The code below is supposed to return the least perfect square that when added to it, the sum is also a perfect square - ruby

So suppose I give 13 as n, the code should return 36 because 36 is the least perfect square that when added to 13 it gives 49 which is a perfect square. Now when I give 4 as n, it should return -1 because 4 added to all the numbers has no perfect square hence it's returning nothing. The code works without adding the elsif but that means if I pass in 4 it will return the range. But once I add the elsif it still prints out the range.
def solve n
arr = (1..10).each do |i|
i = (i**2) + n
if (Math.sqrt(i) % 1) == 0
return i - n
elsif false
return -1
p solve(13) #= 36
# # because 36 is the smallest perfect square that can be added to 13 to form a perfect square => 13 + 36 = 49
p solve(3) #= 1 # 3 + 1 = 4, a perfect square
p solve(12) #= 4 # 12 + 4 = 16, a perfect square
p solve(9) #= 16
p solve(4) #= -1

The thing is your code is never entering to the elsif branch, that's why you're getting the (1..10) range after the iteration because that's the value arr holds and as there's no return value after checking if (Math.sqrt(i) % 1) == 0.
You could just return -1 if there was no a explicit return during the iteration:
def solve n
(1..10).each do |i|
i = (i**2) + n
return i - n if (Math.sqrt(i) % 1).zero?
solve(3) # 1
solve(12) # 4
solve(9) # 16
solve(4) # -1


Find the smallest 4-digit number that decreases by 27 when you move its last digit to the first position. (Use the find or detect method) in Ruby

I'm trying to run standard ruby training programs, but I had a problem with this program, please take a look. Thank you very much!
q = 9999 #last 4-digit number
while q > 1000 #from 9999 to 1000, for exemple, the cycle has arrived to 6784
d = #transform 6784 to array [6, 7, 8, 4]
p = d # create sample array with [6, 7, 8, 4]
tmp = p[0]; # tmp = 6;
p[0] = p[3]; # 6 = 4;
p[3] = tmp; # 4 = 6
g = p.join.to_i # transform [4, 7, 8, 6] to 4786
f = q - g # 6784 - 4786
if f == 27 # i need to find the smallest 4-digit number that decreases by 27 when moving its last digit to the first position
puts q #print 4-digit number that decreases by 27 when moving its last digit to the first position
q = q - 1;
But the result does not appear, it is because it is not, or somewhere a mistake.
In general, the condition of the task is:
Find the smallest 4-digit number that decreases by 27 when you move its last digit to the first position. (Use the find or detect method). Thank You!
I will first create a helper method to convert an array of digits to an integer.
def digits_to_int(arr)
arr.reduce { |n,d| n*10 + d }
For example,
digits_to_int [1,2,3,4]
#=> 1234
This tends to be faster than arr.join.to_i (see sawa's answer here).
We can then simply compute
(1..).find { |n| n-27 == digits_to_int(n.digits.rotate.reverse) }
#=> 30
See Enumerable#reduce (a.k.a. inject), "Endless range", Integer#digits, Array#rotate and Array#reverse.
Here is an example calculation.
n = 243
a = n.digits
#=> [3,4,2]
b = a.rotate
#=> [4,2,3]
c = b.reverse
#=> [3,2,4]
d = digits_to_int(c)
#=> 324
n - 27 == d
#=> 243 - 27 == 324 => false
and another
n = 30
a = n.digits
#=> [0,3]
b = a.rotate
#=> [3,0]
c = b.reverse
#=> [0,3]
d = digits_to_int(c)
#=> 3
n - 27 == d
#=> 30 - 27 == 3 => true
I would define a method to "rotate" the number using string manipulation.
def rotate_number_one_digit(n)
s = n.to_s
Then I would use #upto to deal with the iteration.
1000.upto(9999) do |x|
Each time around you'll check that the "rotated" number plus 27 equals x. If so, print it and break the loop to prevent further unnecessary iteration.
1000.upto(9999) do |x|
if rotate_number_one_digit(x) + 27 == x then
puts x
Or we can just use the #find method from Enumerable.
1000.upto(9999).find { |x| rotate_number_one_digit(x) + 27 == x }
Or using break to return a value from the loop.
1000.upto(9999) { |x|
break x if rotate_number_one_digit(x) + 27 == x

