How to setup "svnserve --service" to run on Windows? - windows

When starting from cmdline
svnserve.exe -d -r d:\svn\mytools
all working fine.
Then I had tried to set it up to run as Windows service:
#echo off
set SvnHome=C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN
set SvnRepository=D:\Svn\mytools
sc delete SvnMyTools
sc create SvnMyTools binPath= "%SvnHome%\bin\svnserve.exe --service -r %SvnRepository%" start= delayed-auto type= share
service was installed but it is unable to start.
All the time it is reporting an error
Error 1083: The executable program that this service is configured to run in does not implement the service.
I have tried to edit service cmdline using regedit, so tried to add double quotes arround ref to exe, tried to change cmdline parameters (used -d instead of --service, used both -d and --service) and so on. Sometimes reported errors are looks a bit different but it does not work anyway. :-(
Question is - how to setup it to make it working as service on Windows 7 x64?
Is it possible at all? I mean - if that "--service" cmdline switch is able to work in svnserve?
Note: svnserve version is 1.7.9 (r1462340).
Rest of TortoiseSVN components are
Thanks in advance.

It took me a while to figure out that the selected answer was not final, but a supplement to the question. This is the final one line command to execute:
sc create svnserve binpath="\"C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin\svnserve.exe\" --service -r D:\Repositories" displayname="Subversion Server" depend=Tcpip start=auto

Looks fine to me. My server is installed with this binary path:
"C:\Program Files\Subversion\svnserve.exe" --service -r "D:\Repositories" --listen-port "3690"
Did you try to install it outside of a script?

I realize this is an old question, but in case you need to do this on a more current Windows OS version...
On Windows Server 2012 with CollabNet subversion Edge SVN v5.2.4, this syntax worked in an elevated cmd window (NOTE the space after the = character and where the quote " characters are located):
sc create svnserve binpath="E:\csvn\bin\svnserve.exe --service -r E:\csvn\data\repositories --listen-port 3690 --log-file E:\csvn\data\logs\svnserve.log" displayname="SVN Serve" depend= Tcpip start= auto
After creating the svnserve Windows service, to add a description :
sc description svnserve "SVN Server providing the svn:// or svn+ssh:// protocol scheme"
Screenshot of Services.msc showing the newly created svnserve service:


ldap commands not recognized in windows command prompt

I am attempting to setup an LDAP server.
I installed ApacheDS and I was going through the user guide. I am trying to change the default admin password. I know I can use the Apache Directory Studio to do this, but I am required to use the command line to setup and maintain the LDAP server I create.
I found this
and it helped by showing how to use an ldif file to modify the default password.
However when I run
ldapmodify -h localhost -p 10389 -D "uid=admin,ou=system" -f conf-modify.ldif
I get the message:
'ldapmodify' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
Is there an LDAP package for windows command line tools or is there a specific directory that the ldap command must be executed from in ApacheDS
I am currently running the command from the ApacheDS install directory C:\Program Files\ApacheDS
I have been using OpenDJ and their tools. You do not need to run the LDAP server to be able to run their LDAP tools.
Runs on any(?) Java 7 or greater platform.
Open any cmd prompt and add add this command
set path=%path%;E:\Softwares\OpenLDAP\bin
and after that run your command
ldapmodify -h localhost -p 10389 -D "uid=admin,ou=system" -f conf-modify.ldif
I Hope it helps you.,
An old article, perhaps still useful for ApacheDS users.
if you have found your bin folder with dsadm.exe usw.,
then you will find your ldapsearch.exe in a parallel folder.
| dsadm.exe
call pls.
ldapmodify -h
In order to see the difference between openldap and ApacheDS.
It is not working with openldap syntax.
Have a fun with experimenting. (rulez Shadows)
Hint you will see the same syntax in suchlogs in your Apache Directory Browser

