How to calculate N-Grams - n-gram

I encounter a problem when trying to figure out how n-grams is calculated.
I am wondering that when calculating n-grams(not the frequency), can the positions of common elements be exchanged ?
These are several examples:
(assume that extra symbol is added at the beginning and the end)
should the v_ be considered as a common element ?
should gr and ew both be considered as common elements ?
should it start from the e% or start from the %a ?


How to solve crossword (NP-Hard)?

I am currently doing an assignment and I'm stuck with the approach.
I have a crossword problem which consists of an empty grid (no solid square as a conventional crossword would), with a varied width and height between 4 and 400 (inclusive).
Words are part of the input - a list of 10 - 1000 (inclusive) English words of varying lengths.
A horizontal word can only intersect a vertical word.
A vertical word can only intersect a horizontal word.
A word can only intersect 1 or 2 other words.
Each letter is worth one point.
Words must have a 1 grid space gap surrounding it unless it is a part of an intersecting word.
Get the maximum possible score within a 5 minute time limit.
So far:
After some research I am aware that this is an NP-Hard problem. Thus the most optimal solution cannot be calculated because every combination cannot be examined.
The easiest solution would appear to be to sort the words according to length and inserting the highest scoring words for maximum score (greedy algorithm).
I’ve also been told a recursive tree with the nodes consisting of alternative equally scoring word insertions and the knapsack algorithm apply to this problem (not sure what the implementation would look like).
What allows me to check the maximum number of combinations within a 5 minute time span that scales accordingly to the maximum possible word list and grid size?
What heuristics might I apply when inserting words?
Btw the goal here is to get the best possible solution in 5 minutes.
To clarify each letter of a valid word is worth 1 point, thus a 5 letter word is worth 5 points.
Thanks in advance I have been reading a lot of mathematical notation on crossword research papers all day which has seem to have lead me in a circle.
I'd start with a word with following characteristics:
It should have max possible intersections.
Its length should be such that number of words of that length are minimum in the list.
ie, word length should be least frequent and most number of intersections.
Reason for this kind of selection is that it would minimize further possibility of words that can be selected. eg. A word of size 9 with 2 further intersections is selected. These intersecting words are of length 6 and 5 (say). Now, you have removed possibility of all those words of length 6 and 5 whose 3rd char is 'a' and 2nd char is 's' (say, 'a' and 's' are the intersecting letters).
If there are many places with same configuration, run this selection procedure one or two steps deeper to get a better selection of which part (word) of the grid to fill first.
Now, try filling in all words in this 1st selected position (since this had min frequency, it should be good to use) and then going deeper in the crossword to fill it. Whichever word results in most points till a deadend is reached, should be your solution. When you reach a dead-end, you can start over with a new word.
This seems like a really interesting problem in discrete optimization. You're certainly right; with the number of words and number of possible placements there is no way you could ever explore a fraction of the space.
Also given the 5 minute time limit (quite short), I think you're going to have a really hard time with any solid heuristic. I think your best bet might be some sort of random permutation / simulated annealing algorithm.
If I was doing this, I would first calculate clusters of words, completely ignoring the crossword structure itself. Take one word, find a second word that intersects it. Then find another word that can fit onto this structure (obeying the max of 2 intersections per word), and so on. You should end up with many of these clusters, which you can rank by density (points / area used). I think you should be able to do this relatively quickly.
Then for the random permutation / simulated annealing part, for my moves I would place either a cluster or unused word onto the crossword itself, or move an existing cluster / word. Just save the current highest-scoring configuration as you go, and return this after the 5 minutes.
If the 5 min is too short to find anything meaningful using random permutations, another approach might be to use a constraint propagation idea working with those clusters.

