Calling model functions in a view in Laravel 4? - laravel

I am using a function to write a query, and I am trying to return the variable the function returns and use it in a view. In my model:
public function sample_query() {
$count = User::where('fbid', '=', 421930)->count();
return $count;
In the view I am simply trying to call it with:
This is not working. I am new to this type of thing, and I suppose I don't know how to access the data pulled by queries in the model in the view. Please let me know if there is a better way, or why this isn't working. Thank you!

For your question it seems View Composer will solve your problem
View composers are callbacks or class methods that are called when a view is created. If you have data that you want bound to a given view each time that view is created throughout your application, a view composer can organize that code into a single location. Therefore, view composers may function like "view models" or "presenters".
View::composer('profile', function($view)
$view->with('count', User::count());
for more info read this

starting from the supposition that you have a User class:
{{ User::sample_query() }}


Laravel with() together Table or Variable Name

I was reading a blog related Repository Pattern. I saw use of withBlogs method.
public function index()
$blogs = $this->blogRepository->all();
return view('blog')->withBlogs($blogs);
I never see something like this before. What is the purpose of it or what it's doing?
it is laravel's magic methods
you can name the method anything you want with with() in laravel
let me explain you by example, the following code you write in your controller method
return view('index')->withName('Name')->withFullName('Full Name')->withaddress('Your address')->withcountryName('CountryName');
then you can access the values in view explained below
withName('Name') in view it becomes $name
withFullName('Full Name') in view it becomes $fullName
withaddress('Your address') in view it becomes $address
withcountryName('CountryName') in view it becomes $countryName
It is used for passing data into views. The with method returns an instance of the view object so that you can continue chaining methods before returning the view. All of the syntax below archives the same thing:
return view('blog')->withBlogs($blogs);
return view('blog')->with('blogs', $blogs);
return view('blog')->with(compact('blogs'));
return view('blog', compact('blogs'));

How to load a CodeIgniter view in $promise->then() in a controller?

In my CodeIgniter 2 controller I call a model method which returns a ReactPHP promise, and I want to load a CodeIgniter view in the function called by that promise's ->then() method. How can I do this? What happens instead is the controller method returns nothing, so I get a blank page in the browser.
Here is a simplified example illustrating what I'm trying to do:
class My_class extends My_Controller {
function my_method() {
$this->my_model->returns_a_promise()->then(function ($data) {
// How can I pass the promise's resolved value to the template here?
// It seems this never gets called, because my_method() returns
// before we get here. :(
$this->load->view('my_view', $data);
Is there any way to tell the controller method not to send output to the browser until after the promise has resolved?
I'm not sure what are you trying to do but if you want to stop view from outputting and return it as a string then output it with echo yourself you can do this:
$view = this->load->view('my_view', $data, TRUE);
Now you have the view as a var string you can use it to do what you are trying to do.
It turns out the code in my original question does work. So the question is the answer. But the reason it wasn't working for me was that returns_a_promise() was not returning a resolved promise, so ->then() was not called and the view was not rendered. In order to make it return a resolved promise, I had to call $deferred->resolve(); in the code that returned the promise.
The upshot of this is that this code example demonstrates it is possible to run asynchronous PHP (via ReactPHP in this case) in CodeIgniter controller methods. My particular use case is to run many database queries concurrently in the CodeIgniter model.
try this:
function my_method() {
$data = array();
$data['promise'] =$this->my_model->returns_a_promise();
$data['view'] = 'my_view';
$this->load->view('my_view', $data);

