forcing the Jersey Grizzly server to authenicate - jersey

I am performing acceptance tests against REST services written using Jersey. In my services, I need to get the name of the user who successfully authenticated (BASIC) using:
#Context private SecurityContext securityContext; //at class level
String username = securityContext.getUserPrincipal().getName() //inside a resource
I am using the Jersey client API and running against the Grizzly server. I set up the server as follows:
public class BaseResourceTest extends JerseyTest {
public BaseResourceTest() throws Exception {
super(new WebAppDescriptor.Builder("")
In my tests, I pass an authorization header as follows:
WebResource resource = resource().path(_url);
return resource.type(MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED_TYPE).header(HttpHeaders.AUTHORIZATION, new String(Base64.encode("judge:smails"))).post(ClientResponse.class, _formData);
However, in my resources I get an NPE when trying to get the user name. I think I need to get the server to actively authenticate against a realm but I haven't found how to configure the server to do this. Has anybody had any experience with this?

Unfortunately Grizzly HttpServer doesn't support authentication at the moment.
But here you can find a simple example how to implement authentication using Jersey Filter.


Override URL and Authentication configuration of Spring Cloud Feign client

I am trying to leverage Spring Cloud Feign client for declaring rest endpoints(third-party-endpoints) which will be called based on the request that my controller receives.
I have declared a feign client interface like:
#FeignClient(name = "my-client", url = "", configuration = MyClientConfiguration.class)
public interface MyFeignClient{
MyClientConfiguration is an unannotated feign configuration class just exposing BasicAuthRequestInterceptor bean preconfigured with some credential.
public class MyClientConfiguration {
public BasicAuthRequestInterceptor basicAuthRequestInterceptor(){
return new BasicAuthRequestInterceptor("USERID","PWD");
So, what I have right now is a preconfigured feign client.
I am not sure how do I deal with the requirement that asks for being able to define/override the feign configuration with the url and credentials received in the body of different POST request.
So its not about overriding the feign configuration via properties file(like other somewhat similar SO questions), but instead being able to configure the feign client on the fly based on the url and credentials received in the body of the incoming requests.
I am aware of ways to do it with WebClient and looking for something similar to what WebClient provides via its uri and headers methods. Webclient allows us to override the webClient bean configuration with different uri and different auth credentials,
.uri("base-uri", uriBuilder -> uriBuilder.path("/rest").path("/api").path("/2").path("/issue").path("/" + id).build())
.headers(httpHeaders -> {
httpHeaders.setBasicAuth("decrypted-username", "decrypted-pwd");
Does Spring Cloud Feign provide any such facility where it is possible to have a generic configuration yet allowing to override those configurations at runtime?
The closest I got to is implementing via the feign's builder pattern :
MyFeignClient myFeignClient = Feign.builder()
.contract(new SpringMvcContract())
.requestInterceptor(new BasicAuthRequestInterceptor("decrypted-username", "decrypted-pwd")
.target(MyFeignClient.class, myRequestDTO.getBaseUrl());
I was challenged with an exception because I didn't specify which Contract to use. It was using the Default Contract.I then changed to SpringMvcContract as the annotation that I am using are the Spring MVC ones and not feign's default.
Getting DecodeException as of now. Trying to fix it. Will post update when done.
I was finally able to get this working. I figured out that the feign-gson does a great job at deserialization with minimal configuration.
My final feign configuration with the Decoder in place looks like :
MyFeignClient myFeignClient = Feign.builder()
.contract(new SpringMvcContract())
.decoder(new GsonDecoder())
.requestInterceptor(new BasicAuthRequestInterceptor("decrypted-username", "decrypted-pwd")
.target(MyFeignClient.class, myRequestDTO.getBaseUrl());

Can I configure the Keycloak Spring Boot adapter so that it populates the user principal even on requests that don't require authorization?

If I have an endpoint which should be publically available but behave differently if you're logged in, I can't specify it in the security-constraints section of my application configuration (otherwise if I'm not logged in I can't reach the endpoint at all). But without it being listed there, the user principal never gets populated on the request, even if a valid Bearer token is provided in the Authorization header.
Is there a way to get the behaviour I want with the basic Spring Boot adapter? If not, am I likely to have more luck with the Spring Security adapter?
A solution to this is to enable preemptive authentication in the Tomcat context. Assuming you're deploying using the embedded server, you can implement a WebServerFactoryCustomizer as follows:
import org.springframework.boot.web.embedded.tomcat.TomcatServletWebServerFactory;
import org.springframework.boot.web.server.WebServerFactoryCustomizer;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
public class PreemptiveAuthWebServerCustomizer implements WebServerFactoryCustomizer<TomcatServletWebServerFactory>
public void customize( final TomcatServletWebServerFactory factory )
factory.addContextCustomizers( context -> context.setPreemptiveAuthentication( true ) );
Now if a request has an Authorization header sent, it will always be processed even if the request isn't explicitly behind a path which requires authorization.

