Maven: Bind plugin execution to the execution of another plugin, not to a lifecycle phase - maven

Note regarding the accepted answer: I accepted the answer because of strong circumstantial evidence. Nonetheless, this is circumstantial evidence, so take it with a grain of salt.
How can I have a plugin be triggered when the user runs a plugin goal, not a lifecycle phase? (This has been asked before, but the answer was to use a lifecycle phase.)
Case in point: I need release:branch to invoke regex-plugin to generate a branch with the current version as its name, minus the -SNAPSHOT suffix. This is what I have, which requires the developer to activate a profile and invoke the verify phase. I need the developer to simply invoke release:branch, which in turn should cause regex-plugin to run. In a bit of a marriage to Gitflow.
<id>Release Branch</id>
<!-- On validate, compute the current version without -SNAPSHOT. -->
<!-- Put the result in a property. -->
<!-- Also on validate, run the branch plugin, and use -->
<!-- the non-SNAPSHOT version thus computed in the branch name. -->
The intent is for release:branch to move the current snapshot version (say, 1.0.5-SNAPSHOT) into a new branch, which should be named after the version but without the superfluous -SNAPSHOT suffix (1.0.5). The current branch should then take on a new snapshot version (1.1.0-SNAPSHOT, not 1.0.6-SNAPSHOT, because we want release 1.0.x to have room for hotfixes, so we reserve it for the branch) (I don't have the automatic computation of the next snapshot version figured out yet, so, if you run the Maven configuration above with validate, you will have to enter it at a prompt).

The evidence presented so far is rather circumstantial. I've done some research of my own, so it's best I share it here. The below are either more of the same "it's not possible", or the building blocks for alternatives.
jetspeed:mvn plugin --- run a specified sequence of plugins; the configuration to run can be varied via a system property; IDE integration concerns
Executing goals before plugin runs (StackOverflow) --- same question answered in the context of a custom Mojo
Make Mojo run other goals (StackOverflow) --- again, from the context of a custom Mojo
Configuring default Mojo executions --- Maven page describing how Mojos run - more circumstantial evidence
Triggering phases before goal execution (StackOverflow) --- roundabout solution to my problem, unfortunately answered in the negative
INTERESTING: Guide to Ant plugin development --- appealing to me, because, while it requires writing a custom plugin, it's all Ant + Maven configuration, no code to compile; presumably a lower barrier to entry
Creating a parallel lifecycle --- appealing approach, because I could fully control the contents of the lifecycle to where it would use Gitflow verbs; unclear how IDEs would integrate this; learning curve and adoption barrier concerns exist

No, you can't bind to a plugin to another plugin. Only to a phase.
In Maven-internal terms, a "Mojo" is the thing that does work. A "plugin" is a collection of mojos wrapped up so you can reference them from the POM. Mojos bind to phases only.
From the plugin development documentation:
Each Mojo specified inside a plugin descriptor must provide the following
phase ... Defines a default phase to bind a mojo execution to if the user does not explicitly set a phase in the POM. Note: This annotation will not automagically make a mojo run when the plugin declaration is added to the POM. It merely enables the user to omit the <phase> element from the surrounding <execution> element.
For further confirmation, see the source of MojoExecution (the JavaDoc for this class isn't helpful) and notice that there are two possible sources of execution enumerated:
An execution that originates from the direct invocation of a goal from the CLI
An execution that originates from a goal bound to a lifecycle phase
No other way to kick off an execution means you're out of luck (barring extraordinary measures like rolling your own plugin that combines the effects of the two plugins you want to link and then using your custom plugin).


Is it possible to define a maven plugin which runs on all phases of the maven life cycle

Is it possible to create a maven plugin which runs on all phases of the maven life cycle.
I would like to create a plugin which currently needs to run on some parts of the life cycle however in the future may need to run on other parts of the life cycle. I would like for users to be able to simply change the version of the plugin so that the newer version of the plugin automatically starts running on new life cycles it now supports.
I think I could do this by making a MOJO for every life cycle phase of maven and have each mojo have its own unique goal. The pom would be ugly and would need to include the plugin and the goals section would need to have a goal for every MOJO.
The pom would look a little ugly:
Does a better way exist?

How to disable jar creation in commandline in a maven project?

I have a maven project for which I'm running two separate builds.
In one build I want to save the build time by disabling the jar creation of maven modules in it.(There are 45 maven modules). There is a Maven-Jar-Plugin that is being used to create the jars.
I want to conditionally disable the jar creation at the command line, that is, looking for something similar to -Dskiptests used to skip the unit tests though there is a surefire plugin by default.
The maven-jar-plugin does not provide any skip option.
However, several ways are possible to achieve your requirement.
You may just skip the phase which brings by default (via default mappings) the jar creation, that is, the package phase, and as such simply invoke
mvn clean test
The additional phases would not make sense if you do not create a jar file anyway: package, install, deploy would not have anything to process. Moreover, the additional integration phases may also be impacted depending on your strategy for integration tests, if any.
Alternatively, you can configure your pom as following:
As such, the default behavior would still provide a jar creation, while executing maven as following:
mvn clean install -Djar.creation=false
Would instead skip the creation of the jar.
What we are actually doing:
We are re-defining the default execution of the maven-jar-plugin
We are overriding its execution id, as such getting more control over it
We are placing its execution phase binding to a configurable (via property) phase
Default phase (property value) keeps on being package
At command line time you can still change it to any value different than a standard maven phase. That is, -Djar.creation=none would also work.

