Foundation SCSS Error: Incompatible units: 'em' and 'rem' - sass

I am having this issue when i try to compile my sass for foundation.
My foundation.scss file look like th following:
// Settings
#import "global/settings"; // Foundation settings file.
// Foundation mixins & browser resets
#import '../../node_modules/foundation/scss/foundation';
I have uninstalled and reinstalled foundation with the same result.
I also updated everything.
Full error:
[22:36:59] gulp-notify: [Sass Error] node_modules\foundation \scss\foundation\components\_forms.scss
Error: Incompatible units: 'em' and 'rem'.
on line 51 of node_modules/foundation/scss/foundation/components /_forms.scss
>> $input-error-message-top: -($form-spacing) - emCalc(5px) !default;
Literally any help on this would be fantastic.

Turns out i had a variable set to use rem and it should have been em in my settings.scss file and this was the culprit.


Platform Migration: Error when compiling project

A few weeks ago I started a Firebase course with flutter, and I was programming on a Windows computer, and now I've been using a Mac for a few days, to learn how to make firebase with iOS too. However, I have received these errors, and I do not know if I am missing a file, lines of code or if I have obsolete code. I tried some solutions I found on the internet, like deleting the files pubspec.lock, podfile, podfile.lock, reinstalling using pod init and pod install, but none of these solutions managed to solve the problem. I know very little about Swift / Objective-C, and this project is connected (android) on firebase.
/Users/mobileteam/Desktop/pasta_mary/aikoBot/aiko_bot/ios/Pods/FirebaseCrashlytics/Crashlytics/Shared/FIRCLSFABHost.m100:11: warning: 'UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM' is deprecated: first deprecated in iOS 13.0 - Use -[UIDevice userInterfaceIdiom] directly. [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
In module 'UIKit' imported from /Users/mobileteam/Desktop/pasta_mary/aikoBot/aiko_bot/ios/Pods/FirebaseCrashlytics/Crashlytics/Shared/FIRCLSFABHost.m:20:
/Applications/ note: 'UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
static inline UIUserInterfaceIdiom UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() API_DEPRECATED("Use -[UIDevice userInterfaceIdiom] directly.", ios(2.0, 13.0), tvos(9.0, 11.0)) {
1 warning generated.
/Users/mobileteam/Desktop/pasta_mary/aikoBot/aiko_bot/ios/Runner/AppDelegate.swift:14:18: error: cannot override with a stored property 'window'
override var window: UIWindow?
Flutter.FlutterAppDelegate:2:14: note: attempt to override property here
open var window: UIWindow! { get set }
note: Using new build system
note: Building targets in parallel
note: Planning build
note: Constructing build description

Stencil CLI + SASS partial includes: file doesn't exist

I am using stencil with #bigcommerce on the following software:
Windows 8
Node.js 7.10.0
Python 2.7.14
NPM 5.6.0
After running stencil start and then loading the site at the local URL it gives me an error like this:
[Browsersync] File event [change] : stencil/*.css
{ Error: layout\pdp.scss doesn't exist!
at options.error (C:\Users\Tyler\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\#bigcommerce\stencil-cli\node_modules\#bigcommerce\node-sass\lib\index.js:277:32)
formatted: 'Error: layout\\pdp.scss doesn\'t exist!\n on line 207 of my-theme.scss\n>> #import \'layout/pdp\';\n --------^\n',
message: 'layout\\pdp.scss doesn\'t exist!',
column: 9,
line: 207,
file: 'my-theme.scss',
status: 1 }
The line in the SCSS file causing this is:
#import 'layout/pdp';
Now, on my co-worker's Mac this works. SASS looks for ./layout/_pdp.scss and it loads just fine. But on my Windows PC this doesn't work. I've tried every variation of the import by including the underscore, including the extension, using ./ at the beginning, etc. Nothing seems to work.
Does anyone know why this wouldn't work on Windows or with these versions of NPM, NodeJS, etc.?

Adding custom colors to Foundation Palette causes error (foundation-sites 6.3.1)

I get this error message, when compiling the SCSS:
Error: given $key is not available in $foundation-palette
Here is the settings.scss file:
Fixed it by updating my settings.scss file:

Xcode compile error with PostgreSQL headers

I am trying to include the following PostgreSQL headers files into my Xcode 7.2 project:
#import "postgres.h"
#import "pg_type.h"
#import "libpq-fe.h"
The app is written in Swift. I have an Objective-C bridging header. If I just import "libpq-fe.h" there are no compile errors.
When I try to import "postgres.h" and "pg_types.h" to get access to certain constants, I get an error with a PostgreSQL file: "c.h"
"Typedef redefinition with different types ('size_t' (aka 'unsigned long') vs 'long')
The previous definition is in OS X 10.11 > user/include > MacTypes.h
So there are two headers with the same definition:
PostgreSQL c.h
typedef size_t Size
OSX MacTypes.h
typedef long Size
If I comment out the definition in the PostgreSQL file then the project compiles. But I would rather not have to do that.
Does anyone know a way around this?
I read somewhere about using a 'backend header' but so far I have not been able to figure this out.
Thanks in advance.

Error when using add-gutter in Singularity Grid System

I'm using breakpoints in Singularity, and also using the Breakpoint extension for elements outside the grid (a full-width header nav). In my screen.scss file I have:
#import "singularitygs";
#import "breakpoint";
#import "base";
$tabletwidth: 40em;
$smalldesktopwidth: 60em;
$grids: 4;
$grids: add-grid(9 at $tabletwidth);
$grids: add-grid(12 at $smalldesktopwidth);
$gutters: 1/3;
$gutters: add-gutter(1/2 at $tabletwidth);
$gutters: add-gutter(1/2 at $smalldesktopwidth);
Without the add-gutter() calls it runs fine, but when I add them it breaks with:
Syntax error: Undefined operation: "0.5 times 2".
on line 20 of /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/singularitygs-1.0.4/stylesheets/singularitygs/math/_columns.scss, in `output-isolation'
from line 7 of /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/singularitygs-1.0.4/stylesheets/singularitygs/_api.scss, in `grid-span'
from line 102 of /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/modernlink/sass/screen.scss, in `#content'
from line 178 of /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/breakpoint-1.3/stylesheets/_breakpoint.scss, in `breakpoint'
from line 99 of /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/modernlink/sass/screen.scss
Am I using this wrongly? Can anyone offer a suggestion to fix?
Edit: Line 99 of screen.scss is:
#include breakpoint($tabletwidth) {
This appears to be a bug in Singularity. It'd be great if you could file an issue over on the issue queue for us to be able to track. Thanks!
EDIT: I am unable to reproduce this error using Singularity 1.0.7 (current version). Please make sure you are at the latest version of Singularity.