scrabble solving with maximum score

I was asked a question
You are given a list of characters, a score associated with each character and a dictionary of valid words ( say normal English dictionary ). you have to form a word out of the character list such that the score is maximum and the word is valid.
I could think of a solution involving a trie made out of dictionary and backtracking with available characters, but could not formulate properly. Does anyone know the correct approach or come up with one?
First iterate over your letters and count how many times do you have each of the characters in the English alphabet. Store this in a static, say a char array of size 26 where first cell corresponds to a second to b and so on. Name this original array cnt. Now iterate over all words and for each word form a similar array of size 26. For each of the cells in this array check if you have at least as many occurrences in cnt. If that is the case, you can write the word otherwise you can't. If you can write the word you compute its score and maximize the score in a helper variable.
This approach will have linear complexity and this is also the best asymptotic complexity you can possibly have(after all the input you're given is of linear size).
Inspired by Programmer Person's answer (initially I thought that approach was O(n!) so I discarded it). It needs O(nr of words) setup and then O(2^(chars in query)) for each question. This is exponential, but in Scrabble you only have 7 letter tiles at a time; so you need to check only 128 possibilities!
First observation is that the order of characters in query or word doesn't matter, so you want to process your list into a set of bag of chars. A way to do that is to 'sort' the word so "bac", "cab" become "abc".
Now you take your query, and iterate all possible answers. All variants of keep/discard for each letter. It's easier to see in binary form: 1111 to keep all, 1110 to discard the last letter...
Then check if each possibility exists in your dictionary (hash map for simplicity), then return the one with the maximum score.
import nltk
from string import ascii_lowercase
from itertools import product
scores = {c:s for s, c in enumerate(ascii_lowercase)}
sanitize = lambda w: "".join(c for c in w.lower() if c in scores)
anagram = lambda w: "".join(sorted(w))
anagrams = {anagram(sanitize(w)):w for w in nltk.corpus.words.words()}
while True:
query = input("What do you have?")
if not query: break
# make it look like our preprocessed word list
query = anagram(sanitize(query))
results = {}
# all variants for our query
for mask in product((True, False), repeat=len(query)):
# get the variant given the mask
masked = "".join(c for i, c in enumerate(query) if mask[i])
# check if it's valid
if masked in anagrams:
# score it, also getting the word back would be nice
results[sum(scores[c] for c in masked)] = anagrams[masked]
Build a lookup trie of just the sorted-anagram of each word of the dictionary. This is a one time cost.
By sorted anagram I mean: if the word is eat you represent it as aet. It the word is tea, you represent it as aet, bubble is represent as bbbelu etc
Since this is scrabble, assuming you have 8 tiles (say you want to use one from the board), you will need to maximum check 2^8 possibilities.
For any subset of the tiles from the set of 8, you sort the tiles, and lookup in the anagram trie.
There are at most 2^8 such subsets, and this could potentially be optimized (in case of repeating tiles) by doing a more clever subset generation.
If this is a more general problem, where 2^{number of tiles} could be much higher than the total number of anagram-words in the dictionary, it might be better to use frequency counts as in Ivaylo's answer, and the lookups potentially can be optimized using multi-dimensional range queries. (In this case 26 dimensions!)
Sorry, this might not help you as-is (I presume you are trying to do some exercise and have constraints), but I hope this will help the future readers who don't have those constraints.
If the number of dictionary entries is relatively small (up to a few million) you can use brute force: For each word, create a 32 bit mask. Preprocess the data: Set one bit if the letter a/b/c/.../z is used. For the six most common English characters etaoin set another bit if the letter is used twice.
Create a similar bitmap for the letters that you have. Then scan the dictionary for words where all bits that are needed for the word are set in the bitmap for the available letters. You have reduced the problem to words where you have all needed characters once, and the six most common characters twice if the are needed twice. You'll still have to check if a word can be formed in case you have a word like "bubble" and the first test only tells you that you have letters b,u,l,e but not necessarily 3 b's.
By also sorting the list of words by point values before doing the check, the first hit is the best one. This has another advantage: You can count the points that you have, and don't bother checking words with more points. For example, bubble has 12 points. If you have only 11 points, then there is no need to check this word at all (have a small table with the indexes of the first word with any given number of points).
To improve anagrams: In the table, only store different bitmasks with equal number of points (so we would have entries for bubble and blue because they have different point values, but not for team and mate). Then store all the possible words, possibly more than one, for each bit mask and check them all. This should reduce the number of bit masks to check.
Here is a brute force approach in python, using an english dictionary containing 58,109 words. This approach is actually quite fast timing at about .3 seconds on each run.
from random import shuffle
from string import ascii_lowercase
import time
def getValue(word):
return sum(map( lambda x: key[x], word))
if __name__ == '__main__':
v = range(26)
key = dict(zip(list(ascii_lowercase), v))
with open("/Users/james_gaddis/PycharmProjects/Unpack Sentance/hard/words.txt", 'r') as f:
wordDict =
valued = map(lambda x: (getValue(x), x), wordDict)
print max(valued)
Here is the dictionary I used, with one hyphenated entry removed for convenience.
Can we assume that the dictionary is fixed and the score are fixed and that only the letters available will change (as in scrabble) ? Otherwise, I think there is no better than looking up each word of the dictionnary as previously suggested.
So let's assume that we are in this setting. Pick an order < that respects the costs of letters. For instance Q > Z > J > X > K > .. > A >E >I .. > U.
Replace your dictionary D with a dictionary D' made of the anagrams of the words of D with letters ordered by the previous order (so the word buzz is mapped to zzbu, for instance), and also removing duplicates and words of length > 8 if you have at most 8 letters in your game.
Then construct a trie with the words of D' where the children nodes are ordered by the value of their letters (so the first child of the root would be Q, the second Z, .., the last child one U). On each node of the trie, also store the maximal value of a word going through this node.
Given a set of available characters, you can explore the trie in a depth first manner, going from left to right, and keeping in memory the current best value found. Only explore branches whose node's value is larger than you current best value. This way, you will explore only a few branches after the first ones (for instance, if you have a Z in your game, exploring any branch that start with a one point letter as A is discarded, because it will score at most 8x1 which is less than the value of Z). I bet that you will explore only a very few branches each time.

