).
You might also find useful maven sshexec plugin.
I know this question is quite old, but since someone else might also be interested in this:
I don't have a complete/concrete example for this, since I never tried it, but maybe the maven assembly plugin could be used for this, with the dir assembly format?

Schedule specific build target in Jenkins?

The group that I work in has standardized on Jenkins for Continuous Integration builds. Code check-in triggers a standard build, Cobertura analysis and publish to an Artifactory SNAPSHOT repo. I've just finished adding a new target to the master build file that'll kick off a Sonar run but I don't want that running on every check-in.
Is there a way to schedule a nightly build of a specific build target in Jenkins? Jenkins obviously facilitates scheduled builds but it'll run the project's regular build every time. I'd like to be able to schedule the Sonar build target to run nightly.
I could, of course, create a separate Jenkins project just to run the Sonar target on a schedule but I'm trying to avoid that if I can. Our Jenkins server already has several hundred builds on it; doubling that for the sake of scheduling nightly builds isn't very desirable. I looked for a Jenkins plug-in that might facilitate this but I couldn't find anything. Any suggestions?
Here's one way to do it, if you are ok with triggering the build using cron or some other scheduling tool:
Make the build parameterized, and use a parameter in your build file to decide if the Sonar build target should run or not.
Trigger the build remotely by HTTP POST:ing the parameter values as a form to http://[jenkins-host]/jobs/[jobname]/buildWithParameters. Depending on your Jenkins version and configuration, you might need to add an Authentication Token and include this in your url.
Authenticate your POST using a username and password.
wget --auth-no-challenge --http-user=USERNAME --http-password=PASSWORD "https://[jenkins-host]/job/[jobname]/buildWithParameters?token=<token defined in job configuration>&<param>=<value>&<param2>=<value2>"
I am also looking for a solution for this. My current solution in my mind is to create 2 triggers in the regular build, one is the nightly build, another one is Polling SCM
In the sonar plugin configuration, it has the options to skip the builds triggered by the SCM change. Therefore, only the nightly build will start a sonar analysis.
I didn't get a chance to test it now, but I suppose this will work.
Updated on 12/19/2011
The above solution doesn't work if the sonar analysis is invoked as a standalone build step. To make the sonar analysis run conditionally, you could use the following 2 plugins:
Conditional BuildStep Plugin - this allows the sonar analysis to be run conditionally
Jenkins Environment Injector Plug-in - this allows you to inject the variables to indicate how the build is triggered.
