Mdb Glasswish Websphere MQ - jms

I'm new in MDB and EE. Please tell me there is i'm wrong.
My app must interaction with Websphere MQ (wait a messaege in queue, do something and reply).
I'm using NetBeans 7.3 ,GlassFish 3.1, Websphere MQ 6.2, resorce adapter wmq.jmsra.rar. Interaction must be not in jms format is, only Web MQ nature.
I'm deploy adapter and create Connecton pool and Administrated Object.
In domain.xml
<connector-connection-pool description="" name="cpMqAdapter" resource-adapter-name="wmq.jmsra" connection-definition-name="javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory" transaction-support="LocalTransaction">
<property name="port" value="1414"></property>
<property name="CCSID" value="866"></property>
<property name="hostName" value=""></property>
<property name="queueManager" value="QM"></property>
<property name="channel" value="SrvConn"></property>
<property description="CLIENT - mq on other computer" name="transportType" value="CLIENT"></property>
<admin-object-resource enabled="false" res-adapter="wmq.jmsra" res-type="javax.jms.Queue" description="" jndi-name="wmqJmsAOR" class-name="">
<property name="priority" value="APP"></property>
<property name="failIfQuiesce" value="true"></property>
<property name="baseQueueManagerName" value="QM"></property>
<property name="CCSID" value="1208"></property>
<property name="persistence" value="APP"></property>
<property name="encoding" value="NATIVE"></property>
<property name="baseQueueName" value="TEST"></property>
<property name="targetClient" value="MQ"></property>
<property name="expiry" value="APP"></property>
In netbeans i'm create EE project and message driven bean. i'm gett this code '
#MessageDriven(mappedName = "wmqJmsAOR", activationConfig = {
#ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "acknowledgeMode", propertyValue = "Auto-
#ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "destinationType", propertyValue = "javax.jms.Queue")
public class NewMessage implements MessageListener {
public NewMessage() {
System.out.println("I created");
public void onMessage(Message message) {
System.out.println("I'm getting message");
Please tell me why this MDB is not listenig a queue (i'm put test message in Websphere MQ console). May be i'm must write something in config (now project as default netbeans created).

I have a solution that works. It is not the best solution but it does work extremely well.
What we have done is to create a very simple ActivationSpecWrapper class to extend the IBM class. This wrapper class has one public set/get property (asJNDI). The purpose if the class is to read via JNDI context the Properties class defined in the App server that contains all the properties to be assigned in the activation of the MDB.
First, create the new ActivationSpecWrapper class. you can put this in any package of your choosing.
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
public class ActivationSpecWrapper extends ActivationSpecImpl
private static final long serialVersionUID = -529716553593856979L;
private static final String sourceClass = ActivationSpecWrapper.class.getName();
private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(sourceClass);
private String asJNDI = null;
public void setAsJNDI(String asJNDI)
log.config("asJNDI = " + asJNDI);
this.asJNDI = asJNDI;
final InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
final Properties properties = (Properties) ctx.lookup(asJNDI);
for (final Object key : properties.keySet())
final String value = properties.getProperty((String) key);
final Object field = getSetter((String) key);
if (field != null)
if (field instanceof Field)
log.fine("Setting " + key + " via Field " + (String) key + " = " + value);
((Field) field).set(this, value);
log.fine("Setting " + key + " via Method " + (String) key + " = " + value);
((Method) field).invoke(this, value);
log.config(key + " = " + value);
log.warning("Invalid ActivationSpec Field: " + key);
catch (final NoSuchFieldException e)
log.throwing(sourceClass, "setAsJNDI", e);
catch (final Exception e)
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error looking up " + asJNDI, e);
public String getAsJNDI()
return asJNDI;
private static Object getField(String fieldName) throws NoSuchFieldException
return ActivationSpecWrapper.class.getField(fieldName);
private static Object getSetter(String fieldName) throws NoSuchFieldException
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(fieldName.length() + 3).append("set").append(fieldName);
sb.setCharAt(3, Character.toUpperCase(sb.charAt(3)));
return ActivationSpecWrapper.class.getMethod(sb.toString(), String.class);
catch (final NoSuchMethodException e)
return getField(fieldName);
To implement the class you just need to modify the META-INF/ra.xml file inside the wmq.jmsra.rar file. Change the one occurrence of the ActivationSpecImpl class to your class. This will be your new incoming connection factory's ActivationSpecWrapper class that it uses. So now your wrapper class can look to the app server for the properties to use.
