How To Copy files in Directory to another Directory using shell script - shell

I have lots of Directories Like Tmp/a-1,a-2...till a-1000.
Each TMP Directory Contains file called log.
Hence I Have to go inside every directory and change the file named log to log_orig.
How to do this via script?

find -name log -type f -exec mv {} {}_orig \; will do (as long you don't have log files in other directories that you don't want to touch)


How to copy recursively files with multiple specific extensions in bash

I want to copy all files with specific extensions recursively in bash.
I've written the full script. I have list of names in a csv file, I'm iterating through each name in that list, then creating a directory with that same name somewhere else, then I'm searching in my source directory for the directory with that name, inside it there are few files with endings of xlsx,tsv,html,gz and I'm trying to copy all of them into the newly created directory.
cat $sample_list_filepath/sample_list.csv | while read line
echo $line
cd $source_directories_path/$line
cp -r *.{tsv,xlsx,html,gz} $source_directories_path/$line $destination_path
This works, but it copies all the files there, with no discrimination for specific extension.
What is the problem?
An easy way to solve your problem is to use find and regex :
find src/ -regex '.*\.\(tsv\|xlsx\|gz\|html\)$' -exec cp {} dest/ \;
find look recursively in the directory you specify (in my example it's src/), allows you to filter with -regex and to apply a command for matching results with -exec
For the regex part :
will take the name of the file and the dot before extension,
verify the extension with those you want.
The exec block is what you do with files you got from regex
-exec cp {} dest/ \;
In this case, you copy what you got ({} meaning) to the destination directory.

How to put a copy of a file in all folders using bash script?

I have one config file that I want to copy to all the folders of some location using bash script. Before I used such a line:
aws s3 cp ${CONFIG_FILE} ${S3_URI}config.json
It copied one file to my location on the server. Now I have multiple folders in this location and each one needs the config file.
How can I write a loop for that? I'm new in bash so it's a bit hard for me to figure it out.
for d in $(find /base/path/of/your/target/dirs -type d); do cp your_file $d; done
Another solution without doing for loop as find command can do this out of the box:
find /lookup/path/ -type d -exec cp config.json {} \;
What this command do is to search inside a specific path and get a list of directories then it will use exec to copy a file inside these directories one by one

Copying files in multiple directories in terminal

I am new to using the command line for operations, so forgive me if this question is obvious. I would like to move all files of a certain type (.aiff) from one directory that contains many sub-directories. The file structure looks like this:
- subdir1
-- sound.aiff
-- other.txt
- subdir2
-- sound2.aiff
-- other2.txt
I've tried using something like cp -R /Users/me/directory/*.aiff /Users/me/newdirectory but I get a "no such file or directory" error. I don't know how to specify that the files I want copied in the subdirectories must be .aiff files.
Try this:
cp -R /Users/me/directory/*/*.aiff /Users/me/newdirectory
But probably the destination /Users/me/newdirectory is missing.
You could verify this by doing:
file /Users/me/newdirectory
If the directory doesn't exist will print an error like:
Users/me/newdirectory: cannot open `/Users/me/newdirectory' (No such file or directory)
Create the directory with:
mkdir /Users/me/newdirectory
Next, try to copy the files again, if you want to move them use mv instead of cp
Another way is to use the command find, for example:
find /Users/me/directory -type f -iname "*.aiff" -exec mv {} /Users/me/newdirectory \;
In this example, the command find is going to search for in directory /Users/me/directory/ only for files -type f that end (case insensitive) in *.aiff for each file found it will execute the command mv exec mv {} /Users/me/newdirectory. The {} is a placeholder.
Before moving you could test the command by just finding the desired types:
find . -iname "*.aiff"
This will search for files within the directory the command is executed, notice the . instead of a /Users/me/directory/

Get all content from a folder with subfolder copied to another directory with bash

I have a directory that has many folders in it that have sub folders again and then there are some files. Can I write a bash script that copies all the files from the given directory into one single folder? So that I do not have to navigate through ever single folder and copy the content to another folder.
In the topmost dir under which you want the files to be copied:
find . -type f -exec cp {} /some/new/location \;
Finds all the normal files and then copies them to /some/new/location
You could use find to list all files inside the folder:
find ./source -type f
and then use the output as argument for cp, it would look like this:
cp $(find ./source -type f) destination
There would be problem if there are some files within the original directory tree with conflicting name. In that case cp would refuse to copy additional files with the same name with error like:
cp: will not overwrite just-created destination/t22' with./source/test/t2/t22'
To make copies of files with same name, you can use backup option, like this:
cp --backup=numbered $(find ./source -type f) destination
If you want to see what is happening use -v (verbose) option
cp -v --backup=numbered $(find ./source -type f) destination

combine contents of files from multiple directories into a single text file in Mac OSx

I have a complicated scenario. In my current working directory, I have several subdirectories. Each subdirectory has a number of files, but I'm only interested in one: The file name is the same for each corresponding file in every subdirectory, i.e., they are not unique. Thus, a copy command to a new subdirectory will not work since one will be shown and overwritten 514 times.
I need to take the content of each subdirectory's and have it placed into a file all_RAxML_bestTrees.txt either in the current working directory or a new subdirectory. I have tried the following, which appears to print the contents to screen but not to file:
find . -type f -name \ -exec cat {} all_RAxML_bestTrees.txt \;
Nevermind, found my issue:
find . -type f -name \ -exec cat > all_RAxML_bestTrees.txt \;
