Grails Data Source URL for Oracle Database that uses TNS - oracle

I'm writing a Groovy/Grails application that will be connecting to an Oracle database that uses TNS names for resolving the actual host. The problem I'm running into is trying to figure out the connection string (called the url in the DataSource.groovy file). I've tried Googling examples, but all the examples I've found so far include the host name, something that I want to avoid since I've been told that this database uses TNS names so that the host can change and the various apps that connect to it won't need to be updated with the new host name.
If someone can provide an example or link that would help me create a connection string using the following details that would be much appreciated.
TNS name: TEST
Username: User
Password: Password

You have to have the host name and the port of the machine that has the listener at least. The actual DB host will be in the TNS file and can be changed without having to change the url string.


Need to Connect by Proxy with ODP.NET Using My Certificate

I'm having an issue making a proxy database connection to an ORACLE database using I need my program to attempt the proxy connection but then prompt me for my certificate and authenticate me with that.
I have a Perl script that does this and it only requires me to specify the name of the TNS entry and the user I want proxying in for me.
I also have my SQL Developer doing the same thing, pointing to the same TNS entry.
But when I try to attempt the same approach with ODP.NET it just gives me the ORA-12154 error, "TNS: Could not resolve the connect identifier specified."
From my limited knowledge of Oracle I ASSUME that the error means that it couldn't find that TNS entry. And I've verified that the entry DOES exist in my tnsnames.ora file and proved I could proxy to it via my Perl script and SQL Developer. Even put a breakpoint in my VB code to ensure I was specify the correct TNS Entry.
I've even stripped down the connection string to JUST the datasource to see what error I get. So I'm not sure if I have the connection string wrong or if it needs to be in a different format. But I DO know that the solution HAS to allow me to specify the TNS alias and the connection HAS to prompt me for my certificate. No password.
So I guess I'm trying to find out what the appropriate connection string would look like to do this and why .NET can't seem to figure out what this TNS alias is.
I've tried setting the USER ID attribute to the account I want proxying for me, set the PROXY USER ID attribute the same way as well as also tried "/", set the DATA SOURCE attribute to the TNS alias.
This program will be deployed to four different environments that have the same TNS alias in them but point to different servers. So I really need to be able to specify the TNS alias.

Informatica Domain Configuration database connection during Powercenter installation

I am trying to install Informatica Server.
During domain configuration repository database information I get database connectivity error.
Error: Test Connection Failed. Correct the database connection information and test the connection again.
But when I connect using same details through Oracle SQL Developer to this database, it works fine.
I am using service name and port number field from the TNS File, still getting this error.
I think you can check tomcat log, catalina.out logs. This will help on finding out real issue.
Go to command prompt and type ping localhost and see if its responding anything. May be you can use IP and check host file.

