Ruby: 'case true' when does it block loop? - ruby

There is piece of code
A = "am"
F = "fm"
def fmam(n)
return if n == 0
loopy(n - 1)
case true
when n % 15 == 0
puts B + L
when n % 5 == 0
puts L
when n % 3 == 0
puts B
puts n
in this code what does case true do it this code?

case has two forms. The form you're using compares the "target" after the case keyword ( true in this case) with each comparison (the part after each when keyword) using the === operator. You end up with a series of boolean expressions and execute the code for the first one that evaluates to true. As such, it's redundant and a bit confusing. It would be better to remove the true and use the second form of case:
when n % 15 == 0
puts B + L
when n % 5 == 0
puts L
when n % 3 == 0
puts B
puts n
This does the same thing but is clearer.

tutorialspoint :- says
case expression
[when expression [, expression ...] [then]
code ]...
code ]
Compares the expression specified by case and that specified by when using the === operator and executes the code of the when clause that matches.
saying that look below:
A = "am"
F = "fm"
L = "dd"
B = 'aa'
def fmam(n)
return if n == 0
case true
when n % 15 == 0
puts B + L
when n % 5 == 0 # this evaluates to true first, which then matched with true value mentioned in the case statement.
puts L
when n % 3 == 0
puts B
puts n
fmam(20) #=> dd
Now look at the below code:
A = "am"
F = "fm"
L = "dd"
B = 'aa'
def fmam(n)
return if n == 0
case false
when n % 25 == 0 # this evaluates to false first, which then matched with false value mentioned in the case statement.
puts B + L
when n % 5 == 0
puts L
when n % 3 == 0
puts B
puts n
fmam(30) #=> aadd

You could refactor the case statement to
msg = case 0
when n % 15
B + L
when n % 5
when n % 3
puts msg


The code below is supposed to return the least perfect square that when added to it, the sum is also a perfect square

So suppose I give 13 as n, the code should return 36 because 36 is the least perfect square that when added to 13 it gives 49 which is a perfect square. Now when I give 4 as n, it should return -1 because 4 added to all the numbers has no perfect square hence it's returning nothing. The code works without adding the elsif but that means if I pass in 4 it will return the range. But once I add the elsif it still prints out the range.
def solve n
arr = (1..10).each do |i|
i = (i**2) + n
if (Math.sqrt(i) % 1) == 0
return i - n
elsif false
return -1
p solve(13) #= 36
# # because 36 is the smallest perfect square that can be added to 13 to form a perfect square => 13 + 36 = 49
p solve(3) #= 1 # 3 + 1 = 4, a perfect square
p solve(12) #= 4 # 12 + 4 = 16, a perfect square
p solve(9) #= 16
p solve(4) #= -1
The thing is your code is never entering to the elsif branch, that's why you're getting the (1..10) range after the iteration because that's the value arr holds and as there's no return value after checking if (Math.sqrt(i) % 1) == 0.
You could just return -1 if there was no a explicit return during the iteration:
def solve n
(1..10).each do |i|
i = (i**2) + n
return i - n if (Math.sqrt(i) % 1).zero?
solve(3) # 1
solve(12) # 4
solve(9) # 16
solve(4) # -1

How to multiply integer digits between them?

I want to my n to multiply with next number for example if n=99 i want it to 9*9 and then return a result, and then i want the result (9*9 = 81 then 8*1 = 8) to multiply until it becomes 1 digit.
Here's my code:
def persistence(n)
if n <= 9
puts n
n.to_s.each_char do |a|
a.to_i * a.to_i unless n < 9
puts a.to_i
and i want it to return this:
persistence(39) # returns 3, because 3*9=27, 2*7=14, 1*4=4
# and 4 has only one digit
persistence(999) # returns 4, because 9*9*9=729, 7*2*9=126,
# 1*2*6=12, and finally 1*2=2
persistence(4) # returns 0, because 4 is already a one-digit number
def persistence(n)
i = 0
while n.to_s.length != 1
n =*)
i +=1
persistence(39) #=> 3
persistence(999) #=> 4
Other version:
def p(n, acc)
return acc if n <= 9
p(*), acc+1)
def persistence(n)
p(n, 0)
I will leave the breaking down of method and understanding what's happening and what is the difference b/w two variations to you. Will love to see your comment explaining it.
def persistence(n)
0.step.each do |i|
break i if n < 10
n = n.digits.reduce(:*)
persistence 4 #=> 0
persistence 39 #=> 3
persistence 999 #=> 4
persistence 123456789123456789 #=> 2
Regarding the last result, note that 2*5*2*5 #=> 100.

Is it better way to do that?