I do this as follows:
: jar -xvf wmq.jmsra.rar META-INF/ra.xml
: perl -pi -e 's/com\.ibm\.mq\.connector\.inbound\.ActivationSpecImpl/' META-INF/ra.xml
: jar -uvf wmq.jmsra.rar META-INF/ra.xml
Before modifying the META-INF/ra.xml looks like:
After the change, the META-INF/ra.xml should like like:
Now you will need to add your new package to the RAR file. It should be in standard directory structure. like this:
: jar -uvf wmq.jmsra.rar your/new/package/ActivationSpecWrapper.class
The problem stems from IBM placing the host/port/queue manager/channel (etc.) into the activation spec instead of the administration object. It belongs in the administration object since that is the connection factory for MDB queues. IBM only allows two properties there.
Also if you are using glassfish, oracle really botched things up for MDB classes that need resource adapters, because the glassfish #MessageDriven annotation assumes the app containers default resource adapter (OpenMQ) for JMS. This means the vendor specific ActivationSpecImpl does not work, and thus IMB's custom parameters for host/port and other activation config properties are not supported via annotations until after the resource adaptor is switch via the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml.
JBoss allows for the #ResourceAdapter annotation to change the resource adapter but Glassfish only allows this via the glassfish-ejb-jar.xml file. And when this is used, you only need to annotate your MDB with three activation config properties (the destinationType). Everything else you will place in your JNDI published Properties.
The glassfish-ejb-jar.xml should look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<enterprise-beans >
The MDB #MessageDriven annotation will look something like this:
#MessageDriven(activationConfig =
#ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "destinationType", propertyValue = "javax.jms.Queue"),
#ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "destination", propertyValue = "jms/InboundMessage_queue"),
#ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "useJNDI", propertyValue = "true") })
public class MyMDB implement MessageListener
public void onMessage(Message message)
// message handler code goes here...
The last step to make this work, is to add the mq/InboundMessages properties to JDNI, to define the factory properties for the MQ listener resource. This is how it is defined in the domain.xml file:
<custom-resource res-type="java.util.Properties" jndi-name="mq/InboundMessages" factory-class="org.glassfish.resources.custom.factory.PropertiesFactory">
<property name="hostName" value="mqserver"></property>
<property name="port" value="1422"></property>
<property name="queueManager" value="MQMNGR"></property>
<property name="channel" value="MQMNGR.SM.S1"></property>
<property name="transportType" value="CLIENT"></property>
I hope this helps. This isn't the easiest solution but it is simple enough, and once it has been established, it is very portable, and allows the app server administrator to manage the connection details to the MQ, instead of the developer.


Can the Spring active profiles be set through a property file?

I want to be able to read the active profiles from a property file so that different environments (dev,prod etc) can be configured with different profiles in a Spring MVC based web application. I know that the active profiles can be set through JVM params or system properties. But I would like to do it through a property file instead. The point is that I dont know the active profile statically and instead want to read it from a properties file. It looks like this is not possible. For eg., if I had '' in, and allow it to be overridden in like so:
<bean id="propertyConfigurer" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer">
<property name="ignoreResourceNotFound" value="true" />
<property name="locations">
the profile is not being picked up in the environment. I guess this is because the active profiles are being checked before bean initialization, and therefore do not honor the property being set in a properties file. The only other option I see is to implement an ApplicationContextInitializer that will load those property files in order of priority( first if it exists, else and set the value in context.getEnvironment(). Is there a better way to do it from properties files?
