Xor thread and list of False - wolfram-mathematica

I'm trying to implement a variant of BitXor, that takes two lists of truth values as input and returns the list of element-wise Xor truth values as output.
MyXor = Thread[Xor[#, #2]] &;
It works fine, except when the inputs are the same. I expect to get
But I just get
Is there any way around this, without forcing the function to check for this case and reconstruct the list of False to output?

The problem is that Xor always gives False when the to arguments are identical. One solution is to keep the Xor in Thread from evaluation
MyXor = Thread[Unevaluated[Xor[#, #2]]] &
l = RandomChoice[{True, False}, 10];
MyXor[l, l]


Efficient way to write ordering instances?

I'm working on a basic Haskell exercise that is set up as follows: a data definition is made, where Zero is declared to be a NaturalNumber, and a series of numbers (printed out by name, so, for instance, four) up to ten is constructed with this.
I didn't have too much trouble with understanding how the declaration of Eq instances works (apart from not having been given an exact explanation for the syntax), but I'm having trouble with declaring all instances I need for Ord -- I need to be able to construct an ordering over the entire set of numbers, such that I'll get True if I input "ten > nine" or something.
Right now, I have this snippet of code. The first two lines should be correct, as I copied them (as I was supposed to) from the exercise itself.
instance Ord NaturalNumber where
compare Zero Zero = EQ
compare Zero (S Zero) = LT
compare (S Zero) Zero = GT
compare x (S x) = LT
The first four lines work fine, but they can't deal with cases like "compare four five", and anything similar to what I typed in the last doesn't work even if I type in something like compare four four = EQ: I get a "conflicting definitions" error, presumably because the x appears twice. If I write something like compare two one = GT instead, I get a "pattern match(es) are overlapped" warning, but it works. However, I also get the result GT when I input compare one two into the actual Haskell platform, so clearly something isn't working. This happens even if I add compare one two = LT below that line.
So clearly I can't finish off this description of Ord instances by writing every instance I could possibly need, and even if I could, it would be incredibly inefficient to write out all 100 instances by hand.
Might anyone be able to provide me with a hint as to how I can resolve this problem and finish off the construction of an ordering mechanism?
What this task focuses on is finding base cases and recursion rules. The first two lines you were given were
instance Ord NaturalNumber where
compare Zero Zero = EQ
This is the first base case, in words:
zero is equal to zero
The other two base cases are:
zero is less than the successor of any NaturalNumber
the successor of any NaturalNumber is greater than zero
Note that your lines three and four only say that 0 < 1 and 1 > 0, but nothing about any other nonzero numbers.
The recursion rule, then, is that it makes no difference if you compare two nonzero numbers, or the numbers they are successors of:
comparing 1 + x and 1 + y is the same as comparing x and y.
Codifying that into Haskell should give you the solution to this exercise.
You'll need to organize your instances in a way that will cover all possible patterns. To make it simpler, remember how your numbers are defined:
one = S Zero
two = S one -- or S (S Zero)
and think in terms of S and Zero, not one, two etc. (they are merely aliases). Once you do this, it should become clear that you're missing a case like:
compare (S x) (S y) = compare x y
Like Jakob Runge noticed, also the following base clauses should be improved:
compare Zero (S Zero) = LT
compare (S Zero) Zero = GT
As they're written, they allow comparison only between zero and one. You should change them to cover comparison between zero and any positive number:
compare Zero (S _) = LT
compare (S _) Zero = GT
Your compare function needs to be recursive. You will want your last case to capture the situation where both arguments are the successor of something, and then recurse on what they are the successor of. Additionally, your middle two cases, are probably not what you want, as they will only capture the following cases:
1 > 0
0 < 1
You would like this to be more general, so that you can handle cases like:
S x > 0, for all x
0 < S x, for all x

