I can not write integer into the LCD using those functions :S it shows something weird in screen
I just added the function below!!! please check it for me
I added everything needed
int m=952520;
LCDWriteInt(m,6);//I can not write it!!!
void LCDWriteInt(int val,unsigned int field_length)
char str[5]={0,0,0,0,0};
int i=4,j=0;
while(str[j]==0) j++;
if(val<0) LCDData('-');
I think the function is written for 16-bit integers for which the maximum value would be 65535 (5 digits - same as the length of str[]). You are giving it 6 digit value, which first overruns the string when it tries to write to str[5], and then produces j = -1.
My suggestion is to either use smaller integers (16-bit only), or write another function like the one you showed us to do the same thing for larger values.
Lastly, I don't know if the if(val<0) LCDData('-') would actually ever work properly since you overwrite 'val' in the first while loop.
Use itoa function. That will help you converting integer to string and displaying on lcd. Best of luck!
I'm trying to execute an algorithm on an Arduino UNO, it needs const table with some larges numbers and sometimes, I get overflow values. This is the case for this number : 628331966747.0
Okay, this is a big one, but its type is float (32 bit) where maximum is 3.4028235e38. So it should work, theoretically ?
What can I do against this ? Do you know a solution ?
EDIT : On Arduino UNO, double are exaclty the same type that floats (32 bits)
Here is a code that leads to the error :
float A;
void setup() {
A = 628331966747.0;
void loop() {
it print "ovf, ovf, ..., ovf"
There is nothing wrong with the constant itself (except for its rather optimistic number of significant figures), but the problem is with the implementation of the Arduino's library support for printing floating point values. Print::printFloat() contains the following pre-condition tests:
if (isnan(number)) return print("nan");
if (isinf(number)) return print("inf");
if (number > 4294967040.0) return print ("ovf"); // constant determined empirically
if (number <-4294967040.0) return print ("ovf"); // constant determined empirically
It seems that the range of printable values is deliberately restricted in order presumably to reduce complexity and code size. The subsequent code reveals why:
// Extract the integer part of the number and print it
unsigned long int_part = (unsigned long)number;
double remainder = number - (double)int_part;
n += print(int_part);
The somewhat simplistic implementation requires that the absolute value of the integer part is itself a 32bit integer.
The worrying thing perhaps is the comment "constant determined empirically" which rather suggests that the values were arrived at by trial and error rather then an understanding of the mathematics! One has to wonder why these values are not defined in terms of INT_UMAX.
There is a proposed "fix" described here, but it will not work at least because it applies the integer abs() function to the double parameter number, which will only work if the integer part is less than the even more restrictive MAX_INT. The author has posted a link to a zip file containing a fix that looks more likely to work (there is evidence at least of testing!).
This is a problem of codechef that I recently came across. The answer seems to be right for every test case where the value of input string is less than 128 bytes as it is passing a couple of test cases. For every value greater than 128 bytes it is printing out a large value which seems to be a garbage value.
std::string str;
vector<pair<char,int>> v;
int i=0;
else if (str[i]=='H')
else if (str[i]=='E')
else if (str[i]=='F')
Even enclosing the same code within
/*reading the string values from a file and not console*/
std::string input;
std::ifstream infile("input.txt");
istringstream in(input);
string str;
/* above code goes here */
generates the same result. I am not looking for any solution(s) or hint(s) to get to the right answer as I want to test the correctness of my algorithm. But I want to know why this happens as I am new to vector containers`.
You're modifying v[67]
... which is not contained in your vector, and thus either invalid memory or uninitialized
You seem to be trying to use a vector as an associative array. There is already such a structure in C++: a std::map. Use that instead.
With using this v['C'] you actually access the 67th (if 'A' is 65 from ASCII) element of a container having only 4 items. Depending on compiler and mode (debug vs release) you get undefined behavior for the code.
What you probably wanted to use was map i.e. map<char,int> v; instead of vector<pair<char,int>> v; and simple v['C']++; instead of v['C'].second++;
I've written a simple Bag class. A Bag is filled with a fixed ratio of Temperature enums. It allows you to grab one at random and automatically refills itself when empty. It looks like this:
class Bag {
var items = Temperature[]()
init () {
func grab()-> Temperature {
if items.isEmpty {
var i = Int(arc4random()) % items.count
return items.removeAtIndex(i)
func refill() {
The Temperature enum looks like this:
enum Temperature: Int {
case Normal, Hot, Cold
My GameScene:SKScene has a constant instance property bag:Bag. (I've tried with a variable as well.) When I need a new temperature I call bag.grab(), once in didMoveToView and when appropriate in touchesEnded.
Randomly this call crashes on the if items.isEmpty line in Bag.grab(). The error is EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION. Checking the debugger shows items is size=1 and [0] = (AppName.Temperature) <invalid> (0x10).
Edit Looks like I don't understand the debugger info. Even valid arrays show size=1 and unrelated values for [0] =. So no help there.
