What was this live filtered table implemented with? [closed] - user-interface

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I was just browsing http://plugins.netbeans.org/PluginPortal/
I like the way that the table at the bottom of the page works, with its various live filtering & sort options. Particularly its speed, fluidity & function.
Does anyone know how this would have been implemented (I'm talking specifically, I have a good understanding of the generalized process, and am interested in the specific technology if it already exists as a particular type of control in/on a particular platform)?
Your help would be greatly appreciated.

looking at the page source it looks like the DataTables plug in for jquery see here


Is it necessary to memorize the codes of data structures? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Is it necessary to memorize the code of data structures like linked lists, dynamic arrays , circular linked list, queues , stacks , Graphs etc. Or just the basic knowledge of code is enough ? What kind of questions can be asked in a job interview regarding data structures ?
I don't know what your (future) employer may ask, but generally, I'd say no. You have to know how they work and what they're used for, expecially which data structure serves which purpose with its advantages/disadvantages. If you know that, you'll be able to write the code of such a structure without having it memorized - because you know how it will work.

Dynamic Programming with "broken profile"? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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The following link mentions some types of dynamic programming:
one of which is "broken profile".
I am pretty sure it is a valid term since I have seen references to it in other programming competition sites like TopCoder and CodeForces.
But I can't seem to find anything on this topic. This term has been used mostly by Russian sources.
Does anyone what if means, or what kind of problems within dynamic programming it solves? Or even better a tutorial?

What is an LOE? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have no idea, I Googled, no dice.
In context: "Do we have an LOE on this? They keep asking me haha. :)"
I have googled and googled and googled and can't put my hands around it. Could someone explain it to me like I'm five?
Level Of Effort is the most likely one. There are a bunch listed here as well: http://www.acronymfinder.com/Business/LOE.html
I guessed this one because it was in the context of project management, and that's the type of thing a PM needs to know.
And it specifically shows up here: http://www.all-acronyms.com/LOE/tag/project_management as the first Google result of a search for "LOE project management acronym"

How does the algorithm for the "report abuse" feature on a website work? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I was just wondering- is there an automated way that the "report abuse" (for profane or inappropriate posts) feature works for a large website like, say, Amazon? Is it just a simple game of numbers (e.g. 100 ppl report the link so it should be taken down) or something more sophisticated?
It is a link on a website that the website-owner implemented? I don't think there is a some sort of top-down regulated method of implementing this, everyone does it's own thing. Some will be 'just simple numbers', some will be more sophisticated.
SO does both I guess: the more flags, the more a problem (spam for instance) gets attention of people who can lock, and flags of some users way heavier then others...

How to measure the size of a Ruby object? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm having Memcache problems and I was wondering what is the best way to know how big the objects I create are.
The only solution I have is to put them into Memcache which display their size in bytes (by the way, can I customize Memcache's output? I want readable kilobytes…).
Thank you,
The excellent Eigenclass blog had an interesting article on that once:
There also was a good discussion on ruby-talk, which led to some code by Robert Klemme (Ruby Best Practices):
Plugging the values from the first article into the script might get you started and is probably quite educational.
You could also check out memprof, though it's more about object references and finding memory leaks than actual sizes:
