Creating inline comments within a wordpress blog post - ajax

I'm wondering if there is an easy way to enable users to comment within a blog post in wordpress? For example, in Microsoft word, users can add comments within a article, I'm wondering if the same can be done to a wordpress blog post?
Is there a handy plugin?
What's the best way to go about creating one? Creating overlay with Ajax windows? Any starter code I can pull from?
Has anyone seen this done really well? Surprising that its not more prominent on the web.

I searched for a plugin, too. There WAS no WordPress plugin. So I've written my own, based on inlineDisqussions.
It's called "Inline Comments", try it:


AMP: Accelerated Mobile Pages in an already developed site

I have an umbraco based CMS site and I've been advised to use AMP for fast mobile performance. I have read the demo page from this gitHub link.
But I am not understanding how to set it in an already developed site. Do I need to change all tags according to AMP?
better not to mess with existing instead you build new AMP version of your site
(After doing a quick Google)
I don't think there's a an AMP-plugin for Umbraco yet, but that will probably be the way to go. I've been using the AMP-plugin for WordPress for a little while now and it made all posts on my site AMP-compatible without me having to do anything :)
Perhaps check with the Umbraco community whether there's an ETA on such a plugin for their platform?
You can have seperate AMP pages and google will handle the rest. I think that is the safest way to approach it, without having a plugin like they have for wordpress.
You can still enable the users to use the CMS functionality by creating custom data types for e.g. amp-img instead of img. The content editors will just have to be briefed on the basics of AMP.

Good tool to create documentation for jQuery plugin?

I wrote a Javascript (jQuery) plugin. Now I want to write a documentation site for it. Is there a good tool to create such a site out of some offline file formats or works like a CMS?
I know this answer has been asked before, but the last answers are from 2011. Is there anything new that does an awesome job in writing documentation?
There are a few new tools for generating websites or blogs from code/directory.
Bootstrap v3 just switched to jekyll for documentation. jekyll knows how to process Markdown or Liquid (markdown flavours)
Grunt.js is also used for all sorts of automated task. One of these being documentation generation. Search their plugin list for doc is another tool for generating documentation pages
I'll extend if I bump into others. I am not sure if this is exactly what you need, but they are general purpose so I am sure a jQuery plugin can fit in.

Joomla 2.5 Add Option Groups to Article

I'm playing with Joomla 2.5.9 (The latest 2.X download). Do you know how you can add additional menu's to the "Article Manager: Edit Article" page? (This is in the Administration)
Their API gives me some hint on several things but I am don't know what this right "Slide Down Option Area" is called in the Administration.
In the right area there are things such as:
Publishing options
Article Options
Configure Edit Screen
Images and Links
I want to know where to start to add my own, or where they are already built in the system so I can base mine off it -- Is this a plugin, module, or something else? :)
As i say don't change any of the core file in Joomla. If you want to add any functionality into the article manager you can make your own plugin to add functionality in it. For doing this see this link :
Creating a content plugin
I hope this is what you looking for.Good luck.
There are some extensions that allow you to do that.
I recommend (although somewhat buggy and a code mess) this one:
It does exactly what you want.
Or, you could make your own as Toretto suggests, there are some tutorials on creating a plugin for extra items in the article form, but the already-made-extension route seems to make more sence.
I've been using FieldsAttach for this sort of thing, for a few years, the code is often a little messy, that is true, but the the concepts are clean and eloquent. Brian Teeman explains it well from an integrator point of view in his talk at but in some ways it is even more compelling from a developer's perspective.
However, after watching Marco Ding's Joomla Day UK 2016 talk on I think DPFields may be a better choice. The architecture is perhaps more rugged and neater, but also because it may well end up being a core extension in Joomla in the near future. More info on DPFields is at , and .

pyrocms codeigniter widgets modules

My question is do widgets get in on any custom libraries that I add to a custom module? What I want to achieve is create a custom module and I want to add ability to generate pdf documents so I was thinking of making the pdf generation a widget as I would like to use that on another site. If I made it a module, would I be able to share the resources between my pdfmodule and any other module? Sometimes I wish there was a book written on pyrocms that clarifies these issues.
Sorry it took a month to spot this one, but we generally help out on the support forums and don't look here as often.
SO, cross loading resources. Yep that is supported just fine. We use the HMVC plugin for CodeIgniter and often forget that people don't know too much about how it works. I'll get something added to the documentation for this, but basically you just specify the module name like this:
Hope this helps anyone finding this in the future. It's probably a bit late for Eagletrophy.

Is there a website that provides code for the Like, Tweet, +1 and Share buttons?

I've found a Wordpress plugin which provides code for all these buttons but I want to put them on my website (which doesn't run Wordpress).
Is there somewhere which provides the code or do I have to do them all separately?
I'm trying to add them to this website: Compress My Code.
There's lots of plug-ins for that available out there if you care to search.
My personal preference is the "SexyBookmarks" which look a bit like this:
And here's how you add them.
I've found this which seems to have everything I need, thanks for the other answer too though :)
