.dll reference, SSIS packages and class library project - visual-studio-2010

I have a visual Studion solution in which different SSIS packages are included along with class library project for custom component. The class library project has post build event which copies the .dll file into GAC and into PipelineComponent(C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\110\DTS\PipelineComponents). Now, when i open the visual studio solution and try to build class library project second time, it gives me an error possibly because the .dll file is already locked by visual studio which is used by other SSIS packages.
Now, how can i tell visual studio to not lock the .dll file? I tried to unload the SSIS packages, but it didn't work.
Please note that i want my class library project and SSIS packages in one solution.

You have a solution. Your solution contains 2 projects: one is a .NET class library project while the other is an SSIS project.
The problem you are running into is that you cannot overwrite the dll in the Pipeline Components folder as it is in use by the SSIS project. I ran into the same issue when I was developing custom components. I can't remember if it's the SSIS Toolbox that puts the lock on the file or a package actually using the component that locks it. I also don't recall what my final resolution was but I tried a variety of things.
My resolution
Exclude the SSIS project from your solution. You can either do this permanently by removing it from the solution or temporarily by unloading the project during your build phase. Ultimately, I went this route and created a separate solution with the SSIS project in it. This allowed me to unload the project in the other VS instance whenever I needed to redeploy the DLL. It also empowered me to put breakpoints in the SSIS project which allowed me to attach the VS debugger of the .NET and then debug into my custom component. Maybe they've fixed that since the 2005 days but at that point, you were stuck using 2 instances of VS to debug into your package.


Copy DLLs dependancy files to Main project

I have a visual studio solution (microsoft visual studio professional 2017) with a main project, that uses classes from a DLL project in the same solution.
The DLL is a "class Library (.NET framework).
Main project is (for my preliminary investigations) a console app. Future versions will be a WPF. I think that the problem appears on all applications that use DLLs that use other DLLs.
The DLL uses other DLLs from a Nuget package. In this case: SQLite. I want to hide to my main project that my DLL uses Sqlite. That makes it possible to change it in future versions to a different database, or maybe use entity framework to access the data.
So my main project only knows that it uses the DLL in the same solution. It does not know that this DLL uses other DLLs.
Problem: These other DLLS are not copied to my main application folder.
This has been asked before: Copying a DLL's dependencies in Visual Studio
The answer says that you should use classes from the Sqlite to make sure the DLLs are copied. That is just what I wanted to prevent: users of my DLL should not have to know that this DLL uses SQLite
That question is 11 years old.
I wonder if Visual Studio has now a better solution for this.
A method to solve the problem was given in Install and manage packages in Visual Studio using the NuGet Package Manager. It is not ideal, the main project still needs to know that the other projects use certain Nuget packages, but at least you don't have to edit the .csproj files, nor type command lines
MyMainProject. Refers to MyDll
MyDll. Uses Nuget packages
In Visual Studio. Menu - Tools - Nuget Package Manager
The window that opens shows the installed Nuget packages. If you click on them, you can see on the right the projects that use these packages.
For all installed packages that your main program complains that it is missing at run time, check the box near MyMainProject. At the bottom click Install.
Alas, I'd rather have something in project MyDll that tells everyone who uses this DLL that they also need these Nuget packages. But for the time being I'll use this method.
Will check again in 11 years if there is any improvement.

Unity keeps removing log4net from my Visual Studio project

I tried to install log4net for use in my Unity project with the following command :
Install-Package Unity.log4net
However, when I go back to the editor, then back to Visual Studio again, the log4net reference is removed, just like the Unity Editor had regenerated the project or something like that. The log4net reference no longer appears in the reference list and thus the log4net namespace can no longer be found.
I'm using Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition.
Has anyone experienced that and found a solution ? Thanks !
It seems like one cannot freely add references to a Unity project since Unity has to know about them. DLLs should be placed in a folder of the project called Plugins and then it works.
However it's weird that people are telling to use nuget packages. I'm assuming that must work somehow, but I don't know how. The solution above is dirty, but at least it works.
Unity projects require a special process to add NuGet packages. This is because when you open a project in Unity, its Visual Studio project files are regenerated, undoing necessary configurations. To add a package from NuGet to your Unity project you can check this doc from Microsoft: https://learn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/visualstudio/cross-platform/unity-scripting-upgrade?view=vs-2019

How to "force the WiX .exes to run out-of-process"

There is a bug in the WiX plugin for Visual Studio where file locks on referenced DLLs are not properly released. Therefore, you have to restart Visual Studio every time you want to recompile a custom extension DLL or any assembly referenced by it.
This is a known bug, but the issue was closed because there seems to be a solution / workaround:
You can force the WiX .exes to run out-of-process to avoid the lock
MSBuild has.
I don't understand how to achieve this. I checked...
the properties of my WiX setup project
the properties of the extension assembly (C# class library)
all Visual Studio settings
the available command line arguments of candle.exe
...but did not find anything. What am I missing? How do I apply this workaround?
I'm using WiX 3.10 and Visual Studio 2013.
The example that I've seen several times around the web is to add <RunWixToolsOutOfProc>true</RunWixToolsOutOfProc> to the Wix Installer's project file within a property group. Unfortunately, documentation of this feature has thus far eluded me.

Whats the difference between installing a package via NuGet packages and the 'extentions and updates' option from the 'Tools' menu in vs2015?

I have created a project using specflow, so I have a new feature file saved as a class library project, when I try and run the project I get the error: 'A project with an Output Type of Class Library cannot be started directly. In order to debug this project, add an executable project to this solution which references the library project. Set the executable project as the startup project'
I think it's an error with the way I have added the n-unit and specflow references to the project. I have noticed I could install specflow via NuGet packages or extensions and updates. So what the difference between adding packages in these two ways?
They are two different things.
the Specflow extension extends the visual studio ide to support specflow. Specifically:
it adds syntax highlighting support for gherkin syntax
it allows the tests to be generated from .feature files
it adds the file templates to the file types so you can add new feature files/step bindings
it adds the additional context menu options to allow steps to be generated and the navigation between steps in the feature file and steps in the code.
it allows integration with the visual studio unit test windows
and probably a few more things that I've neglected to mention. Without this writing specflow tests in visual studio would be more difficult and the generation of the unit test cases themselves would be not be done.
the nuget package allows an individual project to use specflow. This adds the necessary references to the project so that you can consume the types which specflow uses. without these being referenced the projects which try and use specflow would not compile.
As for your issue, this is not related to specflow in any way. A project which builds a dll cannot be started, it needs something to be hosted in in order to be used any project which is a library will give this error if you set it as the startup project regardless of if you use specflow or not.

Visual Studio - SharePoint 2010 - Include Assembly > Quick Question

I have a quick question....building a VS 2010 SharePoint project and I am referencing a custom assembly. I can reference this assembly in my code and it works fine to write code and all. When I deploy the project to SharePoint my Feature Activation code will not run because the custom assembly does not get deployed with the project.
I have set Copy Local to TRUE on the referenced assembly. Am I missing something?
When you Create SharePoint Project in Visual Studio 2010, you will see a Item called Package in it.Click open it and bottom left corner click on Advanced, you will see an option to add additional assemblies , add as many you want > all assemblies you select here will get deployed as a Part of SHarePoint Package you create.
Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but you can use ilmerge.exe to bundle satellite managed assemblies into your executable, making it portable and more easily deployed. I use it all the time, it works great.
You can set up a build event in VS2010 to do this automatically whenever you build, too, though it can be a bit slow (I have it set as a Release-only build event for this reason).
