No response, while connecting to the database - h2

I am using H2 for a Java Swing desktop application.
I cannot able to connect to the database, only in the server mode.
The system, simply hangs, while giving java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(url, userName, password);
Not throwing any exception (or) any messages.
It works fine, in single user mode. (without server)
What will be the possible solution ?. Please advice.
Thanks and regards,

If you start the TCP server without base directory, then you should use a different database URL. The following database URL
means the database file Companies.h2.db is stored in the directory Lion within the current user home directory. But if you use
then the database file 1(2012-2013).h2.db is stored in the directory Lion/Companies/1(2012-2013) relative to the current working directory. And the working directory depends on where you have started the TCP server.


Why shows no input file specified in Codeigniter on Online Linux Server?

My codeigniter project under one folder shows No input file specified. in linux server.
Worked perfectly in local server... Problem occured only in online server
my project url is
Given all connections correctly with database connections.
Thanks in advance

Oracle: Finding Terminal RDP Client Name

To understand the question, consider this scenario. Two employees log in to an Application server via Windows Remote Desktop Client. Both use the same username e.g., Salesmen. From the Application Server, they launch the ERP application that connects to a Database (located in the Database Server).
Now, if we want to record a log of some of the activities made by each individual salesmen, we can't use SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','OS_USER') in Oracle because it will return the same OS name i.e., Salesmen.
What I am looking for is to know the Terminal RDP Client Name, who has logged in as "Salesmen" into the Application Server. I tried dbms_system.get_env to get %CLIENTNAME% environment variable but it is also of no use as it is returning null. Is there any other way of identifying who is remotely logged in to the Server having Oracle Client..

Grails Data Source URL for Oracle Database that uses TNS

I'm writing a Groovy/Grails application that will be connecting to an Oracle database that uses TNS names for resolving the actual host. The problem I'm running into is trying to figure out the connection string (called the url in the DataSource.groovy file). I've tried Googling examples, but all the examples I've found so far include the host name, something that I want to avoid since I've been told that this database uses TNS names so that the host can change and the various apps that connect to it won't need to be updated with the new host name.
If someone can provide an example or link that would help me create a connection string using the following details that would be much appreciated.
TNS name: TEST
Username: User
Password: Password
You have to have the host name and the port of the machine that has the listener at least. The actual DB host will be in the TNS file and can be changed without having to change the url string.

Where or how to specify log file in barracuda webserver?

I have a realtimelogic's Barracuda application Server hosted on a m68k based embedded linux system.
When i enable https in it, i get exception and it kills the application. I would like to know where the exceptions will be logged in a barracuda webserver.
The file name is Httptrace, and it should be created in the current directory of the server?

Unable to locally debug because sql connection string is being ignored

I'm currently attempting to debug a solution that I've picked up as a side project but I'm not having much luck. The solution depends on data (user IDs, page content, etc) stored on an MSSQL server on my local network, but when I execute the solution in VS2012 debug mode the connection fails. The error I'm getting says that the connection failed, and that the user was rejected.
When I log into the SQL server and check the event logs I can see where the login ID was rejected, but it was rejected because it wasn't the login ID that I specified in the connection string. It seems to be trying to use my windows authentication instead (which in windows 8 is a live ID) which won't work because my windows ID doesn't (and shouldn't) have access to the server.
Some basic connection string info (all data changed to protect the innocent... aka my poor server)
Data Source=myServer; Initial Catalog=myDB; User ID=myUsername; Password=myPassword; Integrated Security=false;
Has anyone run into this issue?
Do a search in the entire solution for myServer. This should shed light on the issue, given the connection string is defined somewhere else and it connects to the same server.