One solution to do it is to read necessary property file with specified profile "manually" - without spring - and set profile at context initialization:
1) Write simple properties loader:
import java.util.Properties;
public class PropertiesLoader
private static Properties props;
public static String getActiveProfile()
if (props == null)
props = initProperties();
return props.getProperty("profile");
private static Properties initProperties()
String propertiesFile = "";
try (Reader in = new FileReader(propertiesFile))
props = new Properties();
catch (IOException e)
System.out.println("Error while reading properties file: " + e.getMessage());
return null;
return props;
2) Read profile from properties file and set it during Spring container initialization (example with Java-based configuration):
public static void main(String[] args)
AnnotationConfigApplicationContext ctx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext();
// you application is running ...

Proxy database not switching

Spring framework 4.1.4
Spring batch 3.0.2
Tomcat 7
I have successfully used a configuration based on Marten Deinum's Post
to dynamically connect (or create and connect) to dbs only known at run time.
The problem I am having is the process now intermittently fails to switch between dbs. The first always works but putting in logging code shows the first properly being created and then the second or third not firing dataSource == null section in the MdyDataSourceFactory - it appears if the process thinks it is the same db and so doesn't change but at some point it triggers and connects to a subsequent db!
Running a simple JUnit test switching between dbs works fine (code correctly fires and dbs switch and select statement returns different id results as expected).
It is being called within a Batch Job step tasklet. The process grabs a count of resultSets (summary table) and connects to the db. For each resultSet it calls the db registry and if exists - returns existing or creates a new one and returns.
My dynamic db xml is:
<bean id="mdyDSRegistry" class="com.k12knowledge.db.MdyDataSourceFactory" />
<bean id="mdyDSTargetSource" class="com.k12knowledge.db.ContextSwappableMdyTargetSource">
<constructor-arg type="java.lang.Class">
<property name="targetRegistry" ref="mdyDSRegistry"></property>
<bean id="proxyMdyDataSource" class="org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyFactoryBean">
<property name="proxyInterfaces">
<property name="targetSource">
<ref bean="mdyDSTargetSource" />
The MdyDataSourceFactory is:
public class MdyDataSourceFactory implements TargetRegistry {
private ConcurrentMap<String, DataSource> map = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, DataSource>();
public DataSource getTarget(String context) {
IClientDs client = MdyContextHolder.getClientDs();
Assert.notNull(client, "Client was not set.");
String key = client.getUrl();
DataSource dataSource = map.get(key);
if (dataSource == null) {
System.out.println("dataSource == null - creating new");
dataSource = getDataSource(client);
dataSource = map.putIfAbsent(key, dataSource);
if (dataSource == null) {
// put success
dataSource = map.get(key);
System.out.println("client key: " + key);
return dataSource;
private DataSource getDataSource(IClientDs client) {
BasicDataSource dataSource = new BasicDataSource();
dataSource.setValidationQuery("/* ping */");
try {
System.out.println("dataSource " + client.getUrl() + " closed ? " + dataSource.getConnection().isClosed());
} catch (SQLException e) {
return dataSource;
At one point I thought there was an issue with the key I used (some databases are only different in name by 1 letter). I then tried adding an UUID to the front of the key to see if that was the issue - no change.
Really puzzled as to why it is not working... Any pointers greatly appreciated.
Thank you for looking.
public abstract class ContextHolder {
private static final ThreadLocal<IClientDs> holder = new ThreadLocal<IClientDs>();
public static void setClientDs(IClientDs context) {
LoggerFactory.getLogger(ContextHolder.class).debug("context set '{}'", context);
public static IClientDs getClientDs() {
return (IClientDs) holder.get();

Error on JMS Queue because of destination in websphere used by Message Driven Beans

I am getting the following error:
Application EBS_Calc#EBS_Calc_EJB.jar#MBIntegrations has an , useJNDI, for which there is no corresponding property on the ActivationSpec class jms/ASQueue( of ResourceAdapter cells/USWSA0102235Node01Cell/nodes/USWSA0102235Node01/servers/server1/resources.xml#J2CResourceAdapter_1364909976437. This property will be ignored. This may have undesirable effects.