maximise the special elements in the matrix

Below is a problem statement:
There is a matrix of size m*n and all numbers from 1 to m*n occupy a place in it. Now, an element is called special if(recursive definition)
-it is the top left corner element(at position (0,0))
-an element at (x,y) is special if its neighbour is an element (m,n) such that (m,n) is
special and the element at (x,y) is greater than the element at(m,n) and all of the (m,n)'s neighbours.
A neighbour to a cell is the cell which shares an edge with it. Therefore, an internal cell has 4 neighbours, edge cell has 3 neighbours and corner cell has 2 neighbours.
The problem states that only a few(maybe 0) cells in the matrix have been filled. The rest are to be filled in such a way that all numbers from 1 to m*n are used and we maximise the number of special elements. Also, if multiple answers are possible, the lexicographically smallest matrix would be considered as the answer.
A matrix is lexicographically smaller that the other if the string of its row-major view is lexicographically smaller than the other.
Test case 1: //2 X 3 matrix
2 ? ?
? ? 3
Solution 1:
2 1 4
5 6 3
Test case 2: //6 X 6 matrix
? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? ?
Solution 2:
1 2 3 13 14 15
4 6 8 10 11 16
5 7 9 12 19 17
28 26 24 22 20 18
29 27 25 23 21 36
30 31 32 33 34 35
My logic:
The special elements in the matrix are always contiguous. So, we have to find out the longest such path formed by joining special elements which are contiguous. Also, before placing an element at a neighbouring cell (x,y) of a special element(m,n), we first fill out all the neighbours(except (x,y)) of the special element(m,n) and then choose a value greater than all of them to fill (x,y).
I don't know how to proceed forward and how to include the lexicographically smallest condition. Please help.
Thanks in advance.
The best solution is to find an algorithm to solve the problem, and prove it correct. Lacking that, there are some more options.
This is a combinatorial problem, which you can solve with backtracking. The key points you need to successfully implement a backtracking algorithm to solve the problem are:
Find a good heuristic for the next step
Find a good early stopping heuristic, branch and bound
I would solve it like this:
Find all possible places where the next special element can be placed. There won't be many such places, as you pointed out already.
Select all possible combinations of values that can be used to add the next special value, regardless of next steps in the backtracking. Keep track of which numbers are still to be placed and which are "usual" and special values on every step (either by using recursion or by creating a tailored data model). The rest of the matrix can be left empty (or 0), to be filled further in the backtracking. Sort the possibilities so that they provide for lexicographically smaller solutions first. Try out all viable possibilities.
If no special values are left to place, fill the empty spots in the matrix in lexicographic order, which was also a requirement.
Early stopping can be done when you're placing the k th special value i, so that you will never be able to do better than your current best solution. Of course you must also stop with a branch when no more special values can be added. Creating an initial solution like you proposed would be a good start, and allow for much more branch cutting than with a cold start.
Or maybe with a little guesswork...
Maybe backtracking will be too slow, even if optimized, because it tries to find all possible solutions. An alternative is to use a heuristic algorithm, like genetic algorithms, tabu search, variable neighborhood search, simulated annealing, ...
Such algorithms may find a viable solution quickly, but on the downside, that solution may not be the optimal one.

