How to make testing on different environmets? - visual-studio-2010

We have a web application. We want to run the same test across multiple environments to ensure everything is still working correctly.
We want to run these tests after each deploy to each environment. Each environment has as a different URL. I have created three test plans in MTM. I have added test cases for only UAT environment and I have created an environment in Lab Center. By the way, I have recorded test cases with coded ui test and I have associated them for automated testing (only UAT environment). How can I do testing other environments. How can I achieve this without changing the recording or code everytime? Thanks,

If you generated the tests using the default Test Builder, you can try to write something like this on your [CodedUITest] class:
public void MyTestInitialize()
// the url I could read from a config file
string url = "";
this.UIMap.RecordedMethodXXParams.XXChWindowUrl = url;
Where RecordedMethodXXParams and XXChWindowUrl are auto generated. You can check the generated names in the UIMap class.

This is too late on this but just in case it helps readers.
You do not need to create multiple test plans or test suites in MTM for this. What you need is, the builds to be smart enough to choose the right config based on the target environment. As Ciaran suggested you could use xml config that have all the details of each environment and then you write some filtering code to filter out the details based on the target environment but maintainability could become a bit of pain. Ideally you would like to have one xml layout for app.config and that will load different values for each config based on the target environment. ie xml in app.config is transformed based on the target environment.
SlowCheetah does exactly that for you. a bit of reading and understanding is required to implement this.
After you have all the transforms in place, use the "Configuration Manager" in visual studio to describe all the target environments. You can find it in the dropdown next to your green start/run button in visual studio.
Create a separate CI build (ie trigger = checkin) of the test code (ie coded UI tests project) targeting each test environment using the Process>Build>Configurations section of the build definition.
Create a lab test run build (ie one using LabDefaultTemplate) for each target environment that uses the same test suite from the test manager. make sure that each of the build maps to the corresponding CI build in the build section of the process workflow wizard.
Queue away all the builds and you ll have all the builds running together in all the environments simultaneously and each of them smartly picking up the right configs.

You will probably need to edit the Coded UI tests to change the browser URL which gets launched when the tests run. When I performed automated Coded UI tests on different browsers, when the tests started, I made it read from an XML configuration file on each test environment to get the correct browser URL (and any other relevant configuration data). So in other words you will need at least a little bit of code to handle the different URL's or any configuration data for each test environment.
For actually running the tests on remote environments, you should download the Microsoft Test Controller and Test Agents (Download link). And here's the documentation for installing and configuring the agents.
The idea is that your main machine (perhaps the main build/test machine) has the test controller installed, and the test controller remotely connects to the test agents which are installed on your test environment and launches the automated Coded UI tests.
Microsoft Test Manager also has command-line options so that you can schedule automated tests (e.g. you could run a script from the Windows task scheduler).
I can't remember the exact details of implementing these but hopefully I at least will put you in the right direction so that you can research these things further.
There are plenty of nuances with automating tests using test agents, so I would prepare to invest a fair amount of time in this.
It's been a long time since I've worked with test automation so I don't remember details of my implementation, but as far as I remember, in my system, I had an XML configuration file stored on the test environment (e.g. C:\MyTestConfig\config.xml that had XML values for various configuration options, the important one being the URL that I want to launch, e.g.
Then, I had a class in the test project which on instantiation would get the configuration XML file (it would be stored on the same place in each test environment), and read the values. It's been a long time since I've done it though, so I can't remember my exact implementation, but there is plenty of documentation on the web for reading XML in C# .NET.
From my test classes, I then inherited the class which reads the configuration values, and then from the test setup methods in the test classes this would launch the browser with the browser URL from the XML file and start the tests. If you don't know how to create test setup methods I would look at the documentation for the test framework you are using (which will most likely be the Visual Studio Unit testing framework as this is used by default with the Coded UI tests).


Running Visual Studio Load Test From Build Definition

I created a build definition that runs automated tests using MTM build environments and test suites. I recently created a Visual Studio Load Test, which can be added to a test suite just like any test method marked with the [TestMethod] attribute. However, when I run the build, I get no errors and it appears the aggregate tests don't run. Is there a way to make this work?
I found this article: which describes a way to do it, but I can't find a build template that matches what he describes, and it appears this only allows you to run a single load test.
Also, when you configure a test controller, there is an option to configure it for load testing, but to do this, you must unregister it from the Team Project Collection. If this is done, it appears the controller can no longer be used in an environments to run project automated tests. This defeats the purpose of what I want to do and makes it seem that Load Tests and Team Projects are mutually exclusive. Is this the case? If so, this is a big oversight. Load tests are the kind of thing you would like to run automatically. Thanks for the help.
You are unfortunately right. A test controller used for load testing cannot be used for other automated test execution 'at the same time'. In your scenario I would recommend that you setup a different test controller and agent for load testing and you would be able to queue it as a part of your build to achieve what you are looking for.
There is no special build process template for this case.

Configure TFS builds to use a different app.config for tests than the local machine?

