Schedule specific build target in Jenkins? - continuous-integration

The group that I work in has standardized on Jenkins for Continuous Integration builds. Code check-in triggers a standard build, Cobertura analysis and publish to an Artifactory SNAPSHOT repo. I've just finished adding a new target to the master build file that'll kick off a Sonar run but I don't want that running on every check-in.
Is there a way to schedule a nightly build of a specific build target in Jenkins? Jenkins obviously facilitates scheduled builds but it'll run the project's regular build every time. I'd like to be able to schedule the Sonar build target to run nightly.
I could, of course, create a separate Jenkins project just to run the Sonar target on a schedule but I'm trying to avoid that if I can. Our Jenkins server already has several hundred builds on it; doubling that for the sake of scheduling nightly builds isn't very desirable. I looked for a Jenkins plug-in that might facilitate this but I couldn't find anything. Any suggestions?

Here's one way to do it, if you are ok with triggering the build using cron or some other scheduling tool:
Make the build parameterized, and use a parameter in your build file to decide if the Sonar build target should run or not.
Trigger the build remotely by HTTP POST:ing the parameter values as a form to http://[jenkins-host]/jobs/[jobname]/buildWithParameters. Depending on your Jenkins version and configuration, you might need to add an Authentication Token and include this in your url.
Authenticate your POST using a username and password.
wget --auth-no-challenge --http-user=USERNAME --http-password=PASSWORD "https://[jenkins-host]/job/[jobname]/buildWithParameters?token=<token defined in job configuration>&<param>=<value>&<param2>=<value2>"

I am also looking for a solution for this. My current solution in my mind is to create 2 triggers in the regular build, one is the nightly build, another one is Polling SCM
In the sonar plugin configuration, it has the options to skip the builds triggered by the SCM change. Therefore, only the nightly build will start a sonar analysis.
I didn't get a chance to test it now, but I suppose this will work.
Updated on 12/19/2011
The above solution doesn't work if the sonar analysis is invoked as a standalone build step. To make the sonar analysis run conditionally, you could use the following 2 plugins:
Conditional BuildStep Plugin - this allows the sonar analysis to be run conditionally
Jenkins Environment Injector Plug-in - this allows you to inject the variables to indicate how the build is triggered.


Is there a way to specify several Jenkins files for the pipeline?

At the moment, we are generating Jenkins jobs using the Job DSL plugin. Typically, we have the following jobs per project:
CI build (SNAPSHOT build)
Deployment, one per stage
Integration test (nightly build)
Creation of a release
Reports (Maven site, during the night)
Am I right that there can be only one Jenkins file in the project's repository? How could I map our requirements to the new Jenkins pipeline?
I'm asking because we're going to install version 2 of Jenkins, and I'm not sure whether we should abandon our Jenkins job generation and use Jenkins files.
There are a couple of options, which might help you to migrate over to Jenkins pipelines. But you don't have to, especially not all at once.
You can use a shared library to define functions that can be used in multiple jobs, e.g. a buildOurThing function.
You can trigger an existing job (of whatever kind) using the build step. So you could model your new pipeline around existing jobs.
You can still use parameterized builds, if you want to use the deployment job with different targets.
Jenkins pipeline is really worth using, but maybe don't force you to an immediate switch. If JobDSL works for you, keep it. If you have new jobs (pipelines) to create, get familiar with pipelines.

Jenkins Conditional Deployment

I am using Jenkins to create nightly builds and deploy them to my maven repository. In order to reduce the daily bandwidth for developers I want to change the deployment logic so that it's only deployed if changes with reference to our latest deployment are detected.
I found some plugins that seem to be suitable, but since I'm not too involved into the Jenkins use-ability I wanted to ask if there is an "easy" way to implement this?
I thought about some simple test before executing the deployment process:
Check if there are changes made within the project code or the dependencies
=> NO: then nothing should be deployed
=> YES: deploy the new version
I just stumpled over the Conditional BuildStep Plugin. But I'm not sure if this plugin fits best for our approach. I don't want to mess up the whole configuration.
FYI: I am using Jenkins 1.608, Tortoise SVN, and the deploy-Plugin 1.1
Every answer and help is highly appreciated!
Setup your job to run nightly (current configuration)
Setup a conditional build step (shell or batch, depends on your OS) that will check the revision number in repository and compare to current revision number in workspace.
If not higher, quit the build.
If higher, continue build as usual
To avoid the build even being triggered, here is a theoretical solution.
Install Poll SCM Now plugin, this will add a "poll now" button to the job, that polls SCM for changes. If changes found, a build is triggered, if not, nothing happens.
Configure the polling permissions to anonymous users (else you'd need to implement login/token in next steps)
Configure the job to poll SCM infrequently (like once a year)
Configure a cron job (or a scheduled task in Windows) for a nightly schedule
Have that cron/task do a curl or wget to http://JENKINS_URL/JOB_URL/poll