How to access table data without model in view

I want to know is there any way to access table data without passing it from controller to view in laravel 5 ?
I have an Options table in my database that stores all my project options. it has three column:
Now I want to access each option value in my master.blade.php file.
what is the best way to do it.
If you understand what MVC is all about then you should know that passing a variable from controller to your view is the best practice. View is simply used for presentation and should only be used for presentation purpose for the sake of separation of concern.
With that been said the best approach is:
Create a model for options then pass it through your controller to the view.
For example:
use App\Option;
PageController extends Controller{
public function __construct(Option $option){
$this->option = $option;
public function about(){
$options = $this->option->list('id','value');
return view('about', $options);
To make variable global in all view see my answer here:
Laravel 5 - global Blade view variable available in all templates
Well there can be multiple ways available, but passing your Table data directly into views is not a recommended way, It would be much better if you follow the proper way, means from Controller to Model. Well its upto you. here is my suggested possible ways.
Method 1 (about which you are asking)
in your master.blade.php file, you can also do this,
$v = new \App\Message(); // your model object
echo $v ->testmeee(); // its method
Method 2
If you are trying to use your Table data globally(means you want options data should be available on all pages/views), then this one is highly suggested way.
Goto your App/Http/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php file
view()->composer('*', function ($view)
$user = new \App\User();
$view->with('friend_new_req_count', count($user->getLoggedinUserNewFriends()));
now this variablefriend_new_req_count with data would be available in all views (only in views) means you can access in view {{$friend_new_req_count}}

How to share object in blade template across Zizaco/Confide routes?

I'm trying to share an object across a Laravel application. I need this because I want to create a blade template which will be included everywhere and will also perform some logic/data manipulation (a dynamic menu sort of speak).
To be able to accomplish this I've created a constructor in the Base controller and used View::share facade.
While this works across all routes in the application, it's not working for Zizaco/Confide generated routes, where I get Undefined variable error for $books.
This is the constructor in the base controller:
public function __construct()
$books = Book::all();
View::share('books', $books);
return View::make('adminMenu')->with('books', $books);
What you need are View Composers!!
You can hook a view composer to a certain view name or pattern (using * wildcard). Every time before that view gets rendered the view composer will run.
You can put this anywhere. Most elegant would be a custom app/composers.php which is then required at the bottom of app/start/global.php
View::composer('adminMenu', function($view){
$books = Book::all();
$view->with('books', $books);

Codeigniter reusable sections

I have a table of data from a database that I want to display on various pages of my website. Ideally, i would like to just have an include or something that will go off and get the data, and return the html table. The html and data will be identical everytime I need to use this.
I wanted to know the best way of doing this
If this helps, something similar to a Django "inclusion" custom tag...for any django developers reading
you need to pass the variable $data to the view method.
This is your code:
function load_my_view(){
$data['my_results'] = $this->my_table->my_data();
Please change it to this in order to load the $data into the view:
function load_my_view(){
$data['my_results'] = $this->my_table->my_data();
You should use a function in a model to fetch the data you need. Your controller calls the model function and sends the returned information to a view. You don't need to use traditional php includes with Codeigniter. I recommend a review of the user guide. It's very good and will tell you all the basic stuff you need to know to develop with CI. But to get you started, you watn to use Models, Views, and Controllers. Your url will tell CI what controller and function inside that controller to run. If your url is
Then CI will do what is inside the load_my_view function in the my_controller controller. function load_my_view in turn instantiates a model "my_table" and runs a database query, returns information that the controller sends to the view. A basic example follows:
Your model
class my_table extends CI_Model{
function my_data(){
$query = $this->db->get();
$result = $query->result();
$result = false;
return $result;
Your controller
class my_controller extends CI_Controller{
function load_my_view(){
$data['my_results'] = $this->my_table->my_data();
Your View
<ul id = "my_db_results">
<?php foreach($my_results as $result):?>
<li><?php echo $result->column_1." : ".$result->column_2." ( ".$result->column_3." )";?></li>
<?php endforeach;?>
It looks like a good oportunity to use cache:
Ok, so here is one thing that worked for me, but its definitely not perfect.
I created a view in which made a call to the model getting the data then put the data into a table. This way, I only have to include this view to put the table anywhere.
I understand this completely ruins the point of having a MVC framework, but hopefully it demonstrates what I want to do...and it works