We have a build definition for our project that's set to continuous integration and which runs all the unit tests on every check in. It was all running fine until recently, when it began to reject a handful of tests that worked on developer machines.
A moment's examination revealed that this was because the tests were dependent on an external file template for which the path was specified in the app.config file. It was a network drive which developer machines had access to, but which didn't exist on the build server.
The project is a WPF application. Ideally I'm going to try and refactor the code to see if I can bypass that external dependency. But if I can't, or just to satisfy my curiosity, is there a way of editing the build itself to use or deploy a different config file?
You have a much bigger problem: Your code and your tests are dependent on some random, external, uncontrolled file. That file should be something that's source controlled and deployed along with your application.
You also have an external dependency in your tests: It has to read that file from the file system. You may want to break that dependency using standard inversion of control techniques so that tests can run in true isolation, without any need for a file to be present in the file system.
SlowCheetah should work for this use case. - SlowCheetah

How to run coded UI tests from TFS?

I'm new to Coded UI testing and TFS. I've written a coded UI test for my web application and looking for different options to automatically run it. Apparently the first option is to run it from visual studio. I have also found an article explaining how to associate a test method with a test case however I don't know whether I can run my test method (s) from TFS or not? How about running them with my build? I know the unit tests can be run with the build however I'm not sure about coded UI tests.
Yes, it is possible for you to run Coded UI test in the TFS build process.
Firstly, you need to configure the Team Build Service Host run as an interactive process. See this link.
Secondly, add the Coded UI test project into TFS Version Control.
Thirdly, create a build definition to build the Coded UI test project, and also specify tests to run.
Please have a check of this blog for the detailed steps:

How to write a test project with dependency to a ASP.Net/PHP project?

lets say I have three projects in my solution.
1 Is a ASP.Net project simply printing an output
2 Is a PHP project using VS.PHP which simply prints an output (Same output as the ASP.Net project. Just in different environment)
3 A C# Console project which use the above two projects as server and parse their responses.
Now I want to add an other project named "Test" and fill it with unit tests mainly for testing the integrity of the solution.
I am new to unit tests but my main problem here is not about them. It is about this simple question that: How can I run the two first projects (Using VS.Php Webserver for PHP and IIS Express for ASP.Net project - one at each time) somehow before performing my tests? I cant test the 3rd project without having one of the first two active and in result I cant check the integrity of my project. Not even parts of it.
So, do you have any suggestion? Am I wrong about something here? Maybe I just don't understand something.
Using Visual Studio 2013 Update 3
Usually for unit testing you don't connect live systems together with your tests. That would be called integration testing instead. The line I usually use with unit testing is that it needs to a) always be fast and b) be able to be run without network connectivity.
If you want to do unit testing, the easiest way is to make interfaces around your dependent systems. Don't use these names, but something like IAspNetProject and IPhpProject. Code to those interfaces and then replace their implementation with fake data for unit testing.
If you want to do integration testing, then you can use something like to create a self hosted web project. There are tons of other options for starting a lightweight web app locally to do testing against.

Is there a way to disable/ignore a Load Test in Visual Studio 2010 without using Test Lists?

I'm new to load testing in Visual Studio/MSTest, and I created a new Load Test recently to validate some high-traffic scenarios for a WCF service. I want to add this to the tests project for the service, but I don't want the test to be executed whenever I "Run All Tests in Solution" nor as part of our Continuous Integration build-verification process because a) it takes 5 minutes to run, and b) the service call that it is testing generates many thousands of email messages. Basically, I'd like to do the equivalent of adding the [Ignore] attribute to a unit test so that the load test is only executed when I explicitly choose to run it.
This MSDN Article ("How to: Disable and Enable Tests") suggests that the only to disable the test is to use Test Lists (.vsmdi files), but I don't have much experience with them, they seem like a hassle to manage, I don't want to have to modify our CI Build Definition, and this blog post says that Test Lists are deprecated in VS2012. Any other ideas?
Edit: I accepted Mauricio's answer, which was to put the load tests into a separate project and maintain separate solutions, one with the load tests and one without. This enables you to run the (faster-running) unit tests during development and also include the (slower-running) load tests during build verification without using test lists.
This should not be an issue for your CI Build Definition. Why?
To run unit tests as part of your build process you need to configure the build definition to point to a test container (usually a .dll file containint your test classes and methods). Load tests do not work this way, they are defined within .loadtest files (which are just xml files) that are consumed by the MSTest engine.
If you do not make any further changes to your CI Build definition the load test will be ignored.
If you want to run the test as part of a build, then you need to configure the build definition to use the .loadtest file.
Stay away from testlists. Like you said, they are being deprecated in VS11.
Edit: The simplest way to avoid running the load test as part of Visual Studio "Run All" tests is to create a different solution for your load tests.
Why don't you want to use Test Lists. I think is the best way to do that. Create different Test Lists for each test type (unit test, load test...) and then in your MSTest command run the Test List(s) you want:
MSTest \testmetadata:testlists.vsmdi \testlist:UnitTests (only UnitTests)
MSTest \testmetadata:testlists.vsmdi \testlist:LoadTests (only LoadTests)
MSTest \testmetadata:testlists.vsmdi \testlist:UnitTests \testlist:LoadTests (UnitTests & LoadTests)