Check if given string can be created by a set of characters cut out from magazine article

"Observe that when you cut a character out of a magazine, the character on the reverse side of the page is also removed. Give an algorithm to determine whether you can generate a given string by pasting cutouts from a given magazine. Assume that you are given a function that will identify the character and its position on the reverse side of the page for any given character position."
How can I do it?
I can do some initial pruning so that if a needed character has only one way of getting picked up, its taken initially before turning the sub-problem for dynamic technique, but what after this initial pruning?
What is the time and space complexity?
As #LiKao suggested, this can be solved using max flow. To construct the network we make two "layers" of vertices: one with all the distinct characters in the input string and one with each position on the page. Make an edge with capacity 1 from a character to a position if that position has that character on one side. Make edges of capacity 1 from each position to the sink, and make edges from the source to each character with capacity equal to the multiplicity of that character in the input string.
For example, let's say we're searching for the word "FOO" on a page with four positions:
pos 1 2 3 4
front F C O Z
back O O K Z
We then generate the following network, ignoring position 4 since it does not provide any of the required characters.
Now, we only need to determine if there is a flow from the source to the sink of length("FOO") = 3 or more.
You can use dynamic programming directly.
We are given string s with n letters. We are given a set of pieces P = {p_1, ..., p_k}. Each piece has one letter in the front p_i.f and one in the back p_i.b.
Denote with f(j, p) the function that returns true if it is feasible to create substring s_1...s_j using pieces in p \subseteq P, and false otherwise.
The following recurrence holds:
f(n, P) = f(n-1, P-p_1) | f(n-1, P-p_2) | ... | f(n-1, P-p_k)
In plain English the feasibility of s using all pieces in P, depends on the feasibility of the substring s_1...s_n-1 given one less piece, and we try removing all possible pieces (of course in practice we do not have to remove all pieces one by one; we only need to remove those pieces for which p_i.f == s_n || p_i.b == s_n).
The initial condition is that f(1, P-p_1) = f(1, P-p2) = ... = true, assuming that we have already checked a-priori (in linear time) that there are enough letters in P to cover all the letters in s.
While this problem can be formulated as a Maxflow problem as shown in the accepted answer, it is simpler and more efficient to formulate it as a maximum cardinality matching problem in a bipartite graph. Maxflow algorithms like Dinic's are slower than the special case algorithms like Hopcroft–Karp algorithm.
The bipartite graph is formed by adding two edges from every character of the given string to a cutout, one edge for each side. We then run Hopcroft–Karp. In the end, we simply check whether the cardinality of the matching is equal to the length of the string.
For a working implementation (in Scala) using JGraphT, see my GitHub.
I'd like to come up with a more efficient DP solution, since Skiena's book has this problem in the DP section, but so far haven't found any.

