Spring using different DataSource that depends on user - spring

I have web application and i use Spring MVC. Now i'd like to add to different dataSources for administrator and for simple user. So my application should connect through anonymous user to DB, that can only select from tables and insert into some tables. But when user authorize himself by admin - application should change user and password on DB connection and connect with root authorities to DB. Is it possible to do this with spring 3.0.5?

Try with
you can set the credentials on the Datasource via setCredentialsForCurrentThread() method in the login filter, for example.


Teiid Springboot security context in DDL

In our Teiid Springboot project we have Spring Security enabled which has roles in it. E.g. GrantedAuthorities.
How can use/read those roles into a DDL VDB? Is there a Teiid function to read those roles or do we have to create our own UDF?
Try hasRole function, it returns a true if authenticated user has the specified role. See http://teiid.github.io/teiid-documents/master/content/reference/r_security-functions.html

How to integrate Keycloak user data into app db

I have a spring boot application and a user column in my app db. The problem is now that my user informations are divided up at the spring boot db and the Keycloak db.
I found this older posts where there synced the data manually (redundant on both dbs), isn't there a best practice way, isn't this a standard usecase, I am wondering why there is no information about this?
How to integrate or make use of KeyCloak user database in my application?
Keycloak provider and user storage
I would say that the standard use-case is you connect
Keycloak to your application's database, which contains users' information (keycloak is just a server to authenticate your users).
To be able to connect from Keycloak to your application's database, you need to implement new Service provider interface (User Storage SPI) as mentioned in the documentation.

Spring Security default database authentication schema

I've been working with the default database model provided by Spring Security to authenticate users. I've realized that Spring Security looks for these tables in the default schema configured for the database engine.
Now, suppose the following:
You are working with PostgreSQL and you have 2 schema: schemaOne and schemaTwo, where schemaOne is configured as the dafault one for the engine. Then, suppose that you have an application that uses schemaTwo, then you will need Spring Security database model to be in that schema. So, once you try to run your application, Spring Security will try to look for the authentication model in schemaOne.
So, my question is: is there a way to push Spring Security to use a different schema than the default one configured for the database engine?.
Thank you.
Well, you can configure custom JDBC queries, for example:
With XML - override authorities-by-username-query, etc.
With JavaConfig - set authoritiesByUsernameQuery(String), etc.
But, I don't think you can just set the schema name.

spring-4 role mapping ldap

I am new to Spring
Problem Statement:
I have setup ldap server(Apache DS) with roles and users.
I need to authorize the same in my spring application. I need to block the urls, based on the authorization roles coming from LDAP.
How do I tell my Spring application to authorize the data coming from LDAP.
As of now it is letting me login, but on click on any of the links with the urls given to provide access I am getting access denied(403) exception.
In my knowledge I feel I need to configure the same in spring, but how do I do it, I am not able to figure out.

Spring security - Move attributes from anonymous session to logged user session

I am writing web application using Spring MVC, Security. I would like to store some information for not logged users, and keep it in anonymous session. It will be some random uid, and some configurations that anonymous user could change. When user logs in, that data should be used in authentication using custom AuthenticationProvider.
How can I hook into Spring security anonymous authentication to put there UID?
How can I retrieve later the session while user is loging in?
thanks for any advices :)