Team City - build runner on static sites

I was wondering if someone would be able to explain what Build runners do and also what i would need to use for just a static HTML / CSS / JS site, or even an already compiled .NET site.
I will be hooking up each project to its equiv SVN and grabbing updates from there, but not 100% sure what the build runners do or which i should use as technically i dont need to build the site.
Sorry it may be too much to answer but i am just struggling to get my head round Team City
Thank you
Build runners are just a process for a specific task, for example the MSBuild runner is set up by putting information into specific fields which it then uses to call MSBuild on the target build agent. You could just as easily use the Command Line runner and build up the MSBuild run command manually.
Build runner is a part of TeamCity that allows integration with a
specific build tool (Ant, MSBuild, Command line, etc.). In a build
configuration, the build runner defines how to run a build and report
its results. Each build runner has two parts:
server-side settings that are configured through the web UI
agent-side part that executes a build on agent
You need to choose your runner depending on the task that you want to do and the technology that you have wrapped your project in. If there is no runner for your specific task then you can use the lowest common denominator which would be the Command Line runner.
The way I approach this would be to see how I can achieve what I want to from my own environment be that calling a rake, MSBuild or batch file. I then see how I can then apply that to a tool. Do not create a process around a tool but choose a tool that fits to your process.

Maven, switching to a different profile

I have a problem with proper maven profile configuration of a project that is deployed to a continuous integration server.
In my project, there are some resources that needs to be included only during tests at the daily building phase and others that needs to be included during nightly builds, and they can never be included both at the same time, because building process will fail, I can achive this locally by activating one profile at the same time.
Continuous integration server runs following maven commands:
-during daily builds:
mvn clean package -Pci -Dci
-during nightly builds
mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore -Pci,nightly -Dci -Dnightly
As you see, nightly build command include maven variables and profiles defined in daily build command, which makes some troubles for me, becouse I want to have only one profile activated at the same time.
Specifically, what I want is having 3 separate profiles:
-my-pforile (activated by default, not used on CI server)
-ci-profile (activated only on daily builds, used on CI server)
-nightly-profile (activated only on nightly builds, used on CI server)
How can I achieve that? I tried almost everything. Reconfiguring CI server is not an option.
When I have to configure the same build with different profiles, using Jenkins as a CI,
I usually create as much builds as profiles, so each build uses the correct configuration.
If adding a new build is not an option probably you can try to create a workaround
using something like the exec plugin ( to download
the resources from a ftp (or something else).
You will have also to create a cron job (or equivalent) to replace the correct resources between the builds:
in the evening you put there the resources for the night, in the morning the ones for the day.
But considering how cumbersome this process will be, probably it is better to try to add
a new build.

Personal build with dependencies

I've started using TeamCity personal builds, via the new Git remote run feature in TeamCity 6.5. Doing a single build works fine; I have a project that compiles from source, and I gave it a Branch Remote Run trigger.
However, it looks like TeamCity only triggers the one project that has the Branch Remote Run trigger applied. I have several unit test projects, set up in a chain with Finish Build triggers, and none of these get run. Furthermore, if I try to start a custom build of one of these unit test projects, I can't use the artifacts from my personal build: I can only pick artifacts from one of the 'official' builds.
Can I get TeamCity personal builds to work with build chains?
With the setup that you have (snapshot dependencies and finish build triggers), you can achieve build chaining by submitted your personal changes to the builds you are looking to trigger. For example, if you have projects A and B where B depends on A - run the remote build against project B and A will be triggered first and B will be added to the queue. Both of these builds will have your personal changes.
If you are using the TeamCity Visual Studio plugin you can select which builds you want to send your changes to and you just need to tick the box for B instead of A.
The finished build trigger won't be fired, but the build chaining means that A must be built first.
More info -
(You have tagged TeamCity 6.5, but 7 has now been released so I have included the documentation for the newer version)
I suppose you should setup your chain not with Finish Build trigger, but with "Snapshot dependencies" feature of TeamCity. And, setup artifacts dependency basing on the snapshots.
Please read about snapshot dependencies in TeamCity here.
