End a function from a sourced script without exiting script - windows

I have a script with many other scripts sourced. Each script sourced have a function.
One of my function need to stop according to a if statement. I tried continue, break, throw, evrything I saw on internet but either my main script completely end or my function continue.
Function code:
function AutoIndus-DeployUser($path){
$yaml=Get-Content $path | ?{!$_.StartsWith("#")}
$user="";$password="";$groups="";$description=""; $options=""
$yaml | %{
if (($_-match "}") -and ($UsersPwd -eq $true)){Write-Host "function should stop"; return}
Main script:
#functions list and link to extern scripts
Get-ChildItem -Path $PSScriptRoot\functions\ | %{$script=$_.Name; . $PSScriptRoot\functions\$script}
*some code*
Edit: I saw that return should stop the function without stoping the rest of the script, unfortunatly it does not stop anything at all:
Config file found
Changing user _usr-dba password
Changing user _usr-dba2 password
function should stop
Changing user _usr-dba3 password
function should stop
function should stop
function should stop
function should stop
function should stop
Disabling user DisableAccounts:{
Disable-LocalUser : User DisableAccounts:{ was not found.
At C:\Scripts\AWL-MS-AUTOMATION_AND_TOOLS\functions\AutoIndus-DisableAccount.ps1:25 char:13
+ Disable-LocalUser -Name $disable
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (DisableAccounts:{:String) [Disable-LocalUser], UserNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : UserNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.DisableLocalUserCommand
Disabling user _usr-dba
To help you understanding, my script read a file and do actions according to each line it is reading. It start acting when it encounter something like User{ and should stop when it encounter }, _usr-dba3 being out of the curvy brackets it should not be treated. This way all my other function use the same one file. (changing user password and diasabling user are two different functions/sourced scripts)
Like you can see return does not do its job, maybe I'm missing one point in the use of return but I don't get it right now.

To prematurely exit out of a function before you reach the end of it, use
it works like break to where it will stop execution but instead of stopping the whole thread it will return back to the line below where you called the function.
Also keep in mind if your function has an output set return will return it back, for example with the function below:
function Get-ReturnValue()
$returnValue = "this is my output"
return $returnValue
if you called it like this:
$receivedReturnValue = Get-ReturnValue
then the variable receivedReturnValue would be loaded with the output of the function.

I needed a fast solution so I changed my functions, now there is no return/continue/... but a value that turn true. It is initialized to false and the action on each yaml lines are done when the value is equal to false.
Edit: So finally the issue was I didn't used function correctly. Return only works if you return into another function. So I putted almost the entire sctipt into a function that calls the function AutoIndus-DeployUser. Now it works perfectly !


Execute a Bash script (Shell Script) from postgres function/procedure/trigger

CREATE or replace FUNCTION test() RETURNS boolean AS $$
$filename = '/home/postgres';
if (-e $filename) {
exec /home/postgres/test.sh &
return true; }
return false;
$$ LANGUAGE plperlu;
exec /home/postgres/test.sh & its showing syntax error.
Could you please help how to call bash script into postgres funtion/procedure
Presumably, the code needs to be syntactically valid Perl. So you'll need to clean up a few bits.
CREATE or replace FUNCTION test() RETURNS boolean AS $$
my $filename = '/home/postgres';
if (-e $filename) {
system '/home/postgres/test.sh' and return 1;
$$ LANGUAGE plperlu;
I've changed a few things:
I declare the variable $filename using my
I used system instead of exec. exec replaces the current process - effectively never returning to the calling function
system expects to be passed a string. So I've added quotes around the command
and is usually better in flow control statements than && (and always much better than & which is for bit-flipping, not flow control)
Perl doesn't have true and false, so I've replaced true with 1 (which is a true value in Perl). And I've removed the false from the other return statement - the default behaviour of return is to return a false value
I don't have a Postgresql installation to test this on. If it still doesn't work, please tell us what errors you get.
pl/sh exists, and can be used as a procedual language.

