magento connect manager shows extension is installed but actually its not - magento

I have installed an extension , On installing it magento shows its progress in terminal properly ...
But in actually it is not installed .
Neither the extension list includes its name.
For every extension the same problem exists .
please suggest me what may have gone wrong .

You have cleaned cache from system->cache management right? Also some extensions require you to logout and login in backend otherwise they give you 404 page.
Also try to look in system->configuration->advanced->disable module output. You can see all installed extension on your installation.
Edit: also try to see in app/etc/modules if there is an xml with extension's name, and if in app/code/local or app/code/community there is a folder with all files. If there are not any, maybe it's a problem with permissions.
Try to see section "Permissions not correct/insufficient" in


Getting error after upgrading the joomla site and admin end is blank page

After upgrading the joomla site iam getting the following error and administrator page is blank.
Fatal error: Can't use function return value in write context in /home/cll/public_html/libraries/regularlabs/src/File.php on line 283
Please help me to solve this issue.
It's clear that the problem comes from a regularlabs extension so you should disable it.
Since your admin page is blank, you can do this via the file system. Log in to your FTP account (or use the control panel's file manager) and access your root folder (/home/cll/public_html/). The extension you are looking for is probably a plugin so you'll find it in the plugins folder. I assume you'll find the extension in the /plugins/system/ folder (full path: /home/cll/public_html/plugins/system/).
When you'll find the extension's folder look for the plugin's PHP file and rename it.
For example, if the problem comes from "components anywhere" plugin (it's a regularlabs extension) search for componentsanywhere.php and rename it to something else (eg foobar.php).
If this doesn't help contact the developer to help you, he is a good guy.

Userfrosting installation issues

I did installation of Userfrosting as per the steps - no errors and all went well (using ubuntu 16 command line).
When i loaded the site in browser, page did came but no CSS applied. Browser console said - failed to load resource. I checked and found that “asset-raw” folder is not there under userfrosting/public (this is my webroot).
Also when clicked on sign-in, it does not work. DO let me know if i missed anything.
If you're using Apache, you need to make sure Mod_Rewrite is enabled. asset-raw is not a real directory, it's an alias managed by the app.

How do I delete joomla template?

I installed a new template for my joomla site but after that I have no access template manager. It only becomes a completely white page in Firefox and Opera says that "currently unable to handle the request." Is there any way to delete a template outside of the webadmin interface?
You can delete through your ftp client like filezilla. Open filezilla, login to your server and the delete the template. May be the template comes with some plugins or else how can just by installing it started showing error unless you use that template. Possibility is: i) You might have installed a template for older version. ii) You might have installed a plugin with the template that was autopublished. iii) You messed up some setting files.
I suggest you to open file manager, go to templates and then delete that particular template. Also when asking please ask providing all details like name of template, link of template etc.

Problems uninstalling SEO Boss extension in Joomla 2.5

I have created a website named and installed SEO Boss extension. Somehow it was not working so I tried to remove it using my administrator mode from my website but it shows a message:
JFolder: :delete: Path is not a folder. Path: /home/content/54/9492054/html/components/com_seoboss
Component Uninstall: Can't uninstall. Please remove manually
Then I tried to uninstall directly from server but it's not showing there too. My problem is when I try to install it again - it's showing me that the file is already installed and when I checked in the extension area >
manage catagory I found that SEO Boss extension is still there. But now I'm unable to get the options to remove it - the status column becomes blank!
To properly uninstall it (so you can install it again) you need to also remove the component reference inside the table called #__extensions
Search the element field for anything containing "com_seoboss" and delete it.
Then you should be able to install it again.
You should also look for this and delete it - /home/content/54/9492054/html/administrator/components/com_seoboss
I am not too sure what you mean by 'i tried to uninstall directly from the server'.
Anyway, I have had a similar issue to you when I was trying to uninstall virtuemart from a website. What worked for me was to:
manually delete all the component folders (using an FTP client like Filezilla )
manually delete all component tables from the database (using phpMyAdmin)
If you try this solution, make sure you backup your database first.
Hope this helps.

Joomla com_extplorer keep reloading page

I'm used to install extplorer in every joomla project, always everthing going well.
This time at the extplorer launch time its keep loading the web page in loop mode( tried to change permissions in administrator/components , triade to let Aruba install joomla) nothing worked.
Any suggestion ?
Do you have the Admintools extension installed and a custom .htaccess file?
If yes, open AdminTools and htaccess maker.
Under Server Protection>Exceptions>Allow direct access to these files
Add the following line:
to the list of allowed files and regenerate your .htaccess.
