spring-4 role mapping ldap - spring

I am new to Spring
Problem Statement:
I have setup ldap server(Apache DS) with roles and users.
I need to authorize the same in my spring application. I need to block the urls, based on the authorization roles coming from LDAP.
How do I tell my Spring application to authorize the data coming from LDAP.
As of now it is letting me login, but on click on any of the links with the urls given to provide access I am getting access denied(403) exception.
In my knowledge I feel I need to configure the same in spring, but how do I do it, I am not able to figure out.


How can I implement Single Sign On (SSO) multi tenancy functionality with Keycloak and Spring Boot OAuth2 clients?

Implementing SSO login for multiple OAuth2 providers in Spring Boot.
Two Spring Boot web applications (App1 and App2) that are configured to be OAuth2 clients. Both will communicate with a Keycloak authorization server that has two realms.
Business Requirements
Implement Single Sign-On functionality (SSO).
Multi tenancy with shared user base.
Only one user can access one tenant at any time.
I have two spring boot applications which are OAuth2 clients running in docker containers. We are setting up multiple Keycloak realms that are configured for each tenant. From the Spring side of things, we include the auto configuration properties for two providers where each provider will be mapped to a different Keycloak realm. So the properties will look as follows:
When a user logs into the first application (App1), Spring shows a generated html page. This page shows a list of each provider configured from the application.properties as an option to login to.
A user can select one and is redirected to the Keycloak login page with the realm that was mapped from Spring's provider properties. Then when successfully logged in, the user is redirected back as expected.
We use Spring Mongo session to store the session information and we also see in the Keycloak admin client the realm that shows the active session as well.
When trying to access the other application (App2), Spring does not detect the user or session and will show the same generated html page that shows the providers to select and login to.
When clicking on the same provider (realm), Spring will then find the session and will be redirected to the requested resource and all is well. This part is what I am trying to implement without asking for the provider first. The main reason is to enforce a business requirement where a user in a session can not access more than one realm at a time.
Attempted Solution
Provide a Spring Security login controller that will have a service layer to find the mongo session and then build the OAuth2 link Spring generates when you click a provider from the list.
However, I dont have the user yet. This also becomes a problem when opening a different tab as I dont believe I have any scope to the cookies that were created from the first application as well.
The only other thing I can think of is trying to get the client ip and store that in the session so I can find it later. However, when using nginx proxy configuration, this becomes a problem as I cant seem to get the actual ip and always seem to get the proxy ip instead even with the nginx headers I have seen from documentation.
Is there anyway to find the session and redirect to the requested provider programmatically?
Note: I am currently aware of the keycloak starter dependencies that are available but I was trying to see if there is a more Spring oriented solution with its general OAuth2 client security configuration.
Front end solution
User navigate to app1, app1 detects no user session (need for login), app1 redirects user to app2 with some query parameters indicating purpose of redirect.
App2 receives redirect request and check if session exist (user logged in to app2). Now you can deal with it. redirect back to app1 or display some error, etc.
User not logged in to app2 , app2 redirects back to app1 with indication "show providers"
Symmetrical behavior shall be implemented on app1 too.
Depending on security requirements query parameters can be encrypted to prevent manual url hacking.
If you need further protection Keycloak authentication can be extended with functionality to check your Session storage for already logged in users.

Custom Role Based Authorization in Spring Boot

I am developing a web application where I have React as my Frontend and Spring boot as the Backend REST API. I have authentication mechanism setup where user can login with email and password. My application will be used by a group of people for a company. The admin user will login initially and sends invites to other people in the group with predefined access privileges available in the application. How can I implement this type of role based access in spring boot.
I gone across Spring security for role based access, but I didn't find how to create custom fine grained roles based on our web application. Please someone help just to give me the path I need to go.
P.S: I want to implement the way AWS or other cloud providers implement there IAM roles to assign it to different users in their organization but not as complex but a similar functionality

spring security spnego ldap jwt

I have a complex situation where I need to implement a security for web app on tomcat 8 that serve both static html and rest services. the app is spring mvc application (no spring boot)
the authntication ( sso ) process will go as follow:
if user jwt not exist in http header then authonticate with ldap, getting user authorities from db and create jwt back to user.
if jwt exist in header, skip ldap filtering , extract the user authorities from token.
I was thinking of first servlet filter that uses spnego library and get the windows domain name (user name to use in ldap) that filter will also check to see if ldap authontication is needed ( if token not provided) and pass it back to spring filter chine through http params..
I'm struggling to implement he ideal.
please help.
As I know, there is support for LDAP in spring security, might be it will help you.
Other than that, if you want to write your own filters then you have to add those in spring security filter chain.

Spring security, LDAP and SSO

I am trying to build an application where login is done by siteminder SSO. Once login is done I need to get the user info(like roles,permissions) for logged in user from LDAP and put in session.
Aslo I am using spring MVC to expose REST services. I want my rest services to be accessible only for certain roles(Like Manager/Admin etc). Also UI will display/hide pages based roles.
I want to know what is the best approach to achieve the above.
Please note I am using spring MVC on WAS7.

Possible to config spring security to give access to some users from ldap?

I wonder if its possible to config spring security with a ldap as authentication provider so that only some of the users in the ldap is getting access? Is it possible to config it so that I can write in the names of the users that is giving access?
Im using Spring 3.1
Yes, it is posible, see the spring documentation. Your second question is not clear for me. Do you mean that, once the user from ldap is authenticated you want to display the user name? Thas is possible.