ActivationSpe W J2CA0161W: The type of the object referred to by the supplied destination JNDI name is wrong. The object must implement javax.jms.destination. The destination JNDI name was: jms/ASQueue. The supplied objects class was: {1}
ActivationSpe E J2CA0137E: The ActivationSpec validate() method failed with an InvalidPropertyException. The ActivationSpec is jms/ASQueue (, which belongs to the installed ResourceAdapter cells/USWSA0102235Node01Cell/nodes/USWSA0102235Node01/servers/server1/resources.xml#J2CResourceAdapter_1364909976437 and is associated with the MDB application EBS_Calc#EBS_Calc_EJB.jar#MBIntegrations. See the following list of failed properties along with their values:
destination null
destination null
CWSJR1181E: The JMS activation specification has invalid values - the reason(s) for failing to validate the JMS activation specification are: [CWSJR1188E: The destination on a JMS activation specification must be given a value, CWSJR1192E: JMS activation specs using a destination type of queue must have a destination of type [] but the destination passed was of type [null]]
I have configured accordingly the queue and bus and destination in websphere
My java code looks as follows:
#MessageDriven(mappedName = "jms/ASQueue", activationConfig = {
#ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "connectionFactoryJndiName", propertyValue = "jms/CalcConnectionFactory"),
#ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "destinationName", propertyValue = "jms/calcInQueue"),
#ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "destinationType", propertyValue = "javax.jms.Queue") })
#Resources ({
mappedName="jms/CalcConnectionFactory", // External JNDI name
public class MBIntegrations implements MessageListener {
private static final String CONNECTION_FACTORY_NAME = "jms/CalcConnectionFactory";
private static final String DESTINATION_NAME = "jms/calcInQueue";
private MessageDrivenContext mdc;
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MBIntegrations.class);
public void onMessage(Message inMessage) {
TextMessage msg = null;
try {
if (inMessage instanceof TextMessage) {
msg = (TextMessage) inMessage;"MESSAGE BEAN: Message received: " + msg.getText());
} else {
logger.warn("Message of wrong type: "
+ inMessage.getClass().getName());
} catch (JMSException e) {
} catch (Throwable te) {
and IBM binder
<message-driven name="MBIntegrations">
<jca-adapter activation-spec-binding-name="jms/ASQueue"
destination-binding-name="jms/ASQueue" />
<resource-ref name="jms/CalcConnectionFactory"
binding-name="jms/CalcConnectionFactory" />
<resource-ref name="jdbc/OracleDS" binding-name="jdbc/ORACLE" />
I am not sure what I am doing wrong, could someone help?
Found the problem in the binder after reviewing:
there it said:
<jca-adapter activation-spec-binding-name=
so in my case would have been:
... destination-binding-name="jms/calcInQueue" />
Go to WebSphere Admin console
Activation specifications - Open your Activation Specification
Destination JNDI name - may be wrong. If it is topic make sure you gave topic jndi name.

Spring Environment Property Source Configuration

I'm working on an application library with a utility class called "Config" which is backed by the Spring Environment object and provides strongly typed getters for all the applications configuration values.
The property sources for the configuration can vary depending on environment (DEV/PROD) and usage (standalone/test/webapp), and can range from the default ones (system & env props) to custom database and JNDI sources.
What I'm struggling with is how to let the apps consuming this library easily configure the property source(s) used by Environment, such that the properties are available for use in our Config class and via the PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer.
We're still using XML configuration, so ideally this could be configured in XML something like.