I wrote a simple script to sum all digits of positive integer input until 1 digit is left ( for example for input 12345 result is 6 because 1+2+3+4+5 = 15 and 1+5 = 6). It works but is it better way to do that? ( more correct?)
here is a code:
def sum(n)
while string.length > 1 do
result=string.chars.inject { |sum,n| sum = sum.to_i + n.to_i}
puts "Sum of digits is " + string
p "please enter a positive integer number:"
number = Integer(gets.chomp)
while number<0
p "Number must be positive!Enter again:"
number = Integer(gets.chomp)
p "You didnt enter integer!:"
According to Wikipedia, the formula is:
dr(n) = 1 + ((n − 1) mod 9)
So it boils down to:
def sum(n)
1 + (n - 1) % 9
To account for 0, you can add return 0 if
You could use divmod (quotient and modulus) to calculate the digit sum without converting to / from string. Something like this should work:
def sum(number)
result = 0
while number > 0 do
number, digit = number.divmod(10)
result += digit
if number == 0 && result >= 10
number = result
result = 0
sum(12345) #=> 6
The line
number, digit = number.divmod(10)
basically strips off the last digit:
12345.divmod(10) #=> [1234, 5]
1234 becomes the new number and 5 is being added to result. If number eventually becomes zero and result is equal or greater than 10 (i.e. more than one digit), result becomes the new number (e.g. 15) and the loops starts over. If result is below 10 (i.e. one digit), the loop exits and result is returned.
Short recursive version:
def sum_of_digits(digits)
sum =
sum.size > 1 ? sum_of_digits(sum) : sum
p sum_of_digits('12345') #=> "6"
Single call version:
def sum_of_digits(digits)
digits = until digits.size == 1
return digits
It's looking good to me. You might do things a little more conscise like use map to turn every char into an integer.
def sum(n)
while string.length > 1 do
result =
string = result.to_s
puts "Sum of digits is " + string
You could also use .digits, so you don't have to convert the input into a string.
def digital_root(n)
while n.digits.count > 1
array = n.digits
n = array.sum
return n

Ruby - Sum Results of Select()

I'm doing, the first problem:
If we list all the natural numbers below 10, that are multiples of 3
or 5, we get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23. Find
the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000.
The following is the code I have so far.
(3..999) do |x|
x % 3.0 == 0 || x % 5.0 == 0
It would be easy to append the numbers into an array, but how can this be done by how can this be done by chaining a method onto the end of this. Something like
p start loop
do stuff
To answer the question - yes, you can chain the method like you've shown.
(3..999) do |x|
x % 3 == 0 || x % 5 == 0 # you don't have to use floats here, integers would work
#=> 233168
The rule of a style guides is to NOT to chain methods to multiline do end blocks, but it is a working code.
It's the same as writing
(3..999) { |x| x % 3 == 0 || x % 5 == 0 }.inject(:+)
Array#sum is an ActiveSupport method, not Ruby's, but I think you should use Ruby's methods in eulerproject tasks.
You are summing arithmetic series, so there is no need to iterate:
def sum(n,m)
p = n/m
n = 999
sum(n,3) + sum(n,5) - sum(n,15)
#=> 233168
n = 100
m = 3
p = 100/3 #=> 33
sum(100,3) = 3 + 6 + 9 +...+ 99
= 3 * (1 + 2 +...+ p)
= 3 * p(1+p)/2
We need to subtract sum(100,15) because sum(100,3) + sum(100,5) double-counts:
sum(100,15) = 15 + 30 + 45 + 60 + 75 + 90
if you want to get the sum of array, you can do like this:
(3..999).inject(0) { |sum, e| e % 3 == 0 || e % 5 == 0 ? sum += e : sum }
=> 233168
it just need once loop.
You can omit the to_a, since calling 'select' to (3..999) will still return an array regardless.
Andrey's answer is the most compact one with :
(3..999).select{ |x| x % 3 == 0 || x % 5 == 0 }.inject(:+)

Problems with Modulo operator Ruby: Why am I getting "undefined method `%' for 1..100:Range"?

For some reason I'm getting the error undefined method '%' for 1..100:Range when I run the following code:
[1..100].each do |x|
if x % 3 == 0 && x % 5 == 0
puts "CracklePop"
elsif x % 3 == 0
puts "Crackle"
elsif x % 5 == 0
puts "Pop"
puts x
Any idea what's going on? Any help is much appreciated.
That's the wrong syntax for ranges.
You've made an array with 1 element, and that element is itself the range 1..100. What you've written is equivalent to [(1.100)]. You're iterating over the outer array one time, and setting x to (1..100)
You want (1..100).each, which invokes each on the range, not on an array containing the range.
By doing [1..100] you are not looping from 1 to 100 but on 1..100, which is a Range object, what you really want to do is:-
(1..100).step do |x|
if x % 3 == 0 && x % 5 == 0
puts "CracklePop"
elsif x % 3 == 0
puts "Crackle"
elsif x % 5 == 0
puts "Pop"
puts x
Basically, Range represents an interval, you can iterate over Range as explained here, create an array from Range as explained here and more details on range can be found here.
Just as it says. 1..100 does not have a method %. The expression (1..100) % 3 is undefined.