Unable to start cygwin sshd service

I entered ssh-host-config into the cygwin prompt (started with admin privileges), said yes to privilege separation, new local account sshd, install sshd as a service; I entered no value for CYGWIN for daemon; I entered no for using a different name; yes for creating new privilege user account.
In my services.msc I am unable to start the service:
The CYGWIN sshd service on Local Computer started and then stopped.
Some services stop automatically if they are not in use by other services
or programs.
In the cygwin prompt, net start sshd produces:
The CYGWIN sshd service could not be started.
The service did not report an error.
More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 3534
In the cygwin prompt, cygrunsrv -S sshd produces:
cygrunsrv: Error starting a service: QueryServiceStatus: Win32 error 1062:
The service has not been started.
My /var/log/sshd.log says the following:
Unable to initialize device PRN
I've searched the questions on SO related to this issue, as well as the general Internet, and I guess what makes my question unique has to do with the sshd.log. I can't find anyone else who has received this.
I'm doing this to install Hadoop on my Windows. I cannot run a virtual machine on this slow computer as everything just bogs down.
I followed the steps in this topic and the problem was still happening, then I checked the sshd log file and it was complaining that the privilegies of the ssh private key were to open.
I executed the follow command:
chmod 400 /etc/ssh_host_ecdsa_key
Then I run the service:
net start sshd
It finally worked (BTW: I am using Windows 8)
I had the same problem and here is the solution that worked for me.
Solution 1
Restart the machine after you set the path environment variables to point to Cygwin bin directories and then start the service.
Solution 2
First add the account that runs the Cygwin sshd demon service to administrators group (this is by default)
Go to your cygwin installation folder (mine is at c:\cygwin64 and yours may differ)
add administrators group as full control. remove the property
Remove Readonly for your cygwin installation folder so anyone can write into it
Run the cygwin terminal as administrator and remove the service by typing
cygrunsrv -R sshd
Reboot your system
Run the cygwin terminal as administrator and reinstall the service again by typing
ssh-host-config -y
Run the cygwin terminal as administrator and start the service by typing
net start sshd
Your service now be running!
I tried above solutions but nothing worked for me.
I am using Windows 8 and was able to solve it.
My sshd.log file says : "Privilege separation user sshd does not exist FAILED"
So to remove this error while starting sshd as service just following below steps:
Edit the file /etc/passwd --
add " sshd:x:74:74:Privilege-separated SSH:/var/empty/sshd:/sbin/nologin ".
Edit the file /etc/group --
add " sshd:x:74: ".
Now start service as
net start sshd
It worked for me!
Followed the steps provide by Andrea Solution 1 and solution 2 , it did not work. Event viewer did not provide any info.
So took a look at the log var/log/sshd.log first it complained that it was unable to load the dll:
/usr/sbin/sshd.exe: error while loading shared libraries: cygcrypto-1.0.0.dll
Reinstalled the package and ensured that the dll were in lib.
Started the service again still it failed but this time it complained about missing host key.
Could not load host key: /etc/ssh_host_dsa_key
Could not load host key: /etc/ssh_host_ecdsa_key
Disabling protocol version 2. Could not load host key
sshd: no hostkeys available -- exiting.
go to the Cygwin Command prompt (with run as admin ) and
enter ssh-keygen -A
the missing host key were generated .
Finally I was able to start it.
I would recommend looking at the log file further if the above solution does not work.
In my case (using a Polish version of Windows 8) I had to manually modify the /etc/passwd and /etc/group files.
Some lines for Administrator, Administrators, Guest, Guests, etc. had been missing, so I merely inserted them, and copied all other fields from their non-English versions. Eg.
nano /etc/passwd
LocalService:*:19:544:U-NT AUTHORITY\LocalService,S-1-5-19::
NetworkService:*:20:544:U-NT AUTHORITY\NetworkService,S-1-5-20::
TrustedInstaller:*:4294967294:4294967294:U-NT SERVICE\TrustedInstaller,S-1-5-80-956008885-3418522649-1831038044-1853292631-2271478464::
sshd:unused:1006:513:sshd privsep,U-gordito\sshd,S-1-5-21-580982140-4090956935-1935414389-1006:/var/empty:/bin/false
cyg_server:unused:1007:513:Privileged server,U-gordito\cyg_server,S-1-5-21-580982140-4090956935-1935414389-1007:/var/empty:/bin/false
nano /etc/group
Czytelnicy dzienników zdarzeń:S-1-5-32-573:573:
Users DCOM:S-1-5-32-562:562:
Użytkownicy DCOM:S-1-5-32-562:562:
Użytkownicy dzienników wydajności:S-1-5-32-559:559:
Użytkownicy monitora wydajności:S-1-5-32-558:558:
Użytkownicy zarządzania zdalnego:S-1-5-32-580:580:
Only after this, I was finally able to chmod g-rwx all the files that offended sshd, in a way that 'ls -la' indeed confirmed the dropped permissions for group and other.
Then finally, privileged CYGWIN services installed and started (sshd, cron)

How to install a service on windows 7 without Visual Studio?

Install a windows service: there is a util with Visual Studio: InstallUtil.exe.
If I have a service MyService.exe and want to install it on a windows 7 without Visual Studio on it, how can I install it?
One way is to use sc.exe, which is part of OS. Example:
sc create **ServiceName** start= auto binPath= "c:\mydir\myService.exe"
where binPath is exe file containing your service.
if you don't want start type = automatic then you can use net start and net stop command on command line of windows to start and stop service respectively.
You can try NSSM (Non-Sucking Service Manager) for the times the "sc" doesn't work quite as expected.
I had an service I built in Go not too long ago that I could not get to run under "sc", nssm worked perfectly.
you can find installUtil.exe at "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727", launch from CMD prompt, and add the path to your service
Couldn't get NSSM to work on my W7. It always put its own path as the path to the program I put in the Path box. Had to go manual with the sc example above. That worked perfectly. To get a list of sc parameters, just execute sc. The two * preceeding the ServiceName will cause the ServiceName to appear at the top of the C:\Windows\System32\compmgmt.msc list. To remove a service, use sc delete ServiceName. You will have focus the list and use the Refresh menu item to see the change in compmgmt.msc.

