Providng maven build output as a plugin dependency - maven

I have a custom factory implementation I'd like to provide to wro4j maven plugin through a string parameter. Trouble is the factory is built in the same project as the plugin so the plugin doesn't get passed the output from the build and i get a nice ClassNotFoundException.
I'm aware that there is an annotation I could attach to the wro4j mojo to make it aware of the build output but that would require patching and building wro4j from source which doesn't sound smart. I'm also not keen on creating a whole different artifact just to contain my 5 line factory implementation. It feels like there should be an easier way, so the question is
Is there a way to pass build artifacts to a plugin in the same pom WITHOUT editing the mojo?

Have to guess what the issue is without an actual plugin configuration. But generally, if you need to add dependency (or class) to some of your plugins, you will have to wrap that class into its own artifact, i.e. move it into a separate project.
Fundamentally Maven does plugin dependency resolution before kicking in the rest of build cycle, so your classes may haven't been compiled yet at that point.

Try instructing the wro4j plugin to execute in the process-classes phase instead of the compile phase, when your factory class is compiled (process-classes happens right after compile):


How to get the current build version in Maven/Tycho

I have read that the ${project.version} property should be used to obtain the full version of a project.
But if I use this property in a build to pass the currently built version to an external build process, its values is alway 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT where I would need something like 1.0.0-20160220-1234. The phase in which the external build step is called is `packageĀ“.
The tycho-packaging-plugin is configured to produce timestamps like this:
And the resulting artifacts do have timestamps in the versions/names
I use Maven 3.3.3 with Eclipse Tycho 0.24, however, with previous versions of Tycho the behavior is the same. Not sure if Tycho behaves differently than plain Maven in this regard.
The build is run with
mvn clean verify
in the directory of the master pom.
The actual project I am using this for is Extras for Eclipse. The external build step is invoked in line 129 of the 'repository' child pom.
I have also used the echo plug-in in the above-mentioned child pom to diagnose the problem like this:
<echo>actual version: ${project.version}</echo>
The output is the same as the external build receives: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.
What do I need to do or which property do I need to use to get the qualified version of the current build?
From my understanding the ${project.version} property should hold the qualified version, e.g. 1.0.0-20160218-1234. But either there is a bug in Maven/Tycho or my understanding is plain wrong. And I would be happy if someone could clarify this.
However, I found the ${qualifiedVersion} property that is set by the tycho-packaging:build-qualifier mojo. This property holds the expected value.
Note that even though the documentation states
is assigned to the project property qualifiedVersion
the property cannot be accessed through ${project.qualifiedVersion}. It needs to be referenced as ${qualifiedVersion}.

How do I write a maven plugin which actually runs?

The instructions here seem very clear:
However, the first problem I run into is that the dependencies are wrong. I also needed to reference the maven-plugin-annotations dependency.
Then, when I attempt to run I get the "No plugin descriptor found at META-INF/maven/plugin.xml" error. I haven't figured out what to do about that.
I've found lots of pages referencing the maven-plugin-plugin, but I can't figure out how to add it to the pom so that it actually does anything which allows my own plugin to run.
Is there an updated version of the plugin development instructions which actually mentions the need to use maven-plugin-plugin?
If I can't get this to work I'm just going to go back to using exec-maven-plugin. It's uglier, but at least it works easily.
There are actually several terrific resources from Sonatype for learning how to write plugins:
Maven the Complete Reference: Writing Plugins
Maven Cookbook: Creating an Ant Maven Plugin
Maven Cookbook: Writing Plugins in Groovy
If I recall correctly, you need to configure the maven-plugin-plugin this way to avoid the "No plugin descriptor found..." issue.
<!-- see -->
I forked a simple GitHub project called maven-wrapper (port of the Gradle wrapper) to make it a Maven plugin.
"It should be easy" for you to figure out pieces that you may eventually be missing:
Maven wrapper plugin(Mojo)
Maven Wrapper full POM