Powershell Auto-Complete on ValidationSet

Creating a Validation Set is easy.
It provides free auto completion if your Powershell version is >2
However it's not so helpful if you don't pass in the params at the start.
cmdlet Untitled2.ps1 at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
bellState: Dib
witchesState: Alive
C:\Users\cac\Untitled2.ps1 : Cannot validate argument on parameter 'bellState'. The argument "Dib" does not belong to the set "Ding,Dong" specified by the ValidateSet attribute. Supply an argument that is in the set and then
try the command again.
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (:) [Untitled2.ps1], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentValidationError,Untitled2.ps1
This time there is no tab completion or clues :(
If you type in something invalid you do get a useful error:
"The argument "Dib" does not belong to the set "Ding,Dong""
However this error is thrown at the end of the params not at the time of the original mistake and there isn't an option to try again.
Has anyone found a way of extending this validation to be any more user friendly in the instance it initiated without passed in parameters.
While it might not be exactly what you wanted I would think a simple addition to the script would be to add HelpMessages to your parameters. That way the user has the option to get more information about what they are about to type.
HelpMessage="You need to pick ding or dong silly")]
So when called without specifying parameters...
Supply values for the following parameters:
(Type !? for Help.)
bellState: !?
You need to pick ding or dong silly
If I remove the mandatory bit and add some code after parameter block I can get the result I want. I understand this might make a pretty useless Cmdlet for piping etc. so I see why it isn't default behavior.
I'm getting around this by having a function for doing the actual work with mandatory params and having a separate helper function to get user input.
It's not so long winded or tricky to get the following to do pretty much whatever you want.
There's an article here
$title = "Pick a Bell State"
$message = "You need to pick ding or dong silly"
$Ding = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "Ding", `
"First Strike."
$Dong = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription "Dong", `
"Second Strike."
$options = [System.Management.Automation.Host.ChoiceDescription[]]($Ding, $Dong)
$result = $host.ui.PromptForChoice($title, $message, $options, 0)
switch ($result)
0 { $type = "Ding" ; "First Strike."}
1 { $type = "Dong" ; "Second Strike."}

How to use a function as a string while using matching pattern

I want to make use of functions to get the full path and directory name of a script.
For this I made two functions :
function _jb-get-script-path ()
#returns full path to current working directory
# + path to the script + name of the script file
return $PWD/${0#./*}
function _jb-get-script-dirname ()
return ${(_jb-get-script-path)##*/}
as $(_jb-get-script-path) should be replaced by the result of the function called.
However, I get an error: ${(_jb-get-script-path)##*/}: bad substitution
therefore i tried another way :
function _jb-get-script-path ()
return $PWD/${0#./*}
function _jb-get-script-dirname ()
local temp=$(_jb-get-script-path);
return ${temp##*/}
but in this case, the first functions causes an error : numeric argument required. I tried to run local temp=$(_jb-get-script-path $0) in case the $0 wasn't provided through function call (or i don't really know why) but it didn't change anything
I don't want to copy the content of the second fonction as i don't want to replicate code for no good reason.
If you know why those errors happen, I really would like to know why, and of course, if you have a better solution, i'd gladely hear it. But I'm really interessed in the resolution of this problem.
You need to use echo instead of return which is used for returning a numeric status:
_jb-get-script-path() {
#returns full path to current working directory
# + path to the script + name of the script file
echo "$PWD/${0#./*}"
_jb-get-script-dirname() {
local p="$(_jb-get-script-path)"
echo "${p##*/}"

Output not displayed when assigning the return value of a function to a variable

If I have a very simple script that contains a function that just does the following:
function saySomething() {
Write-Output "Saying someting..."
If I call this function from the console the output is displayed. If I, however, do the following:
$something = saySomething
Then no output is displayed. Obviously my working example is much more complicated than this, but in short, how do I display the output within a function if that function is used to set a variable?
Try the following:
saySomething | Tee-Object -Variable something
This should work exactly as you want.

Print debug messages to console from a PowerShell function that returns

Is there a way to print debug messages to the console from a PowerShell function that returns a value?
function A
$output = 0
# Start of awesome algorithm
WriteDebug # Magic function that prints debug messages to the console
# End of awesome algorithm
return $output
# Script body
$result = A
Write-Output "Result=" $result
Is there a PowerShell function that fits this description?
I'm aware of Write-Output and Write-*, but in all my tests using any of those functions inside a function like the one above will not write any debug messages. I'm also aware that just calling the function without using the returned value will indeed cause the function to write debug messages.
Sure, use the Write-Debug cmdlet to do so. Note that by default you will not see debug output. In order to see the debug output, set $DebugPreference to Continue (instead of SilentlyContinue). For simple functions I will usually do something like this:
function A ([switch]$Debug) {
if ($Debug) { $DebugPreference = 'Continue' }
Write-Debug "Debug message about something"
# Generate output
"Output something from function"
Note that I would not recommend using the form return $output. Functions output anything that isn't captured by a variable, redirected to a file (or Out-Null) or cast to [void]. If you need to return early from a function then by all means use return.
For advanced functions you can get debug functionality a bit more easily because PowerShell provides the ubiquitous parameters for you, including -Debug:
function A {
End {
$pscmdlet.WriteDebug("Debug message")
"Output something from cmdlet"
FYI, it's the [CmdletBinding()] attribute on the param() statement is what makes this an advanced function.
Also don't forget about Write-Verbose and $pscmdlet.WriteVerbose() if you just want a way to output additional information that isn't debug related.
