Design a data structure which can store customer details - algorithm

Interview question:
A store has n customers and any customer can visit them any time through out the year.Data is stored in a file.Design a data structure to find given person visited the store on given date or not.
I think Hashmap would be fine to implement the above requirement.
Can some one give me a better solution..Thanks.

If n and the range of dates is large then the file will be large and it may run slowly. You may not be able to load it all into memory at one time - or it will be slow even if you can. A 'better' approach probably means going faster and use less resources. You could speed things up by having some sort of indexing into the file by date and only looking into the chunk of the file that is for the date in question. This would significantly reduce the (usually slowest) part - getting the data from disk to memory - and then just need to use a hash of names within that chunk.


What is the best way to lag a value in a Dask Dataframe?

I have a Dask Dataframe called data which is extremely large and cannot be fit into main memory, and is importantly not sorted. The dataframe is unique on the following key: [strike, expiration, type, time]. What I need to accomplish in Dask is the equivalent of the following in Pandas:
data1 = data[['strike', 'expiration', 'type', 'time', 'value']].sort_values()
data1['lag_value'] = data1.groupby(['strike', 'expiration', 'type', 'time'])['value'].shift(1)
In other words, I need to lag the variable value within a by group. What is the best way to do this in Dask - I know that sorting is going to be very computationally expensive, but I don't think there is a way around it given what I would like to do?
Thank you in advance!
I'll make a few assumptions, but my guess is that the data is 'somewhat' sorted. So you might have file partitions that are specific to a day or a week or maybe an hour if you are working with high-frequency data. This means that you can do sorting within those partitions, which is often a more manageable task.
If this guess is wrong, then it might be a good idea to incur the fixed cost of sorting (and persisting) the data since it will speed up your downstream analysis.
Since you have only one large file and it's not very big (25GB should be manageable if you have access to a cluster), the best thing might be to load into memory with regular pandas, sort and save the data with partitioning on dates/expirations/tickers (if available) or some other column division that makes sense for your downstream analysis.
It might be possible to reduce memory footprint by using appropriate dtypes, for example strike, type, expiration columns might take less space as categories (vs strings).
If there is no way at all of loading it into memory at once, then it's possible to iterate on chunks of rows with pandas and then saving the relevant bits in smaller chunks, here's rough pseudocode:
df = pd.read_csv('big_file', iterator=True, chunksize=10**4)
for rows in df:
# here we want to split into smaller sets based on some logic
# note the mode is append so some additional check on file
# existence should be added
for group_label, group_df in rows.groupby(['type', 'strike']):
group_df.to_csv(f"{group_label}.csv", mode='a')
Now the above might sound weird, since the question is tagged with dask and I'm focusing on pandas, but the idea is to save time downstream by partitioning the data on the relevant variables. With dask it is probably possible to achieve also, but in my experience in situations like these I would run into memory problems due to data shuffling among workers. Of course, if in your situation there were many files rather than one, then some parallelisation with dask.delayed would be helpful.
Now, after you partition/index your data, then dask will work great when operating on the many smaller chunks. For example, if you partitioned the data based on date and your downstream analysis is primarily using dates, then operations like groupby and shift will be very fast because the workers will not need to check with each other whether they have overlapping dates, so most processing will occur within partitions.

How to partition a file to smaller size for performing KNN in hadoop mapreduce

In KNN like algorithm we need to load model Data into cache for predicting the records.
Here is the example for KNN.
So if the model will be a large file say1 or 2 GB we will be able to load them into Distributed cache.
Inorder to predict 1 otcome, we need to find the distnce between that single record with all the records in model result and find the min distance. So we need to get the model result in our hands. And if it is large file it cannot be loaded into Distributed cache for finding distance.
The one way is to split/partition the model Result into some files and perform the distance calculation for all records in that file and then find the min ditance and max occurance of classlabel and predict the outcome.
How can we parttion the file and perform the operation on these partition ?
ie 1 record <Distance> file1,file2,....filen
2nd record <Distance> file1,file2,...filen
This is what came to my thought.
Is there any further way.
Any pointers would help me.
I think the way you partitionin the data mainly depends on your data itself.
Being that you have a model with a bunch of rows, and that you want to find the k closes ones to the data on your input, the trivial solution is to compare them one by one. This can be slow because of going through 1-2GB of data millions of times (I assume you have large numbers of records that you want to classify, otherwise you don't need hadoop).
That is why you need to prune your model efficiently (your partitioning) so that you can compare only those rows that are most likely to be the closest. This is a hard problem and requires knowledge of the data you operate on.
Additional tricks that you can use to fish out performance are:
Pre-sorting the input data so that the input items that will be compared from the same partition come together. Again depends on the data you operate on.
Use random access indexed files (like Hadoop's Map files) to find the data faster and cache it.
In the end it may actually be easier for your model to be stored in lucene index, so you can achieve effects of partitioning by looking up the index. Pre-sorting the data is still helpful there.

