What data structure will optimzied to represent stock market? - algorithm

Data for various stocks is coming from various stock exchange continuously. Which data structure is suitable to store these data?
things to consider are :
a) effective retrieval and update of data is required as stock data changes per second or microsecond during trading time.
I thought of using Heap as the number of stocks would be more or less constant and the most frequent used operations are retrieval and update so heap should perform well for this scenario.
b) need to show stocks which are currently trending (as in volume of shares being sold most active and least active, high profit and loss on a particular day)
I am nt sure about how to got about this.
c) as storing to database using any programming language has some latency considering the amount of stocks that will be traded during a particular time, how can u store all the transactional data persistently??
Ps: This is a interview question from Morgan Stanley.

A heap doesn't support efficient random access (i.e. look-up by index) nor getting the top k elements without removing elements (which is not desired).
My answer would be something like:
A database would be the preferred choice for this, as, with a proper table structure and indexing, all of the required operations can be done efficiently.
So I suppose this is more a theoretical question about understanding of data structures (related to in-memory storage, rather than persistent).
It seems multiple data structures is the way to go:
a) Effective retrieval and update of data is required as stock data changes per second or microsecond during trading time.
A map would make sense for this one. Hash-map or tree-map allows for fast look-up.
b) How to show stocks which are currently trending (as in volume of shares being sold most active and least active, high profit and loss on a particular day)?
Just about any sorted data structure seems to make sense here (with the above map having pointers to the correct node, or pointing to the same node). One for activity and one for profit.
I'd probably go with a sorted (double) linked-list. It takes minimal time to get the first or last n items. Since you have a pointer to the element through the map, updating takes as long as the map lookup plus the number of moves of that item required to get it sorted again (if any). If an item often moves many indices at once, a linked-list would not be a good option (in which case I'd probably go for a Binary Search Tree).
c) How can you store all the transactional data persistently?
I understand this question as - if the connection to the database is lost or the database goes down at any point, how do you ensure there is no data corruption? If this is not it, I would've asked for a rephrase.
Just about any database course should cover this.
As far as I remember - it has to do with creating another record, updating this record, and only setting the real pointer to this record once it has been fully updated. Before this you might also have to set a pointer to the old record so you can check if it's been deleted if something happens after setting the pointer away, but before deletion.
Another option is having a active transaction table which you add to when starting a transaction and remove from when a transaction completes (which also stores all required details to roll back or resume the transaction). Thus, whenever everything is okay again, you check this table and roll back or resume any transactions that have not yet completed.

If I have to choose , I would go for Hash Table:
Reason : It is synchronized and thread safe , BigO(1) as average case complexity.
Provided :
1.Good hash function to avoid the collision.
2. High performance cache.

While this is a language agnostic question, a few of the requirements jumped out at me. For example:
effective retrieval and update of data is required as stock data changes per second or microsecond during trading time.
The java class HashMap uses the hash code of a key value to rapidly access values in its collection. It actually has an O(1) runtime complexity, which is ideal.
need to show stocks which are currently trending (as in volume of shares being sold most active and least active, high profit and loss on a particular day)
This is an implementation based issue. Your best bet is to implement a fast sorting algorithm, like QuickSort or Mergesort.
as storing to database using any programming language has some latency considering the amount of stocks that will be traded during a particular time, how can u store all the transactional data persistently??
A database would have been my first choice, but it depends on your resources.