The sum of all numbers less than 1000, multiples of 3 or 5

If we list all natural numbers less than 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23. Find the sum of all numbers less than 1000, multiples of 3 or 5.
I just started learning Ruby, I used to work only with C languages. Please explain why this code doesn't work. Thank you!!!
sum = 0;
i = 3;
while (i < 1000) do
if ((i % 3 == 0) || (i % 5 == 0))
sum += i;
puts "The sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000: #{sum}"
And when I run the file, it loads indefinitely.
enter image description here
You are never incrementing i.
The while loop will terminate if: i >= 1000
But i = 3 and there is no i+=1 so this loop will never terminate.
#Raavgo has explained the problem with your code. If you are looking for a fast solution I suggest the following.
def tot(n, limit)
m, rem = limit.divmod(n)
m * (n + limit - rem)/2
tot(3, 999) + tot(5, 999) - tot(15, 999)
#=> 233168
The term tot(15, 999) is to compensate for double-counting of terms that are divisible by both 3 and 5.
See Numeric#divmod.
n = 5
limit = 999
m, rem = limit.divmod(n)
#=> [199, 4]
m #=> 199
rem #=> 4
Then we want to compute
5 + 10 + ... + 999 - rem
#=> 5 + 10 + ... + 995
This is simply the the sum of an arithmetic progression:
199 * (5 + 995)/2
which equals
m * (n + limit - rem)/2
(0..1000).select(&->(i){ (i % 3).zero? || (i % 5).zero? }).sum
(0..1000).filter { |i| i % 3 == 0 || i % 5 == 0 }.sum
your approach is fine if you increment i as said in the other answer, but a more idiomatic Ruby looks like this.

Ruby: find multiples of 3 and 5 up to n. Can't figure out what's wrong with my code. Advice based on my code please

I have been attempting the test below on codewars. I am relatively new to coding and will look for more appropriate solutions as well as asking you for feedback on my code. I have written the solution at the bottom and for the life of me cannot understand what is missing as the resultant figure is always 0. I'd very much appreciate feedback on my code for the problem and not just giving your best solution to the problem. Although both would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance!
The test posed is:
If we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or
5, we get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23.
Finish the solution so that it returns the sum of all the multiples of
3 or 5 below the number passed in. Additionally, if the number is
negative, return 0 (for languages that do have them).
Note: If the number is a multiple of both 3 and 5, only count it once.
My code is as follows:
def solution(number)
array = [1..number]
multiples = []
if number < 0
return 0
array.each { |x|
if x % 3 == 0 || x % 5 == 0
multiples << x
return multiples.sum
In a situation like this, when something in your code produces an unexpected result you should debug it, meaning, run it line by line with the same argument and see what each variable holds. Using some kind of interactive console for running code (like irb) is very helpfull.
Moving to your example, let's start from the beginning:
number = 10
array = [1..number]
puts array.size # => 1 - wait what?
puts array[0].class # => Range
As you can see the array variable doesn't contain numbers but rather a Range object. After you finish filtering the array the result is an empty array that sums to 0.
Regardless of that, Ruby has a lot of built-in methods that can help you accomplish the same problem typing fewer words, for example:
multiples_of_3_and_5 = { |number| number % 3 == 0 || number % 5 == 0 }
When writing a multiline block of code, prefer the do, end syntax, for example:
array.each do |x|
if x % 3 == 0 || x % 5 == 0
multiples << x
I'm not suggesting that this is the best approach per se, but using your specific code, you could fix the MAIN problem by editing the first line of your code in one of 2 ways:
By either converting your range to an array. Something like this would do the trick:
array = (1..number).to_a
or by just using a range INSTEAD of an array like so:
range = 1..number
The latter solution inserted into your code might look like this:
number = 17
range = 1..number
multiples = []
if number < 0
return 0
else range.each{|x|
if x % 3 == 0 || x % 5 == 0
multiples << x
#=> 60
The statement return followed by end suggests that you were writing a method, but the def statement is missing. I believe that should be
def tot_sum(number, array)
multiples = []
if number < 0
return 0
else array.each{|x|
if x % 3 == 0 || x % 5 == 0
multiples << x
return multiples.sum
As you point out, however, this double-counts numbers that are multiples of 15.
Let me suggest a more efficient way of writing that. First consider the sum of numbers that are multiples of 3 that do not exceed a given number n.
n = 3
m = 16
then the total of numbers that are multiples of three that do not exceed 16 can be computed as follows:
3 * 1 + 3 * 2 + 3 * 3 + 3 * 4 + 3 * 5
= 3 * (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5)
= 3 * 5 * (1 + 5)/2
= 45
This makes use of the fact that 5 * (1 + 5)/2 equals the sum of an algebraic series: (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5).
We may write a helper method to compute this sum for any number n, with m being the number that multiples of n cannot exceed:
def tot_sum(n, m)
p = m/n
n * p * (1 + p)/2
For example,
tot_sum(3, 16)
#=> 45
We may now write a method that gives the desired result (remembering that we need to account for the fact that multiples of 15 are multiples of both 3 and 5):
def tot(m)
tot_sum(3, m) + tot_sum(5, m) - tot_sum(15, m)
tot( 9) #=> 23
tot( 16) #=> 60
tot(9999) #=> 23331668