Designing a hash function to generate the same hash from different passwords

Problem goes as this:
Assume that your algorithm divide the given string into three character blocks and XOR them. Then it takes the result pass it through existing MD5 hash algorithm. This algorithm, for instance, would give same hash values for "FOO" and "FOOFOOFOO".
In his example, I am having trouble understanding how XORing the blocks creates the same hash values. Can anyone explain how this works?
When you XOR a value with itself you get 0 and if you XOR 0 with something you get the same something back. We get "FOO" XOR "FOO" = "\0\0\0" and "\0\0\0" XOR "FOO" = "FOO". I leave the rest up to you. :-)

Calculate image of a set for a function represented as an array of ROBDD's

I have a set of integers, represented as a Reduced Ordered Binary Decision Diagram (ROBDD) (interpreted as a function which evaluates to true iff the input is in the set) which I shall call Domain, and an integer function (which I shall call F) represented as an array of ROBDD's (one entry per bit of the result).
Now I want to calculate the image of the domain for F. It's definitely possible, because it could trivially be done by enumerating all items from the domain, apply F, and insert the result in the image. But that's a horrible algorithm with exponential complexity (linear in the size of the domain), and my gut tells me it can be faster. I've been looking into the direction of:
apply Restrict(Domain) to all bits of F
do magic
But the second step proved difficult. The result of the first step contains the information I need (at least, I'm 90% sure of it), but not in the right form. Is there an efficient algorithm to turn it into a "set encoded as ROBDD"? Do I need an other approach?
Define two set-valued functions:
N(d1...dn): The subset of the image where members start with a particular sequence of digits d0...dn.
D(d1...dn): The subset of the inputs that produce N(d1...dn).
Then when the sequences are empty, we have our full problem:
D(): The entire domain.
N(): The entire image.
From the full domain we can define two subsets:
D(0) = The subset of D() such that F(x)[1]==0 for any x in D().
D(1) = The subset of D() such that F(x)[1]==1 for any x in D().
This process can be applied recursively to generate D for every sequence.
D(d1...d[m+1]) = D(d1...dm) & {x | F(x)[m+1]==d[m+1]}
We can then determine N(x) for the full sequences:
N(d1...dn) = 0 if D(d1...dn) = {}
N(d1...dn) = 1 if D(d1...dn) != {}
The parent nodes can be produced from the two children, until we've produced N().
If at any point we determine that D(d1...dm) is empty, then we know
that N(d1...dm) is also empty, and we can avoid processing that branch.
This is the main optimization.
The following code (in Python) outlines the process:
def createImage(input_set_diagram,function_diagrams,index=0):
if input_set_diagram=='0':
# If the input set is empty, the output set is also empty
return '0'
if index==len(function_diagrams):
# The set of inputs that produce this result is non-empty
return '1'
# Determine the branch for zero
# Determine the branch for one
# Merge if the same
if result0==result1:
return result0
# Otherwise create a new node
return {'index':index,'0':result0,'1':result1}
Let S(x1, x2, x3...xn) be the indicator function for the set S, so that S(x1, x2...xn) = true if (x1, x2,...xn) is an element of S. Let F1(x1, x2, x3... xn), F2(),... Fn() be the individual functions that define F. Then I could ask if a particular bit pattern, with wild cards, is in the image of F by forming the equation e.g. S() & F1() & ~F2() for bit-pattern 10 and then solving this equation, which I presume that I can do since it is an ROBDD.
Of course you want a general indicator function, which tells me if abc is in the image. Extending the above, I think you get S() & (a&F1() | ~a&~F1()) & (b&F2() | ~b&~F2()) &... If you then re-order the variables so that the original x1, x2, ... xn occur last in the ROBDD order, then you should be able to prune the tree to return true for the case where any setting of the x1, x2, ... xn leads to the value true, and to return false otherwise.
(of course you could run of space, or patience, waiting for the re-ordering to work).