HTTP Basic Authentication in Spring Web Services Integration Tests

I have a SOAP web service written in Spring Web Services that I would like to integration test.
I would like to use spring-ws-test as the reference documentation points to. So, the test code is similar to the example in the reference, something like that:
private ApplicationContext applicationContext;
private MockWebServiceClient mockClient;
public void createClient() {
mockClient = MockWebServiceClient.createClient(applicationContext);
public void customerEndpoint() throws Exception {
Source requestEnvelope = new ResourceSource(new ClassPathResource("request.xml"));
Source responsePayload = new ResourceSource(new ClassPathResource("response.xml"));
However, the endpoint I am testing is using basic authentication and it expects to read values in the Authorization header. It is not using spring-security for that task but it has custom logic that gets the HTTP headers by getting the HttpServletResponse from the TransportContextHolder. So, the request triggers the endpoint but it fails to retrieve the basic authentication base64 token.
The question is, how may I pass HTTP headers in that situation? Is it possible at all? If not what is the preferred alternative?
I have read the javadoc and I cannot find a way to pass the headers. Also, I have found this question which is similar but it doesn't help me much.

How to manually call a microservice from a JHIPSTER gateway repository or service

I'm new to Jhipster, and wondering if it's possible to manually call a microservices from the gateway code using a RestTemplate or something else.
My first idea was to call the gateway itself... but I'm not sure it's a good idea.
My second idea was to try and call the service by it's URL. My concern is that I don't want to hardcode the port of a given node. Instead, i want to use proper loadbalancing.
I've read this article, but the injection failed.
I've read somewhere else that you now need to manually add the bean declaration
RestTemplate restTemplate(){
return new RestTemplate();
But now I'm struggling with the actual URI : what I am supposed to put as the root? (xxxxx)
final HcpVersionedhcp hcpVersionedhcp ="http://xxxxx/api/user-data/byLogin/", UserData.class);
The only configuration I have in my gateway application.yml is
enabled: true
The "xxxxx" has to be replaced with your services name. If your service is "foo", you should write http://foo/api/user....
If you are using JWT as authentication, you need to auth using a user a in JHipster, or to pass the JWT token from request when possible. However the is no best practice for JWT auth, so I would suggest to go the JHipster UAA way.
In a few words, you have one more service responsible for authentication and authorization. To access your service from another service, you can use #AuthorizedFeignClient on interfaces, similar to JPA.
So you define:
#AuthorizedFeignClient(name = "xxxx")
interface XxxClient {
#RequestMapping(value = "/api/some-entities/{id}")
SomeEntity getSomeEntityById(Long #Path("id") id);
And inject it in any spring service / rest-controller like this:
private XxxClient xxxClient;
public void someAction() {
Which internally implement client authorization flows ...

How to test REST in spring app with spring security

I've got spring web application with jersey rest services. However rest is secured via spring security and login process is very hard to perform from unit test code. I'd like to test rest services with whole spring security disabled. Is it even possible?
One of the advantages of annotation based web services is that you can unit-test them easily.
class WebServiceEndpoint {
#Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML })
public Response doFoo(#PathParam("fooId") Integer fooId) {
/// ... web service endpoint implementation
If you're using Spring's servlet filter for security, then there shouldn't be any security-related code in the doFoo method, so you can just create a new WebServiceEndpoint class and call the method. So that's one way of 'disabling' security.
When you say the login process is 'hard', what do you mean? If you've succeeded in logging in once, then you can just reuse the same code in your other unit tests (e.g. in a #Before method).
Just test it as a pojo. Pass in whatever, return whatever, don't load an app context at all - that would be an integration test.
The ability to easily test functionality without the framework loaded is one of the key advantages of spring.
You don't say what's "hard," so I'm assuming that you've got something in your REST service, i.e. in the java method that you want to test, which requires authentication results. Spring has utilities for mocking the authentication results. For example, you can do the following in a #Before setup method:
Object principal = null; // fix this
Object credentials = null; // fix this
Authentication auth = new, credentials);
But again, you haven't said what problem you're actually trying to solve...
