How to manually call a microservice from a JHIPSTER gateway repository or service - spring

I'm new to Jhipster, and wondering if it's possible to manually call a microservices from the gateway code using a RestTemplate or something else.
My first idea was to call the gateway itself... but I'm not sure it's a good idea.
My second idea was to try and call the service by it's URL. My concern is that I don't want to hardcode the port of a given node. Instead, i want to use proper loadbalancing.
I've read this article, but the injection failed.
I've read somewhere else that you now need to manually add the bean declaration
RestTemplate restTemplate(){
return new RestTemplate();
But now I'm struggling with the actual URI : what I am supposed to put as the root? (xxxxx)
final HcpVersionedhcp hcpVersionedhcp ="http://xxxxx/api/user-data/byLogin/", UserData.class);
The only configuration I have in my gateway application.yml is
enabled: true

The "xxxxx" has to be replaced with your services name. If your service is "foo", you should write http://foo/api/user....
If you are using JWT as authentication, you need to auth using a user a in JHipster, or to pass the JWT token from request when possible. However the is no best practice for JWT auth, so I would suggest to go the JHipster UAA way.
In a few words, you have one more service responsible for authentication and authorization. To access your service from another service, you can use #AuthorizedFeignClient on interfaces, similar to JPA.
So you define:
#AuthorizedFeignClient(name = "xxxx")
interface XxxClient {
#RequestMapping(value = "/api/some-entities/{id}")
SomeEntity getSomeEntityById(Long #Path("id") id);
And inject it in any spring service / rest-controller like this:
private XxxClient xxxClient;
public void someAction() {
Which internally implement client authorization flows ...


Override URL and Authentication configuration of Spring Cloud Feign client

I am trying to leverage Spring Cloud Feign client for declaring rest endpoints(third-party-endpoints) which will be called based on the request that my controller receives.
I have declared a feign client interface like:
#FeignClient(name = "my-client", url = "", configuration = MyClientConfiguration.class)
public interface MyFeignClient{
MyClientConfiguration is an unannotated feign configuration class just exposing BasicAuthRequestInterceptor bean preconfigured with some credential.
public class MyClientConfiguration {
public BasicAuthRequestInterceptor basicAuthRequestInterceptor(){
return new BasicAuthRequestInterceptor("USERID","PWD");
So, what I have right now is a preconfigured feign client.
I am not sure how do I deal with the requirement that asks for being able to define/override the feign configuration with the url and credentials received in the body of different POST request.
So its not about overriding the feign configuration via properties file(like other somewhat similar SO questions), but instead being able to configure the feign client on the fly based on the url and credentials received in the body of the incoming requests.
I am aware of ways to do it with WebClient and looking for something similar to what WebClient provides via its uri and headers methods. Webclient allows us to override the webClient bean configuration with different uri and different auth credentials,
.uri("base-uri", uriBuilder -> uriBuilder.path("/rest").path("/api").path("/2").path("/issue").path("/" + id).build())
.headers(httpHeaders -> {
httpHeaders.setBasicAuth("decrypted-username", "decrypted-pwd");
Does Spring Cloud Feign provide any such facility where it is possible to have a generic configuration yet allowing to override those configurations at runtime?
The closest I got to is implementing via the feign's builder pattern :
MyFeignClient myFeignClient = Feign.builder()
.contract(new SpringMvcContract())
.requestInterceptor(new BasicAuthRequestInterceptor("decrypted-username", "decrypted-pwd")
.target(MyFeignClient.class, myRequestDTO.getBaseUrl());
I was challenged with an exception because I didn't specify which Contract to use. It was using the Default Contract.I then changed to SpringMvcContract as the annotation that I am using are the Spring MVC ones and not feign's default.
Getting DecodeException as of now. Trying to fix it. Will post update when done.
I was finally able to get this working. I figured out that the feign-gson does a great job at deserialization with minimal configuration.
My final feign configuration with the Decoder in place looks like :
MyFeignClient myFeignClient = Feign.builder()
.contract(new SpringMvcContract())
.decoder(new GsonDecoder())
.requestInterceptor(new BasicAuthRequestInterceptor("decrypted-username", "decrypted-pwd")
.target(MyFeignClient.class, myRequestDTO.getBaseUrl());

Spring Security: How to use a UserDetailsService with JwtAuthenticationProvider?