binary number comparison

If I have a 32 bit two's complement number and I want to know what is the easiest way to know of two numbers are equal... what would be the fastest bitwise operator to know this? I know xor'ing both numbers and check if the results are zero works well... any other one's?
how about if a number is greater than 0?? I can check the 31'st bit to see if it's greater or equal to 0..but how about bgtz?
Contrary to your comments, '==' is part of Verilog, and unless my memory is a lot worse than usual tonight, it should synthesize just fine. Just for example, you could write something like:
// warning: untested, incomplete and utterly useless in any case.
// It's been a while since I wrote much Verilog, so my syntax is probably a bit off
// anyway (might well be more like VHDL than it should be).
module add_when_equal(clock, a, b, x, y, z);
input clock;
input [31:0] a, b, x, y;
output [31:0] z;
reg [31:0] a, b, x, y, z;
always begin: main
#(posedge clock);
if (a == b)
z <= x + y;
Verilog also supports the other comparison operators you'd normally expect (!=, <=, etc.). Synthesizers are fairly "smart", so something like x != 0 will normally synthesize to an N-input OR gate instead of a comparator.
// this should work as comparator for Equality
wire [31:0] Cmp1, Cmp2;
wire Equal;
assign Equal = &{Cmp1 ~^ Cmp2}; // using XNOR
assign Equal = ~|{Cmp1 ^ Cmp2}; // using XOR
if you can xor and then compare the result with zero then you can compare a result with some value and if you can compare something to a value then you can just compare the two values without using an xor and a 32 bit zero.

How to determine whether a string is composed only of letters given by a second string

I have two strings. How can I determine whether the first string is composed only of letters given by the second string?
For example:
A = abcd
B = abbcc
should return false, since d is not in the second string.
A = aab
B = ab
should return true.
If the program most of the time returns false, how can I optimize this program? If it returns true most of the time, how can I optimize it then?
Sort both strings. Then go through A, and have a pointer going through B. If the character in A is the same as what the B pointer points to, keep looking through A. If the character in A is later in the alphabet than what the B pointer points to, advance the B pointer. If the character in A is earlier in the alphabet than what the B pointer points to, return false. If you run out of A, return true.
[How do I] determine [if] the first string [is composed of characters that appear in] the second string?
Here's a quick algorithm:
Treat the first and second strings as two sets of characters S and T.
Perform the set difference S - T. Call the result U.
If U is nonempty, return false. Otherwise, return true.
Here is one simple way.
def isComposedOf(A, B):
bset = set(B)
for c in A:
if c not in bset:
return False
return True
This algorithm walks each string once, so it runs in O(len(A) + len(B)) time.
When the answer is yes, you cannot do better than len(A) comparisons even in the best case, because no matter what you must check every letter. And in the worst case one of the characters in A is hidden very deep in B. So O(len(A) + len(B)) is optimal, as far as worst-case performance is concerned.
Similarly: when the answer is no, you cannot do better than len(B) comparisons even in the best case; and in the worst case the character that isn't in B is hidden very deep in A. So O(len(A) + len(B)) is again optimal.
You can reduce the constant factor by using a better data structure for bset.
You can avoid scanning all of B in some (non-worst) cases where the answer is yes by building it lazily, scanning more of B each time you find a character in A that you haven't seen before.
> If the program is always return false, how to optimize this program?
return false
> If it is always return true, how to optimize it?
return true
EDIT: Seriously, it's a good question what algorithm optimizes for the case of failure, and what algorithm optimizes for the case of success. I don't know what algorithm strstr uses, it may be a generally-good algorithm which isn't optimal for either of those assumptions.
Maybe you'll catch someone here who knows offhand. If not, this looks like a good place to start reading:Exact String Matching Algorithms
assuming strings has all lower case in it, then you can have a bit vector and set the bit based on position position = str1[i] - 'a'. to set it you would do
bitVector |= (1<<pos). And then for str2 you would check if a bit is set in bitVector for all bits, if so return true otherwise return false.