Jboss Service started and then stopped

I'm attempting to get my Jboss Server running as a windows service using the JbossService.exe, and I had it working until I uninstalled it (with ./JbossService -uninstall JbossService), and now, while it will install and the service will appear in the windows service list, attempting to start it will only yield the error message:
"The JBossService on Local Computer started and then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they have no work to do, for example, the Performance Logs and Alerts service."
If it helps, the command I'm using to install it is:
./JBossService.exe -install JBossService "$java_home\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll"
-Xmx128m -Xrs -Djava.class.path="$java_home\lib\tools.jar;$jboss_home\bin\run.jar"
-start "org.jboss.Main" -stop "org.jboss.Main"
-method systemExit -out "$jboss_home\server\default\log\stdout.log"
-err "$jboss_home\server\default\log\stderr.log"
-current "$jboss_home\bin"
Any ideas would be appreciated. If more information is required just let me know.
Are you using Cygwin? If not, this could be due to the fact that environment variables are referenced using %%, not $, on Windows. You might try the following instead:
JBossService.exe -install JBossService "%java_home%\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll"
-Xmx128m -Xrs -Djava.class.path="%java_home%\lib\tools.jar;%jboss_home%\bin\run.jar"
-start "org.jboss.Main" -stop "org.jboss.Main"
-method systemExit -out "%jboss_home%\server\default\log\stdout.log"
-err "%jboss_home%\server\default\log\stderr.log"
-current "%jboss_home%\bin"
Even if you are using Cygwin, the $ notation still might not work if, for example, these parameters are being stored in the Registry and then read later from the OS (which does not understand Cygwin notation).
While this does have a valid answer, one reason this happened to me recently is because the user the JBoss Windows Service was running as had certain active directory permissions revoked from the server (in this case, administrative-like permissions); it could no longer access certain directories it required in order to process (the Java bin folder, for example).
Once the user the service ran as was added back to the appropriate Windows User Groups, the JBoss Windows Service started with no issues.
In my case, JAVA_HOME was not set. Once I did that, Automatically windows Services started.

Running mongod as a windows service

i have installed mongodb on win32 and i am trying to run it as a service.
I have followed the instructions posted here:
but when when windows tries to 'load'/'run' the service there is a problem. I see the service under the services control banner constantly in the 'starting' state.
The result: the service is not started and windows is constantly trying to start it without success.
The instructions i have followed are:
At the command line
C:\mongodb\mongod -install
C:\mongodb\mongod -service
Then i modified the Win Registry Entry for the MongoDB Service by setting the ImagePath key to the value of C:\mongodb\mongodb.exe -service
Any advice? What am i doing wrong?
Just for future reference: running mongo as a windows service
Also lots of people seem to be saying: specify the whole path to the mongod.exe:
c:\mongo\mongod.exe --logpath "c:\mongo\logs\mongo.log" --logappend --dbpath "c:\mongo\data" --directoryperdb --install
Also if you're running Windows 7 don't forget to run the command window as an administrator.
I'd do it this way just cause I like to customize/organize things better:
Unzip mongo to where you want.
I like putting all the configuration in a file (my preference, since I didnt like default location of C:/data/db, and didn't like all the options as commandline params)...
Looks something like:
dbpath = C:\dev\mongodb\data\db
logpath = C:\dev\mongodb\data\mongodb.log.txt
logappend = false
Then I put C:\dev\mongodb\bin in my Env Variable's PATH (so can call mongo.exe from any dir), but not needed...
Then on command line to install the Windows Service:
$ cd C:\dev\mongodb\bin
$ mongod.exe -f C:\dev\mongodb\data\mongodb.conf --install
It will create a Windows Service which if you want, can start manually via:
$ net start MongoDB
//Use qoutes if changed service name (via -serviceName to mongod --install), like: net start "Mongo DB"
Specifying several parameters at once is a good choice.
to install as a service
to enable rest access to mongodb
to set up mongodb instance as master.
this is mandatory when you install mongodb as service
this too is mandatory for mongodb to run.
Here is a step by step guide describing the installation of MongoDB Service on Windows 7.
I have been faced similar issue. And i tried above solutions still have not get any result.
finally below code is solved my issue.
-> Command prompt open as administrator.
-> Copy and paste the below code after changing the proper bin and config path.
sc.exe create MongoDB binPath= "\"d:\MongoDB\bin\mongod.exe\" --service --config=\"d:\MongoDB\mongo.cfg\"" DisplayName= "MongoDB" start= "auto"
Happy Coding !!!!!!
Regardless of whether you're running as a service or not, you need to specify the --dbpath argument to mongod.exe.
Also, you shouldn't have to edit the registry. You can just issue the command like this:
C:\mongodb\mongod.exe --dbpath C:\data\db --install
