How to disable seemingly random syntax higlight in Notepad++ - syntax-highlighting

Can anyone suggest:
Why does it higlight like this? I don't seem to do anything to activate it:
How to disable it?

This is old, but I ran into the same problem and just figured out an easy fix.
From the file menu: Language > N > Normal Text

I'm not sure if this is the same issue as mine, but I wanted to keep the language setting enabled but remove the highlighting.
I did this by going to Settings --> Preferences --> Highlghting
Removed the Enable check mark for Highlight Matching Tags.

1) Go to settings -> Style Configurator.
2) Select the language that Notepad++ has chosen, usually based on filename extension. You can also change this manually under the Language menu setting.
3) Go through the Styles until you find the style that applied the highlighting. You can tell because the Background colour will match the highlighted color.
4) Change Background colour to white.

I do not have an answer for your first question
For your second question do the following steps
Inside Notepad++ press ctrl A( select all)
Right click for context menu.
select Remove style and click on Clear all Styles
This will clear all the highlights.

FYI. You may also see this sort of behavior when using a vertical edge in background mode. Switching to line mode will eliminate the highlighting of lines that run over the set character count for the vertical edge.


Is it possible to set Wordwrap in WebStorm? I need to set by default all the files should be in wordwraping

is there any way to set word-wrap for all new/existing files should be in word-wrapping.
i need to set by default all the file in word-wrapping like notepadd++.
Thanks in advance.
Settings/Preferences | Editor | General | Use soft wraps in editor -- this setting affects all files.
You can disable or enable this option on per file basis (until it's closed) via View | Active Editor | Use Soft Wraps
More recent version (compared to the versions available when this question was answered) also have these options available in the Editor's gutter menu (right click in the area where the line numbers/breakpoints/etc are).
Settings screen has very nice feature -- quick search box (top left corner) -- it does wonders. It allows you to quickly narrow the search scope of the specific setting by it's name (keyword).
You can also use "Search anywhere" (Shift two times) as well as "Find Action" (Help | Find Action... Ctrl + Shift + A) to search for individual settings.
Webstorm 9.0.3 Evaluation version on Windows 7:
I know I'm a bit late coming here, but if like me, you find that there's no "Use soft wraps in editor" option when you look in Settings>Editor>, i just discovered you can apply 'soft wrap' to individual files:
Open the file,
Left click the left margin (where the line numbers are),
You'll see "Use Soft Wraps" as an option you can turn on.
It's not quite what I wanted (change settings to apply to all files), but it's something.
Yes, it is possible. I have webstorm 2016. Follow these step.
Step 1:
This step may vary depending on OS used. Just search for preferences. I have screenshot for Mac.
Step 2:
Click on Editor twice. Note that arrow will change to downward position as shown.
Step 3 :
Click on general and see the option Use soft wraps in editor.
Step 4:
Select it and click ok
Settings (Preferences on Mac) | Editor | General | Use soft wraps in editor
Although its an old thread but updating as someone may find it usefull. In version 9.0.1, you have to select General inside Editor and then Use soft wraps in editor
Settings(ctrl+alt+s)--->Editor--->general--->use soft wrap in editor

VS2012 Text Editor Width

Is it possible to change the width of the text editor in VS2012 - I've got a fairly wide screen and use fairly small text so I end up with a lot wasted real-estate in the middle of my screen.
I don't want to turn off word wrap - I just want the wrap to start further right on the line. If that makes sense!?
You can set this with HTML in Visual Studio 2012 but there is no global setting and it's missing in quite a few languages.
You can just put another "dummy" window next to the one you are writing in, so the actual editor window will be smaller. You can put it on the left if you want to pan the text to the right, and to the right if you want to shorten the lines.
I actually found the answer elsewhere; VS doesn't appear to provide this functionality but Resharper does. Resharper -> Options -> Code Editing -> C# -> Formatting Style -> Line Breaks and Wrapping -> Right margin (columns)
I put mine to 200 which fixed the issue
I know that this is not what you are looking for, but I believe it solves the same problem. I too have a fairly large screen and try to make use of it as optimally as possible.
I hate tabbing between code or design tabs and try to avoid that as much as possible.
VS has a feature that permits the user to create Horizontal or Vertical Tab groups and ever since I have started using it, I have found it very helpful. These options are present in the context menu by right clicking the tab or in the VS Window Menu (Menus are seen only if the tab groups feature is not active).
I have created a screenshot with Vertical Tab Groups created as shown below. In this example, I have a overview of both the designer and the code view at the same time.
We can use tab groups whenever there is a dependency such as comparing code, redesigning a module, etc. I know it takes a little time to get used to this feature but try it out and see :)