I can't get it to crash isolated in a Playground. It's probably something obvious but I'm stumped.
Function arc4random returns an UInt32. If you get a value higher than Int.max, the Int(...) cast will crash.
should be a better solution.
(Blame the strange crash messages in the Alpha version...)
I found that the best way to solve this is by using rand() instead of arc4random()
the code, in your case, could be:
var i = Int(rand()) % items.count
This method will generate a random Int value between the given minimum and maximum
func randomInt(min: Int, max:Int) -> Int {
return min + Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(max - min + 1)))
The crash that you were experiencing is due to the fact that Swift detected a type inconsistency at runtime.
Since Int != UInt32 you will have to first type cast the input argument of arc4random_uniform before you can compute the random number.
Swift doesn't allow to cast from one integer type to another if the result of the cast doesn't fit. E.g. the following code will work okay:
let x = 32
let y = UInt8(x)
Why? Because 32 is a possible value for an int of type UInt8. But the following code will fail:
let x = 332
let y = UInt8(x)
That's because you cannot assign 332 to an unsigned 8 bit int type, it can only take values 0 to 255 and nothing else.
When you do casts in C, the int is simply truncated, which may be unexpected or undesired, as the programmer may not be aware that truncation may take place. So Swift handles things a bit different here. It will allow such kind of casts as long as no truncation takes place but if there is truncation, you get a runtime exception. If you think truncation is okay, then you must do the truncation yourself to let Swift know that this is intended behavior, otherwise Swift must assume that is accidental behavior.
This is even documented (documentation of UnsignedInteger):
Convert from Swift's widest unsigned integer type,
trapping on overflow.
And what you see is the "overflow trapping", which is poorly done as, of course, one could have made that trap actually explain what's going on.
Assuming that items never has more than 2^32 elements (a bit more than 4 billion), the following code is safe:
var i = Int(arc4random() % UInt32(items.count))
If it can have more than 2^32 elements, you get another problem anyway as then you need a different random number function that produces random numbers beyond 2^32.
This crash is only possible on 32-bit systems. Int changes between 32-bits (Int32) and 64-bits (Int64) depending on the device architecture (see the docs).
UInt32's max is 2^32 − 1. Int64's max is 2^63 − 1, so Int64 can easily handle UInt32.max. However, Int32's max is 2^31 − 1, which means UInt32 can handle numbers greater than Int32 can, and trying to create an Int32 from a number greater than 2^31-1 will create an overflow.
I confirmed this by trying to compile the line Int(UInt32.max). On the simulators and newer devices, this compiles just fine. But I connected my old iPod Touch (32-bit device) and got this compiler error:
Integer overflows when converted from UInt32 to Int
Xcode won't even compile this line for 32-bit devices, which is likely the crash that is happening at runtime. Many of the other answers in this post are good solutions, so I won't add or copy those. I just felt that this question was missing a detailed explanation of what was going on.
This will automatically create a random Int for you:
var i = random() % items.count
i is of Int type, so no conversion necessary!
You can use
To prevent same random numbers when the app starts, you can call srand()
let randomNumber: Int = Int(rand()) % items.count
Recently, I am reading the definitive guide of hadoop.
I have two questions:
1.I saw a piece of code of one custom Partitioner:
public class KeyPartitioner extends Partitioner<TextPair, Text>{
public int getPartition(TextPair key, Text value, int numPartitions){
return (key.getFirst().hashCode()&Interger.MAX_VALUE)%numPartitions;
what does that mean for &Integer.MAX_VALUE? why should use & operator?
2.I also want write a custom Partitioner for IntWritable. So is it OK and best for key.value%numPartitions directly?
Like I already wrote in the comments, it is used to keep the resulting integer positive.
Let's use a simple example using Strings:
String h = "Hello I'm negative!";
int hashCode = h.hashCode();
hashCode is negative with the value of -1937832979.
If you would mod this with a positive number (>0) that denotes the partition, the resulting number is always negative.
System.out.println(hashCode % 5); // yields -4
Since partitions can never be negative, you need to make sure the number is positive. Here comes a simple bit twiddeling trick into play, because Integer.MAX_VALUE has all-ones execpt the sign bit (MSB in Java as it is big endian) which is only 1 on negative numbers.
So if you have a negative number with the sign bit set, you will always AND it with the zero of the Integer.MAX_VALUE which is always going to be zero.
You can make it more readable though:
return Math.abs(key.getFirst().hashCode() % numPartitions);
For example I have done that in Apache Hama's partitioner for arbitrary objects:
public int getPartition(K key, V value, int numTasks) {
return Math.abs(key.hashCode() % numTasks);
This is a bit of a side project I have taken on to solve a no-fix issue for work. Our system outputs a code to represent a combination of things on another thing. Some example codes are:
The max number in one of the slots I've seen so far is about 150 but they will likely go higher.
When the system was designed there was no requirement for what this code would look like. But now the client wants to be able to type it in by hand from a sheet of paper, something the code above isn't suited for. We've said we won't do anything about it, but it seems like a fun challenge to take on.