<bean id="propertySources" class="...">
<property name="sources">
<ref local="jndiPropertySource"/>
<ref local="databasePropertySource"/>
...and then injected somehow into the Environment's property sources collection.
I've read that something like this may not be possible due to the timing of the app context lifecycle, and that this may need to be done using an application initializer class.
Any ideas?
It depends on how you want to use the properties, if it is to inject the properties using ${propertyname} syntax, then yes just having PropertySourcesPlaceHolderConfigurer will work, which internally has access to the PropertySources registered in the environment.
If you plan to use Environment directly, using say env.getProperty(), then you are right - the properties using PropertySourcesPlaceHolderConfigurer are not visible here. The only way then is to inject it using Java code, there are two ways that I know of:
a. Using Java Config:
public class SpringConfig{
b. Using a custom ApplicationContextInitializer, the way it is described here
I came up with the following which seems to work, but I'm fairly new to Spring, so I'm not so sure how it will hold up under different use cases.
Basically, the approach is to extend PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer and add a setter to allow the user to easily configure a List of PropertySource objects in XML. After creation, the property sources are copied to the current Environment.
This basically allows the property sources to be configured in one place, but used by both placholder configuration and Environment.getProperty scenarios.
Extended PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer
public class ConfigSourcesConfigurer
extends PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer
implements EnvironmentAware, InitializingBean {
private Environment environment;
private List<PropertySource> sourceList;
// Allow setting property sources as a List for easier XML configuration
public void setPropertySources(List<PropertySource> propertySources) {
this.sourceList = propertySources;
MutablePropertySources sources = new MutablePropertySources();
copyListToPropertySources(this.sourceList, sources);
public void setEnvironment(Environment environment) {
// save off Environment for later use
this.environment = environment;
public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception {
// Copy property sources to Environment
MutablePropertySources envPropSources = ((ConfigurableEnvironment)environment).getPropertySources();
copyListToPropertySources(this.sourceList, envPropSources);
private void copyListToPropertySources(List<PropertySource> list, MutablePropertySources sources) {
// iterate in reverse order to insure ordering in property sources object
for(int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
beans.xml file showing basic configuration
<context:component-scan base-package="com.mycompany" />
<bean class="com.mycompany.ConfigSourcesConfigurer">
<property name="propertySources">
<bean class="org.mycompany.CustomPropertySource" />
<bean class="">
<constructor-arg value="" />
<bean class="com.mycompany.TestBean">
<property name="stringValue" value="${placeholder}" />
The following worked for me with Spring 3.2.4 .
PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer must be registered statically in order to process the placeholders.
The custom property source is registered in the init method and as the default property sources are already registered, it can itself be parameterized using placeholders.
JavaConfig class:
public class TestConfig {
private ConfigurableEnvironment env;
private String param;
public void init() {
env.getPropertySources().addFirst(new CustomPropertySource(param));
public static PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer placeHolderConfigurer() {
return new PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer();
public TestBean1 testBean1() {
return new TestBean1();
Custom property source:
public class CustomPropertySource extends PropertySource<Object> {
public CustomPropertySource(String param) {
System.out.println("Custom property source initialized with param " + param + ".");
public Object getProperty(String name) {
return "IT WORKS";
Test bean (getValue() will output "IT WORKS"):
public class TestBean1 {
private String value;
public String getValue() {
return value;
I had a similar problem, in my case I'm using Spring in a standalone application, after load the default configurations I may need apply another properties file (lazy load configs) present in a config directory. My solution was inspired this Spring Boot documentation, but with no dependency of Spring Boot. See below the source code:
#PropertySources(#PropertySource(value = ""))
public class PersistenceConfiguration {
private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
private ConfigurableEnvironment env;
public static PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer placeholderConfigurerDev(ConfigurableEnvironment env) {
return new PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer();
public void setConfigurableEnvironment(ConfigurableEnvironment env) {
for(String profile: env.getActiveProfiles()) {
final String fileName = "myapp-" + profile + ".properties";
final Resource resource = new ClassPathResource(fileName);
if (resource.exists()) {
try {
MutablePropertySources sources = env.getPropertySources();
sources.addFirst(new PropertiesPropertySource(fileName,PropertiesLoaderUtils.loadProperties(resource)));
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.error(ex.getMessage(), ex);
throw new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
this.env = env;
I recently ran into the issue of how to register custom property sources in the environment. My specific problem is that I have a library with a Spring configuration that I want to be imported into the Spring application context, and it requires custom property sources. However, I don't necessarily have control over all of the places where the application context is created. Because of this, I do not want to use the recommended mechanisms of ApplicationContextInitializer or register-before-refresh in order to register the custom property sources.