What data structure will optimzied to represent stock market?

Data for various stocks is coming from various stock exchange continuously. Which data structure is suitable to store these data?
things to consider are :
a) effective retrieval and update of data is required as stock data changes per second or microsecond during trading time.
I thought of using Heap as the number of stocks would be more or less constant and the most frequent used operations are retrieval and update so heap should perform well for this scenario.
b) need to show stocks which are currently trending (as in volume of shares being sold most active and least active, high profit and loss on a particular day)
I am nt sure about how to got about this.
c) as storing to database using any programming language has some latency considering the amount of stocks that will be traded during a particular time, how can u store all the transactional data persistently??
Ps: This is a interview question from Morgan Stanley.
A heap doesn't support efficient random access (i.e. look-up by index) nor getting the top k elements without removing elements (which is not desired).
My answer would be something like:
A database would be the preferred choice for this, as, with a proper table structure and indexing, all of the required operations can be done efficiently.
So I suppose this is more a theoretical question about understanding of data structures (related to in-memory storage, rather than persistent).
It seems multiple data structures is the way to go:
a) Effective retrieval and update of data is required as stock data changes per second or microsecond during trading time.
A map would make sense for this one. Hash-map or tree-map allows for fast look-up.
b) How to show stocks which are currently trending (as in volume of shares being sold most active and least active, high profit and loss on a particular day)?
Just about any sorted data structure seems to make sense here (with the above map having pointers to the correct node, or pointing to the same node). One for activity and one for profit.
I'd probably go with a sorted (double) linked-list. It takes minimal time to get the first or last n items. Since you have a pointer to the element through the map, updating takes as long as the map lookup plus the number of moves of that item required to get it sorted again (if any). If an item often moves many indices at once, a linked-list would not be a good option (in which case I'd probably go for a Binary Search Tree).
c) How can you store all the transactional data persistently?
I understand this question as - if the connection to the database is lost or the database goes down at any point, how do you ensure there is no data corruption? If this is not it, I would've asked for a rephrase.
Just about any database course should cover this.
As far as I remember - it has to do with creating another record, updating this record, and only setting the real pointer to this record once it has been fully updated. Before this you might also have to set a pointer to the old record so you can check if it's been deleted if something happens after setting the pointer away, but before deletion.
Another option is having a active transaction table which you add to when starting a transaction and remove from when a transaction completes (which also stores all required details to roll back or resume the transaction). Thus, whenever everything is okay again, you check this table and roll back or resume any transactions that have not yet completed.
If I have to choose , I would go for Hash Table:
Reason : It is synchronized and thread safe , BigO(1) as average case complexity.
Provided :
1.Good hash function to avoid the collision.
2. High performance cache.
While this is a language agnostic question, a few of the requirements jumped out at me. For example:
effective retrieval and update of data is required as stock data changes per second or microsecond during trading time.
The java class HashMap uses the hash code of a key value to rapidly access values in its collection. It actually has an O(1) runtime complexity, which is ideal.
need to show stocks which are currently trending (as in volume of shares being sold most active and least active, high profit and loss on a particular day)
This is an implementation based issue. Your best bet is to implement a fast sorting algorithm, like QuickSort or Mergesort.
as storing to database using any programming language has some latency considering the amount of stocks that will be traded during a particular time, how can u store all the transactional data persistently??
A database would have been my first choice, but it depends on your resources.