Generated project with gwt-maven-plugin : eclipse

I created a GWT project with
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.codehaus.mojo -DarchetypeArtifactId=gwt-maven-plugin -DarchetypeVersion=2.5.0
Imported the project in eclipse juno.
First error I get is this :
Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.codehaus.mojo:gwt-maven-
plugin:2.5.0:i18n (execution: default, phase: generate-sources)
In the pom file.
<!-- Plugin configuration. There are many available options, see
gwt-maven-plugin documentation at -->
Also the code contains a GreetingServiceAsync that can not be found.
private final GreetingServiceAsync greetingService = GWT.create(GreetingService.class);
You have two options:
You can add special (non-trivial) org.eclipse.m2e:lifecycle-mapping plugin
configuration to your POM. See here: Why am I receiving a "Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration with GWT" error?
Or mark this issue as to be ignored in Eclipse POM editor, and then call mvn gwt:i18n. You can create a handy short cut launcher for it. Eclipse remembers your decisions what to ignore, it stores it into .settings directory permanently for the project.
In course of typical development localization messages do not change often so the second option is usually more convenient and speeds up build.
This applies for most GWT plugin goals! Even GWT compilation is rarely necessary as DevMode works directly with Java code and not generated JavaScrips. So in practice, you have to call all the goals at least once on the beginning and then live weeks without them; basic Eclipse JDT compilation is sufficient.
If you later decide not to use GWT localization framework in your real app then you can remove goal i18n completely from POM. Calling goal i18n generates file {project}/target/generated-sources/gwt/my/code/client/ which is required by (vanilla)
Also the code contains a GreetingServiceAsync that can not be found.
Run the build mvn install from command line or Eclipse Run as -> Maven install menu.
In case of command line mvn gwt:generateAsync should be enough. This goal generates {project}\target\generated-sources\gwt\my\code\client\ and that is what you missing. Eclipse did not do it for you automatically because it was blocked by previous issue of i18n not being covered by lifecycle configuration. So yes, issues you mention are correlated.

How to Include a SINGLE dependency into a jar using maven and fatjar plugin

I feel a bit stupid about this question but i can't figure out how to add a SINGLE dependency (jdom.jar) into another jar.
Context: We developed a simple plug-in for our application, this plug-in have many dependency. We were using fatjar to include jdom.jar into it. I am trying to fix a bug in this plug-in, so i decided to "maven-ize" it at the same time. (We just switched to maven) This plug-in is loaded on the runtime so the only dependencies we want packaged with it is the jdom.jar.
Problem: I found that there is a maven fatjar plug-in! Unfortunately i could not find any documentation and this maven plug-in add EVERY dependency into the ouput jar. After many try i decided to give up on this fatjar plug-in and searched for another one. I found one-jar , shade but after a quick read on them they look like they add every dependency.
Question: what would be a simple way to add only jdom.jar into my plug-in jar like this:
Also I don't want to alter the manifest or the output jar filename
Thank a lots for your time.
There was no answer here regarding how to use maven to include one single jar-file with the maven-shader-plugin. It took me some time to figure out how to actually do that. Here is a snippet to include just the classes from the dependency com.googlecode.json-simple:json-simple.
For this kind of purpose i would suggest to use the maven-shade-plugin which will create a ueber-jar which can be controlled in many ways.
With the shade plugin you can exclude things you don't like. But this might be caused by not using a separate maven module where you can control the dependencies.
Using maven Shade would work fine, one-jar would have done the job too.
But we finally decided that packaging jdom in our extension would be a bad practice.
So instead we gonna do this:
|-Root application Folder
|-Extension Folder
|-libs Folder
The jar into the lib folder will be loaded dynamically and won't be loaded if the extension cannot find the appropriate libs into the libs folder.
For the people who look to solve my primary problem please check out #khmarbaise Answer.

Maven test-jar for children

We have many modules in our project and we want to enable test-jar creation for some of those. I tried adding maven jar plugin to the parent pom's pluginmanagement
But, now it is creating test-jar for all the modules.
As per documenation: Plugin Management contains plugin elements in much the same way, except that rather than configuring plugin information for this particular project build, it is intended to configure project builds that inherit from this one. However, this only configures plugins that are actually referenced within the plugins element in the children. The children have every right to override pluginManagement definitions.
It should not create test-jar for the modules we haven't included in, but somehow it does. None of my modules has maven-jar-plugin added in its build module.
To stop it creating test-jar for all, I can add it only in the module I am interested in.
Is there any other better solution to achieve this?
Normally, what your describing shouldn't be possible. If I had to guess, I would say that since your packaging type is jar configuration for the maven-jar-plugin gets inserted into your effective pom. Then, since the configuration is there, it also uses the configuration from the plugin management section. Running mvn help:effective-pom might provide some insight into whether or not this is true.
I would also make sure that no parent in your hierarchy contains any concrete configuration for the maven-jar-pom that would be inherited by children. If the child inherits a concrete section, I think that will also trigger it to include the plugin management configuration.