ORA-12541 TNS :no listener on 1 specific remote database, but not on others

Some context: I'm setting up an environment to run some Ruby code our Lead wrote to connect to some remote Databases. I'm using Win10 and have WSL installed. I have installed SQL*Plus, docker, and Ruby, and am sure I have installed all the dependent gems (actually at this point I know for a fact its not a ruby problem). I'm using Docker to use a pre-built image of an Oracle Database, and I have populated it with data.
Obfuscated company DB information:
'Broken' DB (TNS no listener)
Username: W-WORK-DEV
Password: password
Host: host1
Port: 999
'Working' DB (can connect just fine)
Username: C-OLD-DEV
Password: password
Host: host2
Port: 999
Please note the names I have provided here are purely for obfuscation, they do not represent anything about age or even config. They are essentially the same, just different databases on different hosts. Also note this is a corporate company and would have a lot of base infrastructure for their internal network.
The issue I am having is that with the specific database I am working on, I cannot connect to it. I connect to the company intranet via a VPN (I work offsite) and have issues connecting to, though I can connect to Methods I have tried to connect with:
Oracle SQL Developer
I have inputted all the correct jdbc strings and username / password. Have even asked other people to attempt to connect (at least 3 others). They can all access C-OLD-DB as well as W-WORK-DB. When using this method, I get The network adapter could not establish the connection.
Side note: I'm fairly sure I have connected to the DB just fine in the past, though I can't be certain because I'm fairly new to this team and have only accessed it once, if that.
SQL*Plus via WSL
I installed SQL*Plus because I think Ruby was accessing it in some capacity when running the script. I got to the point where the script was able to connect to my local docker Database, but when it tried to connect to the remote database, it would return TNS: no listener. I attempted this using sqlplus as well and got the same error.
sqlplus C-OLD-DEV/password#host2:999/
This command works and connected to the DB jsut fine.
sqlplus W-WORK-DEV/password#host1:999/
This command gave me TNS: no listener.
During my research I had found mentions about tnsnames.ora, sqlnet.ora, and listener.ora. I have found relevant files around the company intranet and attempted to use them in my own personal environment to no avail (one of the sqlnet.ora files actually stopped me from being able to connect to any) I found mention about a config/database.yml file related to ruby, but our code already has the database information set up and I seem to be getting to the same solution as the script when trying to manually connect via sqlplus.
Here are some relevant environment variables I have set up when doing these installs. I'm thinking that at some point when trying to set up my environment, I messed up some config that changed the way sqldeveloper or sql plus would connect to that database.
$ echo $ORACLE_HOME: /usr/lib/oracle/12.2/client64/
$ echo $TNS_ADMIN: /usr/lib/oracle/12.2/client64/network/admin
$ echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH: /usr/lib/oracle/12.2/client64/lib
I hope I have provided all the information I have come across and have explained clearly what my issue is, if you have any questions feel free to comment about it so I can clear it up. Thank you for any and all your help.
So my problem ended up being a 'firewall/port' issue. In the end i found out that specific port I was connecting to was blocked, but I thought it was only on my system. Turns out the VPN I'm using was the issue blocking that port. Company has a Primary Data Center and a Secondary one, and apparently the SDC VPN was blocking that port from me. I switched to using the PDC VPN and it worked.
Are you using the 64 bit jdbc drivers?

Communication between two databases (Oracle, VirtualBox)

Currently I am trying to understand how can two databases communicate to each other (for instance: get data from one to another).
Detailed description
I have two Oracle databases, one on Windows and latter on Oracle VirtualBox. On Windows DB I have one user (PAI) with single table called TESTME. On VirtualBox, only user (PAI_VB) was created. Now, I want to display the content of the TESTME table from SQL Developer from VB.
I have done
I want to display table TESTME using LINK statement:
Note: data from 'DESCRIPTION' section were taken from tnsname.ora file on Windows.
Having that, via following query I will manage to display table:
Unfortunately, it does not work.
Error from console
ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
12154. 00000 - "TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified"
*Cause: A connection to a database or other service was requested using
a connect identifier, and the connect identifier specified could not
be resolved into a connect descriptor using one of the naming methods
configured. For example, if the type of connect identifier used was a
net service name then the net service name could not be found in a
naming method repository, or the repository could not be
located or reached.
- If you are using local naming (TNSNAMES.ORA file):
- Make sure that "TNSNAMES" is listed as one of the values of the
NAMES.DIRECTORY_PATH parameter in the Oracle Net profile
Could you please propose solution to my problem (I know that in *Action section there is a hint but still I cannot solve it).
Maybe, you could introduce me another way to make communication between two databases possible.
I managed to connect from my VB machine to one on Win10 via SQLDeveloper and SQLPlus. Unfortunately, using Oracle LINK I can not access data from database.
I managed to solve my issue. The problem laid in LINK. Since following part:
was inside tnsnames.ora file i should define my link as follows:
USING 'xe';
After that minor change, I was able to freely us LINK in my example. Cheers :)
Here's what you need to have for a working database link:
Network connectivity between the two hosts.
Oracle Listener process running on the host you want to connect to.
Correct TNS entry while creating the link.
Correct username and password to connect to the remote database.
The TNS-12154 error you're getting means the database running on the virtual host can't get to XE's listener using the description you gave it.
Make sure you're using the correct IP address when trying to connect to your Windows host from your virtual machine.
Run tnsping from your virtual environment to see if it can get to the Windows host listener.
tnsping 'DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=your_windows_host_ip_from_step_1)(PORT=1521))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=XE))'
or just tnsping XE if you have the TNS entry stored as XE in tnsnames.ora file on your virtual machine.
See also: Oracle documentation — Testing Connections.
Once you get OK response from tnsping try connecting to XE with sqlplus (sqlplus PAI/PAI#XE) or via SQL Developer running on the virtual host. If you can connect that way your database link should also work with the same TNS entry.
This is a tricky part of oracle because there are a number of diverent ways to make a connection.
I suggest that you begin to make sure that you have a tnsnames.ora file both on windows and in your virtualbox environment. What os are you running in VirtualBox by the way?
In both tnsnames.ora files both databases should be named. Easiest to make them identical.
Then connect with sql*plus from windows to your database in VirtualBox and from VirtualBox to your database on Windows.
Just to make sure your network and tns config are OK.
If this works recreate your db-link with the servce alias from tnsnames after using. This should work.

