I know that you can go window -> preferences -> aptana studio -> [language] -> "mark occurrences with background color" checkbox.
But there used to be (in an earlier version I'm pretty sure, but definitely in vanilla Eclipse) a toolbar button to enable/disable this for all editors.
Anyone know how to get that button back? This is a feature I like to toggle on/off frequently.
This button is available as late as Aptana Studio 3 ( - perhaps you are using a Perspective that does not include it? Web has it, Debug does not...
You can customize your perspective so that it shows this button under Window > Perspective > Customize Perspective, under Tool Bar Visibility the 'Mark Occurrences' menu item is under Editor Presentation
I pressed the right mouse button and selected the "Show All" option.
After that, a lot of duplicates of the same controls appeared. However, there are controls that I have not seen before. The problem is that they are disabled, I can't put them on the form.
I tried to find them in the list by right clicking and selecting "Choose Items...", but they are not in any of the tabs.
How can I find and enable these controls?
Show all will display all controls, for example, the MFC Control you screenshot should be a C++ control:
You created a Windows Forms App (.NET Framework), you just need to uncheck the Show all and all the controls you can use will be displayed in the toolbar.
I'm aware that if I navigate to Tools>Options>Text Editor>(language)>Display I can check "Navigation bar" to show this bar.
My question is, what's the keyboard shortcut for it?
(I'm pretty sure there is one, because during a flurry of misguided keystrokes earlier on, I managed to make it disappear, and of course "Undo" didn't undo that change. Welcome to Visual Studio.)
The Navigation Bar is the item highlighted in yellow below:
There is an easy shortcut to select the Navigation Bar:
But there is no out-of-the-box shortcut to show/hide it. Maybe you have an extension installed which provides this feature?
I need to frequently hide and unhide navigators and inspectors to make room for Interface Builder and complex storyboards. I learned all show/hide shortcuts in Xcode for panes, but can't find any for showing and hiding Document Outline. Is there a way to achieve this on keyboard?
There is no defined keyboard shortcut to show/hide the document outline. But you can define new shortcuts for these actions.
Just open the preferences (cmd+,) and search for "Document Outline" in the "Key Bindings" page.
Just to demonstrate the other solution how to setup the shortcut in System Preferences->Keyboard->Shortcuts.
In one of the Xcode updates 6 or 7.
โ9 is re-allotted for Navigators > Show Reports Navigator
System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > App Shortcuts > Show/ Hide Document Outline โ9
is invalidated by Xcode automatically.
โงโ9 is what I chose. in the Keybindings.
I was watching a video lecture from iTunes U., where instructor showed how one can take a debugger section of the Xcode and was able to pull that window away from the main.
Unfortunately, video showed instructions on how to do it in Xcode3. How might one do it in Xcode4?
How can one either detach a debugger section or, possibly, configure preferences to do it automatically?
Open a new tab, show the debugger (cmd-shift-Y) and drag the divider all the way to the top. Close the navigator (cmd-0) and inspector windows (cmd-opt-0), then drag the tab off into a new window.
If you name the tab before you tear it off, e.g., "Debugger", then set up a Behavior in Xcode's preferences ( Preferences -> Behaviors -> Run Starts -> Show Tab "Debugger" ), it'll show that window when you run your app. It'll even recreate it if you close it.
If you have access to the WWDC 2011 videos, "Maximizing Productivity in Xcode 4" has a lot of great info.
Here's a screenshot before tearing the tab off:
I know it's a little too late, but I'm going to be borrowing from this answer. Go to your preferences, go to the behaviour tab. Change the running behaviour to show a new window.
If you don't want the window to have an editor or toolbar, you can customise it that way too.
Xcode 11
Change behaviour
Xcode -> Preferences... -> Behaviors -> Running -> Starts -> Show tab named <tab_name> in active window
After that <tab_name> tab will be opened automatically
To create a new tab manually:
Create a new tab
File -> New -> Tab
Rename the tab
Window -> Rename Tab... -> <tab_name>
The default setting for Visual Studio tabs is when mouse over it, the window will popup. This is annoying sometimes when I don't want the window displayed. Is there any way to disable this auto popup and just display when I click it? Please advise, thanks.
In native visual studio there is no way do disable this behaviour.
See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/z4y0hsax.aspx for detailed information.
Regard the note: "Tool windows that have Auto Hide enabled may temporarily slide into view when the window has focus. To hide the window again, select an item outside of the current window. When the window loses focus, it slides back out of view."
Seems they know, that it's a annoying behaviour, but don't offer a sensible solution. Microsoft...