Multiple models for a view without controllers - joomla

As I've just started with Joomla component development, this might sound stupid, or might be trivial.
I would like to know if its possible to have different models attached to a view, without using separate controllers?
My intention is actually to use same model for different views.
Thanx in advance...

Yes, you can load any model in the view with
$model = JModel::getInstance('ModelName', 'ComponentNameModel');

OK, got it working.
Basically you just need to check for the 'view' variable in the JRequest class:
if(JRequest::getVar('view') == 'yourtargetview') {
$modelMain = $this->getModel ( 'yourtargetmodel' );
$viewCallback = $this->getView ( 'yourtargetview', 'html');
$viewCallback->setModel( $modelMain, true ); // true is for the default model;
And then in your target view class, reference the model functions as follows(notice the second parameter to get call):
$this->targetFieldValue = $this->get('targetMethod', 'targetModel');
Hope it helps...


How to access table data without model in view

I want to know is there any way to access table data without passing it from controller to view in laravel 5 ?
I have an Options table in my database that stores all my project options. it has three column:
Now I want to access each option value in my master.blade.php file.
what is the best way to do it.
If you understand what MVC is all about then you should know that passing a variable from controller to your view is the best practice. View is simply used for presentation and should only be used for presentation purpose for the sake of separation of concern.
With that been said the best approach is:
Create a model for options then pass it through your controller to the view.
For example:
use App\Option;
PageController extends Controller{
public function __construct(Option $option){
$this->option = $option;
public function about(){
$options = $this->option->list('id','value');
return view('about', $options);
To make variable global in all view see my answer here:
Laravel 5 - global Blade view variable available in all templates
Well there can be multiple ways available, but passing your Table data directly into views is not a recommended way, It would be much better if you follow the proper way, means from Controller to Model. Well its upto you. here is my suggested possible ways.
Method 1 (about which you are asking)
in your master.blade.php file, you can also do this,
$v = new \App\Message(); // your model object
echo $v ->testmeee(); // its method
Method 2
If you are trying to use your Table data globally(means you want options data should be available on all pages/views), then this one is highly suggested way.
Goto your App/Http/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php file
view()->composer('*', function ($view)
$user = new \App\User();
$view->with('friend_new_req_count', count($user->getLoggedinUserNewFriends()));
now this variablefriend_new_req_count with data would be available in all views (only in views) means you can access in view {{$friend_new_req_count}}

Is good practice for view sending param by assign to controller property?

For sending param to view, document in CodeIgniter use as following:
$data['name'] = $this->name;
$data['color'] = $this->color;
$this->load->view('you_view',$data);//Load view with $data param
But currently i use like this:
//Controller file
$this->params = [Big Object or Array ];//Here I assigned my OJBECT or Array to controller property PARAMS
$this->load->view('you_view');//***** Wthout send with load view*******
//View file
$var_dump($this->params);//Notice after I print_r( $this) i found that it is current controller, that why i use without sending params during load view, but i afraid any problem or make my system slow.
In many different ways you can pass variables to the view, for example through controller as you did, then through config file, model, language file, or defining a variables with define(), but then the point of MVC model was to separate data, logic and design, so i don't thing your way is a bad way, just not in the spirit of idea of MVC. Do you get any better performance?

MVC URL issues (Codeigniter)

I'm building a website using Codeigniter and I really like how in the MVC pattern URLs are used to reference controller methods. It seems very logical and intuitive however, I seem to be running in an array of issues with this very pattern!
So I am building an events website and currently I'm passing everything through one main Site controller, passing a number of parameters:
public function index($page = NULL, $city = NULL, $type_venue = NULL, $slug = NULL)
// if the page argument is empty show the homepage
if( ! ($page))
$page = 'home';
// create an array for passing to the views
$data = array(
'title_city' => $city,
'title_type_venue' => str_replace('-', ' ', $type_venue),
'locations' => $this->locations_model->load(),
'events' => $this->events_model->load($city, $type_venue, $slug),
'venues' => $this->venues_model->load($city, $slug)
// construct the page layout with the following views
$this->load->view('partials/head', $data);
$this->load->view('partials/header', $data);
$this->load->view('content/'.$page, $data);
This works fine, in that it loads content for the following URLs:
However if I want to pass anything else through this controller that isn't an event, i.e. register/user, I have to write a specific route for this!
Worth noting my routing is:
$route['(:any)'] = 'site/index/$1';
I could write separate controllers for each entity, i.e. events, venues, cities but each one would look largely like the above (correct?) in that each would need the parameters to get the data.
My question is - what is the best practice approach for developing long query strings like this? Is a single controller correct? It doesn't feel like it, but then multiple controllers would violate DRY, just because they all need so much similar data. Any help appreciated!
Avoid putting everything into a single controller; even further, in each controller, avoid putting everything into a single index function.
There is no need to write specific controllers for each function in Codeigniter - suggest you read that part again in the manual. Most of your routing will be done automatically for you if you follow the normal guidelines.
The more you try to use a single controller or function, the more you will have to add untestable, unmanageable, unscalable conditional code later.

Calling model functions in a view in Laravel 4?

I am using a function to write a query, and I am trying to return the variable the function returns and use it in a view. In my model:
public function sample_query() {
$count = User::where('fbid', '=', 421930)->count();
return $count;
In the view I am simply trying to call it with:
This is not working. I am new to this type of thing, and I suppose I don't know how to access the data pulled by queries in the model in the view. Please let me know if there is a better way, or why this isn't working. Thank you!
For your question it seems View Composer will solve your problem
View composers are callbacks or class methods that are called when a view is created. If you have data that you want bound to a given view each time that view is created throughout your application, a view composer can organize that code into a single location. Therefore, view composers may function like "view models" or "presenters".
View::composer('profile', function($view)
$view->with('count', User::count());
for more info read this
starting from the supposition that you have a User class:
{{ User::sample_query() }}

joomla 1.5 multiple models, problem with default view

I'm developing a view that need to reuse a model, I'm following this documentation But that reference do the trick just (at least as far as I understand) when I use the parameter get task. if I use the view, joomla get me null data.
more clearly
controller.php - the task I named as the view I need
function viewdowhatIneed(){
$view = & $this->getView('viewdowhatIneed',html);
$view->setModel( $this->getModel( 'thenotdefaultmodelthatIneed' ), true );
model - thenotdefaultmodelthatIneed.php
class BLAModelthenotdefaultmodelthatIneed extends Jmodel{
function getReusableData0(){...}
function getReusableData1(){...}
view - view.html.php
class BLAViewviewdowhatIneed extends JView{
function display($tpl=null){
$dataneedit0 = $this->get('ReusableData0');
$dataneedit1 = $this->get('ReusableData1');
SO, what happen to me is: -> variables(datadataneedit0,dataneedit1) == NULL -> variables(datadataneedit0,dataneedit1) == Get me right data
then, my question is, is there a way to do the same thing, by using view parameter without task parameter (btw, I know this could be not a important problem, but I'm not an expert and on this reference, it says:
The task part may or may not exist. Remember that if you omit it you are defaulting to task=display
so I really want to know that. In other words, can my view force to check the controller or vice versa.
Thanks in advance, excuse my english