I have a REST service, written using Spring MVC. The server is an OAuth2 resource server and I am using the JwtAuthenticationProvider to have the JWT parsed and turned into the Principal. This all works fine.
However, what I really want to do is to load user details from a database, using the username provided from a Claim in the JWT. Then that new Principal should replace or (ideally) wrap the Jwt so that it is available directly from the SecurityContext.
I am really struggling to see how to do this. The JwtAuthenticationProvider does not seem to work with a UserDetailsService. I also looked at doing this with a Converter - but it is not easy to extend JwtAuthenticationConverter because the convert method is final (why?).
So to be very clear, here is what I ideally want to happen:
Bearer token is presented to service.
Parse Jwt and extract claims
Use one of these claims as a key to my user database, where I can look up attributes, entitlements etc
Turn these into a new Principal object which is available in the SecurityContext's Authentication object.
The configure method in my WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter has this:
I cannot be the only person who wants to use a user database along with OAuth2, so I must be missing something fundamental? I am using Spring Security 5.2.0.
The JwtAuthenticationProvider does not support an UserDetailsService because in theory you are not supposed to have UserDetails in an application that does not manage credentials. I'm not saying that you cannot have any type of user, but the UserDetailsService will not be used or autowired by Spring Security.
You could register a bean of type JwtAuthenticationConverter, do whatever you need in the convert method and return your custom authentication token, like so:
public class JwtAuthenticationConverterAdapter implements Converter<Jwt, AbstractAuthenticationToken> {
private JwtAuthenticationConverter jwtAuthenticationConverter = new JwtAuthenticationConverter();
public AbstractAuthenticationToken convert(Jwt jwt) {
var token = this.jwtAuthenticationConverter.convert(jwt);
// build your custom token with the properties from the token above
return customToken;
I agree with your concerns - and I have found it useful to override Spring's default processing. There is a claims extensibility pattern I use with some providers, where JWT handling is only one part.
I have a Spring Boot code sample that you can run - it uses a custom filter and Connect2Id classes - OAuth integration is described here. Happy to answer any follow up questions if it helps

Prevent direct call to my spring boot rest API

I have several REST services (on spring boot) used by a javascript file (website) and these services can be called directly by anyone (and you can see the API url/parameters with the developper console on any browser).
So I would like to prevent the direct calls to the API, exept of course from the front side of my app.
I saw that I can use an API key with spring security but is it reliable? Since I think you can see the key if you intercept the message with developper console.
What you can do are the following :
Disable CORS in your springboot application by setting the following globally or per endpoint as you wish.
To set the CORS per endpoint :
#CrossOrigin(origins = "http://localhost:9000")
public Test testing(#RequestParam(required=false, defaultValue="Test") String name) {
System.out.println("in test");
return new Testing(10, String.format(template, name));
You can use spring security to preauthorize your controller endpoints to make sure that only the authorized has access to the controller.
Like for example :
public class ExampleTestController {
#RequestMapping(value = "/test", method = RequestMethod.GET)
String test() {
return "Hello";
Using spring security is safe, as the user is always validated before access is granted . Even while using Oath2 the key generated is after validating the user login and the key can be used to validate every request to the controller by passing it in the header or using it in the rest template.
Another way of isolating your rest endpoints is by using the load balancer (or ngnix or anything) to block requests to these endpoints from outside your domain.

How to call external non REST API from a spring cloud micro-service that use eureka to call other internal micro-service?

In our project we use Spring cloud + Eureka as service registry.
When we use the ribbon client to call internal micro-services, all URL are resolved via Eureka ... that's a problem to call external URLs.
As external API are old fashioned usage of Feign doesn't seem to be good choice.
What's the best way to call an external URL from such a service ?
Thanks in advance
One way working:
Use two configurations.
Declare your RestTemplate Bean to call external services like this:
public RestTemplate restTemplate(){
Inject this reference in your client this way
public MyClientForExtCall myClientForExtCall(#Qualifier("withoutEureka")RestTemplate restTemplate)
In the other configuration use the restTemplate as usual, but don't forget to use another qualifier
public RestTemplate loadBalancedEureka(){
public MyClientForInternal myClientForInternal(#Qualifier("withoutEureka")RestTemplate restTemplate)
You can use Ribbon without Eureka. For external APIs where you cannot configure in Eureka to abstract the discover. You can hard code their URLs in client and configure server list. The Ribbon client defaults to a configured server list, and you can supply the configuration like this:

How to test REST in spring app with spring security

I've got spring web application with jersey rest services. However rest is secured via spring security and login process is very hard to perform from unit test code. I'd like to test rest services with whole spring security disabled. Is it even possible?
One of the advantages of annotation based web services is that you can unit-test them easily.
class WebServiceEndpoint {
#Produces({ MediaType.APPLICATION_XML })
public Response doFoo(#PathParam("fooId") Integer fooId) {
/// ... web service endpoint implementation
If you're using Spring's servlet filter for security, then there shouldn't be any security-related code in the doFoo method, so you can just create a new WebServiceEndpoint class and call the method. So that's one way of 'disabling' security.
When you say the login process is 'hard', what do you mean? If you've succeeded in logging in once, then you can just reuse the same code in your other unit tests (e.g. in a #Before method).
Just test it as a pojo. Pass in whatever, return whatever, don't load an app context at all - that would be an integration test.
The ability to easily test functionality without the framework loaded is one of the key advantages of spring.
You don't say what's "hard," so I'm assuming that you've got something in your REST service, i.e. in the java method that you want to test, which requires authentication results. Spring has utilities for mocking the authentication results. For example, you can do the following in a #Before setup method:
Object principal = null; // fix this
Object credentials = null; // fix this
Authentication auth = new, credentials);
But again, you haven't said what problem you're actually trying to solve...