Cursor lost in highlighted text - Vim

When text is highlighted in vim, for example using the 'em' tag when writing a HTML document, I find that in some color schemes the cursor becomes invisible, making it difficult to correctly place the closing tag. Is there a way to have the cursor change color over highlighted text?
Change color of cursor in gvim
Look at both answers sir, I think you'll have your answer in there....
You'd have to hook into the CursorMoved,CursorMovedI events and then determine the highlight group under the cursor with synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line("."), col("."), 1)), "name"). If it's one of those diffcult-to-see groups, you can issue a :highlight Cursor ... command to change it (or else change it back).
But this is rather complicated. Why don't you simply modify the colorscheme and choose a color that is easily recognized under all circumstances?! (The :hi command lists all colors and helps you choose one.)
This problem led me down quite a rabbit hole and caused me to learn a lot more about how syntax highlighting works than intended.
I learned that the reason my, supposedly italic, text was highlighted in the first place, is because the Mac terminal doesn't support italics ("Enabling italics in vim syntax highlighting for mac terminal")
I realised, thanks to "Colour colour everywhere! 256 colour-mode for Linux consoles", that due to the color profile I had chosen in Terminal's preferences, my "bright" and "normal" colors showed no difference, and for that reason my color profiles never looked like the screenshots.
And, finally, I solved my cursor getting lost problem by changing the cursor color in the Terminal preferences.

visual studio highlighting space / horizontal line between parentheses

I would like to show a vertical line, next to the linenumbers, in my visual studio 2010 between parentheses when my courser is between those 2 parantheses.
I alread had that option enabled, but somehow its gone.
edit: is nobody using that feature? one of the very nice things when you are debugging
Is no one using that feature??
Edit: so last push!! there must be a way to see where the space between parentheses starts and ends.
edit: here is an image
EDIT: I still haven't found what i'm looking for. VS is so powerful there must somewhere an option or a plugin. It is really useful when you can see where your { begins and ends }.
Anyone a clue?
I haven't seen the horizontal line feature since 2008. I hated it so I haven't been looking for it either.
You should however be able to see the braces being highlighted when your cursor is on them. If not, perhaps you've changed your theme or possibly some colors in your Options menu.
Here's what you should try:
Tools ->
Options(down at the bottom of the drop-down) ->
Environment ->
Fonts and Colors
Make sure the Show settings for: selector is showing Text Editor.
The one(s) you're looking for are Brace Matching (Highlight/Rectangle).
Attempt to change it to your choosing and see if the changes take place. If not, reset to the defaults and re-check it's enabled.
Another suggestion that can be handy to get a temporary look at the extents of the body you can hover your mouse just along the margin it will highlight the most nested body. You may have to do some tweaking of your colors to make it vibrant. I use a darker color and have my code block highlighting white. I know it's not what you're looking for but it might be somewhat of a band aid.

Highlighted Text background and foreground - How to change?

Here is my scenario. I like my color scheme. I have a dark blue background with light grey text. I have the Plain Text option in VS 2010 in Tools | Options | Environment | Fonts and Colors set to be a dark grey for the foreground and dark blue for the background:
alt text
But I need to fix this major problem/annoyance which is when I highlight some text and then lost focus with my mouse it turns almost completely white!
alt text
And worse, when I mouse over the little section lines of code on the left, the selection of the entire editor goes white with a light grey foreground for text:
alt text
Not able to figure out where and how to fix this. I don't see a way. Note: I'm using R# 5.0+ so I don't know if that has anything to do with this color issue or what...maybe it's overriding some VS stuff or this is just a VS issue I don't know..probably just not looking in the right area under Fonts and colors...but a lot of the item foreground elements are read only.
I think it might be (not sure) this one but I can't test it as the foreground is locked and not editable:
alt text
I'm pretty sure your first problem can be solved by setting the colors on the 'Highlighted Reference' option in the Fonts and Colors window. If ReSharper is override this setting I couldn't tell you. I don't have it installed on this machine. As for your second problem I have no idea.
If you get too irritated at trying to figure out the color options you could also try Studio Styles for pre-made ones. I believe that is where I got the one I use currently.
I believe the setting you are looking for is "Inactive Selected Text". Found while trying to figure out why my selected search texts were not highlighted in an obvious manner.
Might be a year late... answering for future searches.
ReSharper is indeed overriding some of your settings, but those settings can be found in the same screen, towards the bottom of the listbox.
In Tools | Options | Environment | Fonts and Colors, scroll to the bottom of the 'Display Items:' listbox, and you should see a series of settings that start with ReSharper. For instance, the 'ReSharper Current Line Highlight` was causing me issues when I changed my theme to use a dark background.
Hope that helps.
The highlight for matching references is the "Highlighted Reference" background color (as Sean Copenhaver pointed out).
The highlight for the outlining region hover is "Collapsed Region" (as Brandon Satrom pointed out in his comment on the original question). The foreground color is the color used in the outlining margin and the background color is the color used under the text. You can also disable that highlight by disabling Tools->Options->Environment->General->Enable rich client visual experience, though that will disable other things (animations, gradients, etc.)
The brace matching rectangle is the highlight that appears when you insert or put the caret on a brace (e.g. ")", "]", "}"). It only lets you override the background color because you can't use it to change the foreground (text) color.
I had this same problem (much later) with VS 2010 and R# 7.1.
Disable the "Highlight current line" option in ReSharper > Options > Environment > Editor.
That option, when enabled, causes the VS 2010 color options for Highlighted Reference to not apply.
FWIW I had this problem without ReSharper and in my case tracked it down to the Brace Matching (Rectangle) color setting which looked nothing like what I was seeing in the editor but allowed me to fix the issue anyway.
So this is weird but I was having the same problem and it simply went away when I went to Tools->Options->Environment->Fonts and Colors and changed the font size to 18. I then went back in the same menu and changes it back to 10 (default) and the editor no longer highlights the collapsible regions white. Strange behavior.
