combine contents of files from multiple directories into a single text file in Mac OSx - macos

I have a complicated scenario. In my current working directory, I have several subdirectories. Each subdirectory has a number of files, but I'm only interested in one: The file name is the same for each corresponding file in every subdirectory, i.e., they are not unique. Thus, a copy command to a new subdirectory will not work since one will be shown and overwritten 514 times.
I need to take the content of each subdirectory's and have it placed into a file all_RAxML_bestTrees.txt either in the current working directory or a new subdirectory. I have tried the following, which appears to print the contents to screen but not to file:
find . -type f -name \ -exec cat {} all_RAxML_bestTrees.txt \;

Nevermind, found my issue:
find . -type f -name \ -exec cat > all_RAxML_bestTrees.txt \;


move multiple files from multiple directories

I need to move in Mac CLI multiple file from multiple different locations to one common target folder (consolidate them).
I have a parent folder, with 10 subdirectories in it, each subdirectory contains one txt file.
I need all txt files in the parent directory.
Sure I can do it manually, but I have the problem more often, often enough with more than 10 occurences.
My attempt so far
find . -type f -iname "*.txt" -exec mv '{}' /Volumes/Extreme\ SSD/Math/Calculus/Calc +
I get this error
find: -exec: no terminating ";" or "+"

Can't rename, No such file or directory

I have a root folder (03_COMPLETE), inside which are 40 subfolders two levels down (all called CHILD_PNG) that contain .png files I want to rename. There are 6 complete folders I have to go through, with tens of thousands of files. All files are currently named like this: 123456_lifestyle.png, I want them named to lifestyle_123456.png.
My code:
find . -mindepth 2 -type f -iname '*.png' -print0 | xargs -0 /usr/local/bin/rename -v 's/\/([0-9]+)_([A-Za-z]+[0-9])/\/$2_$1/'\;
If I run this on an individual folder of .png files (without using -mindepth) it renames them. However if I run it on the root 03_COMPLETE directory to try and do all the renaming at once, I get lines of errors like this:
Can't rename
No such file or directory
I think it might have something to do with the names of the folder 1 level down (eg. here NYS5_06052017_W_1263_Output) because it did rename on a couple of folders named Bustform_000. Most of the folders though start with a number like 06052017.
I can't figure out why this will work at the .png folder level but won't work on the root folder, and why it will rename in a few folders but most of them it won't.
Also what is weird is that in the error it says it is trying to rename 123456_lifestyle.png to the same filename. Why would it do that? Any ideas?
This might help:
find 03_COMPLETE -type f | xargs -n 1 rename -n 's|/([^_/]*)_([^_/]*).png$|/$2_$1.png|'
Remove -n if output is okay.
You could change directory into each of the CHILD_PNG directories and run a single rename in there on all the files so you don't exec a new rename for every single file:
find 03_COMPLETE -type d -name CHILD_PNG -execdir bash -c "cd {}; rename -n '...' *.png" \;
The issue with your original Regex is, it matches the directory names of the form "xxxxx_yyyyy" and tries to convert them into "yyyyy_xxxxx", which, of course, doesn't exist. Since you're interested in changing only the filenames, and all of them end with .png, you can use the below Regex. Additionally, as you're trying to match a literal '/', you can choose a different character like '|' as delimiter to make the Regex easier to read

Mac Terminal command move files from subdirectory to parent

On my Mac I amm trying to move hundreds of files on my NAS drive, from a parent directory with a load of subdirectories (and possibly directories inside them) and put all of the files into one folder.
They don't have the same file extension for all the files.
Is anyone able to help with the terminal command I need to do this? So far I know that find . -type f will list all the files in the directory and subdirectories but Im unsure how to tell it to get them to move them all into another folder.
For anyone else who may have this same issue:
Ive managed to extract just the .jpg's and put them in the parent folder.
find . -type f -iname '*.jpg' -mindepth 2 -print0 | xargs -0 -I{} mv -n '{}' .
Not quite what I wanted - I was hoping to get every single file and put it into a completely different folder if possible but this has got me further than before.
Go inside the source parent directory and use:
find . -type f -exec mv "$PWD"/{} <destination directory> \;
If you want to move all the files to parent directory itself, use it as the destination directory.

How to change filename extensions in subdirectories on Mac OS X

I have been trying to iterate though a directory structure where I want to change the file extension from .mv4 to .mp4.
The problem is that there are spaces in many of the file names, and I have not been successful in iterating the directory structure.
I am doing this in the terminal.
There are examples for changing extensions in a single directory, but not for subdirectories and where the file names have spaces in them.
You can use the -exec argument of "find" to do this:
find . -type f -name "*.mv4" -exec sh -c 'mv "$1" "${1%.mv4}.mp4"' _ {} \;
Issue the "find" command from the base directory of your directory structure containing the mv4 files, or specify that directory in place of the "." right after "find" in the above line of code.
I tested this on my Mac running Yosemite. It works for me with filenames that contain spaces.

Changing names for all files in subdirectroies

I have a folder with a number of subfolders. Each of the subfolders consists of several files without extension.
I need to add extension .cel to each file in subfolders.
How can I do it using bash?
find to the rescue:
find /your/folder -type f -exec mv {} {}.cel \;
Explanation: find obtains all files inside the /your/folder structure. From all the results obtained, it performs the mv command. It makes the file XXX to be moved to XXX.cel, which is another way of renaming it.
If you have rename then using that with find should do the trick:
find . -type f -exec rename -v 's/$/\.cel/' {} \;