Find all natural numbers which are multiplies of 3 and 5 recursively

If we list all the natural numbers below 10 that are multiples of 3 or 5, we get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23. Find the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000.
def multiples_of(number)
number = number.to_f - 1.0
result = 0
if (number / 5.0) == 1 || (number / 3.0) == 1
return result = result + 5.0 + 3.0
elsif (number % 3).zero? || (number % 5).zero?
result += number
return result
p multiples_of(10.0)
My code is returning 9.0 rather than 23.0.
Using Core Methods to Select & Sum from a Range
It's not entirely clear what you really want to do here. This is clearly a homework assignment, so it's probably intended to get you to think in a certain way about whatever the lesson is. If that's the case, refer to your lesson plan or ask your instructor.
That said, if you restrict the set of possible input values to integers and use iteration rather than recursion, you can trivially solve for this using Array#select on an exclusive Range, and then calling Array#sum on the intermediate result. For example:
(1...10).select { |i| i.modulo(3).zero? || i.modulo(5).zero? }.sum
#=> 23
(1...1_000).select { |i| i.modulo(3).zero? || i.modulo(5).zero? }.sum
#=> 233168
Leave off the #sum if you want to see all the selected values. In addition, you can create your own custom validator by comparing your logic to an expected result. For example:
def valid_result? range_end, checksum
(1 ... range_end).select do |i|
i.modulo(3).zero? || i.modulo(5).zero?
end.sum.eql? checksum
valid_result? 10, 9
#=> false
valid_result? 10, 23
#=> true
valid_result? 1_000, 233_168
#=> true
There are a number of issues with your code. Most importantly, you're making recursive calls but you aren't combining their results in any way.
Let's step through what happens with an input of 10.
You assign number = number.to_f - 1.0 which will equal 9.
Then you reach the elsif (number % 3).zero? || (number % 5).zero? condition which is true, so you call result += number and multiples_of(number-1).
However, you're discarding the return value of the recursive call and call return result no matter what. So, your recursion doesn't have any impact on the return value. And for any input besides 3 or 5 you will always return input-1 as the return value. That's why you're getting 9.
Here's an implementation which works, for comparison:
def multiples_of(number)
number -= 1
return 0 if
if number % 5 == 0 || number % 3 == 0
number + multiples_of(number)
puts multiples_of(10)
# => 23
Note that I'm calling multiples_of(number) instead of multiples_of(number - 1) because you're already decrementing the input on the function's first line. You don't need to decrement twice - that would cause you to only process every other number e.g. 9,7,5,3
to step throgh the recursion a bit to help you understand it. Let's say we have an input of 4.
We first decrement the input so number=3. Then we hits the if number % 5 == 0 || number % 3 == 0 condition so we return number + multiples_of(number).
What does multiples_of(number) return? Now we have to evaluate the next recursive call. We decrement the number so now we have number=2. We hit the else block so now we'll return multiples_of(number).
We do the same thing with the next recursive call, with number=1. This multiples_of(1). We decrement the input so now we have number=0. This matches our base case so finally we're done with recursive calls and can work up the stack to figure out what our actual return value is.
For an input of 6 it would look like so:
5 + multiples_of(5)
3 + multiples_of(3)
The desired result can be obtained from a closed-form expression. That is, no iteration is required.
Suppose we are given a positive integer n and wish to compute the sum of all positive numbers that are multiples of 3 that do not exceed n.
1*3 + 2*3 +...+ m*3 = 3*(1 + 2 +...+ m)
m = n/3
1 + 2 +...+ m is the sum of an algorithmic expression, given by:
We therefore can write:
def tot(x,n)
m = n/x
For example,
tot(3,9) #=> 18 (1*3 + 2*3 + 3*3)
tot(3,11) #=> 18
tot(3,12) #=> 30 (18 + 4*3)
tot(3,17) #=> 45 (30 + 5*3)
tot(5,9) #=> 5 (1*5)
tot(5,10) #=> 15 (5 + 2*5)
tot(5,14) #=> 15
tot(5,15) #=> 30 (15 + 3*5)
The sum of numbers no larger than n that are multiple of 3's and 5's is therefore given by the following:
def sum_of_multiples(n)
tot(3,n) + tot(5,n) - tot(15,n)
- tot(15,n) is needed because the first two terms double-count numbers that are multiples of 15.
sum_of_multiples(9) #=> 23 (3 + 6 + 9 + 5)
sum_of_multiples(10) #=> 33 (23 + 2*5)
sum_of_multiples(11) #=> 33
sum_of_multiples(12) #=> 45 (33 + 4*3)
sum_of_multiples(14) #=> 45
sum_of_multiples(15) #=> 60 (45 + 3*5)
sum_of_multiples(29) #=> 195
sum_of_multiples(30) #=> 225
sum_of_multiples(1_000) #=> 234168
sum_of_multiples(10_000) #=> 23341668
sum_of_multiples(100_000) #=> 2333416668
sum_of_multiples(1_000_000) #=> 233334166668