My question is where is a good place to start loss-less compressing this code? Obvious solutions such as store this code with a shorter key are not an option; our database is read only. I need to build a two way method to make this code more human friendly.
1) I agree that you definately need a checksum - data entry errors are very common, unless you have really well trained staff and independent duplicate keying with automatic crosss-checking.
2) I suggest http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huffman_coding to turn your list of numbers into a stream of bits. To get the probabilities required for this, you need a decent sized sample of real data, so you can make a count, setting Ni to the number of times number i appears in the data. Then I suggest setting Pi = (Ni + 1) / (Sum_i (Ni + 1)) - which smooths the probabilities a bit. Also, with this method, if you see e.g. numbers 0-150 you could add a bit of slack by entering numbers 151-255 and setting them to Ni = 0. Another way round rare large numbers would be to add some sort of escape sequence.
3) Finding a way for people to type the resulting sequence of bits is really an applied psychology problem but here are some suggestions of ideas to pinch.
3a) Software licences - just encode six bits per character in some 64-character alphabet, but group characters in a way that makes it easier for people to keep place e.g. BC017-06777-14871-160C4
3b) UK car license plates. Use a change of alphabet to show people how to group characters e.g. ABCD0123EFGH4567IJKL...
3c) A really large alphabet - get yourself a list of 2^n words for some decent sized n and encode n bits as a word e.g. GREEN ENCHANTED LOGICIAN... -
i worried about this problem a while back. it turns out that you can't do much better than base64 - trying to squeeze a few more bits per character isn't really worth the effort (once you get into "strange" numbers of bits encoding and decoding becomes more complex). but at the same time, you end up with something that's likely to have errors when entered (confusing a 0 with an O etc). one option is to choose a modified set of characters and letters (so it's still base 64, but, say, you substitute ">" for "0". another is to add a checksum. again, for simplicity of implementation, i felt the checksum approach was better.
unfortunately i never got any further - things changed direction - so i can't offer code or a particular checksum choice.
ps i realised there's a missing step i didn't explain: i was going to compress the text into some binary form before encoding (using some standard compression algorithm). so to summarize: compress, add checksum, base64 encode; base 64 decode, check checksum, decompress.
This is similar to what I have used in the past. There are certainly better ways of doing this, but I used this method because it was easy to mirror in Transact-SQL which was a requirement at the time. You could certainly modify this to incorporate Huffman encoding if the distribution of your id's is non-random, but it's probably unnecessary.
You didn't specify language, so this is in c#, but it should be very easy to transition to any language. In the lookup you'll see commonly confused characters are omitted. This should speed up entry. I also had the requirement to have a fixed length, but it would be easy for you to modify this.
static public class CodeGenerator
static Dictionary<int, char> _lookupTable = new Dictionary<int, char>();
static CodeGenerator()
private static void PrepLookupTable()
public static bool TryPCodeDecrypt(string iPCode, out Int64 oDecryptedInt)
//Prep the result so we can exit without having to fiddle with it if we hit an error.
oDecryptedInt = 0;
if (iPCode.Length > 3)
Char[] Bits = iPCode.ToCharArray(0,iPCode.Length-2);
int CheckInt7 = 0;
int CheckInt3 = 0;
if (!int.TryParse(iPCode[iPCode.Length-1].ToString(),out CheckInt7) ||
!int.TryParse(iPCode[iPCode.Length-2].ToString(),out CheckInt3))
//Unsuccessful -- the last check ints are not integers.
return false;
//Adjust the CheckInts to the right values.
CheckInt3 -= 2;
CheckInt7 -= 2;
int COffset = iPCode.LastIndexOf('M')+1;
Int64 tempResult = 0;
int cBPos = 0;
while ((cBPos + COffset) < Bits.Length)
//Calculate the current position.
int cNum = 0;
foreach (int cKey in _lookupTable.Keys)
if (_lookupTable[cKey] == Bits[cBPos + COffset])
cNum = cKey;
tempResult += cNum * (Int64)Math.Pow((double)31, (double)(Bits.Length - (cBPos + COffset + 1)));
cBPos += 1;
if (tempResult % 7 == CheckInt7 && tempResult % 3 == CheckInt3)
oDecryptedInt = tempResult;
return true;
return false;
//Unsuccessful -- too short.
return false;
public static string PCodeEncrypt(int iIntToEncrypt, int iMinLength)
int Check7 = (iIntToEncrypt % 7) + 2;
int Check3 = (iIntToEncrypt % 3) + 2;
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
result.Insert(0, Check7);
result.Insert(0, Check3);
int workingNum = iIntToEncrypt;
while (workingNum > 0)
result.Insert(0, _lookupTable[workingNum % 31]);
workingNum /= 31;
if (result.Length < iMinLength)
for (int i = result.Length + 1; i <= iMinLength; i++)
result.Insert(0, 'M');
return result.ToString();