Choosing a Data structure for very large data

I have x (millions) positive integers, where their values can be as big as allowed (+2,147,483,647). Assuming they are unique, what is the best way to store them for a lookup intensive program.
So far i thought of using a binary AVL tree or a hash table, where the integer is the key to the mapped data (a name). However am not to sure whether i can implement such large keys and in such large quantity with a hash table (wouldn't that create a >0.8 load factor in addition to be prone for collisions?)
Could i get some advise on which data structure might be suitable for my situation
The choice of structure depends heavily on how much memory you have available. I'm assuming based on the description that you need lookup but not to loop over them, find nearest, or other similar operations.
Best is probably a bucketed hash table. By placing hash collisions into buckets and keeping separate arrays in the bucket for keys and values, you can both reduce the size of the table proper and take advantage of CPU cache speedup when searching a bucket. Linear search within a bucket may even end up faster than binary search!
AVL trees are nice for data sets that are read-intensive but not read-only AND require ordered enumeration, find nearest and similar operations, but they're an annoyingly amount of work to implement correctly. You may get better performance with a B-tree because of CPU cache behavior, though, especially a cache-oblivious B-tree algorithm.
Have you looked into B-trees? The efficiency runs between log_m(n) and log_(m/2)(n) so if you choose m to be around 8-10 or so you should be able to keep your search depth to below 10.
Bit Vector , with the index set if the number is present. You can tweak it to have the number of occurrences of each number. There is a nice column about bit vectors in Bentley's Programming Pearls.
If memory isn't an issue a map is probably your best bet. Maps are O(1) meaning that as you scale up the number of items to be looked up the time is takes to find a value is the same.
A map where the key is the int, and the value is the name.
Do try hash tables first. There are some variants that can tolerate being very dense without significant slowdown (like Brent's variation).
If you only need to store the 32-bit integers and not any associated record, use a set and not a map, like hash_set in most C++ libraries. It would use only 4-bytes records plus some constant overhead and a little slack to avoid being 100%. In the worst case, to handle 'millions' of numbers you'd need a few tens of megabytes. Big, but nothing unmanageable.
If you need it to be much tighter, just store them sorted in a plain array and use binary search to fetch them. It will be O(log n) instead of O(1), but for 'millions' of records it's still just twentysomething steps to get any one of them. In C you have bsearch(), which is as fast as it can get.
edit: just saw in your question you talk about some 'mapped data (a name)'. are those names unique? do they also have to be in memory? if yes, they would definitely dominate the memory requirements. Even so, if the names are the typical english words, most would be 10 bytes or less, keeping the total size in the 'tens of megabytes'; maybe up to a hundred megs, still very manageable.

Best way to store and retrieve a DAWG data structure for fast loading

I have a 500k+ wordlist that I loaded it into a DAWG data structure. My app is for mobile phones. I of course don't want to repeat all the conversion steps to load this wordlist into a DAWG every time, since it would take to much storage space to have the wordlist on the phone and to much time to load it into a DAWG every time. So, I am looking for a way to store the data in my DAWG to a file or DB in a format that will both conserve space and allow for me to quickly load it back into my DAWG data structure.
I received one suggestion that I could store each node in a SQLite DB, but I am not sure how that would exactly work and if I did that how would I retrieve it quickly. I certainly wouldn't want to run lots of queries. Would some other type of storage method be better? I also received suggestions of creating a serialised file or to store it as a bitmap.
You can basically do a memory dump, just use offsets instead of pointers (in Java terms, put all nodes in an array, and use array index to refer to a node).
500k doesn't seem like amount that would be problematic for modern phones, especially that DAWG is quite efficient already. If you mmap the file, you would be able to work with the data structure even if it doesn't fit in memory.
Did you tried to reduce the wordlist? Are you saving only the word stam if possible for your application?
Other hand: You never should rebuild the data structure because the wordlist is constant. Try do use a memory dump like suggusted. Use mmap for the file, java serialization or pickle pickle technics to load a ready-made data structure into your memory.
I guess, you are using DAWG for fast searching some word in a dictionary. DAWG has O(LEN) search complexity.
Many years ago, I developed J2ME app and faced with the same problem. But in that times phones definetely couldn't provide such RAM amount of RAM memory, to store 500K+ strings) The solution I used is the following:
Read all words, sort them, put in some file line by line and for
each word precompute skipBytes. - number of bytes before this
word. Computing skipBytes is trivial. pseudocode is
for i=1 to n skipBytes[i]=skipBytes[i-1]+words[i].getBytesLength
When app starts read 500k skipBytes to some int array. It
is much smaller that 500K strings)
Searching word in a dict - binary search. Imagine that you are perfoming it on sorted array but, instead of making array[i] you make something like[i]). Google Java Random Access Files my pseucode of course wrong it's just direction.
Complexity - O(LEN*LOG(N)) = LOG of Binary search and comparing strings is linear complexity. LOG(500000)~19, LEN ~ average word leng in worst case is 50 (fantastic upper bound), so search operation is still very fast, only ~1000 operation it will be done in microseconds. Advantage - small memory usage.
I should mention, that in case of web app when many users perform searhing, LOG(N) becomes important, but if your app provides service for only one person LOG(500000) doesn't change much if it performed not inside a loop)