Map Reduce Job to find the popular items in a time window

I was asked this question in an interview, and I'm not sure if I gave the proper answer, so I would like some insights.
The problem: There is a stream of users and items. At each minute, I receive a list of tuples (user, item), representing that a user u consumed item i. I need to find the top 100 popular items in the past hour, i.e., calculate how many users consumed each item and sort them. The trick here is that in the past hour, if an item is consumed by the same user more than once, only 1 consumption is considered. No repeated consumption by the same user is allowed. The interviewer said that I should think big and there would be millions of consumptions per hour. So, he suggested me to do a map-reduce job or something that can deal with this large amount of data per minute.
The solution I came up with: I said that I could maintain a list (or a matrix if you prefer) of the consumed user-item-timestamp tuples, as if there was a time-window shifting. Something like:
u2,i2,t2... and so on.
At each minute, when I receive the stream of user-items consumption for this minute, I first make a map-reduce job to update the time-window matrix, with the current timestamp. This map-reduce job could be done by two mappers (one for the stream and the other for the time-window list), and the reducer would simply get the maximum for each pair. A pseudo-code for what I did:
user, item, timestamp = line.split(" ")
context.write(key=(user,item), value=timestamp)
user, item = line.split(" ")
context.write(key=(user,item), value=now())
reducer(key, list):
context.write(key=(user,item), value=max(list))
Next, I also do a map-reduce to calculate the popularity by calculating the times that each user appear in that list. My map reads for the updated time window list and write item and 1. The reducer calculates the sum of the list for each item. Since I am storing all the timestamp, I verify if the consumption is in the past hour or not. Another map-reduce pseudo-code:
user, item, timestamp = line.split(" ")
if now()-60>timestamp:
context.write(key=item, value=1) # no repetition
reducerPopularity(key, list):
context.write(key=item, value=sum(list))
Later we can do another map-reduce to read from the result of the second job and calculate the top100 largest items. Something done like this.
My question: is this solution acceptable for the interview I had? It contains three map-reduces to solve the problem. However, it seems to me to be quite a lot to execute at each minute. Since it needs to be updated at every minute, it cannot last longer than that. I mean, I put quite a lots of efforts into it, but the interviewer didn't give me a feedback if it is right or not. I would to know: is it possible to make it faster? Or is it possible to deal with this in another way? (maybe not map-reduce)
Telling if your solution is acceptable or not, is ultimately an opinion. The interviewer could appreciate your algorithm or perhaps your problem solving process and your thinking. Only your interviewer can ultimately tell. Your solution certaintly follows a logic and does the job, if the algorithm you wrote is implemented in a complete and correct way.
My solution:
As you explained, the main concern is performance, since we have big data, so we shall reduce space complexity, time complexity and number of executions by keeping it to the least amount necessary.
Space complexity
I would keep one list of [user,timestamp] per item (or more performant collection depending on the libraries you use but I will keep it base-case here. See dict note at the end). Every new item has its own list. This essentially is better than an overall [user, timestamp,item] because that is worse in memory usage due to the extra field and requiring an additional map operation or maybe just filtering because you have to process all associations existing to extract those "per item". More easily, you can get the list for that item "by hash" or by reference in the code. This model is the minimalistic one.
Time complexity
That said, there is the purge operation and the popularity extraction. Since we want to limit hits, but you must check timestamps every time you calculate current popularity due to specifics, you must scroll your list requiring complexity of O(n).
Therefore: Filter by current time <60 the way you did. This will purge expired associations. Then simply len(list_of_that_item). Complexity O(1). Done.
Since the linear search cost is paid by the filtering, a reduce operation would pay a similar cost if you want to count the non expired entries without purging. If and only if deleting from the list has a bigger overhead, you may want to benchmark a non-deleting algorithm that keeps associations "forever" and you manually schedule purging operations. Although the previous solution should perform better, it is worth mentioning for completeness.
If you use dicts it's trivial (and more performant too). Updating the timestamp or inserting if not present are the same code: strawberry["Mike"]=timestamp. Moreover the overall associations set is a dict with key=item and value=per_item_dict and per_item_dict has key=user value=timestamp. Therefore data[strawberry]["Mike"]=timestamp
Edit: adding some more code
data[strawberry] = {k: v for k, v in data[strawberry].items() if your_time_condition_expression}
Popularity check
After purge: len(data[strawberry])

Design a data structure which can store customer details

Interview question:
A store has n customers and any customer can visit them any time through out the year.Data is stored in a file.Design a data structure to find given person visited the store on given date or not.
I think Hashmap would be fine to implement the above requirement.
Can some one give me a better solution..Thanks.
If n and the range of dates is large then the file will be large and it may run slowly. You may not be able to load it all into memory at one time - or it will be slow even if you can. A 'better' approach probably means going faster and use less resources. You could speed things up by having some sort of indexing into the file by date and only looking into the chunk of the file that is for the date in question. This would significantly reduce the (usually slowest) part - getting the data from disk to memory - and then just need to use a hash of names within that chunk.

Time series in Cassandra when measures can go "back in time"

this is related to cassandra time series modeling when time can go backward, but I think I have a better scenario to explain why the topic is important.
Imagine I have a simple table
CREATE TABLE measures(
key text,
measure_time timestamp,
value int,
PRIMARY KEY (key, measure_time))
The purpose of the clustering key is to have data arranged in a decreasing timestamp ordering. This leads to very efficient range-based queries, that for a given key lead to sequential disk reading (which are intrinsically fast).
Many times I have seen suggestions to use a generated timeuuid as timestamp value ( using now() ), and this is obviously intrinsically ordered. But you can't always do that. It seems to me a very common pattern, you can't use it if:
1) your user wants to query on the actual time when the measure has been taken, not the time where the measure has been written.
2) you use multiple writing threads
So, I want to understand what happens if I write data in an unordered fashion (with respect to measure_time column).
I have personally tested that if I insert timestamp-unordered values, Cassandra indeed reports them to me in a timestamp-ordered fashion when I run a select.
But what happens "under the hood"? In my opinion, it is impossible that data are still ordered on disk. At some point in fact data need to be flushed on disk. Imagine you flush a data set in the time range [0,10]. What if the next data set to flush has measures with timestamp=9? Are data re-arranged on disk? At what cost?
Hope I was clear, I couldn't find any explanation about this on Datastax site but I admit I'm quite a novice on Cassandra. Any pointers appreciated
Sure, once written a SSTable file is immutable, Your timestamp=9 will end up in another SSTable, and C* will have to merge and sort data from both SSTables, if you'll request both timestamp=10 and timestamp=9. And that would be less effective than reading from a single SSTable.
The Compaction process may merge those two SSTables into new single one. See http://www.datastax.com/dev/blog/when-to-use-leveled-compaction
And try to avoid very wide rows/partitions, which will be the case if you have a lot measurements (i.e. a lot of measure_time values) for a single key.