Finding dictionary words

I have a lot of compound strings that are a combination of two or three English words.
e.g. "Spicejet" is a combination of the words "spice" and "jet"
I need to separate these individual English words from such compound strings. My dictionary is going to consist of around 100000 words.
What would be the most efficient by which I can separate individual English words from such compound strings.
I'm not sure how much time or frequency you have to do this (is it a one-time operation? daily? weekly?) but you're obviously going to want a quick, weighted dictionary lookup.
You'll also want to have a conflict resolution mechanism, perhaps a side-queue to manually resolve conflicts on tuples that have multiple possible meanings.
I would look into Tries. Using one you can efficiently find (and weight) your prefixes, which are precisely what you will be looking for.
You'll have to build the Tries yourself from a good dictionary source, and weight the nodes on full words to provide yourself a good quality mechanism for reference.
Just brainstorming here, but if you know your dataset consists primarily of duplets or triplets, you could probably get away with multiple Trie lookups, for example looking up 'Spic' and then 'ejet' and then finding that both results have a low score, abandon into 'Spice' and 'Jet', where both Tries would yield a good combined result between the two.
Also I would consider utilizing frequency analysis on the most common prefixes up to an arbitrary or dynamic limit, e.g. filtering 'the' or 'un' or 'in' and weighting those accordingly.
Sounds like a fun problem, good luck!
If the aim is to find the "the largest possible break up for the input" as you replied, then the algorithm could be fairly straightforward if you use some graph theory. You take the compound word and make a graph with a vertex before and after every letter. You'll have a vertex for each index in the string and one past the end. Next you find all legal words in your dictionary that are substrings of the compound word. Then, for each legal substring, add an edge with weight 1 to the graph connecting the vertex before the first letter in the substring with the vertex after the last letter in the substring. Finally, use a shortest path algorithm to find the path with fewest edges between the first and the last vertex.
The pseudo code is something like this:
# Make the graph
graph = makeGraph()
N = compoundWord.length
for index = 0 to N
# Add the edges for each word
for index = 0 to N - 1
for length = 1 to min(N - index, MAX_WORD_LENGTH)
potentialWord = compoundWord.substr(index, length)
if dictionary.isElement(potentialWord)
graph.addEdge(index, index + length, 1)
# Now find a list of edges which define the shortest path
edges = graph.shortestPath(0, N)
# Change these edges back into words.
result = makeList()
for e in edges
result.add(compoundWord.substr(e.start, e.stop - e.start + 1))
return result
I, obviously, haven't tested this pseudo-code, and there may be some off-by-one indexing errors, and there isn't any bug-checking, but the basic idea is there. I did something similar to this in school and it worked pretty well. The edge creation loops are O(M * N), where N is the length of the compound word, and M is the maximum word length in your dictionary or N (whichever is smaller). The shortest path algorithm's runtime will depend on which algorithm you pick. Dijkstra's comes most readily to mind. I think its runtime is O(N^2 * log(N)), since the max edges possible is N^2.
You can use any shortest path algorithm. There are several shortest path algorithms which have their various strengths and weaknesses, but I'm guessing that for your case the difference will not be too significant. If, instead of trying to find the fewest possible words to break up the compound, you wanted to find the most possible, then you give the edges negative weights and try to find the shortest path with an algorithm that allows negative weights.
And how will you decide how to divide things? Look around the web and you'll find examples of URLs that turned out to have other meanings.
Assuming you didn't have the capitals to go on, what would you do with these (Ones that come to mind at present, I know there are more.):
The last one is particularly problematic because the troublesome part is two words run together but is not a compound word, the meaning completely changes when you break it.
So, given a word, is it a compound word, composed of two other English words? You could have some sort of lookup table for all such compound words, but if you just examine the candidates and try to match against English words, you will get false positives.
Edit: looks as if I am going to have to go to provide some examples. Words I was thinking of include:
accustomednesses != accustomed + nesses
adulthoods != adult + hoods
agreeabilities != agree + abilities
willingest != will + ingest
windlasses != wind + lasses
withstanding != with + standing
yourselves != yours + elves
zoomorphic != zoom + orphic
ambassadorships != ambassador + ships
allotropes != allot + ropes