What is the recommended way to execute code at the end of the test phase in Maven?

I have some JUnit tests that execute in parallel in the test phase and output one .json file per test, and I want to call a custom Java method to do some aggregation and post-processing on those files after all of the tests have finished executing.
The integration-test phase is followed by the post-integration-test phase in the default Maven lifecycle, but the test phase is not followed by a post-test phase, and I would prefer not to abuse some other phase for this purpose.
Question: What is the recommended way to post-process the results at the end of the test phase?
As well described in another SO post, there is no post-test phase in Maven for good reasons (mainly, unit test is unit test).
However, in your case you don't need to create an additional Maven plugin, which would probably solve the issue but also add an additional layer of complexity in terms of maintenance, testing, sharing.
Since you already have the required code in a Java method - as mentioned in the question - it would probably make more sense to use the Exec Maven Plugin and its java goal.
You could hence simply add to your POM:
<phase>test</phase> <!-- executed as post-test, that is, after Surefire default execution -->
<mainClass>com.sample.JsonFileAggregator</mainClass> <!-- your existing Java code, wrapped in a main -->
<argument>${}</argument> <!-- directory from where to load json files -->
<classpathScope>test</classpathScope> <!-- if your Java code is in test scope -->
That is, binding its execution to the test phase, Maven will executed it after any default binding (hence after the default Maven Surefire execution) and as such executed as a post-test.
Your existing Java code can then be invoked via a crafted (if not already existing) Java main, potentially passing to it arguments (like the directory from where to load the .json files, in the snippet above to the target folder, via its standard property ${}, as an example). Moreover, as mentioned in the snippet, your Java code may be located in test scope (that is, under src/test/java), hence to make it visible you would need to also configure the classpathScope accordingly.

Generated project with gwt-maven-plugin : eclipse

I created a GWT project with
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.codehaus.mojo -DarchetypeArtifactId=gwt-maven-plugin -DarchetypeVersion=2.5.0
Imported the project in eclipse juno.
First error I get is this :
Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.codehaus.mojo:gwt-maven-
plugin:2.5.0:i18n (execution: default, phase: generate-sources)
In the pom file.
<!-- Plugin configuration. There are many available options, see
gwt-maven-plugin documentation at -->
Also the code contains a GreetingServiceAsync that can not be found.
private final GreetingServiceAsync greetingService = GWT.create(GreetingService.class);
You have two options:
You can add special (non-trivial) org.eclipse.m2e:lifecycle-mapping plugin
configuration to your POM. See here: Why am I receiving a "Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration with GWT" error?
Or mark this issue as to be ignored in Eclipse POM editor, and then call mvn gwt:i18n. You can create a handy short cut launcher for it. Eclipse remembers your decisions what to ignore, it stores it into .settings directory permanently for the project.
In course of typical development localization messages do not change often so the second option is usually more convenient and speeds up build.
This applies for most GWT plugin goals! Even GWT compilation is rarely necessary as DevMode works directly with Java code and not generated JavaScrips. So in practice, you have to call all the goals at least once on the beginning and then live weeks without them; basic Eclipse JDT compilation is sufficient.
If you later decide not to use GWT localization framework in your real app then you can remove goal i18n completely from POM. Calling goal i18n generates file {project}/target/generated-sources/gwt/my/code/client/ which is required by (vanilla)
Also the code contains a GreetingServiceAsync that can not be found.
Run the build mvn install from command line or Eclipse Run as -> Maven install menu.
In case of command line mvn gwt:generateAsync should be enough. This goal generates {project}\target\generated-sources\gwt\my\code\client\ and that is what you missing. Eclipse did not do it for you automatically because it was blocked by previous issue of i18n not being covered by lifecycle configuration. So yes, issues you mention are correlated.

Providng maven build output as a plugin dependency

I have a custom factory implementation I'd like to provide to wro4j maven plugin through a string parameter. Trouble is the factory is built in the same project as the plugin so the plugin doesn't get passed the output from the build and i get a nice ClassNotFoundException.
I'm aware that there is an annotation I could attach to the wro4j mojo to make it aware of the build output but that would require patching and building wro4j from source which doesn't sound smart. I'm also not keen on creating a whole different artifact just to contain my 5 line factory implementation. It feels like there should be an easier way, so the question is
Is there a way to pass build artifacts to a plugin in the same pom WITHOUT editing the mojo?
Have to guess what the issue is without an actual plugin configuration. But generally, if you need to add dependency (or class) to some of your plugins, you will have to wrap that class into its own artifact, i.e. move it into a separate project.
Fundamentally Maven does plugin dependency resolution before kicking in the rest of build cycle, so your classes may haven't been compiled yet at that point.
Try instructing the wro4j plugin to execute in the process-classes phase instead of the compile phase, when your factory class is compiled (process-classes happens right after compile):
