Error when using add-gutter in Singularity Grid System - singularitygs

I'm using breakpoints in Singularity, and also using the Breakpoint extension for elements outside the grid (a full-width header nav). In my screen.scss file I have:
#import "singularitygs";
#import "breakpoint";
#import "base";
$tabletwidth: 40em;
$smalldesktopwidth: 60em;
$grids: 4;
$grids: add-grid(9 at $tabletwidth);
$grids: add-grid(12 at $smalldesktopwidth);
$gutters: 1/3;
$gutters: add-gutter(1/2 at $tabletwidth);
$gutters: add-gutter(1/2 at $smalldesktopwidth);
Without the add-gutter() calls it runs fine, but when I add them it breaks with:
Syntax error: Undefined operation: "0.5 times 2".
on line 20 of /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/singularitygs-1.0.4/stylesheets/singularitygs/math/_columns.scss, in `output-isolation'
from line 7 of /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/singularitygs-1.0.4/stylesheets/singularitygs/_api.scss, in `grid-span'
from line 102 of /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/modernlink/sass/screen.scss, in `#content'
from line 178 of /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/breakpoint-1.3/stylesheets/_breakpoint.scss, in `breakpoint'
from line 99 of /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/modernlink/sass/screen.scss
Am I using this wrongly? Can anyone offer a suggestion to fix?
Edit: Line 99 of screen.scss is:
#include breakpoint($tabletwidth) {

This appears to be a bug in Singularity. It'd be great if you could file an issue over on the issue queue for us to be able to track. Thanks!
EDIT: I am unable to reproduce this error using Singularity 1.0.7 (current version). Please make sure you are at the latest version of Singularity.


Stencil CLI + SASS partial includes: file doesn't exist

I am using stencil with #bigcommerce on the following software:
Windows 8
Node.js 7.10.0
Python 2.7.14
NPM 5.6.0
After running stencil start and then loading the site at the local URL it gives me an error like this:
[Browsersync] File event [change] : stencil/*.css
{ Error: layout\pdp.scss doesn't exist!
at options.error (C:\Users\Tyler\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\#bigcommerce\stencil-cli\node_modules\#bigcommerce\node-sass\lib\index.js:277:32)
formatted: 'Error: layout\\pdp.scss doesn\'t exist!\n on line 207 of my-theme.scss\n>> #import \'layout/pdp\';\n --------^\n',
message: 'layout\\pdp.scss doesn\'t exist!',
column: 9,
line: 207,
file: 'my-theme.scss',
status: 1 }
The line in the SCSS file causing this is:
#import 'layout/pdp';
Now, on my co-worker's Mac this works. SASS looks for ./layout/_pdp.scss and it loads just fine. But on my Windows PC this doesn't work. I've tried every variation of the import by including the underscore, including the extension, using ./ at the beginning, etc. Nothing seems to work.
Does anyone know why this wouldn't work on Windows or with these versions of NPM, NodeJS, etc.?

Foundation SCSS Error: Incompatible units: 'em' and 'rem'

I am having this issue when i try to compile my sass for foundation.
My foundation.scss file look like th following:
// Settings
#import "global/settings"; // Foundation settings file.
// Foundation mixins & browser resets
#import '../../node_modules/foundation/scss/foundation';
I have uninstalled and reinstalled foundation with the same result.
I also updated everything.
Full error:
[22:36:59] gulp-notify: [Sass Error] node_modules\foundation \scss\foundation\components\_forms.scss
Error: Incompatible units: 'em' and 'rem'.
on line 51 of node_modules/foundation/scss/foundation/components /_forms.scss
>> $input-error-message-top: -($form-spacing) - emCalc(5px) !default;
Literally any help on this would be fantastic.
Turns out i had a variable set to use rem and it should have been em in my settings.scss file and this was the culprit.

Objective C interface declaration

i'm trying a simple academic program where an interface is declared as:
#import <objc/Object.h>
#interface Saludador:Object{
char* saludo;
- init;
- (void)setSaludo:(char*)unSaludo;
- (void)setSaludo:(char*)unSaludo y:(char*)unaColetilla;
- (void)saluda;
When I try to compile the .m file i get the error:
error: cannot find interface declaration for 'Object', superclass of 'Saludador'
I really don't know why, i'm compiling on the terminal window in a mac OSX 10.9.
thanks for the help
Object is the OBJC_ROOT_CLASS for ObjC 1.0, for ObjC 2.0 use NSObject and #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>. You'll also have to add the -framework Foundation as a compiler flag if you are compiling using clang or gcc on the command line.
See the header file Object.h:
#if __OBJC__ && !__OBJC2__
#interface Object
Note the #if __OBJC__ && !__OBJC2__.
I actually managed to find that: When writing code that is based upon the Foundation framework, that root class is typically NSObject in an old document... The OBJC_ROOT_CLASS got me confused, so even if you're using ObjC 1.0 it's still NSObject.

jqtouch b4 issue with compiling scss

I downloaded the latest version of jqtouch and nicely enough it has scss theming now. All fine and dandy except im either doing something very wrong or ...
Issue is as follows. I extract the archive contents then go to themes\scss and run a compass watch
here's what comes out
>>> Change detected at 05:47:54 to: apple.scss
error apple.scss (Line 39 of _gradients.scss: Invalid null operation: ""glossy" neq null".)
create ../css/apple.css
error jqtouch.scss (Line 39 of _gradients.scss: Invalid null operation: ""glossy" neq null".)
create ../css/jqtouch.css
error vanilla.scss (Line 39 of _gradients.scss: Invalid null operation: ""flat" neq null".)
create ../css/vanilla.css
Have absolutelly no idea how to fix it. Any clues would be greatly appreciated.
had this same problem when using compass with sencha touch scss. If you might run into this please consider uninstalling ruby and everything pertaining to it and reinstalling from scratch (ruby,compass etc)

Haxe and Windows API

Im trying to use the Windows API in Haxe to create a Windows application. I have already done this using ndlls and Haxe/Neko.
I tried doing it with the cpp target where I embed C++ code into the Haxe file using the new macro features in Haxe 2.09. But, as soon as I include windows.h it gives an error
./src/Main.cpp(79) : error C2039: 'RegisterClassA' : is not a member of 'hx'
./src/Main.cpp(81) : error C2660: 'RegisterClassA' : function does not take 9 arguments
Called from ? line 1
Called from BuildTool.hx line 1246
Called from BuildTool.hx line 554
Called from BuildTool.hx line 591
Called from BuildTool.hx line 710
Called from BuildTool.hx line 785
Uncaught exception - Error in building thread
Error : Build failed
Build halted with errors (haxe.exe).
Here is my code -
import cpp.Lib;
#:headerCode("#include <windows.h>")// if i comment this line or replace windows.h with another standard header file like iostream, the error goes
class Main
static function main()
//no code here
In fact, if I replace windows.h with any header file from the Windows or DirectX SDK, I get the same error
Im using Haxe 2.09 and FlashDevelop. I use Windows 7. I am also using the latest version of hxcpp (version 2.09).
Looks like <windows.h> is #defining RegisterClass to RegisterClassA (part of the auto-magic Unicode support).
Because this is done with a text-prepropcessor macro, any code that has a symbol named RegisterClass (as seems to be the case with BuildTool) has it automatically swapped out for RegisterClassA, which obviously causes problems if somebody goes looking for the function under its proper name.
Try this:
#:headerCode("#include <windows.h>")
#:headerCode("#undef RegisterClass")
You may need to do something similar for other clashes. See also this question.
