ldap commands not recognized in windows command prompt - windows

I am attempting to setup an LDAP server.
I installed ApacheDS and I was going through the user guide. I am trying to change the default admin password. I know I can use the Apache Directory Studio to do this, but I am required to use the command line to setup and maintain the LDAP server I create.
I found this
and it helped by showing how to use an ldif file to modify the default password.
However when I run
ldapmodify -h localhost -p 10389 -D "uid=admin,ou=system" -f conf-modify.ldif
I get the message:
'ldapmodify' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
Is there an LDAP package for windows command line tools or is there a specific directory that the ldap command must be executed from in ApacheDS
I am currently running the command from the ApacheDS install directory C:\Program Files\ApacheDS

I have been using OpenDJ and their tools. You do not need to run the LDAP server to be able to run their LDAP tools.
Runs on any(?) Java 7 or greater platform.

Open any cmd prompt and add add this command
set path=%path%;E:\Softwares\OpenLDAP\bin
and after that run your command
ldapmodify -h localhost -p 10389 -D "uid=admin,ou=system" -f conf-modify.ldif
I Hope it helps you.,

An old article, perhaps still useful for ApacheDS users.
if you have found your bin folder with dsadm.exe usw.,
then you will find your ldapsearch.exe in a parallel folder.
| dsadm.exe
call pls.
ldapmodify -h
In order to see the difference between openldap and ApacheDS.
It is not working with openldap syntax.
Have a fun with experimenting. (rulez Shadows)
Hint you will see the same syntax in suchlogs in your Apache Directory Browser


How to run a batch file in a remote machine from the Teamcity

I am building a C# project and deployed the package using Teamcity.
I have added a step in the build configuration that I need to execute a batch file present in the remote machine.
The batch file is copied to the remote machine along with the deployed package.
I am getting the error "The system cannot find the path specified."
If you are directly entering the path of the batch file, it will look for the same path on teamcity server and not on the remote machine.
you would have to install psexec on team city machine. See https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/psexec
This command will help you to execute the script on remote machine
Now create a Command line step like this
and then in custom script use following :-
psexec \ -d -accepteula -u domainname\userid -p password cmd.exe "Path/To/BatchFile.bat"
Here is the ip adress of remote machine(Can use hostname as well).
domainname\userid is domain name and user id used to login the remote machine.
password is the password used to login remote machine.
Path/To/BatchFile.bat is the path to the batch file.

How to set the vs project's PostBuildEvent to download from FTP on Linux?

I need to compile a VS project under Linux using MonoDevelop. It worked successfully except the command at the project.csproj file like this:
<PostBuildEvent>echo get pub/xxx.exe | ftp -A xxx.com</PostBuildEvent>
It can't run on Linux.I know it is possible to use a sh-script to establish the ftp connect, but I really want to know how to run it just by setting the project's postBuildEvent. The code I tried to connect FTP server is this:
echo anonymous |ftp -p xxx.com
This couldn't login to the server.I could use it at normal Linux's command line.
OK it is so easy.Just needs 7zSD.sfx and a config.txt, then
cat 7zSD.sfx config.txt yourproject'spackage.7z > yourproject.exe

install weblogic on console mode without xming

I'm trying to install weblogic server on Centos 7 with following instruction of oracle about console mode. Everything will be fine till weblogic file 's extracting on my computer. I get this message about
display enviroment variable failed
I google it and found xming as solution. But is there any solution to install weblogic without xming.
You need to do a silent install as mentioned. You can find the documentation here.
Basically, you need two files:
A response file
Here, you will set some parameters like ORACLE_HOME, proxy information if needed and installation type, etc.
An oraInst.loc file
In this file, you need to do the following(from documentation):
Replace oui_inventory_directory with the full path to the directory where you want the installer to create the inventory directory. Then, replace oui_install_group with the name of the group whose members have write permissions to this directory.
After doing all of this, you can run the command as follows;
java -jar distribution_name.jar -silent -responseFile file [-options] [()*]
I uploaded my own oraInst.loc and response files here for demonstration. I strongly suggest you to read the documentation though. Good luck.

