Dynamic Programming with "broken profile"? [closed] - algorithm

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Closed 10 years ago.
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The following link mentions some types of dynamic programming:
one of which is "broken profile".
I am pretty sure it is a valid term since I have seen references to it in other programming competition sites like TopCoder and CodeForces.
But I can't seem to find anything on this topic. This term has been used mostly by Russian sources.
Does anyone what if means, or what kind of problems within dynamic programming it solves? Or even better a tutorial?


Algorithm reference [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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This is a trivial question - but something I always miss in the day-to-day programming.
Is there a gook lookup reference available for the common algorithms that we usually face in our everyday programming - sorting,sequences,graphs.
The emphasis is more on the applicability and pseudocode ,rather than the mathematical proofs(which I find is what books tend to stress on).
The idea is to keep a ready reference,as and when we need to resort to one of these algorithms into our respective development project and languages.
Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures
How about this?
List of algorithms#Wikipedia

how to solve linkedlist interview questions when interviewer ask us to do [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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In Interviews If interviewers ask us to implement linkedlist problems we have to write our own linked lists or we can just use predefined classed in java/c# ?
Odds are, he/she wants to know that you are skilled enough to be able to write your own.
And you should be able to answer this easily. Study up.

What is an LOE? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have no idea, I Googled, no dice.
In context: "Do we have an LOE on this? They keep asking me haha. :)"
I have googled and googled and googled and can't put my hands around it. Could someone explain it to me like I'm five?
Level Of Effort is the most likely one. There are a bunch listed here as well: http://www.acronymfinder.com/Business/LOE.html
I guessed this one because it was in the context of project management, and that's the type of thing a PM needs to know.
And it specifically shows up here: http://www.all-acronyms.com/LOE/tag/project_management as the first Google result of a search for "LOE project management acronym"

Steven Skiena's Algorithm Design Manual Solutions [duplicate]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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The book is full of interesting questions, but since I am learning it myself, it would be a great help if I can find solutions to at least some of the questions.
Anyone knows anything about this?
The book's website, algorist.com has a wiki with solutions.

What is Coding in Vacuum? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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What does the term "Coding in Vacuum" mean? I have heard the term before but I am unable to find anything on Google that is relevant.
I interpret this as a derogatory comment about someone writing software while not considering the greater context of the project. For example:
"Didn't Bob know that this email client was supposed to handle emails
with images?"
"I guess not, I think he was just coding in a vacuum."
I like this answer from the English Usage StackExchange:
