separating a multi-page ascii file - bash

I have a multi-page ascii file, and I need to be able to separate this file into single page ascii files.
At the end of each page should be a page break inserted. My original thoughts are to read up to a page break, output to file, but then how would I make it read to a page break and then continue to start over reading from that page break to the next? Or is there another, easier way of doing this?

csplit allows you to split a file by regex.


Rotativa.AspNetCore page break half of line goes next page

I have a very big view which needs to be converted to PDF. I have used Rotativa but it is not properly page breaking, half of the line goes to next page and I don't know where needs to use page break because my view model generate dynamically.
Rotativa is built on top of wkhtmltopdf library, so this means that the same solutions from this post should also be a good for you: Wkhtmltopdf Characters in single line partially cut between pages

How to read blank lines in CSV file in Ruby

I am reading in a CSV file with Ruby and it works fine except if there are blank rows at the start. It seems to skip the blank lines and go straight to a line with content. I want to read the blank lines as I need to count the row numbers.
I use this function, which works fine except for skipping the blank rows:
CSV.foreach(params[:file].tempfile, headers: false, :encoding => 'ISO-8859-1') do |row|
I have a user input which dictates the starting row to read in, so I need to count down each row until I reach the desired row to read. I really do not want to tell the user to edit the csv file to make sure rows are not blank.
OK, my question turned out to be a red herring. The actual problem was that I had an Excel file with blank lines at the start. When I saved as a CSV file from within Excel, the blank lines were being removed from the saved CSV file but the Excel view of the file, i.e. filename.csv, still showed the blank lines present. I only discovered this by re-opening the file in Excel or a text editor. (All posted comments helped give me the clues to find this).
So ... now I have a new problem ... why does Excel remove blank rows when saving as CSV?
OK, my question turned out to be a red herring. The actual problem was that I had an Excel file with blank lines at the start. When I saved as a CSV file from within Excel, the blank lines were being removed from the saved CSV file but the Excel view of the file, i.e. filename.csv, still showed the blank lines present. I only discovered this by re-opening the file in Excel or a text editor.

How can I stop Joomla from stripping HTML code from the Contact info?

I've only spent maybe 30 mins searching online for this, and couldn't come up with a decent answer.
But anyway, in Joomla there are normal input fields for the Contacts component, but there's a textarea for the Address.
This would make me assume you can enter multiple lines of address in there, and it would be displayed as separate lines... but it doesn't. Even if I enter line breaks, the output is rendered on one line.
So I try to enter <br> to separate, and upon saving, Joomla strips these tags out.
In the template, the output is being written simply by echoing $this->contact->address
Is there anyway, to explode this input and replace linebreaks with <br> marks?
For now as a temporary measure I'm able to add HTML code into the database values, which saves and outputs on the front end.
On a separate note, I'm now looking to remove the Subject line from the contact form, without hacking the code. and by using overrides as much as possible. Can anyone help?
Have you tried the Sourcerer extension?
Your question is pretty old, but did you get a solution to this Lee?
To create line-breaks in Joomla, titles, text areas etc. Easiest way to do this is to use the ReReplace extension from NoNumber:
I personally use this to add line break in e.x. menu-item titles, where < br / > aren't allowed and get stripped.
With ReReplacer, you can create a custom tag e.x. {br} and then have ReReplacer replace {br} with < br / >.
So everytime you need to add a line break anywhere in Joomla, where html codes usually get stripped, you can just add {br} to have it add a new line.
Very old question but I've fallen into the same issue and tried to find a more user friendly solution.
You can enter multiple lines in the address textarea, and they are correctly outputted to the HTML page source. But as you know, newlines in HTML are not rendered, they have to be transformed to <br>.
For this PHP has a nice function, nl2br, that inserts a <br> each time it encounters a newline in a string.
So in html\com_contact\contact\default_address.php of your template, replace:
echo $this->contact->address;
echo nl2br($this->contact->address);
This would nicely do the job, and allow the user to naturally insert any newline in the contact address textarea that will be correctly rendered with the appropriate <br>; I believe this is quite more user friendly solution than your previous one of the user having to insert -br- tags in the address field.

how to disable tag validation in ckeditor?

CKeditor apparently automatically creates matching end tags when you enter a start tag. Is there a way to turn this behavior off?
I have a situation where I am creating two blocks of text in an admin program using CKeditor, then I'm using these to paint a page with the first block, some static content, and then the second block. Now I've got a case where I want to wrap the static content in a table. I was thinking, No problem, I'll just put the <table> tag in the first block and the </table> tag in the second block, and the static content will be inside the table. But no, CKeditor insists on closing the table tag in the first block.
In general, I can go to source mode and enter HTML directly, but CKeditor then decides to reformat my tagging. This seems to rather defeat the purpose of having a source mode. (I hate it when I tell the computer what I want and it tells me, No, you're wrong, I know better than you what you want!)
CKEditor produces valid HTML. Valid HTML has to include both - start and end tags. There's no way to change this behaviour without hacking editor. Note that even if you'll force editor to produce content without one of these tags it will then try to fix this and won't do this as you expect. E.g. load:
And you'll completely loose this table so only regexp based fix on data loading could help. In the opposite case:
You'll end up with paragraph wrapped with table, so it's better. But what if someone would remove this table from editor contents?
Therefore you should do this integration outside editor - prepend table to contents of one editor and append to contents of second one. You simply cannot force editor to work on partial HTML.

ALT+ENTER, how to detect the newline in NSString?

in my Cocoa App I have a textfield, where users are supposed to insert a newline by pressing ALT+ENTER. That's fine... when I get the value of it as a NSString and do a NSLog, I actually see that new lines are print.
But when I append the string as part of an html page with appendString and then with loadHTMLString, the new lines are completely ignored in the resulting web page...
Could you kindly give me a suggestion or a documentation link to read? I have really no idea!
Thanks a lot!!!
Plain newline characters are not rendered by browsers.
Replace the newline characters ( \n ) by line break tags ( <br> ).
NSString *newString = [oldString stringByReplacingOccurancesOfString:#"\n" withString:#"<br>"]
The <br> tags will show as newline characters in the webpage.
The issue is that the new lines that exist in the string are inserted literally into the html document source. Newlines in html source do not get rendered literally when the html document is rendered. (Imagine if they did; you'd have many, many extra new lines displayed because of all those new line characters separating html tags.)
Instead you should process the raw text entered by the user to produce html source which will render as what the user entered. So you have to break the text up into paragraphs and then insert appropriate <p></p> tags.
You can use the NSString method enumerateSubstringsInRange:options:usingBlock: with the option NSStringEnumerationByParagraphs. To process each paragraph.
Also, you should to sanitize the data entered by the user. For example you don't want your page to get messed up if the user enters some html tags. Sanatizing the data may be as simple as replacing all the restricted characters in the text with the appropriate html entities, but it depends on what you're doing.