Azure xplat to run a CustomScriptExtension in a Windows VM

I am creating Windows VMs from the azure xplat cli, using the following command:
azure network vnet create --location "East US" testnet
azure vm create --vm-name xplattest3 --location "East US" --virtual-network-name testnet --rdp 3389 xplattest3 ad072bd3082149369c449ba5832401ae__Windows-Server-Remote-Desktop-Session-Host-on-Windows-Server-2012-R2-20150828-0350 username SAFEpassword!
After the Windows VM is created I would like to execute a powershell script to configure the server. As far I understand, this is done by executing a CustomScriptExtension.
I found several examples for PowerShell but no examples for Xplat cli.
I would like, for example, to run the following HelloWorld PowerShell script:
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path C:\HelloWorld
After reading documentation I should be able to run a CustomExtensionScript by executing something like this (the following command does not work):
azure vm extension set xplattest3 CustomScriptExtension Microsoft.Compute 1.4 -i '{"URI":["https://gist.githubusercontent.com/tk421/8b7dd37145eaa8f82e2f/raw/36c11aafd3f5d6b4af97aab9ef5303d80e8ab29b/azureCustomScriptExtensionTest"] }'
I think that the problem is the parameter -i. I have not been able to find an example on Internet. There are some references and documentation such as MSDN and Github, but no examples.
Therefore, my question: How to execute a PowerShell script after creating a Windows VM in Azure using the xplat cli ?
Please note that the my current approach is a CustomScriptExtension, but anything that allows to bootstrap a configuration script will be considered!
EDIT How do I know it is failing ?
After I run the command azure vm extension ...:
xplat cli confirms that the command has been executed properly.
As per MSDN documentation, the folder C:\Packages\Plugins\Microsoft.Compute.CustomScriptExtension\ is created, but there is no script downloaded to C:\Packages\Plugins\Microsoft.Compute.CustomScriptExtension\{version-number}\Downloads\{iteration}
The folder C:\HelloWorld is not created, which means that the contents of the script has not been executed.
I cannot find any sort of logs or a trace to know what happened. Does anyone knows where can I find this information ?
The parameters (The Json) that I used after reading the MSDN documentation were not correct. However, you can get clues of the correct parameters by reading the C# code.
And the final command is:
azure vm extension set xplattest3 CustomScriptExtension Microsoft.Compute 1.4 -i '{"fileUris":["https://macstoragetest.blob.core.windows.net/testcontainername/createFolder.ps1"], "commandToExecute": "powershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -file createFolder.ps1" }'
This command successfully creates the C:\HelloWorld directory.
NOTE: I decided to upload the script to Azure as I read in a post and in the documentation that is mandatory. However I just made a test to download the original script from Github and it is working fine, so I guess that the documentation is a bit outdated.
EDIT: I created an detailed article that explains how to provision windows servers with xplat-cli in Azure.

Run batch scripts on a remote server (windows) from jenkins

I've got a continuous integration server (Jenkins ) which builds my code (checks for compilation errors) and runs tests and then deploys the files to a remote server (not a war file, but the actual file structure) I do this with a Jenkins plugin which allows me to transfer files via samba, it does this nightly.
Now, what I need to do is run an ant command on the remote server. And after that I need to start the application server on the remote server, the application server is started by running a .bat file from the command line.
I'm pretty clueless how to accomplish this, I know Jenkins is capable of running batch commands, but how do I make them run in the context of the server and not the context of the build server?
If Jenkins on Windows, remote on *nix, use plink.exe (which is essentially command line PuTTy)
If Jenkins on Windows, remote on Window, use psexec.exe
If Jenkins on *nix, remote on *nix, use ssh
If Jenkins on *nix, remote on Windows, (update 2015-01) Ansible http://docs.ansible.com/intro_windows.html has support for calling Windows commands, eg powershell, from a unix/linux machine, https://github.com/ansible/ansible-examples/blob/master/windows/run-powershell.yml
Tell me what OSes are involved (both on Jenkins and remote), and I will flash this out further.
The download page for psexec.exe lists all command line options. You will want something along the lines of:
psexec \\remotecomputername -u remoteusername -p remotepassword cmd /c <your commands here>
Replace <your commands here> with actual commands as you would execute them from command prompt.
Note that psexec first needs to install a service, and required elevated command prompt/admin remote credentials to do so.
Also, you need to run psexec -accepteula once to accept the EULA prompt.
Following Slav's answer above, here is a simpler solution for Jenkins (*nix) to remote (windows):
Install an SSH server on your remote windows (MobaSSH home edition worked well for me)
Make sure your Jenkins user, on your Jenkins machine, has the required certification to open an SSH connection with your remote (you can simply open a terminal and ssh to your remote once, then accept the certification. Make sure it is saved for the Jenkins user).
You can now add an execute shell build phase in your Jenkins job which can SSH to your remote windows machine.
Notes :
The established connection might require some additional work - you might have to set windows environment variables or map network drivers in order for your executed commands or batch files to work properly on your windows machines.
If you wish to run GUI related operations this solution might not be relevant (Following my work on running automation tests which require GUI manipulation).
Using Jenkins SSH plugin is an issue, as seen here.
1、i install (MobaSSH home ) on my remote windows server .
2、and install jenkins ssh plugin
3、edit shell eg: go build project
4、it seems something wrong ,
" go: creating work dir: CreateFile C:\WINDOWS\system32\bsh\tmp: The system cannot find the path specified."
I ended up going with a different approach after trying out psexec.exe for a while.
Psexec.exe and copying files over the network was a bit slow and unstable, especially since the domain I work on has a policy of changing password every months (which broke the build).
In the end I went with the master/slave approach, which is faster and more stable. Since I don't have to use psexec.exe and don't have to copy files over the network.