Oracle TNS: net service name is incorrecly specified

I'm trying to access an Oracle database on an old server we inherited for a client.
I'm confident I have the Oracle database and listener started and working, but when trying to access sqlplus or the exp commands, I'm getting the following error:
ORA-12162: TNS:net service name is incorrectly specified
I have edited the tnsnames.ora file to change the host to rather than an external URL and I am able to successfully tnsping my connection, but am not getting much further.
Try setting the Oracle SID
set ORACLE_SID=database name
export ORACLE_SID=bvteng worked for me, where bvteng was the service name.
Are you trying a local connection (e.g. "sqlplus u/p") or a network connection (e.g. "sqlplus u/")? Are they both giving you the same error?
The TNSPING by definition is using a network connection. I see some references that indicate you can get the 12612 error when using a local connection. So that is a possible explanation why you are seeing the error from SQLPlus but not TNSPING. If so, try doing a network connection instead.
The local connection not working is probably due to ORACLE_SID not being set correctly as John suggested, but his syntax may not be the right method for whatever shell you are using. Make sure you are using the correct method for the given shell, such as "export ORACLE_SID=name" or "setenv ORACLE_SID name".
I have edited the tnsnames.ora file to change the host to rather
than an external url and am able to successfully tnsping my connection, but am not getting much further.
The last time that happened to me (tnsping works but sqlplus does not, same error message you got), the issue was that someone had copied the tnsnames.ora file from a Windows machine, and left the wrong line feed codes in.
If that is the case, you need to do some dos2unix.
These files are very sensitive to "correct" white-space and tabbing.
Someone should complain to Oracle about that.
Dave Costa has presented you with 2 important question. Are you trying to connect via net8 or locally via extproc? Is the listener on the local machine( -- loop back device) setup for extproc connection?
To use the net8 or tcp connection protocol, you need to specify user/pw#tns_alias. To connect locally via extproc you should specify the oracle_sid parameter and then connect via name/pw.
I also notice the tnsalias has the .world domain appended to it, but the sqlnet.ora file does not contain a reference to NAMES.DEFAULT_DOMAIN as being "world".
Also what is the env parameter for TNS_ADMIN? Make sure your tools are looking at the correct tnsnames.ora file. Too many time people modify one tnsnames.ora and the programs/software is looking at another.
Check the tnsnames.ora file, in my case, took me days to find out there were either tab characters in the connection string or other invisible special characters that were causing it to fail.
In my case, the problem was that the DSN and the ServiceName was configured as the same in the odbc.ini file.This should not be a problem, but only after changing the DSN name, I was able to connect to the database through isql.
