I'm trying to use markdown to format a web page. Part of the web page has block quotes and code blocks. In some of the code blocks, the leading and trailing white space (empty lines) is important. I can't find much on this and can't figure out how to include the leading and trailing empty lines.
> empty_line
> empty_line
> Stuff Here
> empty_line
> empty_line
.. if that makes any sense.
If you can use HTML tags, have you tried using the pre tags?
Stuff 1 here
Stuff 2 here
I use pre at very top with HTML tag brackets of course and closed that tag at the bottom. Using this tag retains the blank lines + creates a code block as you see.
Writing a documentation, I have some small text examples to give, which should be formatted as monospace text by using backticks. Theses text snippes contains always as last character a blank, which must not be omitted, as it is significant. Unfortunately Asciidoctor omits them.
For example `: ` should be rendered as : . But instead it is readered as :.
So how does the markup look to get a colon and a blank rendered as preformatted?
There's the built-in attribute {nbsp} for non-breaking space in Asciidoctor, which can be used for a blank.
So `:{nbsp}` is rendered as : .
I'm new to MyST and Sphinx, so perhaps this has an obvious explanation, but it is not obvious to me. Whenever I use any construct in my Markdown source, such as bold facing or italics or even an html element such as <span>, the result in the formatted HTML output contains spaces inside the HTML tags. For example, an input such as
* **Barcode**: the barcode identifying the item
* **Title**: the title of the item.
* **Author**: the author of the item.
produces this:
Note the space before the :. Inspecting the HTML reveals that the bold-faced element contains unexpected space characters:
Note the spaces inside the <strong>...</strong>. Why is this happening? What am I doing wrong? More importantly, how do I make it stop?
I'm using Sphinx 3.4.3 with myst-parser 0.13.3. My conf.py defines extensions as 'myst_parser', 'sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.autosectionlabel', and 'sphinx.ext.napoleon'.
Hi I am using Watir to click through some links. I go to a page, click a link based on its text, and the do it again click a new link. I am locating the links based on their text (it is the only way I can based on their HTML) and need to match the text I pulled from the page to the link. The text that I get contains some extra text not part of the link, so I need to gsub it out. Here is my issue:
String: text = "Nuclear Launch Codes (Levels One/Two)"
Link: Nuclear Launch Codes (Levels One/Two) Blah Blah Blah
Because the links do not always have the exact text I need to locate them like so: /#{text}/
Problem is that returns "Nuclear Launch Codes (Levels One\/Two)"
I though I would gsub the 1st parenthesis and everything after, but I need to keep it because I can have Nuclear Launch Codes (Levels Four/Five)
Is there anyway to modify the string to match the link while ignoring the rest of the link text?
If I understand you correctly, try:
Or equivalently, if you prefer:
This will automatically escape parentheses, slashes and so on in the text so they are not treated as special regexp characters.
When editing in ckeditor I very frequently end up with extra clusters of <p> </p> tags. Not only does it add extra unneeded linebreaks, they often show up on the resulting page with a broken-looking character in them.
Is there a configuration setting or something to tell the editor not to add these extra non-breaking spaces in paragraph tags?
The paragraphs with represent empty lines in editor. They make the content look exactly the same inside editor and outside it (when displayed on a target page). If they cause you some problem, then it's not the editor, but your backend. So I rather recommend checking it.
Surprisingly though, there's an option to disable filling empty blocks config.fillEmptyBlocks.
But it's really not the answer.
I have a multi-page ascii file, and I need to be able to separate this file into single page ascii files.
At the end of each page should be a page break inserted. My original thoughts are to read up to a page break, output to file, but then how would I make it read to a page break and then continue to start over reading from that page break to the next? Or is there another, easier way of doing this?
csplit allows you to split a file by regex.