Error when wrapping code in "while" loop - windows

OK, I am a little embarrassed but I gotta ask anyway. I have a perfectly-running script that I wrapped in an infinite loop with a sleep at the end:
That's all I added was this code and all of the curly braces match so why am I getting this error:
"Missing closing statement block in line x, where x is the last line in the file"
function A(){
[... Do Stuff ...]
Start-Sleep -s 10
I remove the encapuslating while{} and all is fine.
Any ideas?

Well, the syntax posted is correct.
My guess is you retyped this into the browser, I would check all your ( ) to make sure you dont have { } in there by mistake.
Otherwise, need to copy and paste your actual code.


End a function from a sourced script without exiting script

I have a script with many other scripts sourced. Each script sourced have a function.
One of my function need to stop according to a if statement. I tried continue, break, throw, evrything I saw on internet but either my main script completely end or my function continue.
Function code:
function AutoIndus-DeployUser($path){
$yaml=Get-Content $path | ?{!$_.StartsWith("#")}
$user="";$password="";$groups="";$description=""; $options=""
$yaml | %{
if (($_-match "}") -and ($UsersPwd -eq $true)){Write-Host "function should stop"; return}
Main script:
#functions list and link to extern scripts
Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot\functions\ | %{$script=$_.Name; . $PSScriptRoot\functions\$script}
*some code*
Edit: I saw that return should stop the function without stoping the rest of the script, unfortunatly it does not stop anything at all:
Config file found
Changing user _usr-dba password
Changing user _usr-dba2 password
function should stop
Changing user _usr-dba3 password
function should stop
function should stop
function should stop
function should stop
function should stop
Disabling user DisableAccounts:{
Disable-LocalUser : User DisableAccounts:{ was not found.
At C:\Scripts\AWL-MS-AUTOMATION_AND_TOOLS\functions\AutoIndus-DisableAccount.ps1:25 char:13
+ Disable-LocalUser -Name $disable
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (DisableAccounts:{:String) [Disable-LocalUser], UserNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : UserNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.DisableLocalUserCommand
Disabling user _usr-dba
To help you understanding, my script read a file and do actions according to each line it is reading. It start acting when it encounter something like User{ and should stop when it encounter }, _usr-dba3 being out of the curvy brackets it should not be treated. This way all my other function use the same one file. (changing user password and diasabling user are two different functions/sourced scripts)
Like you can see return does not do its job, maybe I'm missing one point in the use of return but I don't get it right now.
To prematurely exit out of a function before you reach the end of it, use
it works like break to where it will stop execution but instead of stopping the whole thread it will return back to the line below where you called the function.
Also keep in mind if your function has an output set return will return it back, for example with the function below:
function Get-ReturnValue()
$returnValue = "this is my output"
return $returnValue
if you called it like this:
$receivedReturnValue = Get-ReturnValue
then the variable receivedReturnValue would be loaded with the output of the function.
I needed a fast solution so I changed my functions, now there is no return/continue/... but a value that turn true. It is initialized to false and the action on each yaml lines are done when the value is equal to false.
Edit: So finally the issue was I didn't used function correctly. Return only works if you return into another function. So I putted almost the entire sctipt into a function that calls the function AutoIndus-DeployUser. Now it works perfectly !

dd works but echo does not for an object passed as a parameter to a function in Laravel

I passed an object in a function in laravel.
I tried to assign the value of a property to a variable. It pops an error.
When I tried to figure out what was going on I tried to dd ()the value it worked.
But when I tried to echo the same it does not.
What am I mising.
On using this,
location1 and location2 are two objects of the location class.
The function is here:
function geodistance($location1,$location2){
it prints
But when I change the same function to
function geodistance($location1,$location2){
The output error is:
Trying to get property 'lat' of non-object
Even the function
function geodistance($location1,$location2){
echo $location1->lat;
gives the same output
The aim to remind you is to assign the value to a variable like so.
function geodistance($location1,$location2){
When I echo $location1 from within the function geodistance() gives out and error which makes sense.
function geodistance($location1,$location2){
echo $location1;
Object of class App\MyClasses\city could not be converted to string
When I dd ($location1 from the funciton like so it gives the right result.
function geodistance($location1,$location2){
like so:
city {#13410 ▼
+id: 2245
+info: "{}"
+name: "New Delhi"
+lat: "28.612072"
+lon: "77.22978"
+timezone: null
+weightedrating: null
+country_id: 1
It seems i am missing out something very trivial. :(
As pointed out by #salman zafar and #apokryfos, the mistake was that I was passing an array.
When I was doing a dd, after processing the first data the programme was terminated.
The array that was passed was not completely correct. The last data point in my array was not an object of the same class.
So the data ended up being corrupted when using echo. Echo would print one data after another but eventually it would get a wrong input.
The best way to catch these errors (after so much experimenting) is to write the values of the variable in a text file on each iterartion.
What that does is that it catches the error in your text file and u get to know after how many iterations the programme stopped.
Hope this helps others from making such obviously glaring mistakes which are tough to catch (atleast for me since this was the first of such errors)

what is the else statement means in codeigniter index.php line 196

when the following else statement will be executed? if the $system_path is invalid, of cause ,it will go to the else statement. however, in this case, the else statement seems to be meaningless. line 196
if (($_temp = realpath($system_path)) !== FALSE)
$system_path = $_temp.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
// Ensure there's a trailing slash
$system_path = strtr(
rtrim($system_path, '/\\'),
The point of that if/else block is to construct a string that makes any kind of sense for use in the if block that follows. That block starts with
if( ! is_dir($system_path))
If realpath() returns FALSE then $system_path as written cannot be resolved. But that might not mean the path does not exist. Perhaps the developer knows something that 'realpath()' cannot figure out. The else part gives the developer the benefit of the doubt. It takes the supplied value of $system_path and formats it for use in is_dir($system_path).
Off the top of my head I cannot think of an example where realpath() would fail but where $system_path does exist. But developers are a creative bunch.

Can you fix my PHP If Statement, using a Href?

I am using an if statement and trying to get one of two statements to show, depending on the session running.
please help. thank you.
if (session_name== "admin"){
echo ("[Admin Logout]");
}else {
echo "[Member Logout]";
Also there is 2 syntax errors on the echo parts.
You if you use double quotes around the argument to echo, you should use single quotes inside it for the HTML attribute, or vice versa (an alternative is to escape the inner quotes with backslash, but I never understand why people prefer this). And you need $ before the variable name.
if ($session_name== "admin"){
echo ("<a href='admin/logout.php'>[Admin Logout]</a>");
}else {
echo "<a href='logout.php'>[Member Logout]</a>";

Are breakpoints not working as they should in DartEditor?

I'm getting some unexpected behaviour in the most recent Dart editor (version 0.4.0_r18915).
I have this minimal command line app that was intended to either take a command line argument or not and print a hello -somenoe- message. The application works just fine. But the debuggins fails to stop at the breakpoints set inside each of the if statement bodies. (I wanted to look at the state of the application weather the options.arguments.isEmpty was true or false)
var person;
var options = new Options();
person = "someone who forgot to pass a command-line argument";
} else {
person = options.arguments[0];
print("Hello, $person!");
Debugger will stop at breakpoints in other lines but not in:
person = "someone who forgot to pass a command-line argument";
or in:
person = options.arguments[0];
Yes, file a bug. My suspicion is that the debugger can only stop at what's called a "safepoint" and that the assignment of a constant to a variable doesn't create one. Adding some line above it, like
should help if that's the case. But I've also seen other problems with breakpoints not firing.