Here is some python code to try out to make the point. Get yourself a dictionary on disk and have a go:
from __future__ import with_statement
def opendict(dictionary=r"g:\words\words(3).txt"):
with open(dictionary, "r") as f:
return set(line.strip() for line in f)
if __name__ == '__main__':
s = opendict()
for word in sorted(s):
if len(word) >= 10:
for i in range(4, len(word)-4):
left, right = word[:i], word[i:]
if (left in s) and (right in s):
if right not in ('nesses', ):
print word, left, right
It sounds to me like you want to store you dictionary in a Trie or a DAWG data structure.
A Trie already stores words as compound words. So "spicejet" would be stored as "spicejet" where the * denotes the end of a word. All you'd have to do is look up the compound word in the dictionary and keep track of how many end-of-word terminators you hit. From there you would then have to try each substring (in this example, we don't yet know if "jet" is a word, so we'd have to look that up).
It occurs to me that there are a relatively small number of substrings (minimum length 2) from any reasonable compound word. For example for "spicejet" I get:
'sp', 'pi', 'ic', 'ce', 'ej', 'je', 'et',
'spi', 'pic', 'ice', 'cej', 'eje', 'jet',
'spic', 'pice', 'icej', 'ceje', 'ejet',
'spice', 'picej', 'iceje', 'cejet',
'spicej', 'piceje', 'icejet',
'spiceje' 'picejet'
... 26 substrings.
So, find a function to generate all those (slide across your string using strides of 2, 3, 4 ... (len(yourstring) - 1) and then simply check each of those in a set or hash table.
A similar question was asked recently: Word-separating algorithm. If you wanted to limit the number of splits, you would keep track of the number of splits in each of the tuples (so instead of a pair, a triple).
Word existence could be done with a trie, or more simply with a set (i.e. a hash table). Given a suitable function, you could do:
# python-ish pseudocode
def splitword(word):
# word is a character array indexed from 0..n-1
for i from 1 to n-1:
head = word[:i] # first i characters
tail = word[i:] # everything else
if is_word(head):
if i == n-1:
return [head] # this was the only valid word; return it as a 1-element list
rest = splitword(tail)
if rest != []: # check whether we successfully split the tail into words
return [head] + rest
return [] # No successful split found, and 'word' is not a word.
Basically, just try the different break points to see if we can make words. The recursion means it will backtrack until a successful split is found.
Of course, this may not find the splits you want. You could modify this to return all possible splits (instead of merely the first found), then do some kind of weighted sum, perhaps, to prefer common words over uncommon words.
This can be a very difficult problem and there is no simple general solution (there may be heuristics that work for small subsets).
We face exactly this problem in chemistry where names are composed by concatenation of morphemes. An example is:
where the morphemes are:
ethyl methyl and ketone
We tackle this through automata and maximum entropy and the code is available on Sourceforge
but be warned that it will take some work.
We sometimes encounter ambiguity and are still finding a good way of reporting it.
To distinguish between penIsland and penisLand would require domain-specific heuristics. The likely interpretation will depend on the corpus being used - no linguistic problem is independent from the domain or domains being analysed.
As another example the string
can be parsed as
wee knight
week night
Both are "right" in that they obey the form "adj-noun" or "noun-noun". Both make "sense" and which is chosen will depend on the domain of usage. In a fantasy game the first is more probable and in commerce the latter. If you have problems of this sort then it will be useful to have a corpus of agreed usage which has been annotated by experts (technically a "Gold Standard" in Natural Language Processing).
I would use the following algorithm.
Start with the sorted list of words
to split, and a sorted list of
declined words (dictionary).
Create a result list of objects
which should store: remaining word
and list of matched words.
Fill the result list with the words
to split as remaining words.
Walk through the result array and
the dictionary concurrently --
always increasing the least of the
two, in a manner similar to the
merge algorithm. In this way you can
compare all the possible matching
pairs in one pass.
Any time you find a match, i.e. a
split words word that starts with a
dictionary word, replace the
matching dictionary word and the
remaining part in the result list.
You have to take into account
possible multiples.
Any time the remaining part is empty,
you found a final result.
Any time you don't find a match on
the "left side", in other words,
every time you increment the result
pointer because of no match, delete
the corresponding result item. This
word has no matches and can't be
Once you get to the bottom of the
lists, you will have a list of
partial results. Repeat the loop
until this is empty -- go to point 4.