Ruby - Sum Results of Select()

I'm doing, the first problem:
If we list all the natural numbers below 10, that are multiples of 3
or 5, we get 3, 5, 6 and 9. The sum of these multiples is 23. Find
the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000.
The following is the code I have so far.
(3..999) do |x|
x % 3.0 == 0 || x % 5.0 == 0
It would be easy to append the numbers into an array, but how can this be done by how can this be done by chaining a method onto the end of this. Something like
p start loop
do stuff
To answer the question - yes, you can chain the method like you've shown.
(3..999) do |x|
x % 3 == 0 || x % 5 == 0 # you don't have to use floats here, integers would work
#=> 233168
The rule of a style guides is to NOT to chain methods to multiline do end blocks, but it is a working code.
It's the same as writing
(3..999) { |x| x % 3 == 0 || x % 5 == 0 }.inject(:+)
Array#sum is an ActiveSupport method, not Ruby's, but I think you should use Ruby's methods in eulerproject tasks.
You are summing arithmetic series, so there is no need to iterate:
def sum(n,m)
p = n/m
n = 999
sum(n,3) + sum(n,5) - sum(n,15)
#=> 233168
n = 100
m = 3
p = 100/3 #=> 33
sum(100,3) = 3 + 6 + 9 +...+ 99
= 3 * (1 + 2 +...+ p)
= 3 * p(1+p)/2
We need to subtract sum(100,15) because sum(100,3) + sum(100,5) double-counts:
sum(100,15) = 15 + 30 + 45 + 60 + 75 + 90
if you want to get the sum of array, you can do like this:
(3..999).inject(0) { |sum, e| e % 3 == 0 || e % 5 == 0 ? sum += e : sum }
=> 233168
it just need once loop.
You can omit the to_a, since calling 'select' to (3..999) will still return an array regardless.
Andrey's answer is the most compact one with :
(3..999).select{ |x| x % 3 == 0 || x % 5 == 0 }.inject(:+)