What I found really frustrating is that using the old PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer, it was easy to subclass and customize the configurers completely within the Spring configuration. In contrast, to customize property sources, we are told that we have to do it not in the Spring configuration itself, but before the application context is initialized.
After some research and trial and error, I discovered that it is possible to register custom property sources from inside of the Spring configuration, but you have to be careful how you do it. The sources need to be registered before any PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurers execute in the context. You can do this by making the source registration a BeanFactoryPostProcessor with PriorityOrdered and an order that is higher precedence than the PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer that uses the sources.
I wrote this class, which does the job:
package example;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.springframework.beans.BeansException;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanInitializationException;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.config.BeanFactoryPostProcessor;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.config.ConfigurableListableBeanFactory;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware;
import org.springframework.core.Ordered;
import org.springframework.core.PriorityOrdered;
import org.springframework.core.env.ConfigurableEnvironment;
import org.springframework.core.env.Environment;
import org.springframework.core.env.MutablePropertySources;
import org.springframework.core.env.PropertiesPropertySource;
import org.springframework.core.env.PropertySource;
* This is an abstract base class that can be extended by any class that wishes
* to become a custom property source in the Spring context.
* <p>
* This extends from the standard Spring class PropertiesLoaderSupport, which
* contains properties that specify property resource locations, plus methods
* for loading properties from specified resources. These are all available to
* be used from the Spring configuration, and by subclasses of this class.
* <p>
* This also implements a number of Spring flag interfaces, all of which are
* required to maneuver instances of this class into a position where they can
* register their property sources BEFORE PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer
* executes to substitute variables in the Spring configuration:
* <ul>
* <li>BeanFactoryPostProcessor - Guarantees that this bean will be instantiated
* before other beans in the context. It also puts it in the same phase as
* PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer, which is also a BFPP. The
* postProcessBeanFactory method is used to register the property source.</li>
* <li>PriorityOrdered - Allows the bean priority to be specified relative to
* PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer so that this bean can be executed first.
* </li>
* <li>ApplicationContextAware - Provides access to the application context and
* its environment so that the created property source can be registered.</li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* The Spring configuration for subclasses should contain the following
* properties:
* <ul>
* <li>propertySourceName - The name of the property source this will register.</li>
* <li>location(s) - The location from which properties will be loaded.</li>
* <li>addBeforeSourceName (optional) - If specified, the resulting property
* source will be added before the given property source name, and will
* therefore take precedence.</li>
* <li>order (optional) - The order in which this source should be executed
* relative to other BeanFactoryPostProcessors. This should be used in
* conjunction with addBeforeName so that if property source factory "psfa"
* needs to register its property source before the one from "psfb", "psfa"
* executes AFTER "psfb".