Caching vector addition over changing collections

I have the following setup:
I have a largish number of uuids (currently about 10k but expected to grow unboundedly - they're user IDs) and a function f : id -> sparse vector with 32-bit integer values (no need to worry about precision). The function is reasonably expensive (not outrageously so, but probably on the order of a few 100ms for a given id). The dimension of the sparse vectors should be assumed to be infinite, as new dimensions can appear over time, but in practice is unlikely to ever exceed about 20k (and individual results of f are unlikely to have more than a few hundred non-zero values).
I want to support the following operations efficiently:
add a new ID to the collection
invalidate an existing ID
retrieve sum f(id) in O(changes since last retrieval)
i.e. I want to cache the sum of the vectors in a way that's reasonable to do incrementally.
One option would be to support a remove ID operation and treat invalidation as a remove followed by an add. The problem with this is that it requires us to keep track of all the old values of f, which is expensive in space. I potentially need to use many instances of this sort of cached structure, so I would like to avoid that.
The likely usage pattern is that new IDs are added at a fairly continuous rate and are frequently invalidated at first. Ids which have been invalidated recently are much more likely to be invalidated again than ones which have remained valid for a long time, but in principle an old Id can still be invalidated.
Ideally I don't want to do this in memory (or at least I want a way that lets me save the result to disk efficiently), so an idea which lets me piggyback off an existing DB implementation of some sort would be especially appreciated.

Getting the most frequent items without counting every item

I was wondering if there was an algorithm for counting "most frequent items" without having to keep a count of each item? For example, let's say I was a search engine and wanted to keep track of the 10 most popular searches. What I don't want to do is keep a counter of every query since there could be too many queries for me to count (and most them will be singletons). Is there a simple algorithm for this? Maybe something that is probabilistic? Thanks!
Well, if you have a very large number of queries (like a search engine presumably would), then you could just do "sampling" of queries. So you might be getting 1,000 queries per second, but if you just keep a count one per second, then over a longish period of time, you'd get an answer that would be relatively close to the "real" answer.
This is how, for example, a "sampling" profiler works. Every n mililiseconds it looks at what function is currently being executed. Over a long period of time (several seconds) you get a good idea of the "expensive" functions, because they're the ones that appear in your samples more often.
You still have to do "counting" but by doing periodic samples, instead of counting every single query you can get an upper bound on the amount of data that you actually have to store (e.g. max of one query per second, etc)
If you want the most frequent searches at any given time, you don't need to have endless counters keeping track of each query submitted. Instead, you need an algorithm to measure the amount of submissions for any given query divided by a set period of time. This is a pretty simple algorithm. Any search submitted to your search engine, for example the word “cache,” is stored for a fixed period of time called a refresh rate, (the length of your refresh rate depends on the kind of traffic your search engine is getting and the amount of “top-results” you want to keep track of). If the refresh rate time period expires and searches for the word “cache” have not persisted, the query is deleted memory. If searches for the word “cache” do persist, your algorithm only needs to keep track of the rate at which the word “cache” is being searched. To do this, simply store all searches on a “leaky-counter.” Every entry is pushed onto the counter with an expiration date after which the query is deleted. Your active counters are the indicators of your top queries.
Storing each and every query would be expensive, yet necessary to ensure the top 10 are actually the top 10. You'll have to cheat.
One idea is to store a table of URLs, hit counters, and timestamp indexed by count, then timestamp. When the table reaches some arbitrary near-maximum size, start removing low-end entries that are older than a given number of days. Although old, infrequent queries won't be counted, the queries likely to make the top 10 should make it on the table because of the faster query rate.
Another idea would be to write a 16-bit (or more) hash function for search queries. Have a 65536-entry table holding counters and URLs. When a search is performed, increment the respective table entry and set the URL if necessary. However, this approach has a major drawback. A spam bot could make repeated queries like "cheap viagra", possibly making legitimate queries increment the spam query counters instead, placing their messages on your main page.
You want a cache, of which there are many kinds; see Wikipedia
Cache algorithms and
Page replacement algorithm Aging.