* </ul>
* #author rjsmith2
public abstract class AbstractPropertySourceFactory extends
PropertiesLoaderSupport implements ApplicationContextAware,
PriorityOrdered, BeanFactoryPostProcessor {
// Default order will be barely higher than the default for
// PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer.
private int order = Ordered.LOWEST_PRECEDENCE - 1;
private String propertySourceName;
private String addBeforeSourceName;
private ApplicationContext applicationContext;
private MutablePropertySources getPropertySources() {
final Environment env = applicationContext.getEnvironment();
if (!(env instanceof ConfigurableEnvironment)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Cannot get environment for Spring application context");
return ((ConfigurableEnvironment) env).getPropertySources();
public int getOrder() {
return order;
public void setOrder(int order) {
this.order = order;
public String getPropertySourceName() {
return propertySourceName;
public void setPropertySourceName(String propertySourceName) {
this.propertySourceName = propertySourceName;
public String getAddBeforeSourceName() {
return addBeforeSourceName;
public void setAddBeforeSourceName(String addBeforeSourceName) {
this.addBeforeSourceName = addBeforeSourceName;
public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) {
this.applicationContext = applicationContext;
* Subclasses can override this method to perform adjustments on the
* properties after they are read.
* <p>
* This should be done by getting, adding, removing, and updating properties
* as needed.
* #param props
* properties to adjust
protected void convertProperties(Properties props) {
// Override in subclass to perform conversions.
* Creates a property source from the specified locations.
* #return PropertiesPropertySource instance containing the read properties
* #throws IOException
* if properties cannot be read
protected PropertySource<?> createPropertySource() throws IOException {
if (propertySourceName == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("No property source name specified");
// Load the properties file (or files) from specified locations.
final Properties props = new Properties();
// Convert properties as required.
// Convert to property source.
final PropertiesPropertySource source = new PropertiesPropertySource(
propertySourceName, props);
return source;
public void postProcessBeanFactory(
ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory) throws BeansException {
try {
// Create the property source, and get its desired position in
// the list of sources.
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Creating property source [" + propertySourceName
+ "]");
final PropertySource<?> source = createPropertySource();
// Register the property source.
final MutablePropertySources sources = getPropertySources();
if (addBeforeSourceName != null) {
if (sources.contains(addBeforeSourceName)) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Adding property source ["
+ propertySourceName + "] before ["
+ addBeforeSourceName + "]");
sources.addBefore(addBeforeSourceName, source);
} else {
logger.warn("Property source [" + propertySourceName
+ "] cannot be added before non-existent source ["
+ addBeforeSourceName + "] - adding at the end");
} else {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Adding property source ["
+ propertySourceName + "] at the end");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new BeanInitializationException(
"Failed to register property source", e);
Of note here is that the default order of this property source factory class is higher precedence than the default order of PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer.
Also, the registration of the property source happens in postProcessBeanFactory, which means that it will execute in the correct order relative to the PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer. I discovered the hard way that InitializingBean and afterPropertiesSet do not respect the order parameter, and I gave up on that approach as being wrong and redundant.
Finally, because this is a BeanFactoryPostProcessor, it is a bad idea to try to wire much in the way of dependencies. Therefore, the class accesses the environment directly through the application context, which it obtains using ApplicationContextAware.
In my case, I needed the property source to decrypt password properties, which I implemented using the following subclass:
package example;
import java.util.Properties;
* This is a property source factory that creates a property source that can
* process properties for substituting into a Spring configuration.
* <p>
* The only thing that distinguishes this from a normal Spring property source
* is that it decrypts encrypted passwords.
* #author rjsmith2
public class PasswordPropertySourceFactory extends
AbstractPropertySourceFactory {
private static final PasswordHelper passwordHelper = new PasswordHelper();
private String[] passwordProperties;
public String[] getPasswordProperties() {
return passwordProperties;
public void setPasswordProperties(String[] passwordProperties) {
this.passwordProperties = passwordProperties;
public void setPasswordProperty(String passwordProperty) {
this.passwordProperties = new String[] { passwordProperty };
protected void convertProperties(Properties props) {
// Adjust password fields by decrypting them.
if (passwordProperties != null) {
for (String propName : passwordProperties) {
final String propValue = props.getProperty(propName);
if (propValue != null) {
final String plaintext = passwordHelper
props.setProperty(propName, plaintext);
Finally, I specifed the property source factory in my Spring configuration:
<!-- Enable property resolution via PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer.
The order has to be larger than the ones used by custom property sources
so that those property sources are registered before any placeholders
are substituted. -->
<context:property-placeholder order="1000" ignore-unresolvable="true" />
<!-- Register a custom property source that reads DB properties, and
decrypts the database password. -->
<bean class="example.PasswordPropertySourceFactory">
<property name="propertySourceName" value="DBPropertySource" />
<property name="location" value="" />
<property name="passwordProperty" value="db.password" />
<property name="ignoreResourceNotFound" value="true" />
<!-- Order must be lower than on property-placeholder element. -->
<property name="order" value="100" />
To be honest, with the defaults for order in PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer and AbstractPropertySourceFactory, it is probably not even necessary to specify order in the Spring configuration.
Nonetheless, this works, and it does not require any fiddling with the application context initialization.

Spring: import a module with specified environment

Is there anything that can achieve the equivalent of the below:
<import resource="a.xml">
<prop name="key" value="a"/>
<import resource="a.xml">
<prop name="key" value="b"/>
Such that the beans defined in resouce a would see the property key with two different values? The intention would be that this would be used to name the beans in the imports such that resource a.xml would appear:
<bean id="${key}"/>
And hence the application would have two beans named a and b now available with the same definition but as distinct instances. I know about prototype scope; it is not intended for this reason, there will be many objects created with interdepednencies that are not actually prototypes. Currently I am simply copying a.xml, creating b.xml and renaming all the beans using the equivalent of a sed command. I feel there must be a better way.
I suppose that PropertyPlaceholderConfigurers work on a per container basis, so you can't achieve this with xml imports.
Re The application would have two beans named a and b now available with the same definition but as distinct instances
I think you should consider creating additional application contexts(ClassPathXmlApplicationContext for example) manually, using your current application context as the parent application context.
So your many objects created with interdependencies sets will reside in its own container each.
However, in this case you will not be able to reference b-beans from a-container.
update you can postprocess the bean definitions(add new ones) manually by registering a BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor specialized bean, but this solution also does not seem to be easy.
OK, here's my rough attempt to import xml file manually:
disclaimer: I'm very bad java io programmer actually so double check the resource related code :-)
public class CustomXmlImporter implements BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor {
public void postProcessBeanFactory(
ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory) throws BeansException {
private Map<String, String> properties;
public void setProperties(Map<String, String> properties) { = properties;
public Map<String, String> getProperties() {
return properties;
private void readXml(XmlBeanDefinitionReader reader) {
InputStream inputStream;
try {
inputStream = new ClassPathResource(this.classpathXmlLocation).getInputStream();
} catch (IOException e1) {
throw new AssertionError();
try {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(inputStream);
try {
if (!sc.hasNext())
throw new AssertionError();
String entireXml =;
PropertyPlaceholderHelper helper = new PropertyPlaceholderHelper("${",
"}", null, false);
Properties props = new Properties();
String newXml = helper.replacePlaceholders(entireXml, props);
reader.loadBeanDefinitions(new ByteArrayResource(newXml.getBytes()));
} finally {
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AssertionError();
private String classpathXmlLocation;
public void setClassPathXmlLocation(String classpathXmlLocation) {
this.classpathXmlLocation = classpathXmlLocation;
public String getClassPathXmlLocation() {
return this.classpathXmlLocation;
public void postProcessBeanDefinitionRegistry(
BeanDefinitionRegistry registry) throws BeansException {
XmlBeanDefinitionReader reader = new XmlBeanDefinitionReader(registry);
XML configuration:
<bean class="CustomXmlImporter">
<property name="classPathXmlLocation" value="a.xml" />
<property name="properties">
<entry key="key" value="a" />
<bean class="CustomXmlImporter">
<property name="classPathXmlLocation" value="a.xml" />
<property name="properties">
<entry key="key" value="b" />
this code loads the resources from classpath. I would think twice before doing something like that, anyway, you can use this as a starting point.
